S1E1: How it all started

We see Y/n within a square room sitting on a chair as he have his arms resting on the table. There is a reflecting mirror looking back at him as he stare at it for sometime. Then the door next to him opens and an agent walk inside and he sat down across from him with a file in hand.

He sat there and staring back at Y/n, looking at his intimating stare as the agent spoke as he ask him.

Male agent: Who are you?

Y/n:.......My name is Y/n L/n, Codename: BOSS.  Leader of Task force Phantom.

Male agent: Well Y/n it is come to our attention that there was an incident at one of the sites. It is said that you killed several guards, destroy private property, free two dangerous SCP creatures and escape along with a terrorist leader. Can you explain to us about that?

Y/n: I can ensure you that the reports was not fully truthful.

Male agent: Is that so? Then tell me....what happened?

Y/n: If you really wanted to know what happened then I have to tell you how it all started and how it lead up to this.

Male agent:....Very well thing. We have plenty of time so.....tell us this story.

Y/n takes a glance over the mirror and back to the agent as he begins his story.

Y/n: It began 9 months ago when me and my team arrived at the site where we are assigned to protect.

(9 months ago)

We see the Avenger flying over the forest and arrives at the SCP site in the middle of the forest as the Avenger begins to land at the landing pad and once landed the drop doors of the back slowly goes down and Y/n, Sam, Daniel, Jack, Zack and William came out of the Avenger and take a look at the site and it looks like any other sites which was not surprising to them.

Sam: So I suppose we are staying here for how long?

Y/n: A few weeks.

Sam: Crap. This place sucks.

Daniel: Tell me about it. It just filled with scientist and guards that are useless.

Jack: Well it isn't like we argue to command. Best we just suck it up and do our job.

Y/n: SKULL is right. We're here to do our job and we're gonna do our job.

Daniel: Copy that BOSS.

Then Victor step out of the Avenger and tells them.

Victor: I'll start making some modifications to the Avenger while we're here for a week.

Y/n: Understood. FIREMAN stay here and help out SKYFIRE  and join us inside once your done.

William: Copy.

William stays with Victor while the rest step down the steps of the landing pad and be greeted by a SCP scientist as he takes Y/n hand and shake on it.

Colt: It is nice to have you here. My name is Doctor Colt, I'm assigned to give you all a tour of our facility.

Y/n: Thanks but we know the layouts of the facility.

Colt: I assigned its sander protocol.

Y/n: Very well then. Lead us.

Colt node and he lead the team inside and once inside they walk down the hallway of the facility as they walk by fountain staff walking by as Colt shows them around.

Colt: And in that room is where we contain our food and supplies. There is a way for supply trucks to come through and drop by supplies for us. They come weekly.

Y/n: I see. Any dangerous SCP creatures your keeping in here?

Colt: A few. The most dangerous ones are kept beneath us but only high level class researchers is allow to enter. Well soke dangerous creatures.

Daniel: Some?

Colt: We have one who isn't much of a threat but anyways there is no need to worry. This facility is secured and we haven't had any breaches for a sometime.

Sam: Think he might have jinxed it.

Colt: Huh?

Y/n: My team was wondering where we should be staying at?

Colt: Ah yes there is a barracks just around the corner. Please follow me.

Soon they arrived there as they step inside and look around as Colt leaves them to it as they tossed their bags onto the beds along with their weapons they brought.

Sam begins to clean his rifle when he looks over to see Daniel looking at a picture of his wife which Sam says.

Sam: You alright?

Daniel: Yeah. My wife is pregnant with our child and I worry i don't get ti see it. It been 6 months since then and I'm worried.

Sam: Yeah kinda suck to have a family disbite being a elite black ops soldier.

Daniel: What about you? Don't you worry about your family?

Sam: Not really. My mum and dad are pricks and they never dare to talk to me.

Daniel: But do you know have a older sister?

Sam:......Yeah.....but I bet she doesn't want to see me.

Jack: That's you negative thoughts talking.

Sam: Easy for you to say. You basically have no family. No offence.

Jack: Nome taking but hey I have a family right here.

Sam: Wow......that's sweet.....and I hate it.

Jack let's out a small chuckle while Y/n sat on his bed as he overheard their conversation with family as he looks down and stares at the floor while screams can be heard in his head then Zack pats him on the shoulder.

Zack: Yo BOSS. You good?

He looks up at Zack as he gets up and said.

