
"Part two tomorrow"
Lol yeah it's not finished... but I assumed y'all would like this?
I'M SO EXCITED FOR THE BOOK! I'm still working on it!!!

Also.... I'm not crying from the scomiche kiss. I didn't go out to lunch to celebrate. And I definitely did not sob into my partners arms when I saw the video.
For sure. It didn't happen. Definitely. I was very chill and I didn't really care at all.


"Call him! Call him! Call him! Please please please! Please call him! I'll cry if you don't!"
Kirstie said excitedly when Mitch showed Kirstie the paper.

Mitch wasn't expecting her to be so happy, but apparently she was.
Mitch shook his head slightly with a pout. Kirstie rolled her eyes.

"You have to! Please!" Mitch sighed and with hesitation, put the piece of paper in his pocket, quickly dismissing the entire thing and wanting to go to bed.

Kirstie groaned in annoyance and stopped pestering him, returning to the kitchen. Mitch smiled at the thought of a boy giving him his number. Boys didn't show lots of interest in him, but this made him happy.

He sighed tiredly and took his high heels back to his room where he got ready for sleep.

He drifted into sleep that night thinking about what could happen if he decided to call him.

The boy that calls him Princess.


The next morning Mitch woke up to an empty house. Kirstie had left for work early and Mitch hated being alone.
He decided he should go to the mall and do some shopping for Kirstie's upcoming birthday. Now was a good time since she wasn't with him.

He got dressed in a flowing black silk shirt, ripped jeans and silver platform shoes that his mother sent him. She was very fashionable.

Mitch grabbed his phone and put it in his black bag -more like purse- and grabbed his keys. He left his house and locked the door behind him, nervous and excited to he going out without Kirstie.

He did do a lot of things on his own, but shopping by himself was always difficult since he was always afraid of needing to ask someone for help.

Although the last time he did a boy paid for his sweater, so maybe he could he brave again.


Mitch definitely loved spoiling Kirstie.

They joke around that Mitch was her sugar mama, even though she bought him a lot of stuff too. He already had two large bags filled with gifts for her. The bags consisted of clothes, stuffed animals, jewelry, and weird things he found that she would laugh at.

The last thing he wanted for her was a blue sweater. He remembered seeing one when he got his sweater, but he wasn't sure of it was still there.

In italic font the sweater had "crybaby" on it. Kirstie was a fan of Melanie Martinez, so he knew she'd just freak out.

He recalled the last time he was here a smiled a little to himself. He walked past the shelves and kept his eye out for the perfect sweater.

Upon searching, he got interrupted by a boy.

No, it wasn't Scott.

"Hey." Mitch's attention turned to a a man. He was a little taller then him. He had dyed silver hair which didn't look trendy, but damaged.

He had brown eyes and freckles covering his face which Mitch liked. But he was also wearing weed socks so Mitch instantly stopped his interest.
Mitch didn't care if people smoked, but seriously? Weed socks?

Mitch gave him a small smile and continued browsing the shelves, hoping the boy would sense his disinterest and walk away.

"I'm Chad." Mitch nodded once with his eyebrows raised, feeling uncomfortable and slightly annoyed.

"And you are?" Mitch instantly wanted to say 'not into you' but he knew his brain would prevent him.
Mitch didn't feel like talking and making a foul out of himself like he always does, but he practiced this a lot.

"I-I'm Mitch." He answered quietly. Chad nodded and leaned against the shelf with his arms crossed.

"Dope. Anyway, I was standing over there, not gonna lie, I was highkey checking you out and you look fine as hell,"
Mitch resisted the urge to laugh.

He wished Kirstie was there to scare him away, but he was being independent... Never again.

"So how about you give me your pretty lil number and I'll hit you up."
Mitch pressed his lips together tightly and shook his head, walking past him and focusing on sweaters again.

"Ooh, I see. Hard to get, huh?" He teased sarcastically. Mitch sighed in annoyance in his head, but remained silent.

This guy was really trying though. Good for him.

"Hm, let's see.. i have a Lamborghini." Chad said proudly. Mitch, already feeling extremely uncomfortable, grew even more uncomfortable when Chad stood in front of him when Mitch began walking away.

Chad didn't seem all that much stronger then Mitch, but Mitch was still feeling intimidated. Heck, he used to cower away at Kirstie when they were younger.

