
Happy Valentine's Day! Remember, it truly doesn't matter if you have a valentine or not, you can just celebrate with people you love in general! :)
Sorry I'm updating kinda late!
HOpe y'AlL eNjOy!


To have someone that takes care of you no matter how much of a mess you are.

Someone who calls you beautiful even though you just woke up and haven't even wiped the drool off your chin.

Someone who hugs you and wants to be holding your hand even if you haven't showered in four days.

Someone that knows the difference from "I'm mad at you," and "I'm hurting, I need you're attention. I'm not actually mad at you."

Someone that stays up late with you if you can't sleep, and if they do fall asleep, it's because you told them to get some rest.

Someone who understands you, gets you. But yet they're not afraid to speak their mind about something. Someone who isn't trying to be perfect for you, they'll tell you when they're mad.

But even if they aren't trying to be perfect for you, they still are.

That's what my mom told me, anyway. Although I'm not sure how good she is with love. She loves my dad, though. So that probably counts.
I finally learned about the concept of Valentine's Day.

From my understanding, it's a day where mommies and daddies give eachother chocolate and flowers because you like them. And it's also the day where you tell someone you like them or want them to be your valentine.

I don't know who will be mine yet, but hopefully I'll get one today.

My mom waves goodbye to me before I walk into my school. She waits until my inside before she drives off. I watch her leave through the window on the door and head toward my first class.
I'm here a little bit early like I want , and sit down at my desk which had a blue chair.

My teacher Mister Preda is writing words on the chalkboard.
"Good morning, Kirstie." He said. I smiled and waved at him.

"Good morning! Happy Valentine's Day!" I said excitedly, it's a lot more fun when I understand stuff.
He smiled and nodded slightly.
"Happy Valentine's Day." He replied in a cheerful tone.

A few of my friends began coming inside, a few greetings from them I reciprocated, but then I got to thinking.

Perhaps I could try and get a valentine!

We still had a few more minutes before class officially started, so I took that as my chance to stand up and walk around, hoping to find the perfect one for me.

Then an idea popped it my head. It was perfect!
I would ask my best friend to be my valentine! It would be so amazing, he would definitely say yes.

He had just walked in and I wasted no time walking over to him.
"Scott! I have a question for you!" I started excitedly, smiling widely.

"What it is?" He asked curiosity. "Will you be my valentine?" I asked hopefully. He hummed in thought before shrugged slightly and smiling.

"Sure!" I clapped my hands together excitedly before hugging me tightly.

"Yay! Thank you! You're my first one ever ever ever!" I told him, pulling back from the hug.
Mister Preda then told us to get in our seats, so I went back to mine, smiling goodbye to my valentine.

Four years later.

Valentine's Day. The day where basically everything sucks and you constantly get reminded that you're single BUT IT'S WHATEVER IT'S NOT LIKE I WANT A BOYFRIEND OR ANYTHING.

I didn't mind being single really, I just minded not getting anything on Valentine's Day out of affection. I got candy from friends sometimes, a gift from my parents, but never something cute like a love letter.

You know what? I don't even need that. All I need is a valentine.

Although that probably won't happen. I would ask Scott again, but I want him to ask Mitch. I met Mitch the day after Valentine's Day four years ago. I instantly brought him into my friend group which was just me and Scott because that's all I needed.

We're the perfect trio. Except now I have zero possible love interests.

"So, any plans for Valentine's Day?" I asked with a small smirk. Scott shrugged and shook his head no.
"Are you suuuuuure?" I asked with a raise of my eyebrows. He narrowed his eyes at me and tilted his eyes slightly.

"What are you on about?" I groaned and rolled my eyes. "I'm talking about Mitch! Do you have any plans with Mitch?" I asked anxiously. He shook his head again.

"Why would I?" I laughed and rolled my eyes again playfully.
"Seriously? You guys are like... soulmates." He laughed and went back to his phone.

I pouted and slouched. "Scottie! Ask him out please! I mean like... don't date yet because you're too young, but at least reserve him!" Scott laughed loudly and sighed.

"Seriously? This is the stuff that goes on in your head?" I nodded with a smirk.

"Duh. It goes on in all of the readers heads too." He looked at me with confusion.

I shook my head, I don't even know what I just said.

"I don't even know... I must've misspoke. Anyway, ask him out, please!" I begged eagerly. He didn't reply, simply focused on his phone although I knew he was listened. I scoffed and grabbed my phone, knowing I'd bring the subject up again soon.


"Just follow me and stop asking questions!" I said to Mitch. I held his and Scott's hand as I lead them carefully through the large park.

Nobody was out and it was pitch black. The only place that was illuminated was the small picnic area that I had created. I hung fairy lights up on the trees around it, it was adorable.

"Okay! You can take your blindfolds off now!" I said excitedly. I stepped back as they both took their blindfolds off.

"What the heck is this?" Scott asked in surprise, looking around at the perfect picnic I made.

I smiled widely and placed my hands on my hips.
"It's y'alls date." Both of them turned red in the face as they look at me.

"Kirstie!" Mitch whined. I ignored it and gestured for them to sit down.

"Don't be shy! (part two got deleted) just sit down and enjoy yourselves! I'll clean all of this tomorrow!" I said. They were obvious uncomfortable, but I didn't care.

"Just talk. Enjoy yourselves. Bye!" Scott called after me, but I didn't reply and simply walked faster.

I walked back to the sidewalks, leaving them to whatever and get back to my house which was a few blocks away.

Upon entering my house, I frowned when I remembered my parents were going out tonight. I sighed and put my phone down, my dog running up to my and jumping on my legs.

"Down, Maya." The brown dog ignored my command and followed me. I allowed her, she was the only company I had tonight.

