Bee's and nuts
i'm making a long a/n so it can be 5,000 words so um hey, how are you? what's going on?
give me a prompt, tell me a story, live your life, i lOVE Paris is burning but that Venus part made me sob so violently, and I'm still not over it. I didn't make my bed today and I regret it cause now I'll have to make it right before I fall asleep. omg 5,000 words exactly.
(you do not understand the satisfaction!)
If you haven't read my Scömìche book 'future friends', then you definitely should! It's already finished so you don't have to deal with my lack of updating.
"Wake up, Bee." Mitch said in a soft whisper, singing lightly.
He saw her eyes twitch slightly, and he knew she was awake.
"Bee... if you wake up, I'll give you some pancakes." He said in a sing song voice. She did nothing, and he rolled his eyes.
He gently shook her shoulder, but she still continued to fake sleep. He then smirked a little as he began tickling her stomach. She immediately broke out in laughter, and Mitch smiled in victory.
"Get up, pup." He demanded quietly as he took her hands and began pulling her up. She whined loudly and ripped her arms back from him.
Mitch took a deep breath. Today was especially stressful for him, and he really didn't want to deal with the bad mood of his six year old.
"Bee, if you don't get up right now, you don't get any Starbucks for the rest of the week." Bee then opened her eyes with a large pout and sat up, rubbing her eyes tiredly.
"I don't wanna go today." Bee said loudly. Mitch pressed his lips together and sat down on her bed.
"Bee, if you have a good attitude today, I'll have aunt K take you to get some manicures?" He begged. Bee sat up and gave a smile.
"Okay!" Mitch rolled his eyes playfully at her.
He helped Bee change, watched as she brushed her teeth and hair, and then he lazily glanced at the clock. His eyes widened at the numbers.
"Bee. C'mon we have to go." He said anxiously. Bee heard the urgency of his voice, most likely on the verge of being stern. She quickly finished drinking her orange juice, and grabbed Mitch's hand as they rushed out the door.
He strapped the six year old in the back seat quickly, and got in the front. Starting the car with a sigh, he pulled out of the driveway and started on the short drive to her kindergarten.
Once he arrived, he quickly got her out and sped walked inside, Bee taking quick steps to keep up with him.
He got to her class and greeted her teacher before giving her a tight hug.
"I love you, babe. Be good today and maybe we can watch princess and the pauper tonight." Her eyes lit up and she nodded eagerly with a wide smile.
"I will! I love you, mama." She replied. Mitch grinned slightly.
Bee didn't stick with one name for her father. It was sometimes dad, sometimes daddy, and sometimes mama or mom. Mitch didn't mind, though. He actually liked it.
He kissed her forehead and stood up from his crouching position and gave a slight nod and smile to her teacher. He gave one final wave to Bee, before leaving the room.
He sighed as he got back in his car, not as quick as before. He had about an hour until he had to go to work, so he decided to just go to the coffee shop near his workplace until he had to clock in instead of going all the way home.
He hummed quietly along to the music and tapped to the beat on the steering wheel, he subconsciously looked to the backseat through the mirror, despite Bee not being there.
He walked inside the coffee shop called 'Carolina's Coffee Hut' and smiled at the warmth and calm vibe of the space.
He ordered his usual, and went to sit on one of the comfortable chairs in the shop. Once he got his drink given to him, he sighed before taking a cautious sip since it was still hot.
He was completely exhausted, and he hoped the coffee would take some of the edge off.
He barely got two hours of sleep despite being tired from the day before. Story of his life.
He put in his headphones and played his favourite playlist as he sleepily sipped on his drink.
Eventually he rested his cheek using his hand and closed his eyes. He told himself that he would just rest for a minute or two, but that minute or two turned into an hour or two before he even knew it.
He fell asleep at a coffee shop. He felt a hand on his shoulder, dragging him away from the comforting conscious of sleep.
Once he became aware that he was in a coffee shop, he jolted awake.
He was woken up by an employee, one he recognized as Nicole. They chatted a lot when he got his coffee there, which was quite frequently.