He couldn't use his muscle to defend himself, and he definitely couldn't use his voice.
"Okay look, I see you actin all scared, but we could go back to my apartment right now and--"

"Oh, hey babe. Sorry that took so long, the line at the bathroom took ages." Mitch looked right behind Chad and saw Scott approaching them.

Mitch sighed in relief, silently of course, and nodded.

"Oh, who's this?" Scott asked, hesitantly resting his arm on Mitch's shoulders. When Mitch leaned into his side, he took that as an okay.

"I'm Chad." The guy answered with poorly hidden disappointment. Scott smiled and shook his head.

"Hello, Chad. I'm Scott." He introduced. Chad glanced back and forth between them.

"I take it that you guys are dating?" He asked. Mitch and Scott nodded and surprisingly said at the same time, "three years."

Mitch and Scott both glanced at eachother with hidden laughter behind their smiles.
Chad nodded and his shoulders sagged slightly.

"Oh Mitch, i forgot to tell you, my old college roommate, you know, the one from Missouri?" Mitch nodded and raised his eyebrows slightly.

"D-David?" Mitch asked.

"Mhm. I ran into him at the food court so we should head down there so you two can meet." Mitch smiled widely and nodded.

"Alright well, nice meeting you Chad. See you around!" Scott said, him and Mitch both walking away from Chad and to the exit.

The second they left the store and moved to the side right next to a Claire's, Scott dropped his arm from his shoulders.

Mitch and Scott both laughed loudly, knowing Chad couldn't hear because of the sound change.

"That was literally the first thing I could think of, sorry." Scott said with light laughter. Mitch smiled and shook his head slightly.

"Uh... thank... thanks." He said sincerely, glad to be away from freckles.

"I t-thought... you, um... shoes?" Mitch knew his smoothness wouldn't last long. Usually the first time he talks in a day is something normal, but only for a few words.

Scott didn't seem to care or ask him to clarify his question. Which Mitch was thankful for.
"Oh, i still work there. I was just picking up my last paycheck." Scott said.

Mitch nodded and glanced back into the store, wishing he could've gotten something for Kirstie since he felt like his gifts were uncompleted.

"Was there something in there you wanted to get?" Scott asked with raised eyebrows. Mitch pressed his lips together and nodded timidly.

"I could go get it if you want--?"

"N-no, it... it's fine." Mitch said nervously. Scott shook his head.

"No, let's go back in." He said with determination.
Scott and Mitch walked back inside the store and Mitch looked around nervously for Chad.

Although he was talking with another boy who was eagerly flirting back.
Yeah... they'd be a weird couple from the looks of it.

Mitch quickly looked around for the sweater he so wanted, but couldn't find it. Mitch decided he'd just order one online and have to wait for it instead.

With a sigh, Mitch turned back toward Scott but smiled widely when he saw what Scott was holding.

"I don't understand fonts these days. Why would someone have 'crybaby' on their shirt?" Scott mumbled to himself as he examined the blue sweater.

"Yay! T-that's the... the thing!" Mitch exclaimed happily. Scott chuckled and handed him it.

"But why would Kirstie want it if it says 'crybaby'?" He asked curiosity. Mitch laughed and walked toward the counter to pay.

"I-it's a n-name for fans o-of a singer."
Mitch informed him. Mitch was also proud of himself for talking this much, he wasn't sure why he was though. But he wasn't complaining.

"Ah." Scott murmured just as the lady walked up.

"So sorry about that, I was hanging something up!" She quickly apologised. Mitch smiled and dismissed it with a shake of his head.

Mitch unzipped his purse and opened his wallet, although he was confused when the lady opened up the cash register and pulled out change.

"$4.50 is your change, would you care for a receipt?"

"Nah, no thank you." Scott said as he accepted the change and stuffed it carelessly in his pocket.

"N-no! I... t-the... um, t-the S-sweater!"
Mitch stammered.

Scott smirked, not paying attention to Mitch's pleading eyes.
The lady put the sweater in a bag and gave it to Mitch with a smile.

"Thanks, Lindsey!" Scott said as he began walking away.

Mitch quickly caught up to him, feeling terrible for letting him buy him yet another thing.

"W-why... is, um, every t-time you're he-here, you buy m-me.. m-me things?" Mitch asked. Scott smiled and shrugged slightly.

"Its fun spending money on people when you have too much." He joked. Mitch hummed as they continued to walk out of the store.

"T-then.. can I buy you lunch?"

Ooh, that was smooth. Kirstie would be proud.

