ragazzo del pane


It's been so long!!!! You wouldn't believe how busy I've been with shit. Although I've had some serious writers block.
I've missed y'all! Comment please, I love them. Not as much as I love you, though! ;)

I was going to a new place on the corner, 'Michello's'. It was a bakery. It's not actually new, but it's new to me. I moved in two months prior to finding out about Michello's.

I lived by myself, well, I actually had a roommate. But I like to pretend I'm lived by myself just to boost my imaginary independence.

My roommates name was Ario. A beautiful black haired girl who had the face of a porcelain doll.

I turned to the right, walking past a wall of stores but only one was in my mind. Ario had gone to it the other night with her partner and said they had a type of bread called Razino which was 'absolutely incredible!' So that's what I planned to get.

I removed my numb hands from my pockets and pushed the freezing door open; immediately hit with the warmth of the store and smell of fresh baked items.

"benvenuto!" A short Italian man shouted from behind the counter where items were displayed in glass containers.

"Why, hello." I said as I approached the counter. The man, a kind looking bald man with a dark mustache, smiled widely.

"Hello, sir. How are you? I'm afraid I haven't seen you here before."
I was surprised by his true assumption, New York is a big place filled with thousands of people, how could he know who comes in and out of his bakery?

"You're correct. My friend Ario and her partner came here the other night and told me I just had to come and try something called a...Razino?" The man beamed and his smiled widened even more.

"Oh sì! Mi ricordo! Very nice girl. Smart for liking the Razino, it's a favorite of mine." The man said, turned and grabbing a good sized swirled shaped piece of bread, using a paper type fabric to grab it from the racks which were radiating heat to keep them nice and warm.

"On the house." He said kindly. I shook me head with a small smile, "I couldn't. I'd love to pay you."

The man passed me the piece.
"No no, I absolutely insist!" I accepted the bread but still took money from my wallet and gave him a tip.

He thanked me for the money and went back to an old newspaper he was looking at, occasionally looking at his oven to make sure his food didn't burn.

I sat down in a chair in the corner as I ate the delicious Razino, a few people came and ordered, sitting down and chatted quietly. I, contently, read a book in the corner as I ordered about two more Razino's which he, who I learned is named Mike, gave to me for free, again.

The quiet and calming setting was soon shattered when an attractive, Italian boy bursted inside.

His face showing nothing more then anger and disgust.

People were startled by this sudden action of the boy and flinched, I just observed with interest.

"What the fuck, papa! Come ti permetti! Hai preso custodia Abelie! She is not yours to take, you evil little man!"
The boy who looked around twenty shouted at Mike.

The costumes were surprised by the loud shouting and the sigh from Mike.


"No no, I'm not finished! How dare you, little man! She works so hard and you take her daughter away? So what? So my dear sister can live alone with a bed which her child used to sleep in!?"
He shouted.

Mike glanced around nervously at the baffled costumes.
"Son, this is not the time nor the place to discuss this-"

"farla tornare!"
He retorted. I watched in shock and amazement at the confidence of this man, screaming at his father in front of family business costumes? Whatever they were saying must've been very important.

"I'll be back tomorrow with Abrianna and you can see what you've done!" The  confidence man stormed out, slamming the door which caused the bell above it to fall to the ground.

The costumers awkwardly got back to their conversations, avoiding whatever just happened. I got up and slowly walked to the counter where Mike had his head in his hands. 

"Sorry if this is too s**n, but what was that all about?" I asked. The man looked up and sighed.

"My daughter Abrianna has a daughter who is now three. She isn't fit to be a mother, she cannot even provide her daughter lunch. She gets it from neighbors. I would've gladly given her money but she refuses to take it. Abelie, her daughter,  got sick and Abrianna doesn't have the funds to make an appointment for her so she won't take her to the doctor. I filed a custody battle over her and won, I'm glad going to give her the rightful custody when she has the money to give Abelie a proper life. But right now? It's not possible."

I frowned at the story, I could easily understand both sides but it was still heartbreaking.
"And the boy?" I then asked as curiosity took over me. The man began cleaning the counters with a rag and some form of spray as he talked.

"That's my son. Mitch. He doesn't really...like me for some reasons in the past, I haven't seen him in months. This was the first time I have since the...incident." I decided to not push any further since the man was clearly in a rough mental state.