"Hey, sleepyhead. I wasn't going to say anything, but don't you have work?" She asked curiously.
Mitch's eyes widened and he, very panicked, grabbed his phone and looked at the time. He was almost three full hours late.
He was completely speechless, and collected his things.
"I have to go!" He squeaked as he bolted for the door. He got in his car and started it in record time, hyperventilating and breaking out in a cold sweat from the nerves.
He drove to the haberdashery that he worked at, praying silently that the manager wouldn't be there today.
But it didn't matter, someone was going to be pissed at him. And by someone, it's whoever had to take his shift on the last minute due to his sleeping at the coffee shop.
He locked his car after practically falling out of it, trying to be quick, and jogged to the entrance.
Once he entered, he immediately looked behind the counter to see who was standing in his place.
He sighed, feeling guilty beyond belief. And humiliation, don't forget that.
He walked up meekly to the counter, catching his breath, he assumed his face was flushed.
"Scott, I'm so, so sorry. I fell asleep on accident because I didn't get much sleep last night, I can't believe myself, I'm so--!"
Scott's smiled, and it put Mitch a little at ease. He was glad that he wasn't furious with him, that's the last thing he wanted. Mitch had a massive and kind of silly-highschool crush on Scott ever since he started working there.
Scott started working about a year ago, and as Mitch trained him, he felt himself flushing anytime Scott smiled or thanked him.
At this point, he kind of wished it was someone else cause Scott is the last person he wanted to make a fool out of himself in front of.
"Hey, don't sweat it. I didn't have any plans after my shift ended, and you weren't here, so I was just going to keep on going until you showed up--if you showed up." Scott said, laughing lightly afterwards.
Mitch laughed awkwardly, feeling his face turn a shade of crimson and his neck become warm.
"T-thank you... again, I'm really sorry." Mitch said with embarrassment. Scott dismissed it with a shake of his head.
"It's okay. I don't mind, really. And I checked with Leon, he said it was okay if I took your shift. Especially since today is a half school day."
Mitch turned his head slightly to the side.
"Huh?" He asked quietly. Scott narrowed his eyes slightly.
"Yeah... it's a half day at school since there's a four day weekend. I assumed that's why you were late, since you had to pick up... sorry, what's her name again?" He asked.
"Beverly." He answered.
A second went by, and his eyes began to widen.
"Oh gosh. Beverly!"
And as quick as he ran in here, he left.
He made it back to her kindergarten right on time, thankfully, and picked her up at the same time the other parents were.
"Hi daddy! Look what I made!" Bee said excitedly as she showed him a necklace made out of beads.
Mitch gasped and widened his eyes. "Oh my gosh! Bee, it's gorgeous." He gushed as he examined it. She giggled proudly and took the necklace back from his eyes. Mitch smiled and thanked her teacher, Esther, before picking Bee up and heading out to the car.
He put her in her car seat and shut the door before getting in the front.
"Before we go home, we need to stop by the store, okay?" Bee replied with a hum as she played with her stuffed animal Dolphin.
Mitch looked at her through the mirror and smiled fondly.
Mitch walked back into the haberdashery, the six year old holding his hand.
Scott smiled widely at the sight of them both, and Mitch's timid smile appeared.
"Hey, sorry again. Didn't know it was a half day... father of the year award." I said with a nervous laugh. Bee looked up at Scott and waved at him.
Scott had a light in his eyes, like excitement mixed with knowledge. Knowing the future ahead of this tiny human displayed in front of him, and it made him smile.
"Hi." Scott replied. Mitch bit his lower lip just slightly, the nerves returning again.
Bee got distracted by a sparkly suit near the counter, and released Mitch's hand to go look it at instead of being involved of this boring adult conversation. Mitch chuckled breathily as he watched her walk over.
"Always choosing clothes instead of family. Yep, she's definitely my kid." Mitch joked. Scott laughed, watching as Bee examined the sparkles intently.