I wondered how Scott and Mitch were doing when I began getting ready for bed.

This is my first Valentine's Day without a valentine.


Five years later.

"Happy Valentine's Day!" I said to Scott as I hugged him. He smiled and pulled back, opening his locker and taking something out.

"For you." He said, handing me a red rose. I smiled widely and took it from him gently.

"Scott... thank you so much!" I said gratefully. I smelled the rose which smelled like... well, a rose, and held it with two hands.

"No problem. You are my valentine, afterall." He said with a laugh.

"Me and Mitch." I said. He nodded and I giggled softly.

"At least I have a gay valentine, though. Better then nothing." I joked sarcastically, just as Mitch approached us.

I smiled at him and greeted him quietly.
"Aww... that's so freaking cute. Is it weird that I'm obsessed with my best friend and boyfriend being eachother valentine?" Mitch said with a giggle.

I smiled and looked down at the rose. 
"One day I'll get a real one." I mumbled to myself. Scott scoffed and rolled his eyes. "I am a real one!" He defended. I laughed and shook my head slightly.

"You know what I mean. Anyway, is gonna head to Miss Gina's room, I heard she's giving out chocolate." I bid them farewell and went on my way.

When I glanced down at my rose, I felt myself crash into something, causing me to stumble.

I noticed it was a person, and a string of apologies poured from my mouth.
"Hey hey, it's okay! Accidents happen. Are you alright?" He asked. I looked up at him, he was positively beautiful. I recognized him as a guy named Jeremy Lewis. He was on the swim team.

I stammered as I tried to form words, but I just sounded stupid.
Jeremy chuckled and looked down. He crouched down and picked up the rose that I dropped.

I noticed them that he totally towered over me. He handed me the rose.
"You dropped this." I took it from his hands gently and thanked him quietly.

He gave me a million dollar smile before walking away. I smiled and looked down at the rose again before continuing to walk.

six years later.

"A Valentine's Day wedding, eh?" I said to Scott as I helped him fix his tie. He smiled, his eyes focused on his as he looked in the mirror. I tapped his tie once I had finished and turned around.
"You look amazing." I said quietly.

Scott smiled and looked down at me before kissing my forehead.
"Thanks, Kirstie. He's gonna think my hands are sweaty though." He said shamefully. I scoffed and shook my head.

"I'm pretty sure Mitch won't care about your sweaty hands when you're getting married. Stop worrying, this is perfect. Everything is perfect." I said reassuringly. He nodded and exhaled deeply.

"Are you ready?" I asked as I looked at the clock on the wall.

"I'm ready."


"I'm still crying! It was so beautiful!" I said to Mitch as we stood by the food bar. He laughed, his eyes sparkling.

"You look so good in your dress too! Can I wear it for my wedding?" I asked with pleading eyes. He giggled and nodded, taking a bite of a cookie.
"Of course! We'll get it sized to fit you when the day comes."

I smiled with victory and grabbed another cookie.
"Where's your husband?" I asked as I looked around. Mitch smiled wider and pointed across the room.

"He's talking with Jeremy. You remember, from high school? He works with Scott and they became pretty good friends." I gasped as I spotted them. It wasn't hard to considering they're the tallest people in the room filled with people.

"No way! Is Jeremy single!?" Mitch laughed and rolled his eyes playfully.

"How am I supposed to know?" He asked. I glared at him.
"You always know." He laughed again and nodded slightly. "Yeah, he's single. Let's go over there." He said, grabbing my hand. I felt timidness take over me as I tried to leave Mitch's grip, too nervous to talk to Jeremy.

"Hi Jeremy! I'm so glad you're here!" Mitch said gratefully. Mitch moved to stand by Scott, both of them naturally fitting into eachothers sides.

Jeremy smiled his one million dollar smile which made me grin.
"Thanks! I'm glad I was invited! The ceremony was absolutely beautiful, you both look so amazing!" He complimented. Mitch smiled and glanced up at Scott.

"You remember Kirstie, yeah?" Scott asked. I felt myself blush intensely, wishing to be somewhere else.
Jeremy smiled and shook my hand.
"Yes, of course! How could I possibly forget?" I smiled and Scott and Mitch both smirked at me, causing me to sigh.

"Well, we're going to go... um, dance! Yeah, dance! Have fun!" Mitch said, pulling Scott away. Mitch winked at me as he glanced over, causing me to stick my tongue out at him.

"It's been awhile. How are you?" He asked. I turned back toward Jeremy.

"I'm really great. And you?" We began talking for the next hour, I wondered what would've happened if I had talked to him more in highschool.

When conversation seemed to die down, I noticed that a slow song was playing. Scott and Mitch were dancing together, completely in their own world as they spoke quietly.
I stood awkwardly, I'm not good at talking apparently.

"Do you want to dance?" He asked. I opened my mouth, but no words came out. I was brave enough to grab his hand and follow him to the dance floor.

"I actually want to ask you something. I wanted to ask you a few years ago, but I was kinda terrified." He whispered as he placed his hands carefully on my waist.

"Y-yeah?" I replied, resting my hands behind his neck.
A light red tinted his cheeks.

"Will you be my valentine?" I felt my heart race, I wondered when someone would ask me that.

"Yes!" I answered excitedly. I knew it was childish, I knew that this was silly, but I was happy. It was my dream.


"And that Maya, is a valentine." I say to my daughter. She smiles as she begins falling asleep.

I walk back to my bedroom after closing her door.

"Were you telling her that story again?" My husband asks. I giggle and nod.

"It's my favorite story, Jeremy." He smiles and kisses my cheek.

"I know."


Not a lot of scomiche but I loved that omg.

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