S1E5: The Old man

Cory, Jon and Task force Phantom take a few steps back away from SCP-106 while he stood where they first came in. SCP-106 with a creepy smile take a few steps foward towards them almost like he is playing a game.

Daniel turns to the door and signals Y/n which he node while he, Sam and Jack ready their flash bangs while SCP-106 is getting closer and closer.

Y/n: Flash bang!

The three throw theie flash bangs and it goes off, lighting up the room while SCP-106 screams like it is in pain while Daniel kicks the door open with his foot and they race out of the room.

Once out of the room they turn to the door and listen carefully. They hear nothing and figured they scared him off.

Cory: Wow that is some flash.

Sam: A special type of flash bang. It's useful to deal with SCP-106.

Daniel: Well for now look.

They look over and see SCP-106 stepping out of the room and walking towards them. The four begin to open fire at SCP-106. They begin to walk backwards while they keep firing at him as the sound of gun fire rang out throughout the hallway.

Cory and Jon were behind them as they keep firing but not even theie bullets won't stop SCP-106. Daniel pulled oit his grenade launcher and fire several explosions that blows SCP-106 up.

But it doesn't stop him as Daniel keeps firing his grenade launcher. While walking backwards Y/n noticed barrels od fuel so with quick thinking he pulled out his knife and stabbed a hole at top and tipped the barrel over as fuel spilled onto the floor below SCP-106 feet.

Sam sees this and takes aim and fired. A singal shot lights up the fuel into flames and begins to burn SCP-106 as it begins to scream like a demon.

Sam: Now it's our chance! Run!

They turn and ran away while SCP-106 keeps screaming behind them. They keep running and running until they come across a door which Jon gets onto the keypad and try to get it to open as he type in his code.

Daniel: What's the hold up doc!?

Jon: My pass code isn't working!

Cory: Have you tried 1234?

Jon: Yes but it didn't work.

Y/n: We won't have long until something else comes and kills us. BOMBER, you know what to do.

Daniel: Yes sir.

Daniel was about to place explosions onto the door when suddenly the door open and quickly they turn and aim thwie weapons at a familiar soldier who immediately raised his hands.

???: Wow! Wow! Stand down! Friendly! Friendly!

Cory: Wait? Cooper?! I thought you were dead?!

???: I don't know how this Cooper is but get in.

They lower their weapons and they head inside as the mysterious familiar soldier closes the door behind them. They walk down the hallway and soon arrived at a room where other survivors were at as they are gathered in a room.

Y/n: So if your not Cooper then who are you?

Hooper: The names Hooper sir. We have been hiding in here for sometime.

Cory: So your Hooper? You look like Cooper.

Hooper: Does this Cooper have my trademark chin mole?

They see his chin mole and confirm him he has.

Hooper: See, I'm the original.

Jon: So how long have you and the rest been down here?

Hooper: Sometime. After the lights came off there were a lot of breaches throughout the facility. We bunker here and wait for any help. I guess you guys came.

Y/n: Seems like it. Whose in charge here?

Hooper: Guess I am. The last person who was in charge died.

Cory: So now what?

Y/n: It's clear we need to get out of here but we need to find a exit.

Jon: But how? Surely there has to be a way to getbout of here.

Jack: What about SCP-990?

Cory: What's that?

Daniel: It's a SCP that can only be found in peoples dreams. It holds the answers to everything but utterly mostly tells you the future.

Jack: Still it might work. All we have to do is ask and we'll get out of here.

Jon: Well it is our only shot.

Hooper: Whose gonna be the one to communicate with it?

Y/n: Cory how fast can you fall asleep?

Cory: I can fall asleep for a second. Running around and screaming makes me tired.

Y/n: Well Cory lucky for you I give you permission to sleep.

Cory: Yes! Hey 999 would you like-

Then he realised 999 isn't with them as they look around.

Cory: Um where is 999?

Jon: We must have gone separated while we were running away.

Hooper: That's good. I hate that thing.

Cory: How can you hate 999? It makes you feel better.

Hooper: I just don't like that thing.

Sam: Same here bro.

Daniel: Don't worry I'm sure 999 will be fine. It's rare for SCP's to attack 999.

Jack: He's right. I'm sure 999 will be fine.


We see 999 wounding throughout the hallway just exploring until it come across a dead end. Before it can turn away it hears footsteps and turn to see three soldiers with black clothing and a black skull as they approaches and looks at 999.

