Third Wheel

(sry for the curse words but like give me a break.)

There was no doubt that Kirstie was the third wheel after Scott and Mitch began dating. She wasn't really bothered by it since she was the one who got them to go out together in the first place, but sometimes she felt left out.

Maybe it was her own insecurity that people didn't want to be around her, or maybe she was overthinking it, but she definitely felt left out.
She was afraid to bring it up to scomiche since she didn't want them to get mad or awkward about it. So she remained silent.

The trio went to the mall that day, they walked down and passed the stores with Mitch in the middle, Scott to the right of him and Kirstie to the left.

Mitch and Scott were talking to eachother about mindless topics while Kirstie walked along, not joining in on the conversation.
Although the second she did try to speak, Mitch spoke at the same time as her. And if course, the universe only heard Mitch and not Kirstie.

"Hey guys--"

"Oh my gosh, and do you remember back in..."

Kirstie rolled her eyes harshly and felt her emotions running wild. She knew they were in love and a lot closer then she was with them, but does that mean that she doesn't matter at all?

She was the one that got them to date in the first place! They'd all been friends for fifteen years, meeting at one years old, and she knew that they liked eachother.

She got the dinner reservations.

She gave them pep talks.

She gave them boy advice back when they were single.

She never stopped caring.

She was there.

And they weren't even talking to her.

She decided then to just go home and drown in her own self pity. But of course, they didn't hear her when she tried saying goodbye.

"Guys I'm--" she noticed they didn't even glance at her, just kept talking.
She felt angry tears in her eyes as she released all of her pent up anger and jealousy burst out.

"If you guys weren't even going to fucking talk to me, then you shouldn't have made me come here in the first place!"
She yelled, not caring about the tons of people around who seemed to not notice the shout.

They stopped talking then and turned to her with wide eyes.

They were surprised at her sudden outburst, but even more surprised ah something else.


"Kirstie, I'm--" Mitch started, but at this point, something Kirstie thought she'd never think, she was sick of hearing his voice. She just wanted to leave.

"You know what? I'm going to head home so you too don't have to keep dragging along your carry on bag."
She spat before turning on her heel and disappearing into the people, making her way toward the main entrance of the mall.

Mitch and Scott we're speechless then.

They truly didn't know Kirstie was so upset. If they knew, they defiantly would've included her more. But they just assumed she was on her phone since she didn't join in to their chatting.

"Well shoot." Scott said. Mitch nodded once and let out a sad sigh.
"I can't believe we upset her." He said in disbelief.
Scott put his hand on his forehead and sighed loudly. "How do we make this okay? She's clearly been upset for a while, what can we do now?"

Mitch just shook his head slightly.
"I don't even know."


Kirstie laid on her bed as she cried silently, browsing through Instagram, ignoring the tears that poured down the side of her face and onto the sheets of her bed.

She ignored the calls and texts from Scott and Mitch, thinking she should just finally let them have their couple time as she wash away in the shadows.

It wasn't until there was a knock on her door that she then realized she was crying. She quickly rubbed the tears away from her pink jacket she took off earlier and ran her fingers through her hair.

"Uh...come in!" Assuming it was her mother, she flinched slightly at the sigh of two people. She frowned when she saw her two best friends and crossed her arms.

"Get. Out." She demanded sternly. Scott and Mitch glanced at eachother before walking forward to the front of her bed.

"Can you not understand English? I said get out!" Kirstie stood up loudly, stomping her foot on the ground.

"Hey, Scott?" Mitch asked, crossing his arms loosely and not breaking his eyecontact with Kirstie.

"Yeah Mitch?" Scott asked. Kirstie kept glancing between the two of them, confused and frustrated, wanting nothing more then for them two leave so she could finish season three of The Fosters with her candy in leave.

"I think..." Mitch stepped forward, "Kirstie needs a sandwich."
Kirstie then understood what they were about to do and forced the smile that was appearing to go away.

"Oh yeah? What type of sandwich?" Scott asked with a smile. Kirstie pressed her lips together to avoid the smile and crossed her arms.

"I think...Kirstie needs a scomiche sandwich!" Mitch stated before him and Scott both went to the side of her and hugged her, creating a sandwich with scomiche as they bread and her as the spicy Latina meat.

Kirstie burst out in laughter as they held her tighter.
"You lil pipsqueeks, get offa me!" She yelled as she laughed, hating that she ruined her angry façade.

"Oh my gosh, Scott!" Mitch said. Scott giggled before replying. "Yes?" Mitch then smiled and brought his hands down to Kirstie waist.

"I think I just heard the tickle monster." Kirstie gasped.

"Mitchell, no! I swear to huskies if you--!"
Mitch and Scott both began ticking her as she let out loud and hilarious yells and laughs.

She fell out of their grip and onto her bed, completely out of breath.

"Ugh, darn you two!" She said as she wiped the sweat off her forehead.
Mitch laid down next to her, along with Scott on the other side.

"I'm sorry, Kirstie. I really am. I didn't--we, we didn't have any idea we were leaving you out." Mitch apologized sincerely.

Kirstie smiled and gave a slight nod.

"Yeah, yeah, it just flew right over our heads. We would never purposefully hurt your feelings...and I'm sorry that we did." Kirstie smiled at the well deserved apologies.

"And now you, my two best friends, are forgiven. Under one condition!" She said. Mitch giggled before saying, "go on."

Kirstie grabbed her iPad and giant bag of mixed candy.

"Season three of The Fosters. Me, you, and you." She said. Mitch as Scott smiled.

"Hell yes!" Scott replied. Mitch nodded obnoxiously with a flap of his hands.

"For sure! Let's get fat and watch Callie and Brandon fuck up all the time!" Kirstie and Scott both laughed as they all began getting comfortable.

Once they were and the lights were off, Mitch about to press play, Kirstie stopped them.

"Oh also, I get one scomiche sandwich a day." She said. Scott smirked. "It's a deal."

Kirstie squealed in joy and then gestured for Mitch to press play.
Mitch rolled his eyes playful and hit the play button.

And the trio was back and better then ever.


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