S1E14: Going to UnLondon

The agent sighs as both he and Y/n were still in the interrogation room as the agent then ask him.

Male agent: Look I know you wanted to tell us your missions but what I want to know is one mission. The mission that got us to this situation. Tell us about you and your teams mission on SCP-1678 also known as Unlondon.

Y/n:......Very well then. Triana and her team have gotten information about the Serpents hand being located at Unlondon. After a while they return with the information in hand. According to their information "Uni" and his forces has turned Unlondon into a aanctuary of SCP creatures.

Male agent: A sanctuary? You mean this whole tike the Serpents hand has kidnapped SCP creatures just so they can relocate them into one location where the foundation will not find them?

Y/n: Correct.

Male agent:......Go on.

Y/n: This was our important mission yet. If we capture their leader, we can gain information about the Serpents hand and their operation. That was when we have two important people that will be related to the story. General Flooper.....and...Professor Otis.

(Sometime ago)

At the foundation base we see the Mobel task forces been informed by General Flooper and Professor Otis about their operation.

We see outside getting into their helicopters while we see Y/n walking with General Flooper and Otis as they were making their way to the avenger.

Flooper: While our main forces is engaging the enemy, you and your team will stealthy go behind enemy lines and get to their leader. According to Lieutenant Triana's reports their leader is located at the radio tower. You won't miss it.

Y/n: Understood.

Otis: Be sure he is alive and not killed. In order for us to know more about the Serpents hand options as well as others.

Y/n: We'll get it done sirs.

Flooper: Good hunting.

The two head off while Y/n climbs onto the Avenger with his team and once on board the back door closes and the Avenger takes flight and flies as it follows the other helicopters to Unlondon.

(Hours later)

We see Unlondon which is similar to London but it is underground. The battle has already began as SCP task forces have begun their assault on the Serpents hand.

Many Serpents hand soldiers move towards the battle as we cut to one Serpents hand member at the river taking a piss.

Once he is done he zips up his trousers and turns around to grab his weapon that is lend on the wall. Before he could even grab it a sharp object stabbed through his neck with his mouth covered up.

Behind him was Jack. He silently kills him and gently lower his body down while Y/n, Daniel, Sam, Zack and William came out of the river and look around to see if the ghost is clear.

After seeing the ghost is clear Y/n spotted a tall building which he tap on Sam's should and points at the building.

Y/n: Give us eyes EAGLE.

Sam: Got it BOSS.

Y/n: Team let's move, quietly.

(Stealth music start)

They climb up the steps and move towards the city. We then Sam climbing up to the attic, once in the attic he opens a window and stick out his rifle out and look through the scope and sees the radio tower.

Sam: This is EAGLE to boss, I've spotted the radio tower.

Y/n: (radio) Copy that EAGLE.

We then cut to Y/n ans his team slowly moving through Unlondon. They stick together like glue as they look around for anything that they may spring an ambush.

Suddenly they see Serpents hand soldier walking around the cornor so quickly they took over and stay low. The Serpents hand soldiers gather so Y/n pulls out a flash bang and turn his team.

They nod with agreement then he unpins it and throws it at the Serpents hand soldiers. There was a flash and immediately the team guns them down. Their silencers attach to their weapons took them out and once they were done they keep moving.

They walk through the street until they come up a cornor so they stop and Y/n poke around the cornor. He spotted a few SCP-1678-A's patrolling and coming towards them.

Y/n: (whisper) EAGLE we need to lower them away.

Dam: (radio) Copy that.

Sam takes aim at some platform hanging by a rope with some barrels on it. He fire his shot that cut the rope and the barrels fell and crash onto the ground.

The SCP-1678-A's turn and rushes towards the noise. They turn a cornor and kept moving, avoiding them as they continue their way towards the radio tower.

Soon they arrive at the radio tower and they stood near the door, getting ready to breach.

Y/n: EAGLE, got your eyes on us?

Sam: (radio) Yes sir.

Y/n: Good. Take your shot.

He knock on the door and seconds later a Serpents hand soldier open only to be shot in the head and collapse to the ground.

Y/n: Breaching!

They breach in and took out the Serpents hand soldiers inside the radio tower. The Serpents hand soldiers didn't have time to react and most bet killed while some get behind cover.

