Object Class: Safe

The current Safe SCPs, and there will be more added.

If an SCP is Safe, that means it does not kill/harm things, unless it intends to.  Even if an SCP is Safe, that still means that it can/will cause other side-effects that cannot be reversed.

They mostly like it when they're pet.


"The Artifact"

Object Class: Safe

Special Containment Procedures: It is to be kept in a 1.5 foot by 1.5 foot by 1.5 foot glass box. It does not need to be guarded. The box is to be kept in the A-Wing with other Safe SCPs.

Description: SCP-010 is a 1 foot by 1 foot circular/decahedron red ruby. It has tiny lines engraved it, forming small intricate patterns that form no particular shape. It always seems to be glowing and sparkling/shining.

Any living thing that comes in physical contact with SCP-010 will begin to show traits of a canine. They will first act like a canine, then slowly become one over the period of three days. The breed, age, and size is completely random. There is no known cure for this.

"And that is why we wear gloves in here." - Dr. Penaloza


"The Tree"

Object Class: Safe

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-038 is to be kept at site [REDACTED] in a cubid chamber with the needed things for a tree to grow. It must be water once every two days. Coming into contact with SCP-038 is not allowed, unless it is for testing. It is FORBIDDEN to touch or pick any of SCP-038's fruits, let alone eat one.

Description: SCP-038 is a tree roughly 40 feet tall. It has healthy green leaves, and seasons have no effect on it. It's fruits seem to glow. The tree grows not one, but two types of apple-like fruits. Golden/yellow and black/deep purple. Both store incredible power that cannot be used without consuming them.

The golden ones radiate incredible positive emotions, while the black ones give off a depressing and sad aura. If a living thing comes into physical contact with either kind, a large blast of energy will shoot through it, blasting the living thing back. If touches with a non-living thing, such as gloves, nothing will happen.

If a living thing consumes one of SCP-038's fruits, there are multiple outcomes. If only 1-2 is eaten, then the living thing will gain powerful magic depending on which one she/he/they ate. If multiple ones are consumed, see test 1 and 'the Halluciv Incudent'.

Test #1: Questioning SCP-682 on knowledge of SCP-038 recently after containment.

Dr. Joku: Okay...so, why were you guarding SCP-038?

SCP-682: *mumbling in another language, not making eye contact*

Dr. Joku: *moves the microphone closer* We need to understand what you are saying. Why were you guarding SCP-038, and why were you with it in the first place?

SCP-682: *barely coherent* Let us go.

Dr. Joku: I'm sorry, but I can't-

SCP-682: *growls and threatens to kill Dr. Joku*

Dr. Joku: Threats are not need-

SCP-682: *attacks, immediately trying to kill Dr. Joku*

SCP-682 was sedated and expressed hatred towards the foundation after containment.



Object Class: Safe

Special Containment Procedures: There should at least one guard at SCP-048's containment at all times. 048 is allowed clothing, and may be released to wander the facility under supervision. 048 is required to have two(2) meals per day, three(3) after any harmful test. Any requests to see an SCP above Object Class: Safe is to be denied, though some Euclid can be excepted.

The room 048 is in should have carpet flooring, a single bed, and any small piece of furniture 048 requests/asks for. Any and all sharp objects around SCP-048 should be removed, unless during tests.

Description: SCP-048 is a male white skeleton about 5'1 in height. He has an average weight of roughly 65 pounds. The right side of his skull is melted, and covered by rectangular white 'glitches'. His left eye is relatively unharmed, with a regular white oval pupil. It's color ranges are red, purple, and blue all at once. Only when angry.

048 prefers to wear: a white jacket, a white t-shirt, black shorts, white slippers, and a red semi-torn scarf. He prefers the name "Geno", which it though to be an abbreviation for "Genocide".

SCP-048 is very fragile due to his injuries, and any normal living thing would have already died. That is 048's anomalous property: he cannot die. No matter how much pain and injuries he endures, he stays alive no matter what. His injuries include, but are not limited to:

*A deep cut/slash that goes from his right shoulder to his left hip bone.
*The left side of his skull is melted.
*Ribcage is heavily cracked, broken, and scraped, with pieces floating mid-air.
*Crack on right femur that caused limping.

SCP-048 is easily hurt, and can feel every ounce of pain put on him. Despite all he's been put through, he is still mostly sane. SCP-048 does not trust easily(he denies painkiller and any other medical treatment without hesitation). He enjoys comfort(though he tries to keep it hidden), physical or mental.



Object Class: Safe

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-073 is to be kept in a standard bedroom for a young adult. He may leave his containment as he wishes, but is to be kept in containment two(2) days at most after a breach of any SCP.

Edit: It is to be pressed to all staff that SCP-073 and SCP-682 are very different.