"I hope you don't mind my asking," Scott started, "but how did you have Beverly? You never mentioned having a husband before... did you adopt her by yourself?" Scott asked curiously.
Mitch shifted into a space of uneasiness. He knew he could trust Scott with this information, considering they've been pretty good friends. Although he walked up to the counter and lowered his voice so Bee couldn't hear.
"I'm... I'm not her biological dad. But we are related... by blood, she's my niece." Scott widened his eyes, slightly shocked by his words.
"Oh." Was all he replied with. Mitch smiled as he looked over at Bee. His daughter. He adopted her, she is his daughter.
"My sister had her. My sister had a lot of health conditions and childbirth kind of... pushed her too far. Sis never got married, the dad wasn't in the picture at all. So I became her legal guardian, and then took it further and legally adopted her as my own."
"Wow..." Scott whispered. He quickly added, "I'm so sorry... about your sister." Mitch shrugged slightly, a small smile on his face.
"To me she's still here. Bee looks so much like her, and has the same likes and dislikes as her too." Mitch laughed a little, "it's like she took my sisters soul when she was born. As weird as that sounds..." Mitch laughed lightly again.
It wasn't hard for people to believe when Mitch said she was his daughter. She had his eyes and the same shade of dark brown hair.
Their skin tone was similar, although she was slightly paler.
He looked back at Scott with the same small smile.
"Does she know? About your sister?" Scott asked carefully, hoping he wasn't pushing this too far.
Mitch nodded slightly. "I've talked briefly about it with her... she asked me where she came from since men can have kids, and then asked where the girl parent was... I told her as carefully as I could, she took it as well as she could." Mitch replied.
Before the conversation could last any longer, Bee approached them both.
"I'm really hungry." She said with a slight whine lingering in her tone. Mitch sighed with a shake of his head.
"Of course you are." Bee giggled and grabbed his hand again.
"Alright well, guess we better get this Bee some honey. I'll see you later, Scott. I won't be late next week, I swear." He said playfully.
Scott hesitated before replying, "would you two like to have dinner with me?"
Mitch was rather shocked to say the least. The guy he'd been kind of obsessing over was asking him to dinner? Not even just him, him and his baby?
Bee answered before Mitch did.
"Yes. Mama would loooooooove that." She said incoherently as she kicked one of her legs back and forth slightly.
Mitch's eyes widened slightly and he looked down at her.
"You little hornet..." he mumbled. He looked back at Scott who had a small, playful smirk on his face.
He flushed, stammering a replying.
"Um... s-sure." Scott's smile stayed.
Since it wasn't near dinner, they made plans to meet up that night.
They picked up some fast food on they way home. Although the entire time, the only thing Mitch could think about was his nerves for that night.
"Are you having another panic attack, daddy?" Mitch laughed sarcastically and rolled his eyes.
"Joke about my problems, Beverly. Just tear me apart." He said dramatically. Bee giggled and continued to eat her French fries.
Mitch sighed, watching cartoons with Bee as he ate his anxiety away. Which didn't actually help, but if he tried hard enough he could maybe convince himself.
"Do you like Scott?" Bee asked randomly, making Mitch glance at her.
"Yeah, I do. He's a good friend." He replied softly, still staring at Bee. Bee looked over at him with a smile and shook her heard.
"No, I mean like... Kirstie and Jeremy like him?" She rephrased. Mitch looked away from her, becoming flushed by his own kid and her silly assumptions.
Silly. Yeah, he's trying to convince himself that too.
"Just eat your fries, yellow jacket." He replied back, faking confidence in his tone that he didn't actually have.
"She'll have the--"
"I'll have the chocolate milk, please!" Bee interrupted Mitch loudly, looking directly at the waitress.
Mitch rolled his eyes playfully and chuckled softly. The waitress giggled and wrote her order down on the piece of paper.
She then walked away, and Mitch released a nervous breath.
"Scott should be here any second... gosh, why am I so nervous?" Mitch mumbled as he tapped his foot on the ground under the table.