I nodded and passed him a quick apology and returned to my table, wondering what the entire story was of this strange family.


I returned to Michello's the next day, but to my surprise Mike wasn't working, but Mitch was. The boy who threatened his father the day before, working behind the counter with a joyful smile.

I approached the counter, curious thoughts wanting to leave my tongue, but also, a craving for more Razino's in my mind.
I choice the one that was more important.

"Three Razino's, please". I asked. The boy nodded and pressed buttons on his cash register before pulling the receipt that popped out of the side.

"Va bene, that'll be six dollars." He said, I handed him the money I already had handed out and in return he gave me the receipt.

Once I got my little snack, I sat down in the chair I sat in yesterday and began typing away on my laptop carelessly.

That's when a girl with curly hair and an ombré made of pink and purple pastel colors, came inside the store.

"Hello, Mitch." The girl said, handing the Italian a drink from Starbucks.
They began chatting and chatting and I paid no mind, writing my review on a line of clothing from a designer named Harold Clàrvet.

"Hello!" I looked up from my laptop with confusion as the girl with the cool hair spoke to me.

"Hi." I responded, the girl glanced back at Mitch, seeing as he was rolling out dough in the back, she sat down in front of me with a somewhat... Mischievous smile.

"I'm Kirstie. This may seem sorta weird, but we kind of do this thing for eachother where if we see a guy that looks the others type and we have a good feeling about it, we have to get his number, and I kinda have a weird feeling that you and Mitch are soulmates so can I have your number to give to him?"

I tilted my head slightly to the side, wondering what kind of joke this was, but decided to question it.

"You don't even know anything about me." I asked, she glanced nervously back at Mitch who was still doing his job, then back.

"Look Blondie, (promo) I don't have a lot of time so if you could just...hand me your number? Please! I promise you're not gonna regret it, I have a really good sense!"
She begged.

Although this is a very strange conversation, it seems as though everytime I come in here something weird is indeed going to happen.
I glanced at the boy, but then sighed and grabbed a napkin from the table and a pen from the counter and wrote my phone number down.

She squealed and unexpectedly gave me a hug which I returned awkwardly.
"Thank you! He's gonna be super angry at me though..." She mumbled the last part as she scratched the back of her neck.

"I thought you said this is what you guys do for eachother?" I questioned, she cleared her throat and then chuckled nervously, leading me to rolling my eyes.

"I-I mean...it wasn't like, an official thing...b-but you two will thank me in the future!" She said before scurrying back to her seat. I didn't reply, too confused to even start, and went back to my seat.


It was only a few hours later when I got a text from him.

Unknown Number: hey! I'm so sorry, my friend is super annoying and weird and I apologize that she pestered you for your number!

Scott: haha, it's not a problem. One of my friends would do the same exact thing. 😂

Unknown Number: oh god, thank goodness u aren't mad. I do apologize again, I'll keep her away from u lol.

I didn't give a reply, although I somehow wanted to carry on a conversation with Mitch.

With a sigh, I turned my phone off and proceeded to walk inside my house, only to be greeted with a furious Ario.

"Where the hell have you been!?" She yelled, her body facing toward the T.V as her hands moved around the coffee table, the couch, and side table.

"I had to give the review to my boss, remember?" I replied. She groaned as she carefully sat down on the couch.

"I've been trying to find the remote for an hour. I told you to put it in the center of the coffee table when you were done." She said. I frowned but scanned my eyes in search for the remote.

It was sitting, quite obviously, on the stand where the TV was.

I grabbed it and handed it to her.

Although I'm not surprised she didn't find it.
Considering that she's blind.

"Ugh, thanks. Please leave it on the coffee table next time, okay?" She asked. I nodded, but quickly realized she couldn't see it so replied with a hum.

As I walked toward the kitchen, my phone buzzed in my pocket, hungry and annoyed, I took it out and read what was presented on the screen.

Unknown number: hEYYYY its kirstie! Did u guys click???? Ur literally his type so I think it'll work out!!!!!!!!!

Completely ignoring the fact that she texted like a teenager, I replied, after changing her and Mitch's contact.

Scott: he apologized, and that was the end of our conversation.

Kirstie: awwww. u guys got in a couple fight already? Ugh I love the gays.

