S1E2: Ghost or Spector
We see Y/n and his team break into the armoury and once inside they walk in ans see countless weapons just ready to be use for a situation like this. The team split off as they choose out their weapons and pack some other stuff as well.
Daniel: (picks up a rocket launcher) Now this is more like it.
Uni: Please don't use that. We don't want to be responsible of making holes throughout the facility.
Daniel: Fine. Besides a grenade launcher is all I need.
Y/n: Okay listen up. If SCP-173 is going deeper to the facility then we need to tail it. Right now it must have breaking into more containments and freeing SCP creatures left and right.
Uni: More importantly dangerous ones.
Cory: Man this is not what I've signed for.
Uni: Then what are you signing up for?
Cory: I thought this place was a pizza factory. You know "Sausage cheese and pizza ."
Daniel: Huh sounds pretty good to be in inside of this place.
Sam: Well it's not. But if you do survive we might have some pizza.
Cory: Thanks.
Sam: No problem.
Y/n: The elevators won't be available so we have to take the stairs to get down there.
Uni: Well so much for resting my legs.
???: Freeze!
All turn and aim their weapons and sees a SCP soldier stepping out as he quickly lower his weapon which they did the same.
Y/n: What's your name?
Cooper: Cooper sir. You must be Task force Phantom.
Y/n: Indeed. Sargent have you encountered SCP-173 by any chance?
Cooper: No sir. The lights went off and when it came back on...everyone was dead.
Jack: Well he's lucky.
Y/n: Still we need all the help that we can get. Our objective now is to recapture SCP-173 and any other SCP's that have escaped. Use any weapons as possible. We won't let it escape or any SCP creatures.
Cooper: Yes sir.
Cory: Well let's get this over and done with.
Uni: For once I agree.
Y/n: Team let's move.
And so they leave the armoury and make their way further to the facility while they have their guards up as their weapons are gripped for anything as they soon reach what seems like a old metal door which they stop in front of it.
Cory: What's wrong?
Y/n: It seems we have to go through there.
Cory: Okay and that's a problem why?
Uni: That's SCP-087.
Cooper: (gasp) Really?
Uni: Sargent please calm yourself.
Cooper: Sorry its just I heard rumours about it..
Uni: Rumours? Who is the hell is spreading rumours around this place?
Zack: So why is this thing?
Uni: Well through that door is a stairway that goes down but along way down you'll encounter.....Well.
Cory: A ghost? It's ghost isn't it.
Uni: No I didn't say it be a ghost. It's sorta like......a Spector.
Cory: That's still a ghost.
Y/n: Whatever you call it the only way to get to the lower floor is throughout there.
Uni: How can you possibly know that?
Y/n: Trust me. I know.
They all make their way over and open the door ans step inside. The stairway is completely dark so Task Force Phantom switch on their night vision on their helmet and they peak down to see a very long stairway.
Sam pulls out a glowing stick and after he bend it to turn it on he drops it and they see how deep the staircase can go.
Sam: That's a long way down.
Y/n: Still it's our only way. Let's move team.
And so the decent down of the staircase as Cooper, Uni and Cory follow Task force Phantom as they keep going down further and further.
It felt like hours but at first there was nothing but then they heard that sounds like a child laughing. The laughter came from deeper of the staircase.
Cory: Oh no!
Uni: What?!
Cory: I just realised how tired it will be to climb up the stairs.
Uni: My god you almost give me a heart attack!
Cory: Hey you'll get tired if you climb those stairs that will only take like hours to climb.
Uni: Your a idiot.
While the two chatted Sam came over to Y/n and they speak through coms.
Sam: So what's plan B? If we fail to recapture SCP-173 and other creatures then what should we do?
Y/n: If that fails then Plan B is to delete all important files from the this facility and escape.
Sam: Surly the doc will not be happy.
Y/n: It's not like we have a choice.
Zack: BOSS.
Y/n: (off coms) Yeah?
Zack just turn to the stairway above them so they turn and see a ghostly face looking back at them.
Cooper: S-Should I fire?
Uni: You dumb it's a ghost.
Y/n: BOMBER, ready the flash bangs.
He nodes and pulls them out as they stare back at the ghost for sometime as it felt like a long minute. Then the ghost begins to move down which Daniel throws his flash bangs and they rang.
The flash bangs goes off follow by a ghostly roar as they keep running down the steps as fast as possible and soon they come across a hole which they jump through.
