Evil Queen .2
we're going to forget that they were engaged in part 1.
they were dating in part 1. okay? okay.
"It's been awhile since I've been here. Maybe a few months..." Mitch said to Scott as they walked down the dirt road, loads of people walking around them.
"It's lovely, isn't it?" Said Scott, appreciating the beauty of the Village and kindness of the people for a few moments.
Mitch nodded in agreement with a small smile.
Mitch loved being down there, sometimes his giant castle got too... dull. Well, not the look of it, but what went on inside.
Mitch made a mental reminder to come back there more often. People seemed joyous as they walked the road, small farmers markets on the side of the road and shops, selling the finest bonnets and dresses.
The horses that were being guided through the people and the children petting it as it went by.
"Right over here." Scott said, gesturing toward the small shop which had the pattern of white stripes over blue.
There were many people inside considering it was around lunch.
Mitch smiled widely as Scott guided him inside.
He opened the door, causing a ding to echo.
"Welcome to-- oh, hello son!" Connie Hoying, his mother, greeted happily.
"Mother! What are you doing? You're supposed to be resting, you're sick!" Scott said in a panic, quickly walking behind the counter and clearly towering over the small women.
"Scotty, im fine, okay? I'm okay! Just a little headache, yeah?" Connie subtly cleared her throat to suppress a cough and continued smiling.
"Where is Lauren and Lindsey? They shouldn't be letting you work. Mama, you're pale." Scott said again worriedly.
"They're out looking at the new dresses--"
"The dresses? Are you serious--"
"Scott, darling... wait, who is your friend?" Connie smiled at looked behind Scott and her eyes landed on Mitch. Her eyes went wide and her jaw slightly open.
"You're--! My, you're majesty, Scott you weren't lying when you said you knew The King!" Connie exclaimed loudly, quickly bowing her head slightly.
Mitch giggled quietly and slightly shook his head.
"You can just call me Mitch. It's an honour to meet you Miss Hoying." Mitch said, offering his hand for her to shake.
She gasped slightly, her wide smile still painted on her face as she shakes it hand gently.
"Wait, what do you mean 'you weren't lying'?" Scott asked. Connie laughed and sighed.
"Well, i mean, you had a lot of imaginary friends as a child, I just though that maybe--"
She put her hands in surrender.
"Sorry! No, Scott had very real friends." She laughed again, but then coughed.
Mitch's smile dropped.
"Ma'am, i have quite a large group of doctors and nurses at my home. I ask that you--"
Connie quickly shook her head, one that reminded Mitch a lot of Scott.
"No no, I must've! I couldn't intrude, i wish not to become a burden for you--"
Yep, that's Scott for sure.
Mitch out his hands behind his back and gave her a kind smile.
"Miss Hoying, I won't take no for an answer. I am kind of the king."
"So, how did you meet my son?" Connie asked with a smile as she walked with Mitch back to the carriage, their arms linked together. Scott decided to stay and take her shift until his sisters came back.
"Well, I actually came down here to buy a gift for my mother. I went down to the shop, but alas, I wasn't quite sure what to get her. But your son was their getting something for your daughter Lauren and was kind enough to help me find something. I then came back again a few days later and saw him at the market and saw he didn't have enough money to buy his food, so I stepped in and got everything for him as a thank you for him helping me."
Connie scoffed with a large smile before sighing happily.
"I can't believe you did that for him. We're not exactly rich these days, I'm extremely grateful that you did that for him."
Mitch dismissed it with a shake of his head.
"It was an honour to do something for him. But then, after that, I just loved talking to him and we would get together and just walking around my garden."
Connie then gasped and stopped walking, making Mitch's eyes go wide.
"Is everything okay--?"
"You're the boy that my son is in love with, aren't you?" She asked, her eyes sparkling.
"I can't speak for your son, but I can for myself. I am very much in love with your son."
Connie seemed dumbfounded as she continued to walk.
"I truly have no words. You love my child? The King of Penta is in love with my child. Although I'm not surprised that you love him, he's quite incredible, it surprises me that this is even happening."
Connie stopped walking for a second, blinking a few times before carrying on
Mitch was then urgent to get her to the castle, so he subtly walked faster, hoping her speed with sync up with his.
"I actually... I actually have a question about Scott." Mitch asked, relaxing as he saw the carriage pull up about fifteen feet away.
Connie hummed in reply, her eyes widening at the carriage which was decorated with paste.
"Would I be allowed to... well, um, well, would I have permission to--?"
Mitch's words got interrupted as he felt Connie weight get heavier. He looked over at her and noticed her eyes halfway closed and her jaw relaxed.
"Oh lord!" Mitch yelped as she went completely limp. Panic flack across Mitch's face as he kneeled down, her head resting on his knee.
"Kirstin! Kirstin, be quick!" Mitch called. Kirstin, his favourite guard who was in the carriage, was quick to hop out and rush over.
