Main Story 2 - Creation of Destruction

Apparently people don't seem to like Error being chained up.


Fresh had gotten SCP-001-D out of containment again. He had lost track of Paperjam, and had been looking for him.

PJ wandered deeper into 001 territory. He wandered down the hall leading to where SCP-001-B was contained. He had been told countless times to never go there. But today, PJ felt overwhelmingly curious.

He soon came across the end of the hall and stared at the door. He frowned at the slot for an O5 Command Keycard.

Paperjam smiled to himself and placed his hand over the slot. The semi-solidified ink slipped into the lock and activated the door, allowing it to open.

PJ bounded happily into the room, his pure innocence and curiosity clear on his face. The small SCP skipped into the observation room to see that it was empty.

It was looking into a large room through thicker-and-tougher-than-hurricane-glass glass. There was a long counter all along the wall with glass. There were chairs. The rolling ones that PJ loves to spin around on.

PJ scrambled up on one of the chairs and saw a note. Most likely from the people who were watching over the SCP. PJ didn't look at the SCP, and instead read the note. It took a solid minute to read the three words, since SCP-001-D barely knew how to read English. It felt wrong to do so.

'Out for lunch.'

PJ shrugged to himself and set the note down. He glanced up at the SCP in containment curiously. A skeleton was chained by all limbs. By his ankles to the floor. On the ring around his wrist, two separate chains protruded. One set attached to the ceiling, and the other to the walls.

The figure was on his knees, apparently deep in thought. His arms were over his head, unable to pull them down. All he had on was a torn, blood-caked red t-shirt and dirty, torn, also very torn up and blood-caked black shorts. On his hands were odd metal 'gloves'.

PJ noticed a clipboard beside the note. He drew back from view and read it.


Object Class: Thaumiel

There was a bucketful of information under it.

PJ felt an itch at the back of his mind. Fuzzy, too. He felt like he's seen this SCP before. Maybe in pictures?, PJ knew that the two other 001s  were isolated. No pictures would have ever escaped. They're completely contained. The Foundation would never let pictures escape to the other SCPs. Certainly not to other 001s....right? PJ and Gradient were told that they were 'special' that way.

Then, PJ suddenly remembered something. He froze, his pupils shrinking into tiny pinpricks of light.

Paperjam and Gradient screamed and thrashed around in fear. They watched in sheer terror as their parents were taken away. The armed human men held them in place despite their protests. The humans in white pushed the needles into their necks and their vision blurred and got whiter.

PJ and Gradient cried, their struggles weaker now. They just wanted to explore with their parents, who were now being dragged out of sight. PJ and Gradient just wanted to have fun. To explore. To help them explore. They didn't mean for this to-

Then everything went blank.

PJ jolted back to awareness and drew in a sharp breath. He opened his eyes and blinked a few times, startled. Where was he....?

He remembered a second after, but didn't smile or grin. He instead scrambled onto the counter and gazed at the SCP who had yet to notice him. He stared, stunned.

After a while, he jumped off the counter. PJ strode to the door to the side of the room and opened it. He walked down the staircase and to another door. He opened it and stepped into the chamber.

The Thaumiel Class's head snapped towards PJ. His eyes opened and his gaze said pure hatred and a burning rage of destruction. But that vanished at seeing Paperjam.

SCP-001-B began to tremble. He stared at PJ in sheer shock, unable to comprehend it. Paperjam returned to his senses and raced towards his father.

Paperjam hugged Error tight, the Amnesiac's effect fading just a little. Error was unable to hug back due to his restraints. He stayed in his stunned faze, not saying anything. He leaned into the hug, since that was all he could really do.


Apparently Error's overviewers came back from their lunch break.

Next thing PJ knew, he felt something small and sharp prick the back of his neck. Another tranquilizer dart got Error, too.

PJ blacked out and collapsed onto Error, who tried to keep him in place. A chain holding a wrist snapped. Then the other, and Error could semi-hug PJ. He still had one arm fully chained, but he didn't care. Error kept Paperjam close to him, shaking.

Error was shot more times with the tranquilizer. He eventually succumbed to the drug and passed out, still clutching PJ tight.

The staff pulled them apart. Paperjam was carried out of SCP-001-B's chamber and was carried back to his own chamber.


After that, Fresh was cornered by other staff. The O5 Command crowded him, the five of them fuming with frustration and rage. Jakei, Joku, Cami, Nyx, and Toby Fox all glared at the parasite.


Fresh flinched, but quickly regained some of his composure. "Well, he ran fro' me. 'couldn't find him. And from what I've heard, ya shoulda put more staff in der to keep a careful watch on-"


Fresh glared sharply at Nyx. "Bro, he's a kid. He needs freedom. Keeping him an' his bro is unrad, m8."

Joku spoke to Fresh in a more reasonable tone. "Fresh. You, of all the SCPs, should know that these measures are necessary to-"

"To what, Joku?" Fresh snarled. He took off his shades, revealing the soul-eating parasite and the heavily cracked soul. "'You of all SCPs this', 'you of all SCPs that.' I am sick of this bullshit." He has never flat-out swore before, nor dropped his '90's lingo' like this before. "I am sick of playing dumb. I am sick of sitting around, doing nothing. Just because you're stupid drugs don't make me forget doesn't mean I don't remember."

