Chapter #1
Scorchkit yawned as he opened his sleep deprived eyes. Annoyed and grumpy, he pointed his attention towards the source of the sound that awoke him. Why his denmates were so loud, he had no idea.
"Bet you can't catch Nightwhisper's tail!" Challenged Silverkit.
"Oh really,"said Beaverkit smuggly, "Watch me!"
Beaverkit gently dropped down on all fours, trying to stay as queit as possible. Laying down each paw quietly he came up behind Nightwhisper, who didn't notice the small kit behind him at all. A few seconds later, Scorchkit heard a pounce and a large "YOW!" from outside. He immediately knew that Badgerkit has succeeded in his dare.
"YOU LITTLE SCRUMP OF FUR!!! I'LL GET YOU!!!" Yelled Nightwhisper as he winced in pain.
Rainkit and Nutkit mrrowed with laughter as Nightwhisper glared at Beaverkit. Silverkit smirked a look at Beaverkit, making the young tom even more angry.
"Beaverkit!" scolded Flamewhisker, walking into the clearing and yelling at her son, "You leave the senior warriors alone!"
Silverkit, Rainkit, and Nutkit giggled as Beaverkit stomped of to the nursery. The young tom fumed at his denmates and treated Scorchkit no different. Beaverkit stomped inside the nursery, plopped down into his nest, and grunted in frustration.
"I'm never going to get any sleep with him here!" Thought Scorchkit.
"Hey featherbrain," started Scorchkit,"Can you keep the angry flare on your side of the nursery, I'm trying to sleep here."
"That should do it!" Thought Scorchkit triumphantly. As a response, Beaverkit grunted more and rolled over on his side.
"Come on Scorchkit, get up." said Mintcloud coming in, "The hunting patrol just got back."
"I would rather be the one hunting the prey than the one eating it." He said plainly.
Mintcloud have her son a warm smile. "I know, but when you become a warrior it's not all fun and games, go eat Scorchkit you'll be a apprentice soon enough."
Mintcloud stepped back outside the nursery and sat beside Rainkit. Scorchkit sighed, his nursery days just didn't go fast enough. He walked past Beaverkit and out to the clearing, where he sat beside Rainkit and Mintcloud who were sharing a pigeon.
"Mintcloud," Flamewhisker said as she trotted up to the queen Dusty colored queen, "I'm going to get water by the lake, care to join?"
Mintcloud thought for a moment and then quietly responded. "What about the kits, we can't leave them alone. "
"Oh, Birdfeather said she'd watch them, now come on! I need a break from the nursery!" Flamewhisker trotted of toward the camp entrance where she waited for Mintcloud. Mintcloud looked back at her kits who were sharing a pigeon.
"Now you two run of to Birdfeather and Cliffhang. If your lucky they'll tell you a story!"
'Yay,' thought Scorchkit, 'because a story is exactly what will make me a better warrior."
"Let's go Scorchkit!" Rainkit said happily, "Cliffhang won't wait all day!" Scorchkit grunted in frustration but obeyed. As he walked towards the elders den, he saw Ambersplash and Owlstar eyeing him and Rainkit. Owlstar's old, blue eyes met his, which forced chills down his back.
"Oh no!" Thought Scorchkit, "Am I in trouble, what did I do!" Scorchkit panicked as he thought about the possibility of his apprenticeship being postponed.
"Well come on you big lump! What are you waiting for!"
Scorchkit reluctantly walked into the elders den only to find the two elders asleep. Sitting around the two were Silverkit and Nutkit, who were asleep beside the two elder's nests.
"Oh, looks like they're asleep, I'm going outside" Rainkit walked outside leaving Scorchkit alone with the sleeping elders. Scorchkit sat for about five seconds and then stood up and looked outside the fan entrance.
"Well this is boring." thought Scorchkit, his mind wandering "Let's go hunting like a real warrior!"
He crept out of the elders den and into the clearing. Scorchkit started to move towards the entrance but the stopped, realizing that he'd get caught. All of the warriors watch kits like hawks, he had to be sneaky.
'Through the brambles,' he though,'then I won't be caught!'
Scorchkit leaped through the brambles like a rabbit, he then tumbled over a vine and landed against a tree with a oomph. The tumble hurt his back very much and even hit his head just a slight but. Scorchkit tried to get up and felt his claws into the bark of the tree.
"Why is this tree furry? He thought, feeling the tree with his feet.
"Now just what do you think your doing?"
'Nope!' Thought Scorchkit, 'Not a tree!'
"Are you gonna anserw me Scorchkit." said Ambersplash.
"Would you belive trying to find the nursery?"
Scorchkit sighed
"I wanted to go hunting on my own."
"And how's that working out for you?"
"Not very good I guess." Said Scorchkit sadly,"please don't tell my mother!"
Ambersplash sighed."I can keep this whole episode a secret of you help me carry these herbs, ok?"
Scorchkit got up and replied, "Fine, but I'm not a medicine cat!" Scorchkit grabbed some herbs and stallked off.
As the pair walked through the tunnel and back into camp there was a large scream in the trees. Scorchkit layed down his herbs and looked at the entrance as Mistpaw ran in, dust collecting at her small, silver paws.
"Help! Pinewhisker and Splashmoon are being attacked!"
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