

"Ooh, this one is pretty! No, this one is prettier! Oh, there are so many, I should just get them all!" Kirstie exclaimed as she ghosted her hand over the dreamcatchers.
Mitch trailed behind her, his arms crossed casually.

"Yeah, whatever. Just pick one so we can hurry and get home." Mitch replied. Kirstie rolled her eyes and turned slightly to glance at him.

"Mitch, I know you're tired, but I really love things like this so keep your negative vibes away from me." Kirsten snipped with sarcasm. Mitch cringed and groaned quietly.

"Jesus Christ..." he mumbled as he kept following her.
"Is our lord and savior!" Kirstie finished. Mitch laughed with a shake of his head. Kirstie continued to gush over the dreamcatchers and other Native American items that Mitch didn't know the names of.

He eventually slowed up so much with following her, that he ended up loosing where she was all together. He spotted her on the other side of the store, but he decided to just sit and wait for her to be finished.

He sat down on an empty chair which was near the dreamcatchers. He sighed out of boredom and carefully took out of the place where it hung.
He laid it on his lap and ghosted his fingers over the willow hoop.

Minutes passed by and Kirstie showed no signs of almost being done. But Mitch didn't mind too much anymore, he enjoyed examining the dreamcatchers.
It wasn't until someone approached him that he knew for a fact he didn't care if Kirstie took an hour or two more.

"Hi, anything I can help you with?"

A tall, blond, beautiful, blue eye'd, beautiful, jaw, beautiful, muscle, beautiful, wow, okay, he's beautiful, is he gay, maybe, not sure, further investigation will take place, please god if you love me, approached Mitch with a friendly smile.

Mitch almost instantly replied,
"Yes." But then became embarrassed.

He man smiled, waiting for him to continue. Mitch glanced at the items next to him, and quickly answered
"U-um... I just need to pick out a dreamcatcher." Mitch stammered, nervously hanging the dreamcatcher in his hands back up.

The man's kind smile stayed plastered on his face as he kept glancing at Mitch, then the dreamcatchers.
He hummed in thought as he examined them.

He then turned to Mitch.
"What do you want to be? What's your dream dream job?" The man asked. Mitch was confused, but he replied hesitantly anyway.

"Uh... I-I mean, I don't know..." he mumbled. The man didn't buy that, and continued waiting for Mitch to answer. Mitch sighed quietly, but replied.
"Singer. I really want to be a singer."
Scott nodded, and he began moving the catchers around.

"What's stopping you? from being a singer, I mean." The man asked. Mitch took this chance and glanced at his nametag. Scott.

Mitch sighed in thought, pressing his lips together briefly.
"The fear of failing, I guess."
Scott narrowed the dreamcatchers down even more.

"Next question, are you single?"

Mitch laughed, shaking his head slightly.
"Wow, that was actually really smooth." Mitch said as he began fidgeting with his hands.

Scott smiled, but still pressed on.
"Well? You have to answer or else you'll never find your perfect dreamcatchers!" Scoff said sarcastically, causing Mitch to laugh again.

"Yes, I'm single." Mitch felt his heart pounding out of his chest at this point, and he hopped that when he felt his face warming up, Scott didn't notice.

Scott then narrowed it down to only two dreamcatchers.
"Final question, do you remember the dream you had last night?"
Scott asked curiously. Mitch didn't answer right away, thinking deeply.

But came up empty and shook his head. He really only remembered weird dreams and nightmares.
Scott nodded, and picked up one of the dreamcatchers.

It was a mix of purple and blue. There were marbles on the threads that hung down. Mitch smiled and took it from him. He genuinely loved it, he hadn't noticed it before.

"Thank you." Mitch sincerely said to Scott. Scott nodded with a small smile.
"No problem. If that's all you're getting, want me to ring you up?"
Mitch shook his head.
"Nah, I'm still waiting for my friend."

Scoff nodded, and simply walked away.
Just like that. Mitch sighed, he silently hoped that Scott made yet another move, but that didn't seem to be happening.

Mitch found Kirstie and they checked out. Mitch was upset that a cute boy slipped away from him, but at least he got a new memory.