Scott: haha, no no, he just apologized that you got my number is all. I actually have to make dinner, nice meeting you.

Kirstie: omG u cook too!?

I turned my phone off, thinking about how strange she was but yet somehow I liked her. I began boiling some water and went over to sit next to Ario.

"How's Jay doing?" I asked as I got comfortable and rested my feet on the coffee table, one over the other.
She sighed dramatically with a happy expression. I smiled and listened contently as she talked about them.

Jay is her partner, they've been together for about seven years which is pretty incredible to me because she can't even stick with the same colour nail polish for a week.

"And then, they started talking about our future wedding, and then-"

I always wondered when they would propose to Ario. Although Jay is genderless, they definitely takes the role of the dominate in the relationship.

"-it's was so nice! Oh...gee, I've been talking for a few minutes. Tell me about your day please?" She asked. I chuckled but gave out a sigh.

"I went back to Michello's today and the boy from yesterday was working..." I told her, her eyebrows furrowed.
"The one who was screaming at Mr Mike?" I nodded in confirmation.

She only hummed. I decided to not think about it too much and decided to watch TV with Ario. Although she couldn't see the TV, she enjoyed pretending as if she could.

Although she loved making up the scenes in her head, sometimes she made it such hilarious ideas that she cracked herself up, leaving the rest of us wondering what she was imagining.

Without realizing it, I fell into a deep sleep; my long day finally catching up to me.
I awoke to the sound of my phone ringing, when I opened my eyes the entire room was dark, so that meant Ario went to bed and turned off all the lights. I scrambled to turn the main light on, using the bright screen on my phone to do so.

I looked at the caller who was ringing me and was a little surprised at the result.

"Incoming call from...Mitch"

I checked the time at the top of the screen and became even more confused.

"4:26 a.m"

I answered the phone anyway, to tired and in a bad head rush to think about what he could possible want at four am.

The second I answered, I almost dropped the phone at Mitch's loud and harsh tone.

"He hit me! He fucking hit me, Skylar! I literally just left the house now, Abelie is still asleep, surprisingly, after all of the yelling. I'm so mad right now, Sky."
I then felt incredibly worried/confused.

"...hi, Mitch. I believe you have the wrong number. This is Scott." There was silence on the other end, before the phone let out a long beep.

I hung up as well, wondering when happened and who had hit Mitch. Maybe I should've call the police? Then again, I had absolutely no idea what happened or where this happened so that's probably not gonna work out...no, not probably...it defiantly for sure wouldn't work out.

I then freaked the fuck out because I left the water boiling, but after checking, it appeared that Ario already turned it off.

I put my phone down as tiredness took over his body again. Too tired to go back to my bedroom, I collapsed back onto the couch.


I, once again, returned to Michello's. First because the food was amazing, and second, i was still curiously from last night. Or I guess that morning.

When I walked inside, surprisingly, Kirstie was behind the counter. Her pink and purple hair tied up into a neat bun as she closed the oven, sighing before going over to wash her hands.

I cleared my throat as I stood in front of the counter. She perked up and quickly walked over.

"Why hello, sir Scott. What can I get for you?" She asked.

"Just a Razino and...a chocolate muffin, please." She nodded and got the total of money which I owe.

I paid her, but before she could walk away, I stopped her by asking,

"Hey...Mitch called me at around four this morning, he said someone hit him? He thought I was someone named Skylar, but I'm just confused as to what happened.

Kirstie furrowed her flawless eyebrows before gasping quietly.
"He hit him!? I'm gonna..." She began slowly walking around the small space where's stood.

"Ooh, that evil little man..." She murmured.
It then occurred to me that this 'evil little man' was Mike, Mitch's father.

"Mike hit him?" I asked. She just shook her head in disbelief before scoffing.

"Excuse me," she said. I nodded and she rushed to the back.

I sighed as I went back to me normal table in the corner. I began eating my chocolate muffin in peace as I scrolled through Twitter.

"You didn't call me!? Why were you trying to call skylar and not me!?....yeah, okay whatever. Bye."

She let out an annoyed groan and went back to the counter.
"Okay, sorry about that." She said to a costumer who was waiting at the counter impatiently.

I decided I shouldn't get myself into family issues. Especially when it's not my family and not my issue.

Although my young and curious mind continuously got the best of me, and I couldn't seem to turn my wonders off.

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