S1E13: The true horror

Y/n and Iris are seen watching a classic horror movie since it is the Halloween month. They sat together with Iris having some popcorn. When a jump scare happen she gets jumped and cuddle with Y/n to comfort her.

Y/n wrap his arms around her as a sigh of comfort while Iris noticed that Y/n isn't that scared of the film but she just smiled and said.

Iris: (smile) I wouldn't be surprised since you and your team faced many scary SCP's.

Y/n: Yeah.

Iris: Let me ask you something? Which SCP is truly the most scariest one?

Y/n: Harr to choose. Most SCP's have abilities that make it scary to some. But if I have to choose one, it would be 3000. The size as well how it easily makes foundation or anyone be afraid of tye large creature. It may not do anything to harm people but just the size alone would terrified many people.

Iris: I don't know what SCP-3000 is but I'll take your word for it.

Then his door knock so he walks over, open to see Triana.

Triana: Sir, we got an SCP to capture.

Y/n: Right. What is this SCP?

Triana: I'll give you the info at the helicopter.

Y/n: Right. I'll contact my team.

Triana: Actually the general sent them on another mission. Your the only one available so you'll be teaming up with us.

Y/n: Right. I'll get my gear and head out.

He heads over to get his gear while Triana noticed Iris at the couch as Iris cheerfully wave to her.

Iris: Hey! Nice to meet you.

Triana: Hey.

Iris:.......So.....nice day we having.

Triana: Yes....yes it it.

Iris:.........We might not gonna be friends are we?

Triana: Nope.

Iris: Gotcha.


Y/n, Cory, Hooper and Triana are in the helicopter and making their way to a town. Triana give Y/n the info and then Triana ask Y/n.

Triana: Want you to brief them on the mission?

Y/n: Your team, your call.

Triana: Thank you sir. (Turn to Hooper and Cory) Listen up you two, we are going after SCP-2006. In case some of you two may not know, SCP-2006 is an SCP that shape-shifter into different horror movie characters.

Cory: Like Jason or The Thing?

Triana: Not really, although dangerous he is something of a joke. He acts like a old horror movies monsters. Like really old horror movies monsters. Although a joke, he is something to not make fun of.

Hooper: (chuckle) Even though he is funny.

Cory: So he's not some threat that kills people?

Triana: No he just scares people but if provoke then he will attack. He takes on many forms but his favourite form is RO man from Robot monster.

Cory: I don't think I've never seen that film.

Then the helicopter begins to land which Y/n calls out.

Y/n: Weapons at the ready.

They have their weapons ready and then they climb out of the helicopter and move through the empty park. They soon step into the streets and judging how the streets look, it looks like the people ran away.

Y/n: No sign of blood or bodies.

Cory: That's good?

Y/n: Yes. It means SCP-2006 hasn't attack anyone but rather scare them away. Let's keep it that way.

Hooper: So where do you think he'll go to?

Triana: He loves movies so either the theatre or the DVD store.

Y/n: We split up to two teams. Me and Cory will check the theatre while you two check the DVD store. Radio in if you see him.

Triana: Roger that sir.

They split up into two and both Y/n and Cory walk down the street, making their way to the theatre. They kept going with weapons up as they take the sidewalk and walk closely to the wall.

They check alleyways when they heard rushing footsteps  around the corner. Y/n held up his fist, signalling Cory to stop which he did. Y/n slowly moves slightly close around the corner, waited and when the steps get closer, a figure came out and Y/n grab the figure onky to hear a scream.

Female citizen: (scared) Please don't! Please!

After seeing it is a civilian he let's go and then ask her.

Y/n: What happen here?

Female citizen: Well this monster appear in town and start scaring people. At first we thought it was a joke so we laughed. He didn't like it and begin to change into this monster and we ran.

Y/n: You know where he is?

Female citizen: At the theatre, not far but quickly. He has my boyfriend.

Y/n: Right. Get out of here while we save your boyfriend.

She node and ran away. Once gone Y/n radios Triana and Hooper.

Y/n: Triana this is BOSS. SCP-2006 is confirmed to be at the theatre. Regroup on us at the theatre.

Triana: (radio) Copy that sir. On our way.

Cory: Hey you think I have a shot with her?

Y/n: If her boyfriend is alive, then no.

Cory: Ah, true.