Since 073 rarely expressed hunger, and there are no certain hunger patterns, he may eat whenever he is hungry. 073 expresses longing to be with SCP-076. He tries to be as close to 076 as possible, sometimes sneaking into his containment chamber. This has caused more reinforcements for 076's chamber to be made.

Description: SCP-073 was once a young male skeleton 4'5 tall. His anatomy was similar, if not the same, to 076's or 1498's. He had no noticeable injuries on his body. His pupils were purple ovals and, like nearly every other skeletal SCP, change shape depending on his mood.

SCP-073 is now a being that resembles 682. He is a small(4'5) black, human-like tar monster with one glowing blue eye on the left side of his face. He, like 682, had four tentacles protruding from his back. 073 is still passive, curious, and does not mean harm. 073's name is Halluciv, though he seems to like the nickname "Lucy" as well.

SCP-073's anomalous property is the opposite of SCP-1498's and very similar to SCP-682's. Halluciv can control, alter, and view nightmares. Though he has the ability to give people horrific nightmares, he instead enters a nightmare and tells the one dreaming that everything is okay, that it's only a bad dream. He has also been recorded to make people fall asleep at will. He has helped insomniacs sleep before, by slowly easing them into total REM sleep and keeping them asleep, and even taking away nightmares.

It has been proven that SCP-073 is SCP-1498's brother. It has also been proven that SCP-076 is meant to be a guard for SCP-073. It is not clear why, though.


"Flower Child"

Object Class: Safe

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-053 is to have a room of their own, with a bed, carpet flooring, and several devices that can produce music. As 053 is blind and does not know braille, books are not provided.

053 may wander the Foundation's main site at will from 11:00 A.M. to 8:00 P.M.. In case of a breach, 053 is to stay in their containment throughout it and two days afterwards.

Food should be provided three (3) times a day at regular intervals as breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

Description: SCP-053 is an African American human about 16 years of age. 053 is biologically a female, though they are fine with both genderless & female pronouns.

SCP-053 commonly wears a worn & dirty black fluffy jacket with yellow patterns on it. They refuse to let it be washed or taken away from them. Other than that, they wear a purple & blue stripped sweater and brown shorts.

About 40% percent of SCP-053's body is covered in yellow ranunclus (a type of flower). Most of their upper head in covered in the flowers, and blinds them. The flowers are also on their arms, legs, and torso. They restrict their movements, but do not immobilize them.

SCP-053 in completely passive, and does not fight. They are quite friendly, and always try to talk through aggressive situations.

Whenever 053 dies, or relieves a fatal blow, they collapse and another flower appears on them. As of now, the Foundation has counted over two hundred flowers. It is unknown how 053 has 'died' so many times. It is unknown what will happen once the flowers completely cover their body, and absorb all of her nutrients.

"Sometimes kindness is enough." -SCP-053



Object Class: Safe

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-079-1 & 079-2 are to be monitored at all times. Any instances of either of them leaving their assigned sites(YouTube, Wikipedia, & some games) is to be noted. The device they are on it to be protected with as many firewalls and antivirus software programs as possible to avoid either getting out. The device they are on should be assigned in Dr. Xedramon's office to avoid false use.

They may be spoken to, if either request it.

Description: Both of SCP-079 are sentient AI who are self-aware, sentient, and act/speak as though real people. Their software is hard to detect, though SCP-079-2 is easier to find due to his nature.

SCP-079-1 is an antivirus AI meant to go through the World Wide Web and eliminate viruses, hackers, and sites in the 'Deep Web'. He is thought to be created to erase the Deep Web and sites in it. So far, he doesn't like the idea in fear of being hacked and changed.

SCP-079-2 is a virus software AI at the same sentience as SCP-079-1. Despite made for terminating SCP-079-2, he is friendly and enjoys 079-1's company. It is in 079-2's coding that code around him can be deleted. He can control it for the most part, but sometimes coding around him will delete unwillingly.

Despite how they are polar opposites, they are best friends. They are almost never apart. They can seem like players in a game, or users in a site. They don't intentionally mess with websites. They are constantly gathering information in a decent pace and like talking with D-Class and staff.

They were found while undercover staff noticed two users acting strangely on a Wikipedia page on AI. Traced, their location could not be found. They gave themselves nicknames respective to their nature. Virus(SCP-079-2) and Anti(SCP-079-1). Though this might not have been odd, the users they acted as were anonymous. The text through their conversation was colored, as well. A few more points proved that they were not human.

They don't mind being in the foundation. They see it like a game, and escaping their allowed sites it like 'beating a level' to them. They have a habit of hacking into sites like Cleverbot, Siri, Cortana, and other similar to 'troll' random people. So far, there is no way to stop them doing so.