Joku flinched. "But still. You said it yourself that you came to-"

Fresh slapped her, effectively getting her to stop speaking. "Shut up for a second, won't you? Listen, this is the beginning of something. Dream came back. That's fucking great. Nightmare has no reason to shank your sorry asses now. Why do you think he's not trying to breach as much anymore? He's content. He has his brother now, and a friend who puts up with his psychotic you-induced tendencies. Like a damn animal, really."

None of the humans said anything.

Fresh smirked, looking like the devil himself. He tossed his shades onto the floor. "Second, you people have no clue what Death is capable of. Or Ink. Or Error."

Nobody was allowed to say the names of those 001 out loud. But Fresh no longer cared, his patience finally snapping after so long.

Fresh chuckled. "Ink can create. He can create things that can break your sorry necks. But he doesn't, because he is merciful. Error can destroy. Not just you're endless streams of D-Class, but entire universes. You humans here think you're so high and mighty in this place. But really, WE come from a place you can't begin to comprehend. You have not seen half of our numbers. We could dust you all easily. But.....your kind don't dust, do you?"

Nobody said anything, as they've never heard the term before. "What do you mean?" Jakei asked after a moment, her tone level.

"Oh! Dusting, you mean?!" Fresh laughed out loud. "Our version of dying. We do not stay in our bodies, we turn to dust. Our souls shatter, and we are nothing. But, by we, I mean most of those people you have locked up. I am not a skeleton, I'm a parasite. I don't dust. But, I'm getting off-topic..."

Still, none of the humans spoke.

Fresh grinned. "In fact, you people are so ignorant, that you have not thought of what I can do. I can waltz out of here right now and you'd all be doomed. I could tell people...."

"You wouldn't dare...!" Nyx snarled.

"You're right, I wouldn't." Fresh said casually. "People wouldn't believe me, and because you'd threaten them. My friends. least, the people who used to be my friends. Tell me, please, do PJ & Gradient know that you slip those Amnestics into their food? Because you know that their bodies resist the drug? You want to keep them from remembering, don't you? Because their souls are so powerful that you can't control what they would do."

"H-how did you....?" Nyx muttered. "How did you find o-out...?"

"BUDDY!" Fresh laughed loudly, starting to fall off the deep end. "YOU GAVE ME THE POWER OF AN O5 COMMAND TO KEEP ME BRIBED AND SILENT!! I HAVE ACCESS TO EVERY DOCUMENT IN THIS HELLHOLE!!! So....I know what you put in their food. I mean....why do you think I vanish from the cameras' view around that time?"

He paused for breath. "You idiots, I've been switching their meals. They're remembering. I can tell by PJ's expression when you tore him away from his own damn father. Oh, and Gradient, PJ's older brother...that poor kid is probably having a mental breakdown right now because of you."

Cami reached into her belt of her uniform and pulled the gun from its holster. She drew in a deep breath and aimed it at Fresh. "We can't let you keep doing this. It's for the good of human kind."

Fresh smiled. "Oh, before you decide to blow my host's skull up, I have something to say." he said coyly.

"We don't have time for this." Jakei growled. "What is it?"

"Paperjam is standing right behind you. And he just heard every single word of this argument."

As soon as the humans snapped around, PJ turned and hightailed it away, shrieking bloody murder.

Fresh smiled and punched Cami in the back of her head, knocking her out. He took off running after the kid, glad to have gotten that off of his chest.

At the same time, Gradient escaped his chamber and ran.

The poor kid was indeed having a mental breakdown, sobbing as he ran blindly down the halls. He unknowingly ran deeper into 001 territory and slammed into a door.

Gradient shakily got up and sniffled. He looked up at the door. A guard was sitting on a chair beside it, asleep. Gradient, curious, glanced at the clipboard just beside the chair. He picked it up.


Object Class: Thaumiel

Gradient did not read the rest.

Instead, he stood up on his tip-toes best he could and reached for the door. He managed to open the door. He stepped in.

At once, the skeleton in the room glanced at him. The room was blank. Mostly, anyways. Gray floor, white walls, gray ceiling. There was a thin bed in the corner. In another corner was a desk. The room itself was littered with drawings.

SCP-001-A stared at Gradient. You could tell by his expression that 001-A was trying his hardest to recognize the child. He felt like he should know him, but couldn't place a name or a background.

Gradient blinked, recognizing the skeleton. The skeleton's pupils were blank white. All he wore were brown, paint-stained shirt and shorts.

Gradient slammed into the skeleton and hugged him tight. SCP-001-A blinked in confusion and looked down at the child. ".....who are you?"

Gradient sniffled, tears threatening to fall. 001-A knelt down and wiped his tears away. "It's okay, kid. What's wrong?" In all honestly, 001-A felt like he should know the kid. He felt like he should hug him and try harder to care.

