


He sighed, but gasped and turned around quickly when he heard a twig snap.

Mitch rolled his eyes as the doctor laughed.
"What did I tell you about sneaking up on me?" He asked as he stepped in front of him.

The doctor laughed as the two began walking.
"Aliens, different planets, voids... but a twig snapping scares you?" Mitch rolled his eyes but ignored his question.

"Where next, then?" Mitch asked.
The doctor hummed in thought as they began approaching the tardis.

"Earth." Mitch groaned with a roll of his eyes. "Anywhere in times and space... and we're going to earth?" The Doctor walked inside his tardis before turning around to fake Mitch.

He gave a slight shrug as he murmured.
"Wibbily wobbly..." he turned back around and walked inside. Mitch laughed as he crossed his arms.

"You can't say that every time you don't have the right answer!" Mitch yelled.

"Yes I can!" He yelled back. Mitch giggled and walked back inside.


"Where is this?" Mitch asked as he stepped out. There were people walking around, talking.

Cars were honking and the smell of fast food mixed with gas filled his senses.
It was crowded and busy, loud and obnoxious.

Yep, definitely earth.

"Doctor?" Mitch asked. The Doctor walked out and took a deep breath through his nose.
"New York City! The big Apple, why do they call it that anyway? Least they don't call it the big pear because those are disgusting, apple suits it nicely. Anyway, what--?"

"Doctor." Mitch said with a laugh. He stopped talking and looked at him.
"You're so... alien." Mitch mumbled with a shake of his head.

"And you're so human. Off we pop, then. We don't have all day to explore!" He said excitedly as he began walking off when his hands in his pockets.

"Actually, we do. It's the city that never sleeps." Mitch replied. The doctor turned back slightly with a smile.

"Then we got all night! Let's go, I want to get a hotdog! Last time I had one was about thirty years ago, so let's go now! Oh, also, I want to go to Maddison square garden, is that in New York? Anyway--"

Mitch smiled at the man as he walked away, but quickly sped walk to follow him.


After exploring the city of New York the entire day, they settled down to walkin along the shops after the sun had set.

Mitch had noticed the stored filled with red hearts and flowers, teddy bears and Lingerie.

He smiled brightly, his eyes slightly narrowed.
"Valentine's day? Already?" Mitch questioned. The Doctor tilted his head in confusion.
"What's that?" Mitch laughed, looking at him.

"You don't know what that is?" Mitch asked with. The Doctor shook his head,encouraging Mitch to explain.
"It's basically a... well, in a sum up, it's the day single people buy the most wine."
Mitch said sarcastically. The Doctor laughed, although he was still quite confused.

"So... it's a good day for alcoholics?" Mitch laughed and shook his head.
"It's basically a day of love. You go on dates with people you like and ask them to be your valentine. Get them flowers and teddy bears and stuff."
Mitch explained with a grin.

The Doctor hummed in thought and they proceeded to walk past the stores.

"Wait, look!" Mitch pointed to a store. The Doctor glanced at what he was looking at. A pink fluffy coat was hanging in the sales window. Mitch gasped excitedly and began to walk toward it.

The Doctor laughed, following him.
"This isn't a want. It's a need." Mitch said as he walked inside. The Doctor giggled and nodded.

Mitch glanced at the price tag, and frowned.
"The day I become a billionaire, I'll be back."
Mitch sarcastically said.

Mitch then began to walk out, but thendoctor stayed. Staring at the coat with a curious glance.

"Doctor, are you coming?" Mitch asked. The Doctor nodded slowly, but still stared.

"Yeah... I'll be there in a minute. Need to do some alien stuff..." Mitch giggled and rolled his eyes.
"Like what? Time travel away from me?" The Doctor shook his head with a small smile.
"Never, Mitch. But anyway, I need to check on the tardis. She's not used to being stuck in an ally... won't want her to get damaged. I'll be back in a minute, you carry on without me."

Mitch sighed with a pout, but nodded.
"Okay, fine. I'll meet you at the bar. It's right down town." Mitch said as he began to walking out.

The Doctor nodded, and watched him leave.


Mitch had only just begun approaching the bar when he heard people yelling. He became a little uneasy, thinking about going back to the tardis for a brief moment, but decided to go in anyway.

There were two people outside of the pub clearly arguing about something in their drunken states.