One of the skull soldiers lower his weapon and radios to someone, as he spoke his voice is covered with a voice changer to mask his voice.

Reaper 1: This is Reaper one to base. We have 999 on our sights. Is it one of our targets?

They stood there and listened for a bit as someone at the other side checks and after a while it tells the soldier which he nodes.

Reaper 1: Yes sir. SCP-999 is one of our targets. Capture it.

Reaper 2 nodes and pulls out a cage and slowly walks towards it. He gets closer and closer and just before he can put 999 into its cage Reaper 3 called out.

Reaper 3: Sir behind us!

They quickly turn and sees SCP-173. The lights came off and  they hear a snap which they quickly turn on their night vision and sees Reaper 3 fallen to the ground.

The other two have their weapons up at SCP-173 while having theie eyes sight on it. 999 sees this chance and begin to run pass them and run away.

Reaper 2: Stop!

Reaper 1: Reaper two no!

The two blink and Reapee 2 is killed. Reaper 1 slowly walks backwards and soon his back is against the wall as he can't hold his eyes anymore and then he finally blinked.



At the barracks we see Cory drifted off to sleep on Hooper's bed while the rest sat down and see this chance to take a break.

We see Y/n communicating to Uni and Zack as he informs them of what has happened while Jon stares at Y/n and turns to Sam who is sharping his knife.

Jon: So tell me a bit about your leader there.

Sam: That's classified.

Jon: Classified? I'm classified enough to know something about your leader. In fact what about you.

Sam: That's also classified.

Jon: Really?

Hooper: If it is classified then there is nothing we can say.

Jon: I suppose so.

Sam: Well......if you really wanna know a little about Y/n then I suppose we can tell you a bit about him.

Jon: Sure.

Sam: The thing is he's somewhat mysterious but he's on end the most skilled and most feared soldiers that the world has ever seen. He was even given the medal of honour three times.

Hooper: (surprised) Three times?! That's not true.

Daniel: Oh trust us it is. He took part in many battles that are soo high of a risk, sent 10,000 soldiers into one combat zone and none will make it out there alive. BOSS on the other hand, he survived a lot of battles and he was even responsible of ending it singal handly.

Jon: You don't say. So he has full experience of being a military leader.

Daniel: Yep.

Jack: There is still not much we know about him. He doesn't really talk much about his past.

Hooper: And you all trust him?

Jack: Of course. He may not say much about his past but we all have something in our past we rather not talk about.

Daniel: Yeah.

Sam: We all have skeletons underneath our closet. That's why there is no information about us due to our past.

Hooper: Good thing you didn't tell Cory that before he fall asleep.

Sam: Meh maybe we might. Who knows.

While they talked Y/n stares at them for a moment and then tells Zack and Uni.

Y/n: Contact me if you two have any problems. Be safe up there.


Zack: Will do sir. RAMPAGE out.

He ends communication and once done Zack sat down while Uni looks through the monitors as Zack ask Uni.

Zack: So how long you know of Cory?

Uni: Since we were in college. Cory rather eat and sleep while I focus on my work.

Zack: And that's how you ended up here?

Uni: It sounds like it is a bad thing.

Zack: Well yeah. You have to deal with days like this right?

Uni: True you have a point. But I-

Suddenly they heard a knock at the door and Zack quick gets up and draws out his pistol as he walk up to the door.

Zack: Whose there?

???: Open up please!

Zack: Identify yourself!

???: There's no time for that! We have a huge situation!

Zack turns to Uni and he shrugged as Zack turns back to the door and finally opens only for a infected researcher to step in and almost touch Zack but he quickly move backwards and aim his pistol at him.

Zack: Get back sir! Your infected!

Researcher: No shit! SCP-610 has breach containment!

Uni: (shocked) My god.

Zack: Sir I'm sorry but I have to ask you to step back.

Researcher: No! I heard there is a care here! There has to be!

Zack: Sir! Take one more step and I have no choice but to shoot you!

The researcher stare at Zack and to Uni. Then he rushes towards Uni which Zack turn and fire his pistol as the bullet goes through his head and he falls to the ground.

Zack lower his pistol and seeing he isn't moving. He looks over to Uni to ask if he is alright but instead he just said.

Zack: Uni.........I'm......I'm sorry.

Uni is confused until he felt sick and check hid reflection to see his face is becoming pale and realising hits him.

Uni: No. No! I'm infected!

To be continued.........................................................

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