"Probably because you love him." Bee teased. Mitch's eyes widened and he opened his both to deny it, but before he could, he heard a familiar voice.
"Hey," he said with a wide smile as he scooted into the opposite side of the booth from Bee and Mitch.
Mitch's heart beat increased as he scrambled to form a sentence.
But Bee was quick to reply casually.
"Hi. I have a question!" She said. Scott's eyes focused on Bee's and he waited with a smile for her to continue.
"Do you have kids?" She asked curiously.
Scott gave a slight shake of his head. "Nope, I don't. Why?" He replied back.
Bee shrugged. "You look like a daddy."
Mitch choked on his water, turning into a fit of coughing as he set his cup down.
Bee didn't understand why he reacted that way, and just hummed as she began coloring on her menu.
Mitch caught his breath and looked at Scott with a flushed face.
"You okay?" Scott asked playfully. Mitch awkwardly laughed as he used a napkin to dry his chin.
he squeaked out. Scott noticed how red his face got, and then turned to Bee.
"So, how do I look like a daddy, Beverly?" Mitch closed his mouth as tight as he could to prevent himself from laughing, and Scott could tell.
Bee looked back up at him, taking her focus away from her drawing.
"I dunno," she shrugged, "you just do. You look strong and you are very smooth with mommies." Mitch didn't even understand what she was talking about, but still began laughing loudly.
Scott laughed too, and the unknowing Bee just continued to draw.
It took a second, but then Mitch glanced down beside him at Bee.
"What do you mean by, 'smooth with mommies?'" Mitch asked with narrowed eyes.
Bee looked up at him and smiled.
"You're the mommy. And we're eating dinner with him. He's smooth with mommies."
Scott and Mitch both began hysterically laughing, probably gathering the attention of other people but they didn't care. Bee sighed and proceeded to draw.
one month later.
"Morning, Scott." Mitch greeted in a tired mumble as he walked into the store. Scott, standing behind the counter, looked at him with narrowed eyes.
"Long night?" He asked, noticing the paleness of his face, and fatigued body language. "Yep. Bee kept waking up with nightmares and it would take ages for her to relax. Once she did, I couldn't go back to sleep despite how exhausted I was, and then I stupidly watched T.V and BAM! I didn't sleep at all." He said with a hoarse, annoyed voice.
"What's up with her nightmares? This is like, the fourth time this week. What are they about?" Scott asked as Mitch walked behind the counter and sat down on one of the chairs.
He gave a slight shrug, rubbing his temple with his eyes.
"It's different each time. Monsters chasing her, she woke up in a forest, she spilt nail polish on the floor, she woke up with no hair. She has a very active imagination. Good for her with being creative, bad for me who has to deal with calming her down."
Scott nodded slightly, but then he turned toward Mitch.
They'd been on a few dates since their first one... well, if you even count that one as a date with a certain Bee buzzing around the entire night with commentary. But they actually had a few dates by themselves, and Mitch liked it.
They weren't boyfriends per say, but they were definitely going down that road.
"I have an idea." Scott said. Mitch opened his eyes and looked up at Scott. "Go on." He encouraged.
"It's Friday. Have Bee stay with Kirstie and Jeremy, and then you sleep over at my place to get a good night sleep."
Mitch smirked slightly and turned his head to the side a bit.
"Couldn't I just drop Bee off with Kirstie and Jeremy and sleep at my own house?" He teased. Scott scoffed and crossed his arms.
"Well, sure you could. But you've complained more then once about your mattress getting lumpy and I have memory foam. So ha." He sarcastically retorted.
"And, it'll be fun. We can get food and watch a movie and... I don't know, play Truth Or Dare." He added.
Mitch laughed lightly, but felt his face warm up.
Spending the night at Scott's house?
"And I have a guest room so don't panic about sleeping in the same bed as me." He joked. Mitch laughed again, a little stiffer.
I defiantly wasn't panicking about that but okay...
Um, yeah you were.
Mitch thought about it briefly, but then smiled and gave a nod.