"I mean, he asked if I was single. What's the point in smooth moves like that if you're not even planning on asking me out?"
Mitch ranted, taking a sip out of a soda.

Kirstie finished swallowing a French fry.
"No, you're right. Ugh, that's so ugly. What was his name again?" Kirstie asked. Mitch sighed, picking up his fork and swabbing his salad to get his emotions out. Poor salad.

"Scott. It was Scott. Remember that kid Scott Leembrom in college?" Kirstie nodded. "He was hotter then him. Hotter then Leembrom, do you know how hard it is to be hotter then Leembrom!?" Mitch asked.

Kirstie shrugged, a frown on her face.
"Real freakin' hard. Why didn't he ask me out? I'm cute, I'm stylish, I can cook and I'm not too shabby at laundry! I'm the perfect housewife, I've got it all!" Mitch dramatically whined.

Kirstie giggled, rolling her eyes. She cleaned the food grease with a napkin before starting up the car again.

"Do you want to go back to the store? Maybe he was going to ask you out but we left before he came out of the storage place. Let's go back and say we dropped my headphones somewhere, and we'll look for me and maybe he'll ask you out."
Kirstie suggested.

Mitch thought about it briefly, but then smiled, releasing a sigh.
"Yeah, I guess. What harm could it do?"


"A lot of harm, that's what! He's going to think I'm like... lame." Kirstie rolled her eyes, scoffing quietly.
"Let's go. Don't act like your waiting for him, be chill."
Mitch laughed.

"Kirstie, in case you forgot, I haven't been chill since my birth in the 90's."
Kirstie ignored him and opened up the store door. Mitch trailed behind her timidly, and the lady behind the desk smiled.

"Hello, miss." Kirstie gave a smile and a greeting nod.
"Hi. I was here early and I believe I dropped my headphones somewhere... is it okay if I take a look around?"

The lady nodding with a slight giggle.
"Of course. I'll tell you if anyone turns them in." Kirstie thanked her and began 'looking' for her headphones.

Although she just ended up browsing the store again.
Mitch sighed, not sure what to do. He walked slowly around, feeling stupid about the entire thing.

And then he tripped.

"Ow, god!" Mitch exclaimed, immediately looking at his hands and their new found rug burn, aka; the most intense pain in the world.

"Why are you doing this to me? I just want a husband." Mitch murmured.

"Hey, are you alright?"

Mitch turned slightly and saw Scott. Mitch looked up before mumbling.
"Thanks. But it could've been less painful."

Scott didn't hear him, and went up to help him stand.
He sighed as he looked at Mitch's hands, which he was holding.

Mitch felt paralyzed in that moment, even thought it was barely any physical connection.
"Do you want to wash it or something? There's a sink in the break room?"
Mitch nodded.

Scott gave a small smile, and gestured for him go follow. Mitch released a shaky breath, but quickly followed him.


"What are you doing back at the store, anyway? I thought you guys left a while ago."Scott asked as he held Mitch's hand under the faucet.

Crap, he thinks I'm annoying. Why did I come back here? I hate myself. Now he's going to think I'm stupid and ugly and a loser and an idiot--


And deaf, apparently.

Mitch stammered. His face bright red as it had been for the past ten minutes. The feeling of Scott holding his hands was making his skin crawl.
"U-um y-yeah, but she left her headphones... w-we were just looking around for them."
Scott hummed and turned the skin off.

He walked over to a closet which held a first aid kit. Mitch sat down on the couch.

"Hey, this is gonna sting a bit." Scott said. Mitch simply nodded, already cringing at the aspect of him pouring the medicine on his peeling skin.

But as Scott held his hand once more, Mitch couldn't care less. Hell, he could pour salt and vinegar on it and he probably would even notice. He stared at Scott's eyes as Scott looked at his hand, seconds later he felt Scott putting a bandaid on it.

"It was bleeding a bit... but it's all clean, now." Scott said, he smiled as he stood up and went to put it away. He closed the closet door, and turned back toward Mitch who had stood up himself.

Mitch follows Scott out of the room, and coincidentally, Kirstie was standing there, looking at a bowl with different types of stones in them.