Scott run clumsily to the gate of the castle once word had gotten to him about his mother.
His heart was pounding fast and a thin layer of sweat covered his face from the run.
Although he soon stumbled across a problem.
"Name and reason you're here?" A guard asked him. The man was large and smelled of cigarette smoke. His heated covered practically half of his face and his eyebrows basically covered the rest.
"My name is Scott Richard Hoying, my mother is in the hospital wing there, I must get in right now!" Scott exclaimed, trying to squeeze past the man.
The man rolled his eyes.
"Sir, do you have any proof of your acclaimed identification?" Scott stammered, he was always let in whenever he said his name was Scott Hoying, why was this time different?
Scott then realised he was probably new, seeing as Scott hadn't seen him before.
"Sir, please! My mother is dying, I need to get in! I am Scott Hoying, the king is my love, you must believe me and let me inside!"
The man then let out a heavily laugh, one Scott found fowl.
"We got all sorts around here, I should've known. Be on your way sir--"
"Sir, you can't make me leave! Ask any other guard, I can get in!" Just when the man slightly shoved Scott to get him to leave, Mitch was quickly rushing out of the main doors and over to the gate.
Mitch gasped quietly at the man's act, and quickly sprung into action.
He quickly moved in front of him, making Scott sigh in relief and the guard furrow his eyebrows.
Mitch didn't hesitate to slap the man across the face.
"Leave at once! You are not needed here anymore."
The man was too dumbfounded to reply as Mitch turned to Scott and softened his features, taking ahold of his hand and opening the gate.
"Is she alright? What's wrong with her?" Scott asked as he and Mitch sped walk to the hospital wing, the maids holding themselves against the wall so they wouldn't accidentally get in his way as he went by.
Mitch didn't reply, just kept walking to their destination.
Scott didn't ask again, too worked up and panicked to form any words.
"Right here." Mitch said, abruptly changing their direction and pulling him into a room.
The room was the biggest hospital Scott had ever seen, but he decided complimenting would be a better for another time.
He noticed his mother laying weakly on the first bed there immediately.
"Oh, hello son." She said quietly, her voice dry.
Scott knelt by the bed and gently began running his fingers through his mothers hair.
"How are you feeling, mother?" He asked, his tone tremendously different from the one he used towards the guard. He was now speaking gently and softly.
"Never better." Connie mumbled. Scott chuckled, but his eyes remained blank.
Mitch walked over to the nurse that examined Connie minutes before. She was pouring water into small cups but stopped when Mitch approached her.
"What's wrong with her? Will she be alright?" Mitch whispered, not wanting Scott and Connie to hear.
The nurse bit her bottom lip and shook her head slightly.
"Answer me." Mitch added a little sterner.
"Your majesty, I'm not quite sure. Her body changed so quickly, its hard to say. But her heart beat is very slow as well as her reflexes. It's like her body is in slow motion."
Mitch sighed and looked back at Scott and Connie.
"Thank you." Mitch said before walking back to his original spot.
"Sir? Would you mind coming over here and telling me more of her symptoms?" The nurse asked Scott. He immediately stood up and walked over to her, leaving his mother laying on the bed.
Mitch took that time to kneel down next to her and give her a small smile. Connie was slow to return it as she breathed deeply.
Her face seemed to whiten by the second, and Mitch noticed.
"Miss Hoying? I... I have to ask you something." He whispered, hoping she was aware enough to hear him. She blinked toward him, and he took that as a signal to continue.
"Would be... well, may I have your permission to ask Scott to marry me?" Connie's face seemed to brighten slightly and her lips curled into a smile.
"You'll... you'll be kind to him?" Her voice, weak and dry, whispered out. Mitch looked back at Scott for a moment, smiling slightly before looking back at Connie.
"I will." Connie sighed and closed her eyes.
"You have my blessing, Mitch." She said, reaching for his hand. Mitch gladly accepts her soft hand and kisses her knuckles.
Scott then returns a minute later with a small wooden cup.
"This won't taste very good, but don't spit it out." Scott said to his mother as he passed her the cup. Connie didn't reply, simply grabbing the cup gently and tilting her head up.
She drank the medicine with a disgusted expression, pursing her lips when she finished. She wiped a drip from her chin.
Connie glanced at Mitch and gave him a small nod, giving him her final answer.
"He's a nice boy, yeah?" Connie asked Scott, turning her head toward him. Scott nodded and glanced at Mitch who simply smiled back. Their smiles were sad, but they were still there.
"Yes ma'am... yes he is. The nicest. To me, anyway." Connie chuckled and nodded once.
"That's good... I'm glad."
A chill ran down Scott's back as his mother closed her eyes."
wow here's me not updating for 90 years haha why do I do these things.
I'm so soooooo sorry omggggg... I've literally got 0 ideas. I have no creativity...
On a completed different note, my wattpad birthday and actual birthday is on the 14th... so don't be mad it's my birthday pls.
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