S1E6: Virus containment

Coughing can be heard at the control room where we see Zack standing outside since Uni is now infected by SCP-610 meaning the room that Uni is in is now a quarantine room.

Uni cough even more which Zack knocks on the door and calls out to him.

Zack: Uni you alright?

Uni: N-No. The infection is coning in. I have feel it. But I'm not important right now. It's SCP-610. If that has been released then this will be ground zero of the apocalypse. (Coughing)

Zack: We got to make sure it will not spread further. Where is it being kept?

Uni: It's kept within research lab 824. You might need something flammable to kill any SCP-610-1 or the virus it (Coughing) it self.

Zack: Right. Just stay in there and I'll be back.

Zack rushes off leaving Uni be as he make his way to the nearest armoury. Soon he arrives there and opens the door and searches around. He grabs a few grenades, a pumped shotgun, incendiary grenades and a large Flamethrower as he picks it up.

Zack: FIREMAN would love to do this if he was here.

He turn to the door and leaves the armoury and make his way to research lab 824. He begins to see flesh of SCP-610 on the walls and ceiling. He set his armor to hazard mode to protect himself from the infection and soon he come up to research lab 824.

He place a explosion onto the door and move to cover which the door blows open and he walks through the door to see the hallways filled with SCP-610. He begins touching SCP-610 with his Flamethrower around, killing SCP-610 he can see.

He keeps going all awhile SCP-610-1 came out of rooms and begin to charge towards him. Some even climbing onto the walls but Zack kill them with his Flamethrower which they scream while burning.

He keeps moving as he burns any SCP-610 while taking out SCP-610-1 who try to kill him. He keeps using his flamethrower as much as he could as he even throws some incendiary grenades at the rooms and lighting them up with fire.

He keeps going until his Flamethrower ran out. A SCP-610-1 rushes towards him from behind but he turn and hits it with his flamethrower. He then walks over to SCP-610-1 and lifted his flamethrower in the air and crush its body.

He quickly draws out his shotgun and begins blasting SCP-610-1 and continue to clear the area. Throwing grenades, blasting SCP-610-1 like they were zombies and continues doing it until he was done.

The area where the infection started has been destroyed. He make his way back to Uni all awhile burning the last few SCP-610 and soon he arrived back and he knock on the door.

Zack: Uni! Mission complete. SCP-610 as well as SCP-610-1 has been taking care of.

Uni: That's good........there is only one (cough) one thing to do.

Zack: What's that?

Uni: (coughing) I'm......I'm gonna set this room into flames.

Zack: But that will kill you!

Uni: I know. We can't allow this virus to be spread. Especially if the O5 council founds out about it. (Chuckles a little) They might as well already know and plans to bomb thus place.

Zack: I'm not leaving you.

Uni: You have to. Get back to everyone else and get out of here. That's an order.

Zack stares at the door and knowing that Uni is right he begins to leave but then Uni called out to him through the door.

Uni: RAMPAGE. Before you go. Tell Cory.....this......this isn't entirely his fault.

Zack:......Sure thing. Goodbye Uni.

He then walks away and when he turn a corner suddenly there was a explosion behind him meaning that Uni is dead. He doesn't have time to salute to him so he make his way to the lower floor and regroup with the rest of his team.


We see Jon, Hooper and Task force Phantom standing around and waiting for Cory to wake up when they suddenly heard something which was the door.

Y/n and Sam draw out their Pistols and slowly walk over to the door and they stood in front of it. Y/n nodded to Sam which he nodes back and he reach over to the door handle and after three they quickly open and draw their weapon but sees SCP-999 enter the room.

Sam: Oh false alarm, it's just 999.

Hooper: Great that thing.

Jon: Well it could have been worse.

Y/n:.......It just did.

He quickly shut the door and immediately bullets punch through the door and everyone took cover. After that Cory suddenly woke ans said.

Cory: I think I know a way-

Suddenly Daniel pulled Cory away as bullets nearly hits him as Daniel says.

Daniel: Rise and shine because we are getting shot at!

Jack: Who the hell is shooting at us?

Sam: No idea.

Y/n: Doesn't matter. They are attacking us so we need to be ready to return fire.

Sam: Copy that.