001-A just hugged the child, not really knowing what else to do. Gradient hugged back and started crying again.

"What's wrong?" 001-A asked again, 'concerned' for the child. He pat the kid's head gently and stood up straight. "Why are you in here?"


Gradient was cut off as someone burst into the room. The guard from outside. He had apparently woken up to find the door to Ink's cell unlocked and open. He froze upon seeing SCP-001-C in the room with 001-A.

The guard took Gradient by the scruff of his hoodie and lifted him up. The child immediately started screaming and kicking in terror. "NO- NO! NO!! I DON'T WANNA!! I DON'T WANNA GO BACK!!!"

The guard huffed in annoyance. 001-A said nothing, looking curious as to what was happening. The guard glared at 001-C. "You little-"


Fresh smiled, panting softly in exhaustion. "Chairs are good for knocking people out." he said to nobody in particular. He set the metal chair down and picked Gradient up. He glanced at Ink. "You. Rainbow ski-....wait, what happened to you?! Huh... Ya kinda look like me now, more than the last time I saw ya. And that's not a good thing." he muttered the last part under his breath.

SCP-001-A stared at Fresh blankly. "What do you mean?"

Fresh stared back at Ink. "You....don't remember me-....... Never mind. Of course you don't. Nobody does. NOBODY REMEMBERS ANYTHING ANYMORE-!!!" he stopped his brief meltdown, seeing that he startled 001-A. "Anyways....I just need you to follow me.....please......"

Ink didn't move. "I'm not allowed to leave." he said blankly.

Fresh grabbed Ink by the collar of his shirt, his patience snapping a final time. "LISTEN HERE, YOU SOULLESS HUSK OF A CREATOR-"


Fresh collapsed as the bullet pierced his skull.

Ink squeaked as Gradient rammed into him and started sobbing again. He awkwardly hugged him, turning the child so he wasn't looking at Fresh's body.

The guards watched Fresh for a moment. When he didn't get up, one of them sighed. "Okay, let's bring 'em to the infirmary-" he stopped, seeing Fresh beginning to dust. No SCPs have ever dusted before, the closest being from an incident with 3k and 682. The Foundation never killed any of the SCPs, and they had planned to kill only 682, 001-B, and maybe 343 for what they were capable of.

Fresh might've survived the bullet, but the soul was already so cracked. The bullet missed the parasite, thank goodness. But, as the soul was so cracked and almost shattered, his Defense wasn't that good. He needed another host.

The skeleton dusted, leaving the parasite behind.

The purple, four-limbed thing went berserk. It let out an ear-piercing screech and 'ran' out of the room, leaving behind a pile of dust and neon-colored clothing.

The guards glanced at each other, speechless. One of them briefly exited the room and slammed his fist onto a button outside of the door. Immediately, red lights started blaring.

Containment breach alarms.

It wasn't exactly a breach, but with that event taking place, it was an exception. Fresh's SCP document was required to be read so staff and guards knew what they were dealing with. SCP-963-131 wasn't allowed to leave its host. If that ever happens, or the host dies, a full-level lockdown is to happen.

The foundation doesn't want a parasite running around. It could possess a Thaumiel or Keter Class. If he got to Cross, Fresh could literally control anyone who tried to stop him. If he got to Death, Error, or Ink, though.......dear lord, the Foundation couldn't let that happen.

Fresh, now needing a host, was in full-blown instinctual panic-mode. He only thought about one thing: getting a host. Humans weren't an option. There was no way to get in their head without killing them. So he could only get to skeletons. Other SCPs. His friends. As least, the people who actually put up with his shit.

He very faintly remembered the many attempts to use Amnestics on him. To make him forget. It never worked. He remembered everything. No wonder he seemed 'different' after having access to SCP-1762 and its file.

~~~~~Time Skip~~~~~


Object Class: Thaumiel

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-963-131 is not to leave the Foundation site at any costs. If such an event happens, see note below.

Should SCP-963-131's host die or 963-131 itself leave the host, full lockdown required. Contain and terminate 963-131 as sight, as it posses a threat to the Foundation, SCPs, and the population surrounding the foundation.

Fresh tore up the rest of the document. Too bad digital copies still existed. He hissed, feeling white hot rage take over. He had no choice but to get to an SCP and take it over.

Geno did not put up a fight, as he was asleep. On other occasions, Fresh would've at least asked him if he was fine with it. But desperate times call for desperate measures. Besides, being unable to die? It's useful.

Reaper, of course, sensed Geno's odd state of being half-dead becoming more-than-half-dead. Seeing Fresh possessing him, if was reasonable that the god was more than pissed.

After realizing what had recently gone down, Death only asked Fresh to make it quick and be careful with Geno's fragile body, and made it extremely clear that if Fresh stayed in Geno's body for a second longer than what was needed, Fresh would be missing a limb or two. 'Extremely clear' meaning Reaper grabbed the parasite and held it painfully tight until Fresh nearly passed out.

But Death did a bit more than that.

SCP-001-B was more than a little mad at the new information.


10/10 security.
Hire Core.
Really though, Core would make a great living camera.

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