"I hijacked Siri once." -SCP-079-2


"Theme Songs"

Object Class: Safe

Special Containment Procedures: Due to SCP-407's nature and everything about it, it cannot be contained. The 'songs' have no physical form and cause no harm, and are completely pointless. No containment procedures are needed.

Description: SCP-047 is the collective name for any and all songs that play without warning during a breach. Since more than one song as been heard playing at one time, SCP-407 may be more than one thing or an omnipotent being. The songs that play each have a specific SCP as to which it belongs to. No SCP has the same song, or theme, and the songs to not have any affects. It is simply there.

SCP-047 was first heard when the first SCPs were collected, but were unnoticed. Only when the themes started playing during an event in which staff encounter an aggressive SCP was it claimed as an SCP. There is no way to prevent the song from playing, and it only stops when the SCP calms down or is contained. Hearing impaired civilians and staff have reported hearing the song in their head, concluding that 047 is a mind-affecting or telepathic being.

While SCP-047 only occurs during an aggressive fight, it doesn't occur all the time.

List of Themes Recorded:
(Note that those who named each theme are not included.)
Cross Theme + static sounds - SCP-3,000
Megalo Strike Back - SCP-076-1
Inking Mistake - SCP-001-A & SCP-001-B(both SCPs at once; being contained)
Sweet Sweet Swagger & Your NeighBROhood Skelepal - SCP-963-131
Paralovania - SCP-049
Omegalovania - SCP-657

     *It is unknown if SCP-001-B has a theme of his own.
     *SCP-963-131 is the only SCP known to have two themes, while SCP 3k's X-Event naturally causes the victim to hear static. The static is not considered a theme.
     *Multiple sound effects occur during a 'fight' with SCP-682, but they are not considered themes. These sounds include static, bass, a faint sound similar to screaming, and an impossible sound that all living listeners describe as 'the sound of suffering and negativity'. Similar but faint sounds were recorded during The Halluciv Incident.
     *It may be possible that a different theme will play if two SCPs are either in a battle with each other, or they are fighting at the same time.
     *If you hear 'Omegalovania' at any point that is not a recording, run. The 'Killing Immortality' tests should be forgotten.



Object Class: Safe

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-999 may wander the foundation freely from 9:00 am to 8:00 pm. Anytime after that, 999 will stay in a standard cubic room furnished with a bed(x1), a single desk, carpeted floor, and any other regular furnishing items of his request. SCP-999 has two-three meals per day, depending if he steals sugary things from the vending machines or not.

And requests to see another SCP may be accepted as long as Dr. Penaloza and the leader of that class agrees. Any requests to see Thaumiel or Keter is to be denied.

Description: SCP-999 is a skeleton roughly 4'10 in height and sixty pounds in weight. He has blue circle pupils that have black stars in them. He wears a baggy gray t-shirt, blue gloves, and blue pants.

999 enjoys physical comfort and contact, and ends up tackling down anyone who enters his containment. He will try and mostly succeeds in hugging anyone. SCP-999 is friendly, very friendly, and sometimes acts like a naïve six or seven year old.

999 seems to give off a small silly and childlike aura, though it does not seem to affect all SCPs. He somehow makes most people relaxed and happy by just being around them.

Note: SCP-999's calming 'method'/'aura' does not work on ANY Keter class. It does not work on a few Euclid and Thaumiel, either.



Object Class: Safe

Special Containment Procedures: All SCP-1,003 are to be contained in the same chamber. No other procedures are needed, due to all 1,003 not needing food and water. They may wander most of the foundation at free will, but not at night hours or in large numbers.

Description: All SCP-1,003 are humanoid creatures who all look exactly the same. Around three feet tall, no features(including reproductive & vital organs) or DNA, blacked out shades attached to the body, and speak in a slight echo. Despite this, they bleed a grayish substance and cry a clear liquid. Most prefer to be called they, though some have been noticed to wish to be called he or she.

As of now, there are 24 SCP-1,003 in containment. They all show extensive knowledge of the SCPs in the foundation, but their knowledge only grows at pace with the foundation's.

Each and every 1,003 is curious, and asks to see an SCP to ask it a question. An SCP rarely gives a truthful answer, but seem somewhat comfortable with them. They see SCP-1,003 as higher than a D-Class, but less than a human being. They seem to like the nickname given by SCPs: Askers.

Some things they have asked:

"How about giving 682 an acid bath?"
Response: 682 only melted slightly, was burned, but did not die.

Currently, there have been no cases of SCP-1,003 showing any signs of reproduction, but can die. There were once 25, but one had died from SCP-001-B from having its entire chest cavity torn out. It is unknown how they came to be, and they themselves do not know. All they remember was appearing in the village of [REDACTED], where foundation personal collected them and brought them to containment.


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