stranger at the club
hey y’all!!! anyone happy that I’m posting again bc ik darn well I am.
comment! comment! comment!!!
I love comments. they inspire me so much and make me feel so happy!’
so here’s a challenge. if you never comment, comment right here a fact about yourself. I’ll reply if im the same or not!!❤️
I love y’all.
“We never go out anymore, it’ll be so much fun!”
Mitch rolled his eyes harshly, whining.
“There’s a reason! The second I have one shot, it’s over. Now I’m no alcoholic, but I also have no self control when I’m at a club.” He retorted. Kirstie groaned, frowning dramatically. She even forced herself to tear up a bit to help her case.
“Fine. I’ll just... go by myself. Alone. A young, small woman that can easily be snatched off the side of the road. Remember what my description is because a police man might ask you for it later.”
Mitch scoffed. “Guilt tripping never works on me, sis.”
Kirstie rolled her eyes and stood up. Flattening her dress down. “I’ll see you tomorrow, I guess.”
She mumbled.
And just as she was about to open up his front door, mitch stood up and exclaimed, “fine!”
Kirstie smirked but turned around and smiled. “Yay!” She praised.
“You won’t regret it, I’ll keep an eye on you all night. No shots for Mitch!”
Drunk Kirstie exclaimed excitedly. Mitch was on his fourth shot, Kirstie on her fifth. They already had glasses of margaritas and were well passed the risk of a horrible hangover.
“I’m so glad I came, you’re my best friend and I-I love you so much.” Mitch cried. Holding her arm and squeezing it tightly.
Kirstie wiped her face, smiling. “I’m gonna cry! Here, watch my drink. I need to use the bathroom.”
Mitch I coherently mumbled a response, nodding slightly and watching her walk away.
As she left, he took noticed of all the well good looking guys around him. And since he wasn’t thinking right, he didn’t have much of a filter, either.
He stood up and walked to the first guy he saw, putting his hands on either side of his face.
“Your face is so symmetrical! How did you do that?” The guy was barely paying attention as he danced to a pounding skrilex song. Seeing as Mitch got no response, he moved onto the next guy.
And the next.
And the next.
And the next.
Until he ran into a tall, blond guy. He made a note in his head that this was, in fact, the man of his dreams.
“Hey blodie!” He yelled. He then giggled and mumbled, “i meant blondie.”
The blond man separated from the girl he was dancing with and moved to the side where Mitch was.
“Your face is so symmetrical!” Mitch exclaimed happily. He ‘booped’ his nose with his finger.
“Wow, you’re excitable. I’m Scott.” He introduced, holding his hand out for Mitch to shake. Mitch didn’t shake it, though. Instead he grabbed his hand and put it on his face.
“Is my face symmetrical?” He asked loudly, try to compensate for the loud—blasting, music.
Scott laughed and nodded. “Sure.” Mitch smiled with satisfaction. He dropped his hand and crossed his arms. “I’m drunk.” He introduced, now holding his hand out.
He laughed, shaking his head. “I mean Mitch. Im Mitch. Im also drunk. And tired. Also where is Kirstie?” He looked around but saw that Kirstie was watching him from the bar, giving him a wink.
Scott shifted his feet. “Oh, is that your girlfriend?” He asked. Mitch bursted out with laughter, his face turning a shade of pink as he shook his head dramatically.
“On Opposite Day!” He said as if it were the most hilarious joke.
“She’d never have a chance with me.” Mitch mumbled.
“Hey! I heard that.” Kirstie, who apparently walked up to them, said. Mitch laughed, pushing her away slightly.
“Who’s driving y’all home?” Scott asked skeptically.
“I am!”
“I am!”
Mitch and Kirstie both answered. They looked at each other, and soon both said again,
“Kirstie is!”
“I am!”
Scott laughed lightly, but shook his head.
“Definitely not. I’m calling y’all an Uber.” Mitch and Kirstie both groaned loudly. Mitch then gasped, looking at Scott.
“You should drive us home!” Kirstie nodded and clapped her hands.
“I don’t even know y’all! Y’all are getting a taxi.”
At this point, mitch was getting tired. He decided to sit down on the couch in the corner, along with Kirstie and Scott. Kirstie was asleep, resting her head on his shoulder.
“So what’s your deal?” Mitch asked, sounding a bit delirious due to his tiredness.
“What do you mean by that?”
“You married?” Scott laughed, shaking his head.
Mitch smiled and raised his eyebrow. “Dating?”
Scott shook his head again.
“Great! Neither am I. So, how many kids do you want?” Scott raised his ‘eyebrows’ in shock before laughing.
“You get right to the point, huh?” Mitch nodded with a smirk on his face.
Right as Scott opened his mouth, he got a text on his phone.
“Your Uber is here.”
Mitch groaned, rolling his eyes before shaking his shoulder to get Kirstie off. Kirstie rubbed her eyes tiredly as she yawned. “What’s happening?” She asked confusedly.
“Blondie actually called an Uber. Here I thought we were on our first date. How disappointing.”
Scott laughed again. Mitch started getting used to it, he was sad that he was gonna have to live without once he left. Kirstie stumbled out of the club, yelling goodbye at the people behind her. Mitch stood up, and opened up his arms to give Scott a hug.
Scott awkwardly gave him a hug, a bit confused but was kind enough to participate.
“Guess I’ll see you in my dreams.”
Mitch said in a joking manner, although a hint of sadness lingered in his voice.
“If you’re lucky.” Scott replied. Mitch leaned up and kissed his cheek. Scott laughed again, gesturing towards the door for Mitch to leave.
And finally, mitch left the club.
“Oh god.”
Mitch groaned loudly, immediately bringing his hands up to cover his eyes from the light although they were closed.
“Feeling the sweet, sweet revenge of alcohol?” Kirstie asked rhetorically. Her voice was groggy and way too loud for his liking.
“I blame you for everything bad in the world.” He mumbled. Kirstie giggled tiredly. “Not my fault you came with me.”
Mitch gasped, opening his eyes and giving her a face of sarcastic anger.
“I don’t remember anything.” Mitch said, changing the subject. Kirstie smirked, shaking her head lightly. “You don’t?” Mitch scoffed.
“How could I? I’m a lightweight. I could’ve died, honestly.”
They both laughed, but mitch then whined at the throbbing in his head.
“Well for starters, you met the guy of your dreams,”
Mitch gasped. “Oh, I did? How exciting. What’s he like?” He asked childishly.
“Oh, definitely. Blond, blue eyes. Tall. He definitely takes care of himself. He was nice enough to call us a taxi and sit with us and talk. And girl, he’s a saint for listening to you blab on for an hour about how much you were obsessed with him. You’re like a needy school girl.
Mitch laughed. “Oh, gosh...”
As a few minutes went by, a few memories came back. He definitely did remember the blond stranger, Scott. The memories left a smile on his face. He was definitely his most favorite encounter at a club.
“Did you get his number?” Kirstie asked curiously. Mitch scoffed, shaking his head sadly.
“As if he would even give it to me.”
Kirstie lightly punched his shoulder.
“Hey, you’re a real catch. You could never land me, though.”
Kirstie said with a smirk. Mitch rolled his eyes before flicking her forehead.
He wondered what could’ve happened between him and Scott. If they actually had a spark between them or if it was just the alcohol running in his veins.
Well, guess he’ll always be that one stranger at the club that got away.
Part two???
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