One came out and fire his pistol at William on the shoulder but in return he fire his flamethrower and burn him alive as he screamed.

William: Feel my flames?

Y/n: RAMPAGE, FOREMAN, top floor.

The two head up there but soon they were blocked by incoming bullets. They held back then William throws a incendiary grenade into the room.

Then the grenade goes up and the Serpents hand begins to burn as they run around. Even one jump out of the window while many would collapse and die.

Jack and William head up while Y/n and the rest clear the basement and aftee they took out the last Serpents had soldier they regroup at the main floor.

(Stealth music ends)

Y/n: Any got eyes on their leader?

They didn't which Y/n radios Jack.

Y/n: EAGLE what about you?

Sam: (radio) Negative sir no sign of him.

Daniel: He couldn't have got out of the city.

Y/n: Agree. Team search around. EAGLE stay in your position and take out any Serpents hand soldiers that try to get to us.

Sam: (radio) Copy that BOSS.

The team begins searching and it wasn't long when Jack noticed that a pile od boxes was covering something at the basement. With the help of Zack the two push them away and sees a secret hatch.

The rest of the team regroup at the basement to see the hatch so Y/n opens the hatch and they all begin to climb down.

Once at the bottom the team move through the tunnel till they come across a submarine.

Daniel: Well I'll be damn. He had a submarine this whole time!

Jack: Must be use for emergency.

Suddenly bullets flies by as they are force to take cover. Y/n sees Serpents hand soldiers firing at them while standing near the control room.

Y/n: RAMPAGE, BOMBER, I want you two to get to the control room and don't allow that Submarine to escape. SKULL, FIREMAN, you two are with me, we'll gonna end this!

Daniel: Covering fire!

Both Daniel and Zack open fire while Y/n, Jack and William sprint towards the Submarine while Daniel and Zack put towards the control room.

Y/n, Jack and William climb onto the submarine and once on top a Serpents hand soldiers opens the hatch and was about to shoot at Y/n when he kick his pistol out of his hand then slammed the hatch onto his head.

He reopen the hatch and leaps down following by William and Jack. We cut to Daniel and Zack breach into the contract room and took out the Serpents hand soldiers.

Once the room is clear they race up to the controls and Zack close up the water below the Submarine and once that's sealed it was now up to Y/n and the rest to end it.

We then cut to them storming through the submarine, taking our the Serpents hand soldiers. One tackled Jack and try to stab him with his knife but he punches him off of him and then pulled out his pistol and shot the soldier three times then toss him away.

They kept moving until they arrive at the cockpit which Y/n they stood around the door.

Y/n: This is it team. Let's bring this home.

William pulls out a flash bang and once Y/n opens the door just a bit William throws it into the room. Once the flash bang goes off they kick the door open and took out the last remaining Serpents hand soldiers.

It was now just "Uni" as they surrounded him while have their weapons aimed at him.

???: Impressive. You finally got me.

Y/n: Get down on your knees and put your hands on your back.

Without any hesitation he comply and once he did that Y/n walks over and cuff him. He force hin to get up and drag him out of the submarine.

Y/n: Task force Phantom. We got him. Serpents hand leader in custody I repeat. Serpents hand leader is in custody.

(Sometime later)

Outside of Unlondon the SCP soldiers watch as Task force Phantom exit Unlondon with the Serpents hand leader in custody. All of them saluted will only Cory the only one cheering only to be silent by Hooper.

Flooper and Otis came over and Y/n shows them that the mission is complete.

Flooper: Good job Task Force Phantom. The foundation is forever grateful of your hard work.

Otis: Yes......congrats.

Y/n noticed that Otis seems....disappeared for some reason. Two SCP soldiers take "Uni" as Flooper explains.

Flooper: We will interrogate him for information about the Serpents hand operations and other questions.

Y/n: Permission for me to interrogate him.

Otis: Negative. This is better the General, me and him. Besides you earn a break.

The two then left while Y/n isn't sure the response.

Daniel: So I guess we won't get the answers that we wanted to ask huh?

Y/n just watch as they load him into the helicopter. "Uni" turn towards Y/n and stare directly at him just as the doors close and the helicopter takes off.

Y/n: No. We still are.

To be continued..................................................

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