"Mitch, she's fine. And in ten minutes, she'll be fine. And in an hour, she'll be fine."
Mitch rolled his eyes and put his phone down, facing Scott with a slight pout.
"Geez, I'm a concerned parent. I know you're trying to marry me, but my kid always comes first." Scott laughed and shook his head slightly.
"Concerned about what exactly?" Mitch rolled his eyes and gave him a light shove. "I don't know. Alien abductions, meteors falling on the house, paranormal activity in the room she sleeps in. The list goes on and on." Mitch replied back.
Scott laughed again, and Mitch's pout was replaced with a soft smile. They were sat on Scott's couch, Paris Is Burning playing on the television.
Although they weren't really watching since Mitch would pick up his phone and call Kirstie to check on Bee every ten minutes.
Hey! Don't attack me, she's my daughter.
Yeah, but you're on a date.
It's not a date!... wait, is this a date?
Ugh, are you stupid?
Mitch stared at the screen, although he could feel Scott's eyes on him. Seconds later he turned to face him with his eyebrows raised.
"Want me to smile?" Mitch asked playfully. Scott chuckled, but didn't reply.
Mitch's eyes landed in his phone again, and his mind raced with possibilities of things that could've gone wrong in the time he hung up the phone.
Just one more time. For good measure.
He reached for his phone, but Scott was quick to react and placed his hand on Mitch's to stop him. Mitch froze, his heartbeat loud in his ears. He looked at Scott, his face only illuminated by the changing colours of the television screen.
The air felt thick, suffocating him. But he didn't panic or pull away. As he noticed Scott leaning cautiously towards him, his instinct was to do the same.
Their lips touched, and their kiss only lasted a few seconds. It was unknowing, cautious.
You go, girl. Congratulations.
Mitch pulled away and cleared his throat, hoping Scott couldn't see the redness of his face he knew was there.
He saw Scott's lips curl into a tiny smile, and he leaned back on the couch and watched the screen once more.
Mitch retracted his hand away from his phone, and leaned back too. This time, scooting a little closer to Scott to rest his head on his shoulder. Scott rested his head just on top of Mitch's, and Mitch could've sworn he heard Scott's heartbeat sync with his.
His phone rang.
"We have rocky road, vanilla, chocolate, birthday cake, or cookie dough." Kirstie said as she looked in her freezer.
"Ummmm, rocky road." Bee answered. Kirstie grinned and took it out before shutting the freezer door. "Good. That's my favourite, too." Bee smiled and watched as Kirstie scooped the ice cream into two bowls.
She handed one to Bee, took one for herself, and the two walked back to the living room where Barbie Mermadia was playing on the television screen.
Minutes went by, and Kirstie heard Bee's breath hitch quietly. She glanced down at her, and noticed a slight puffing of her face.
Kirstie went into parent mode immediately and tried taking notice in any other symptoms.
"Bee, are you okay?" She asked, trying to ask calmly so she wouldn't freak Bee out.
Bee looked back at her, and Kirstie then noticed her breaths were short and wheezy.
Bee started to cough, cough, cough, and cough. Kirstie tried talking to her, but she was unable to reply.
She yelled for Jeremy, who was there in seconds.
"We need to take her to the hospital. Call an ambulance, do we have any inhalers or something!?" Kirstie frantically said as she examined Bee. Finding her finger nails weren't pink and the bags under her eyes were slightly more blue then purple.
"N-no we don't, what's going on?" Jeremy asked back, worried.
Kirstie eyes widened and she glanced at the ice cream.
"Bee's allergic to nuts. She's allergic to nuts!"
An ambulance was there shortly, thankfully since they lived a few miles away from the emergency room.
They took Bee in immediately and hooked her up to an oxygen mask. When Bee eats nuts, it causes her throat to swell. Thus making it hard for her to breathe.
Kirstie and Jeremy were driving behind it since they didn't allow them to go inside. Jeremy dialed Mitch's number, as Kirstie drove.
He's told me before she's allergic to nuts, how did I forget she's allergic to nuts!?
Because you're human.