Y/n: Yeah I'm good. I'm just....thinking that's all.

Zack: Thinking about what?

Y/n: Nothing important.

Zack: Right.

Jack: Hey RAMPAGE tell us about your siblings. Heard that one of them got promoted in the police force!

Zack: Yeah I heard. I have to say he's just like me.

Jack: No kidding. Your like the golden boy of your family.

Zack: We're treated as equal but hey....they do look up to me as their guide. I love my siblings.

Sam: Even though they annoy you sometimes.

Zack: (chuckle) Maybe a little.

They begin to laugh apart of Y/n and before they can talk anymore suddenly the alarms begin to go off and immediately they grab their weapons and once ready they leave the room and run by the guards and scientists as they ran by them and soon they reach the large door and their rasied their weapons at the door.

They have their rifles at the door and waits for anything that appears. The lighting begin to flicker and soon the lights came off for a second and when it came back on, they see a statue appear in front of them.

Y/n: SCP-173.

Sam: They kept that thing here? You got to be kidding me.

Y/n: Stay your ground team.

They have there eyes on the creature while SCP-173 stood there and staring back at them as they all stood there like the whole room was paused. Then the lights begin to flicker and then turned off.

When it came back on SCP-173 moved and they wasted no time and open fire at SCP-173. Bullets bounce off of SCP-173 as they keep firing at it as bullets shells fall onto the ground.

Y/n: BOMBER! Grenade launcher!

Daniel: On it!

He drop his rifle and pull out his grenade launcher off of his back and fire a shot. There was a explosion that made the lights flicker after the explosion.

Smoke covers them as they stood there ground as they stop firing as the smoke clear up and SCP-173 disappeared.

Daniel: Did I kill it?

Zack: Don't think so. Nothing can't kill that thing.

Sam: Okay so why did we fire in the fore place?

Before one of them can answer someone step out and immediately they draw out their weapons when a scientist and a security guard walked in. The scientist kinda looks like a dog while the security guard has a camera as a face.

???: (raised his hand) Wait don't shoot! We're friendlies.

The team stand down and the two walks over to them.

Y/n: State your names?

Uni: My name is Uni and this is my friend Cory.

Cory: Sup. Cool suits. Where do I get one?

Uni: Cory do you know who they are?

Cory: Pizza delivery people?

Daniel and Sam look at each other with confusing while Y/n step out.

Y/n: We're a black ops task force connemara "Task Force: Phantom." Call me BOSS. This is EAGLE our Marksman, BOMBER our Demolition Expert, SKULL our Recon/Scout and RAMPAGE our weapons expert.

Cory: Cool.

Victor: (coms) BOSS do you copy? This is SKYFIRE come in over?

Y/n: This is BOSS. SKYFIRE you and FIREMAN alright?

Victor: (coms) Yeah we're okay but the whole facility is on lock down. There is no way to get in or out. Your stuck in there.

Y/n: Copy. Keep the Avenger up in the air until we got out. Monitor things and give us updates about back up.

Victor (coms) Roger that. SKYFIRE over and out.

Cory: Whose Roger? Another team member?

Y/n: No we don't have someone name Roger. That was SKYFIRE, he's with FIREMAN. But enough of that, can you tell us what happened?

Uni: Never mind what happened! We need to capture SCP-173 or it will escape.

Y/n: It wonder off somewhere in the facility. My guess being it must be going deeper to the facility to free the others.

Cory: Is that bad?

Daniel: Yeah it's pretty bad.

Zack: Doesn't seem like bullets doesn't stop it.

Y/n: Which is why we're going to try and trap it. If it is going down to the lower floors then so are we.

Uni: What? That's for higher clearance. You don't have clearance to go to the lower floor.

Y/n: We don't care about clearance or protocols. Our mission is to stop SCP-173 before more would escape. There is the armoury nearby that we can stock up some weapons.

Cory: That's good to hear. At least I'll be more protective.

Uni: Your not touching any guns.

Cory: Oh come on!

Y/n: (turn to everyone) Listen up! This isn't the first time we are trapped here with those creatures so you all know what to do. I want everyone to have their guards up, weapons ready and show no fear. We faced more dangerous creatures like this. Let's get to work!

They agree as Cory and Uni get behind them as the team have their weapons up and they begin their journey through the facility as they take a trip down to the armoury to stock up some weapons and then......they go hunting.

To be continued........................................

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