She was startled by their presence, but was quick to look at Mitch with her eyebrows raised.
"Hey," Scott said, making her gaze turn to him instead.

"Did you find your headphone? I can help you look around, if you want." He asked. Kirstie paused for a moment, but then frantically reached in her purse and pulled them out.

"U-uh, nah! I found them...on the... ground." She replied back. Mitch rolled his eyes and stepped forward to stand beside Kirstie. Scott smile timidly, his gaze changing from Mitch to Kirstie.

"Well, I'm glad you found them. Mitch, I hope your hand feels better soon. Y'all have a nice day." Scott said with a friendly grin.

Mitch felt himself blushing from pure awkwardness building in his chest, for no reason, really. Kirstie smiled and nudged Mitch subtly.
"Hey, when do you get off work?" Kirstie asked, Mitch's eyes widened, and he made a mental note to flick her forehead for that.

Scott laughed a bit awkwardly, and looked at Kirstie with sympathy.
"Hey, uh, I'm gay, so I like boys, so I can't go on a date..." Kirstie laughed loudly and shook her head.

"Don't worry. I like boys too. Hey, we have so much in common already." She joked. Scott laughed, a Mitch could see the resting face of relief.

"Well, in that case, about thirty minutes. Why?" He said. Kirstie smirked just slightly, and Mitch stood there, resisting the urge to put his hand over her mouth and drag her out of the store and back to the car before she could do anything that would embarrass him.

"You see, Scott..." she continued, "we all have something in common, if you know what I mean. And obviously I don't wanna hang after your shift, because I have... um... heterosexual stuff to do. But my friend Mitch here, who coincidentally likes boys too, doesn't."

Mitch's breath hitched, and he couldn't resist anymore, and flicked her forehead with his fingers.


He scoffed and rolled his eyes at her, before looking back at Scott with a burning, bright face.
"Sorry, about her. We should probably head home." He said, grabbing Kirstie's wrist just so he could pull her out of the store since he knew she wouldn't give up just yet.

Scott leaned against the back of the door, his eyes fixed in Mitch with a small smile that Mitch found rare, beautiful. Like if he looked at it too long he'd ruin it.

"And, will you be back?"

Mitch narrowed his eyes, confused. Kirstie had a victory smirk on her face, and Mitch's face burned even more.
"S-sorry?" He asked weakly, his voice becoming more small and shaken.

Scott's smile still stayed.
"Will you be back after my shift?"

Mitch widened his eyes just slightly, and released Kirstie's wrist just so he could cross his arms awkwardly.
"D-do you want me too?" He asked nervously, but that didn't compare to the sun that began growing inside him, shining light everywhere and causing him to grin a bit.

Scott gave a slight shrug, his beautiful smile widening slightly.
"Yeah... I need help picking out a dreamcatcher."

Mitch smiled, and he completely forgot Kirstie was even there until she slid her hand in his casually.
"He'll be here at five." She announced confidently before pulling Mitch out of the store, just like he was going  to do for her.

seven months later...

"Have a nice day!" Scott said loudly as the woman walked out of the store, two plastic bags in her hand.
She replied back faintly with a, "you too!" Right before the door closed. Scott sighed, as the store was empty once more.

Well, besides Linda who was doing inventory in the back. Although as he heard the door opened, he looked over and a smile grew on his face.

"Hey, Dreamcatcher." Mitch giggled as he walked up to the counter, the door automatically closing behind him.
"Hello. How are you?" Mitch asked with a smile as he propped his elbows on the counter and rested his chin in his hands.

Scott continued smiling as Mitch did so, and kept his hands on the counter as he subconsciously picked at his nails.
"I'm fine, it's been pretty slow today. How was yoda?" Mitch rolled his eyes.

"Yoga," he correct, although he knew Scott was joking around, "was tiring. Has it been busy today?" He asked. Scott shrugged slightly.

"In the morning it was, but it's kind of slowed down." He replied back. Mitch nodded and gave a hum, confirming he was listening.
"When is your lunch break?" Mitch asked randomly.

Scott smiled timidly and glanced at the clock that hung above the door.
"About... two minutes." He replied back, sighing happily afterwards. Mitch grinned.
"Sweet. I guessed the time right. Hopefully you didn't make plans to meet up with someone because I'm stealing you for a lunch date." Scott laughed, and Mitch could faintly see the light shade of pink that brushed over his face.