"Only if I can buy yours too." Scott replied.


"T-thank you... um, Chad guy..." Mitch said as he and Scott sat down at a table in the foot court. It was pretty quiet since the lunch rush was mainly over.

"No problem. I wasn't sure if I should get involved or not in case you guys knew eachother but you looked kinda terrified."
Says Mitch giggled and nodded obnoxiously, mixing his salad with his fork.

"So, who's all of that for?" Scott asked curiously, gesturing toward the bags. Mitch glanced at them too and smiled.

"Kirstie um, she's... birthday." Mitch hoped his talking wouldn't slow his roll anymore, genuinely wanting to have a normal conversation with someone for once in his life.

"Ah. Thought it was Christmas or something." He joked. Mitch giggled again and nodded slightly.

"I spoil." He replied. Scott laugh came to a halt when he seemed to notice something across the foodcourt.

His features seemed to drop slightly but a forced smile appeared. Mitch subtly looked where he was looking and saw a man holding another man's hand.

Mitch pieced it together when the two walked over.
"Scott! It's been awhile, how have you been?"
One of them asked. He tall, had very dark skin, bright green eyes which looked like contacts, and swooped hair.

"Oh... I've been great! And you?" Scott asked, his tone tinted with bitterness but fake friendliness.

"Fantastic, actually. Me and Larson got married. You two haven't met, have you? Oh yeah, Larson, this is my ex fiancé, Scott."
He introduced. Scott shook hands with Larson who eerily resembled Scott except his hair was brown.

"Nice to meet you. Cavin tells me a lot about you!" Larson said. Scott raised his eyesbrows and looked back at Cavin.
"Oh, i bet." He mumbled.

Mitch could cut the tension with a knife at this point. He noticed Scott's frustration when Cavin said he was married.
"So what have you been these days? Still living alone in the old apartment?"
Scott rolled his eyes and crossed his arms.

"No, I actually moved in with Avi last year." Scott informed. Cavin nodded and glanced at Larson with a sarcastic expression.

Mitch instantly didn't like Cavin, knowing he was petty right off the bat.
"And are you seeing anyone?" Cavin asked with a small smirk.

Scott frowned and rolled his eyes again. Mitch quickly took a deep breath, hoping he wouldn't fail at talking.

"I'm... I'm Mitch. Scott's fiancé." Mitch said. Scott quickly looked at Mitch with caution, although Mitch didn't look back.

Cavin raised his eyebrows.
"Oh, really?" He asked with surprise. Mitch nodded with a chuckle and held up his hand, wiggling his ring finger. There was, in fact, a beautiful diamond ring on his finger that his mother gave to him when he moved.

"Th-th-three years." Mitch said, putting his hand back down.

"Oh... nice." Cavin said. Larson kept staring at the ring and gasped.
"That's so pretty!" He exclaimed. Mitch smiled and glanced at Scott who had a grateful shine in his eyes.

"Well, we have an uber so... nice catching up with you, Scott."
Cavin quickly said.

Scott nodded.
"Yep." Cavin gave a small smile to Mitch before tugging Larson along with him as he quickly left.

Scott sighed loudly and relaxed his shoulders.
"God, thanks. He's literally so annoying." Scott said. Mitch smiled and nodded.

"Guess you really returned the 'pretending to date you' thing, huh?" Mitch laughed and nodded again.

Mitch wished he could say more to Scott... but he just couldn't.

"Honestly, if pretending to be dating then pretending to be engaged isn't the start of a beautiful friendship, I don't know what is."
Mitch smiled and relaxed in his chair, finishing his meal as he listened to Scott talk.


"Well, I actually have to get back to work." Scott said regretfully as he noticed the time.
Mitch nodded with a small smile and decided that he would probably head home.

"It's actually been really fun. We should definitely hang out again soon." Scott said hopefully. Mitch's entire face heated up as he nodded again, trying not to seem too eager.

"Catch you later, Princess!"
Mitch's smiled shyly as Scott walked away. He sighed with content as he picked up his bags and stood up.

"Goodbye, Scott."
He mumbled quietly to himself as he began to walk away.


sorry I've been so inactive.
Y'all won't believe this, but his literally been busy.

No... not with people but like school because apparently growing up is hard and stressful? I don't know, I'm still trying to understand responsibilities? Spooky, I know!

This chapter is almost 3 thousand words lol I thought it was like 800. Apparently I have no concept of words when I write my chapters in my notes lol.


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