Mitch rolled his eyes as one shoved the other. He walked a little ways beside them so he couldn't accidentally get hit.

But one of them stopped.
And he stared at Mitch with furrowed eyebrows.

Mitch didn't notice and kept walking, it wasn't until he heard his name.

"Mitch?... Mitch Grassi!" Mitch froze, turning back confusedly. "Uh... yeah?" Mitch mumbled, although his eyes went wide at of the men sanding there.

The man he was fighting began stumbling away with a bloody nose.
Mitch gasped quietly.

"Anthony." Mitch said flatly. Wasn't exactly a pleasant surprise, but it was a surprise.
Although Anthony was definitely not pleased. Not in the slightest.

"Where have you been!?" Anthony yelled angrily. Mitch flinched and stepped back, his eyes narrowed.

"What do--"

"It's been months! I'm on trial for your disappearance! Everyone thinks I killed you! Where were you?" He screamed. Mitch was utterly speechless. 

He just stared at anything, stammering as he tried to form words.
"Nothing to say!? You've ruined my life!" Anthony continued. Mitch began to feel uneasy, so he glanced to the left to see if the doctor was coming.

But alas, he wasn't there.
"Anthony, calm down. I-I was traveling, I didn't know--"

"Traveling? And when you were 'traveling', you didn't see any news casts of my trial or your friends and family begging you to come back!? You've ruined everything, everything!"

Anything stumbled toward him. Mitch had never seen him drunk, and he definitely didn't like it. He knew Anthony mentioned he had really bad anger problems. So bad that once he was even hospitalized because he was a danger to others, but Anthony said he was completely different now.

He was actually supposed to only stay a week, but someone had convinced the doctors to make him stay longer.

But he now saw that Anthony wasn't different at all, in fact, he hadn't seemed to change one bit.


The doctor walked along happily down the street, a bag in hand.
"Pub, pub, pub..." he mumbled curiously as he tried to find Mitch. 
He began to trail into the part of town with more clubs and hotels.

He smiled, enjoying the beauty of the lights that glowed from the buildings. It was like space since it looked like stars to him.
Not quite, though.

He took his time, passing humans with a laugh.

Although while passing pubs, trying to find the right one, he heard a very faint cry for help.

Normally, he probably wouldn't even hear something so quiet and far away, but it was what he heard that instantly made his gears click in action.



"Why would you leave? You said you were going on a walk and you never came back!" Anthony exclaimed. Mitch continued to step back, gulping quietly and his eyes wide. 

"I'm going to jail! I'm never going to have a normal life because of you!" Mitch shook his head violently.
"No, you won't! I-I'll tell them, you didn't do anything. I can fix everything." Mitch promised with a shaking voice.

Anthony laughed without emotion, shaking his head.
"I lost my job. Anywhere I go people scowl and glare at me! These past few months have been hell for me, all because of you and you don't even have an excuse!"

Mitch's eyes welled up with tears, he let out a shallow breath and pressed his lips together.
"I'm sorry. I didn't know how long I was gone, I'm sorry. I'm really sorry."

"Sorry isn't good enough!" He yelled, clenching his fists. His face was red and damp with sweat, his chest was moving up and down as he yelled at Mitch.

"Everybody already thinks I killed you, what's the point now? I might as well just kill you now and accept all of the claims! You deserve it too, all the pain you've caused me? You deserve it!" Mitch kept shaking his head, continuing go back up until he slammed against the brick wall with a groan.

And as Anthony walked clumsily over to him with a glass bottle clapped in his hand, Mitch felt genuinely terrified. And so, he didn't the only thing he thought of to do in danger.


Mitch yelled loudly, hoping it was a enough. Mitch screamed as Anthony threw the glass bottle at him, but Mitch thankfully ducked down in time for it to miss him and break over his head.

Although he didn't have anywhere to move when Anthony kicked his stomach.

"Anthony, stop! Stop it, I'll fix everything. Don't do this, please! I'm sorry, I'm--"

"You ruined everything!" Anthony cried, continuing to kick Mitch's stomach and then hitting the side of his head. Mitch cried, attempting to block his face.

"D-doctor..." Mitch whimpered, feeling too beaten and weak to even try and slip away from Anthony.
"Doctor!? You'll be lucky if you'll even make it to a hospital!"