Y/n: Team get ready. Returning fire in three.......two.....on-

Suddenly another gunfire is heard follow by screams and then silence. They open the door and aim their guns and to theie surprise sees Zack as he said.

Zack: Hey.

Y/n: Zack?! What on earth are you doing here? I thought you were with Uni?

Zack: I'll explain but first you have a shower here?

Hooper: Yeah want me-?

Zack: No. Best you tell me instead od showing me.

Hooper tell him and Zack heads off and after a while he came back with his armor being wet but safe so Y/n ask him.

Y/n: What happened up there?

Cory: Yeah and where's Uni?

Zack:........I'm sorry I have to say this.......but Uni.......Uni is dead.

This shocks Cory and Jon and Zack goes on to explain.

Zack: SCP-610 broke out od containment and one of the infected researchers infected Uni. I tried to safe him but it was too late. By the time I clear the area from SCP-610........Uni was far gone and......he set the room on fire so the infection will not spread.

Daniel: Damn. He maybe strict but he died as a hero.

Sam: I suppose your safe?

Zack: Set my suit to hazard mode but took a shower just to be sure. I'm sorry....I couldn't saved him.

Y/n: You did your best.

Zack: And Cory......he told me that this isn't entirely your fault.

Cory is a bit upset by this as he sat down on the bed while 999 came over to him as the rest falls silent for a moment. Then Y/n tells everyone.

Y/n: Listen I know things seem bad right now but we can't lose hope yet. We going to get out of here even by means taking out any SCPs that comes across us. This isn't how we die so let's do this.

They agree and then Y/n turn to Cory.

Y/n: Do this for Uni.

Cory disbite losing a friend agrees and he gets up and tells them.

Cory: I spoke to SCP-990 and ask him a way out however he didn't tell me much. He did however told me if we wish to get out then we must go deeper.

Hooper: But this is the deepest floor as it could.

Sam: Unless there is something else.

Y/n:........SKULL do you still have the layout of this facility?

Jack: Yeah right here.

He sent him the layout of the facility through his helmet and Y/n begins to look through the facility and not long later he found something.

Y/n: I think I know our way out.

Jon: Really?

Y/n: Yeah. This place was build over a sewer tunnel that is connected all away to a town far from here. There is a entrance point at the storage room. We can use explosions to blow open a hole to the sewer, go through the sewer and finally escape.

Hooper: Sounds like a plan.

Jon: Well it's better then here.

Cory: Yeah so let's go.

Suddenly there was a massive shake follow by the lights immediately turning off only to be replaced by a red light.

Hooper: What was that?

Jon: (scared) Oh no.

Cory: What?

Jon: (scared) Someone shut off the power to the entire facility. If I'm right all cells that are locked is now unlocked!

Cory: So in short, we're done for.

Jon: Yes and even if those creatures don't kill us, I'm sure a bomb would finish us off. They might have call in a bombing run right now.

Y/n: Then we need to move now. Team let's get out of here.

And so they leave the room and make their way to the exit point so they can escape.

(Sometime later)

They soon arrive at the exit point and Daniel places a bomb at the floor and rush back to everyone else. Once clear he pulls the trigger and the floor is blown open. They walk over and sees w hole revealing to be a sewer.

Daniel: So.....whose going first?

Cory jumps down first follow by Jon and Hooper. The team turn back, making sure they were not followed and one by one they jump down with Y/n being the last.

He splashes onto the water and looks around along with everyone else.

Hooper: What now sir?

Y/n: We find our freedom. Let's stick together. We can't afford anyone wondering off and-

Suddenly they hear a echoing growl that doesn't sound anything normal as they look at different directions with Task force Phantom aiming their weapons around.

The growling echos can be heard which made Jon nervous and soon he calls out.

Jon: Screw that! I'm getting out of here!

Y/n: No Jon!

Jon runs away and turns and corner only for a roar follow by a scream from Jon as he gets attacked by something. They rushed over and when they turn a corner they see nothing but Jon's ripped out clothing and his ID badge.

Y/n walks over and picked up his badge as he looks around and says to everyone.

Y/n: Team......I think we're not alone.

Around the corner we see a massive creature within the darkness as it let's out a small laughter before diving into the water as it begins to hunt its preys.

To be continued...............................................................

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