"Nope, I'm all yours for a lunch date." Mitch smiled, standing up from his position and leaning toward the desk more.
"Good. I would've taken you out even if you made plans anyway." Scott laughed again, and began grabbing his jacket and putting it on.

It was rather beautiful to Scott as he witness Mitch growing more comfortable with him. First few days they would hang out, Mitch seemed ok the verge of uncomfortable every time. But it was clear to see that he was just nervous. So Scott took the roll to make all the moves and express his affection for Mitch, moves that slowly began to get reciprocated.

And soon enough, Mitch was the confident and Scott would become more shy when they would hang out. Mainly because being in the same room as Mitch Grassi, was rather scary. Mitch wasn't scary, not at all. But the idea of ruining a beautiful rose that you've built with your fingertips is rather intimidating.

Months of being friends didn't seem to satisfy either of them for too long. After four months, Scott asked Mitch to be his boyfriend. Naturally, Mitch said yes with a pounding heart.

Although the next step was one that neither of them dared to climb yet.
Saying, 'I love you.'

It felt odd. Falling in love, the fear of falling out of love. This was all new to Mitch, these feelings he felt were something he hasn't experienced at all in previous relationships, and he wasn't sure if that was a good or bad thing. He was leaning towards good, though. Because the way he felt when he was around Scott was completely indescribable to him.

"So Dreamcatcher, I have a proposal." Scott said as him and Mitch walked along the the sidewalk, passing stores, people, and restaurants.

"What, no ring?" Mitch asked sarcastically. Scott rolled his eyes playfully, and continued, although his heart race definitely increased.

"Would you like to go to the Marrow with me tonight?" Mitch narrowed his eyes.

"What's the Marrow?" He asked curiously. Scott smiled, excited since it would be even more fun if Mitch hadn't gone yet.
"It's up near the mountains, only about a fifteen minutes drive though. There's basically no light pollution;l, so the sky looks absolutely unreal. It's gorgeous, insanely beautiful. We should totally go tonight."
Mitch didn't have to think twice.

"Sure, I'd love to."


"Isn't this so beautiful?" Scott asked as he stared up at the night sky.

"Mhm." Mitch replied softly, although when Scott looked at him, Mitch wasn't looming at the sky, but at Scott.
"Dreamcatcher, look." Scott said with a laugh. Mitch sighed contently and looked up at the sky, smiling slightly as the stars reflected off his brown eyes.

The minutes of silence that fell between them was comforting, the warm night breeze occasionally passing through then. The night sky was filled with thousands and thousands of shining stars, and the full moon was in full view.

Scott looked away from the sky, and at his hands instead. He felt nerves creeping up on him like a shadow, Mitch seemed too captivated in the night sky to notice Scott had looked away, and he still didn't look at him as he subtly moved his hands to put them in Scott's.

Scott smiled, an the nerves that were eating him alive, seemed a little less terrifying.
"I want to tell you something." Scott said in a soft voice, noticing how the bubble they've created around themselves was comforting, and he didn't want it to be popped with a loud voice.
Mitch finally looked away from the sky, a looked at something even more captivating. Scott.

"Hm?" He asked, his eyes fixed on Scott's.

"I love you."

He didn't seem shocked or surprised at Scott's words. He seemed to be a expecting it, and he welcomed the words with a warm, inviting kindness only Mitch could give to him.

"I love you."

Mitch replied. Scott sighed heavily, hoping his nervousness would leave him.
Scott's smiled was so wide, that his mouth was actually hurting. Mitch giggled and squeezed his hands briefly. He leaves over and kissed his cheek.

"I have a question..." Mitch whispered. Scott looked at him, the thrill of their previous conversation still pumping through him like a drug.
"Why do you call me Dreamcatcher?"

Scott continued smiling, and he leaned forward, kissing Mitch once before pulling back and resting his forehead against him, and he could feel Mitch's breath.

"Because the day I met you, all my dreams came true... you had all of them. A dreamcatcher catches all the good dreams... and you catch all of mine."


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