
.......... hey it's me. y'all remember that time nine years ago when I updated?
i'm so disgusting, i'm literally so sorry.
if you're still mad at me, then don't comment but if u aren't then comment because i like comments but i also don't deserve comments because it's been so long so yeah bye i love you.


Driving in the rain gave me tranquility, but also moments of panic.

I loved the sound of the rain hitting the top of the car, the visual appeal of drops of rain falling down the window.

But I also hated the split second moments where the tires were going a tad too fast. Where I saw another car jerking just slightly and I hoped that they were going to make it home safely.

We were running away.

We made a spontaneous decision at three a.m when we were drinking hot chocolate in the guest room where the T.V was.

He threw the idea at me with such confidence and I laughed at it. It sounded like we were teenagers again; trying to escape the "unfair" rules that our parents gave us. But we were adults and we could do whatever we wanted for the most part.

We weren't running away from home, but we were running away from our lives. We wanted one week where we didn't have jobs, responsibility, friends to talk to or a bedroom to clean.

So we got into the car with pounding headaches and intense heart beats, and decided to drive. We weren't sure where we were going, but we knew we'd love it.

It started raining about an hour into the drive, I barely notice because we were too busy screaming 80's pop at the top of our lungs until our throats burned from laughing so hard.

"Looks like a storm is coming." He informed my unaware self. I hummed as I looked out the window and up to the sky, where gray clouds were joining together to create a dark sky.

"Guess so. When are we stopping?" I asked as I turned to face up, resting my chin on my hand as I examined his face with a smile.

"Whenever we want to. Look up if there are any hotels near us." I nodded my head as I grabbed his phone and went straight to the search bar.

There was one hotel a few miles from our current location, so I decided to call and see if they had any rooms available for a night.

"This is Westword hotel, I'm Cindy, how may I help you?"
Scott starting laughing quietly at her thick Brooklyn accent, I hit his arm to stop him so I wouldn't sound like an idiot.

"Hi Cindy, do y'all have a room with a queen sized bed for a night?"
Scott also laughed at my voice since it gets a lot higher when I'm talking to an employee.

I shushed him and gave him an annoyed glare.
"Yes sir, we do. We can have a room for you by eight a'clock, is that okay sir?"

"Yeah, that's perfect. Thank you." Cindy hummed back, and I hung up the phone.

Scott cracked up laughing again as I turned his phone off.
"What's so funny?" I asked.

"You didn't give her your name." I groaned and hit myself lightly on the head.
"I hate myself!" I whined. Scott shook his head slightly and rolled his eyes at me. "We'll be there in a few minutes anyways. But we have an hour to kill before we can get the keys, what do you want to do?"

"Hmm, we have a few options. We can either get food--"

"Let's do that." He interrupted. I giggled and agreed with a nod.

Minutes went by, and soon we found ourselves at a small diner across from the hotel we were going to stay at. I could tell by the looks of the other costumers faces that we were being annoying as we acted like children in the booth.

I kept shushing Scott since his voice got louder and louder the more he spoke, and he shushed me, saying I did the same.
"After this, we'll be able to get the keys, so we should go straight there when we're done." He said, I agreed. I saw a petite woman came to our table.

"I'm Rachel and I'll be your server today. Would you two like anything to drink?"

Scott proceeded to order for the both of us since I always get stressed while talking to waiters. I began to get lost in his eyes as he kindly smiled at Rachel, ordering our drinks and food.

I then took notice that it was harshly raining, but it enjoyed the sound.

I continued to stare at him shamelessly even as she walked away, and Scott looked back at me. He didn't say anything, but simply smiled back. He then said something about telling Kirstie we were here safely and pulled out his phone.

I barely fathomed his words because his eyes were too mesmerizing.

We stayed at the diner and ate our food which, thankfully, arrived fairly shortly after we ordered.

We paid and left, and I began walking back to the car.

"Mitch, the hotel is just across the street. Let's just walk." I moved my eyes toward the road and shook my head.
"Scott, look how busy it is. There's not even a cross walk. No cars will stop for us, let's just drive." He shook his head.

"It'll take longer! I'm just going to walk." I rolled my eyes at him, but was quick to retort.
"Scott, just get in the car."

"It's not that big of a deal!" He called out as he walked toward the road.
As the cars flew by him like lightening, he still continued to wait.

"Scott, just get in the car." I annoyedly called out. He didn't reply, but then started walking as a few cars on the first side of the road stopped for him. I sighed and decided to give up on getting him back to me.

I turned around and was about to walk toward the car, but what sounded like a hundred loud honks filled my ears like gunshots, and I was quick to turn around and see what happened.

And as my eyes focused on the tragedy, I realized it wasn't my car I had to worry about crashing in the rain. I should've worried about someone else.


Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep.

Time was extremely bitter in that moment. Being restricted to a chair because there was no where I could go if I was standing. My foot was growing tired from all the tapping I was doing.

I wondered if I looked a mess, but the thought was quickly thrown away because the importance of it didn't compare to the situation at hand.

I stared at his mesmerizing face such as I did only hours ago in the diner.
Where we were giggling and throwing crumbled up napkins at each other as well as crumbs from our plates.

I wondered if Rachel took longer giving us our food or if I hadn't decided what I wanted yet could've changed what happened after.

I didn't dwell on 'what if's' for too long because it seemed to be a waste of time.
I tend to focus more on the importance of what could've happened, more then what did.

It was still raining, but I found it a lot less tranquil.

Time was bitter in that moment, but the rain was simply painful.


The clock struck midnight. But instead of running down a staircase and my shoe falling off, I was sat next to a boy who had broken bones and messy hair.

I brushed his hair back with my fingers, wondering if he could feel it in his dreams. A yawn made its way out of my mouth, and I let my eyes close.

It felt like every other night as I ran my fingers through his locks, but yet, the pain in my chest felt like nothing I'd ever experienced.

It was still raining and the sound reminded me of five hours ago in the car.

I wondered if he could hear the rain against the hospital, and if it brought him peace or fear.

I heard a shaking sigh from him, and my eyes opened. His forehead was slightly scrunched and his eyes remained closed. But I could see him shifting to try and get more comfortable, but it only seemed to bring him more discomfort as he moved.

"Hey, hey," I softly said, resting my other hand that wasn't in his hair, on his arm to try and stop him.

He still didn't open his eyes, but I could see him being pulled from his sleep and dreams. I could hear him begin to whine, and I couldn't even imagine how much pain he was in.

It sounded like he was crying quietly with no tears. I placed both of my hands on either side of his face, hoping my hands weren't cold.

His eyes began fluttering open, but quickly closed again. I bit my lip nervously.

I remembered reading about stuff like this. I was fearful that he would wake up and not know who I was. Or worse, not know what anything was.

Although I soon heard his voice, even though it was cracky and dry, it sounded like the most incredible thing. I was immensely thankful for his voice, but even more thankful that I had the opportunity to hear him again.

"The... c-can you quiet the rain?"

I didn't trust my voice enough to speak in that moment. Too overwhelmed with sadness, fear and relief to form a sentence.

My instinct was to immediately pester him with words expressing my fear of loosing him or telling him what was happening, but I seemed to be unable to.
So I leaned forward and kissed his forehead, hoping that was good enough in this moment.

I saw his hands slowly going up to his face, and he placed his hands on top of mine. Although this eyes were still closed and he didn't say anything, the feeling of his hands on top of mine was all that I needed then.

Suddenly, the sound of the rain was tranquil once again.


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