Mitch's shook his head slightly, groaning in pain as he clutched his stomach tightly.
Mitch cringed, preparing to take another hit, but let out a gasp in relief as he heard him. The man who constantly saved him over and over.

Anthony yelped as a very strong someone knee'd in between his legs.
He fell down, a surprised expression on his face.
"What did you do!?" The Doctor yelled, leaning over his body.

The Doctor kicked him in the leg before quickly turning around to see Mitch. Mitch groaned again, still tightly clutching his stomach to try and numb the pain.

"Mitch, are you okay?" He worriedly asked, crouching down next to him.
"Never better." Mitch mumbled, wincing again.

The Doctor turned around again, his eyes narrowed at the man who was on the ground.
"I think you broke my--"

"Shut up." The Doctor interrupted with a roll of his eyes. Mitch giggled, but then cringed.

"Let's get you back to the tardis..." the doctor said as he reached his hand down to grab Mitch's.
Mitch shook his head and moaned.
"God, this hurts." He complained. The Doctor frowned and turned around again.

Anthony began to stand up, but the Doctor unexpectedly punched him in the face. Mitch gasped as Anthony fell back down again with a yelp.

"Alright, off we pop." The Doctor said, helping Mitch stand.
"Perhaps when should have gone to planet Glom instead..." the Doctor sighed. Mitch agreed with a nod, fully using the doctor for support as he stood.

"And you," the Doctor said as he walked past Anthony.

Anthony didn't look up at him.
"I'll see you later." Anthony seemed confused, but the doctor simply walked away, practically carrying Mitch with him.


"Where are we going? Can't you just give me like, an hour to recover from that beat?" Mitch said sarcastically as he sat down on the comfy chair on the tardis.

"This Anthony was in a hospital, yes?" The doctor asked. Mitch nodded with furrowed brows.
"Uh-huh. What does that have to do with anything?" Mitch asked.

The doctor didn't reply, but simply pulled the lever.


"In conclusion, I believe Anthony Romerez should stay in here for at least another two months. Saying as he apparently hit a nurse last week, and is still trying to spit his medicine out. Wouldn't you agree?" The doctor asked. The women sighed, looking over his file.

"Well, I think you're actually right Mister Smith." The Doctor smiled, nodding subtly.
"And we'll make sure to use the right methods this time. I promise, he's in good hands." The women, Sharon, promised.

The doctor smiled and shook her hand.
"It was nice to meet you, John. Thanks for being so concerned about your cousin." The doctor nodded with a tilt of his head.

"Of course."


"And here are security tapes of him brutally beating Mitch Grassi outside of a pub. No your honour, he didn't murder Mitch Grassi, but he clearly had the intention to. Here's very aviously a danger to others."

"You make a compelling case, Mister Smith. Recess!"


"How are you feeling?" The doctor asked softly as he and Mitch sat in front of the tardis door, their legs hanging outside of it as they floated in space.

Mitch shrugged, frowning.
"Yeah... a lot, actually. Can't believe I did all of that, though... that I was gone for so like and caused so much pain."
Mitch replied, sighing afterward. The doctor sighed too, hesitantly putting his hand on Mitch's leg.

Mitch looked at the doctor.
"Does... does that mean you want to stay? Back on earth, I mean." Mitch smiled and shook his head.

"No." He whispered. The doctor smiled and looked back out ah the sky which surrounded them.
"That's good. Don't know who else I'd give this too."

Mitch watched curiosity as the doctor grabbed a bag next to him. Mitch's smile grew wide as he saw him pull out the pink fluffy coat he gushed over.

"No way!" He squeaked, snatching it from the doctor's hands and holding it against his chest.
"Thank you, thank you, thank you!" Mitch exclaimed. 

"How do you even have money?" Mitch asked with a laugh. The doctor held up his sonic screwdriver with a smirk.
"Bank box manipulater." Mitch giggled, nodding.

"Course. Well... thank you so much." Mitch said sincerely. The doctor smiled and looked back out. 

"Where to next?" Mitch mumbled, resting his head tiredly on the doctor's shoulder. The doctor glanced down at him with a small smile.

"Right there." He replied, pointing to a random star. Mitch smiled, nodding slightly.

"Sounds perfect." Mitch softly replied.


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