Y/n was the only one as he turn back to see the ghost rushing towards him but he leaps down and then he land at a hallway as he stood up straight and see everyone else alive and not injured or scratched.
Y/n: Everyone good?
Cory: Yep.
Uni: Alive which is a surprise.
Cooper: So where are we?
Y/n: Must be at the second floor.
Cory: Looks empty and creepy.
Jack: Which means SCP-173 was here and if that is true. It must have free the other creatures.
Y/n: Then we need to fund it. Everyone let's stick together and let's go.
They move on as they walk through the hallway. They keep walking until they turn a corner and sees dead crops of fountain staff and guards laying on the floor.
Cooper: Looks like SCP-173 gone through here.
Sam: I don't think it's SCP-173.
Sam walks over to suspect the body and when he checks on the body, he noticed something. There were bullets holes as Sam stood up and said.
Sam: They were not attacked by SCP-173. They were attack by someone with weapons.
Uni: Impossible! How did the Serpents hand manage to get in without being detected?
Sam: We're not too sure it's even them. Whoever the attackeds are must be deadly. This guards face shows he didn't see it coming.
Y/n: I'm starting to believe this wasn't a normal containments breach.
Cooper: You think someone cost this?
Zack: It sounds like it.
Jack: And whoever this attacked maybe......maybe thid attacker isn't alone.
???: Whose out there!
They quickly turn and draw their weapons to see another fountain staff who is a researcher as he raised his arms and make his way over which they lower their weapons.
???: You all shouldn't be here. You need clearance to enter here.
Y/n: SCP-173 has escaped and we believe it may try to break out other SCP creatures.
???: Oh I see. Well that would explain what is going on out here.
Cory: Yeah we're trying to find it and put it back.
???: Well it seems like a you problem now.
Uni: In case you didn't notice we're all endanger.
Y/n: Uni is right. We all have to work together. Mind giving us your name.
Jon: Call me Jon I work on the test subjects but that's not important now. What is important right now is making sure my test subjects shouldn't escape.
Suddenly the alarms begin to go off which Jon runs off so they follow him and soon they see him looking through a window as they look inside and see two SCP creatures inside and talking like they are friends.
Y/n: SCP-049 and SCP-035.
Cory: And they are?
Jack: The plague doctor and a possessive mask. The two are shown to be good friends due to the time periods they were in. Both are extremely dangerous.
Daniel: So what are they doing?
Cooper: Looks like they are talking.
Jon: Or coming up with a plan to escape.
Y/n: As long they are locked up in there, I think things are fine. Team let's move.
They turn to the door and when they open the door they were face with tones of zombies as they all turn and things became silent.
Y/n: Shit.
Then the zombie charge towards them so Task Force Phantom begins to open fire at the zombies but there was just too many of them.
Y/n: Back to room now!
They all did and once back Sam and Jack quickly close the door and Daniel and Zack take some chairs, tables and other things heavy and place them in front of the door.
They hear banging of zombies at the other side as they stare at the door while in complete silence unril the groaning stopped.
Cory: What was that?!
Jack: That's one of Plague doctors zombie pets. He can bring the dead back to life.
Daniel: And now those undead freaks is out there and we can't get out.
Y/n begins to look around and soon he discovered another door as he ask Jon.
Y/n: Jon what does that door lead to?
Jon: Hopefully a way out.
Y/n: Can you open it?
Jon: Unfortunately no. The only way to open the door is to deactivate the backup block so the door could open.
Y/n: And where is it?
Jon: In there with two dangerous SCP.
They turn to the containment cell and they know it will be a risky move to go in with two dangerous creatures.
Jon: Sargent I think you should go in.
Cooper: Me?
Daniel: Now just a minute here you can't take orders.
Jon: I have high clearance to give orders to any soldier.
Daniel: I'll show you clearly right here.
Cooper: No its good. I signed up for this.
Cory: You sure?
Cooper: I'm sure.
Y/n: Well I'm coming with you. I won't let you go in there alone.
Cooper: Thanks I really appreciate with it.
Jon: If so you both should be carful. SCP-035 is a master of manipulation, he'll try to convince both you to do things that it wants.
Y/n: Roger.
Zack: No need to worry about BOSS. His mind is so strong, not even SCP-035 couldn't manipulate him.
Jon: We'll see about that.
Y/n and Cooper make their way to the door of a containment and then Y/n opens the door and the two walked in and enter the containment cell. The two to see the two SCP's as the two turn to see them.
SCP-035: Oh look what we have here. It seems we have visitors.
To be continued.....................................................
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