They make theie way to the theatre and once there they stood in front of the entrance as Y/n walks up to the bursted door and looks around.

Cory: Should we wait for back up?

Y/n: It is only one SCP that isn't dangerous as long we don't make fun of it.

Cory: Right so what is the plan?

Y/n: Someone needs to save the hostage. You distract the SCP while I rescue the hostage.

Cory: Why me?

Y/n: The SCP would immediately get aggressive if I don't show any fear.

Cory: And you think I'm easily scared?

Y/n: No.......sometimes. just pretend to be scared of him. If that fails, see you can talk to him.

Cory: Got it.

They step inside with Cory heading into the theatre while Y/n goes around. He make his way to a door to the back stage and he begins to lockpick the door.

There was a click and Y/n slowly opens the door and steps onto back stage. He can hear Cory's pretend cries of fear follow by laughter.

Y/n spotted the hostage on a chair near the SCP. The man spotted Y/n which he quickly singal him to stay quiet. Then SCP-2006 and Cory begin talking which is good.

Cory tries to convince the SCP to return but he refuse due to wanted to scare people in a different way. SCP-2006 step off the stage, leaving the hostage alone as Y/n sneaks over and approaches the hostage.

He pulls out his combination knife and begins cutting the rope. He managed to cut the rope and let's the hostage go the way he come in.

Things were going well that was until Triana and Hooper came in which Y/n curse himself.

Y/n: (whisper) Shit.

SCP-2006: Trespassers!

Hooper: (chuckle) I like if you were scarier.

Triana: Shut up Hooper!

SCP-2006: You dare to laugh at me?!

Y/n: Crap!

Suddenly SCP-2006 turns into one of the most scariest thing they have ever seen. So scared in fact it cost Triana to fate while Hoopee to ran away. However immediately he gets zapped by electricity and soon turn back to and falls unconscious.

Y/n fired a powerful taser from his wrist. He step off the stage and walks over and place large and high tech handcuffs on SCP-2006 while Cory watch.

Y/n: You good?

Cory: Yeah I'm good. You?

Y/n: Yeah. Hostage is saved. Time to take this SCP back to containment.

Cory: He might try to break out again. I think he want to see new horror movies.

Y/n: Too risky. If he sees the monsters in the present day, his forms will be nightmarish to others.

Cory: Yeah.....but I have a idea.

Y/n: I'm listening.


When the rest of Task Force Phantom came back from their mission, Cory and Y/n tell them what happen and all of them laugh while Triana and Hooper were embarrassed.

Sam: (laughing) Oh my god! I wish I was there! That would've been funny!

Daniel: (chuckle) Yeah. Thank fuck no high ranking foundation member saw you ran Hooper.

Hooper: (sigh) I'm just glad he's contained.

Triana: Yeah willingly. How did you two manage to do that?

Cory: Oh when he woke up, we offer him some movies so he would be stay there.

Hooper: What did you offer him?

Y/n: He wanted to see new horror movies. At first it was dangerous but then Cory told me there are two that aren't shown to be scary.

Triana: And what are they?

Cory: Scary movie 1 to 5

Triana: Huh that's actually not a bad idea. Those films although based on different horror movies aren't actually scary.

Sam: You could say it would make him funnier right Hooper?

Hooper: Just shut up man. I'm gonna remind myself to never laugh on something stupid or ridiculous ever again.

Sam: (smirk) Oh cheer up man. Your not as bad as her. The person who fated?

Daniel: I thought your experience of SCP's? (Laugh)

Triana: (Sigh) I bet one day something embarrassing will happen to you two.

Sam: (smirk) Good luck with that.

Y/n: That's enough everyone. The mission is done and as long SCP-2006 is kept in his containment, it would be fine.

They agree then we cut to SCP-2006 watching one of the Stacry movie as he watches the film.


We then cut back to Y/n as he arrive back to his quarters and when he steps in he finds Iris fall asleep on the couch with the TV on.

He walks over to her, picks her up and carry her to bed. He lay her down and before he leave, he hears groaning and turn to see Iris having a nightmare.

Seeing this he take off his gear then climb into bed and cuddle her. It made her smile as she cuddle him back. Y/n lay with Iris as she have a good sleep with no nightmares as long Y/n is here with her.

To be continued...............................................

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