This is his child, How could I possibly forget she's allergic to nuts? There's nuts in the ice cream, how did I do that? I poisoned her, I was supposed to be taking care of her.
Once again, you're human. You forget things.
This was too important for me to just forget.
But you did.
I know.
How did I forget I was allergic to nuts?
You're very young.
No I'm not. I'm six.
My statement stands.
I know you are, but what am I?
Mitch sat next to Bee as she laid in a hospital bed, an oxygen mask covering her small face. Mitch couldn't stop crying.
They told her she'd be perfectly okay, that they got her at the perfect time. But he just couldn't stop. While he was kissing his coworker, his child was suffocating and he didn't know about it until she was unconscious in a loud, scary ambulance.
"I'm so sorry, Jessa..." Mitch's mumbled, looking at Bee as she slept.
Moments later, he felt a hand on his shoulder. He flinched, but relaxed as Kirstie sat down beside him.
"If you apologize one more time, I'm going to stop forgiving you." Mitch said with tired, exhausted playfulness.
Kirstie's smile was weak.
"I forget that it had nuts in it..." she mumbled for what felt like the millionth time.
"Kirstie... I forgive you. If Bee was being buried six feet under ground, that would be another thing. But she's okay. You may have given her peanuts, but you also called the ambulance and saved her. Thank you."
Kirstie laughed and rubbed her wet eyes that were filled with tears.
"You're thanking me for putting your kid in the hospital?" She asked rhetorically. Mitch shook his head slightly and put his hand on her leg.
Kirstie's smile faded slowly, and she looked at Bee.
"When can she get out of here?" Kirstie asked.
Mitch sighed and rested his head in Kirstie's shoulder.
"They're going to watch her tonight and then when the reaction stops, they'll release her."
two days later.
"What do you wanna watch, babe?" Mitch asked Bee as she laid beside him on the couch. She'd gotten out of the hospital after two days of being locked up in there. Thankfully she went back down to normal health fairly quickly, and was able to go home.
Mitch was very happy about that, and now they were eating Chinese food. "Um... spongebob!" She replied back happily before stuffing her face with orange chicken.
Mitch giggled, and clicked on a random episode. Just as it started, the doorbell rang. Mitch sighed and put his plate down on the coffee table.
"Back in a mo." He said to Bee who was too consumed in the show to look at him, but she gave a faint nod.
He got up with a quiet groan, and walked to the front door. As he looked through the peephole to check who was at the door, anxiety pumped through him.
He opened the door, putting on a nervous smile.
"Scott, hey." He greeted. Gesturing for him to come inside.
Scott held a large teddy bear in his hands, and he walked in with a smile.
"Hey, I know I should've called but I just wanted to come by before work. I got Bee this... thought she'd want it when I saw it at the mall." He said, passing it to Mitch. Mitch smiled widely and turned toward the living room.
"Bee, look what Mister Hoying got you!" Mitch said as he walked toward her, displaying the bear. Bee looked over, her eyes lighting up.
She gasped and stood up, quickly snatching the bear from his hands and hugging it tightly. It was rather large compared to her tiny body, and as she hugged it, Mitch couldn't even see her face.
She laughed happily and squeezed it tightly.
"Thank you so much!" She said, her eyes on Scott's. Scott smiled and shrugged slightly. "No problem, figured it was the least I could do." He replied back.
Bee returned to the couch, the bear sitting on her lap. Mitch turned back toward Scott with a smile.
"She's never going to let go of that." He said with a breathy laugh. Scott kept smiling, and Mitch noticed the faint pink that sat on his cheeks, and the laugh lines near his mouth, the slight crinkling of the sides of his shining blue eyes as he laughed.
Oh, shut up. Like you wouldn't noticed things like that when a guy like him was standing in front of you?
There was a silence between the two of them, one where they just stared at each other. Neither one of them felt uncomfortable or awkward, it was just a silence. The only sound was the cartoon Bee was watching, but Mitch could only hear his racing thoughts. Thinking and memorizing everything about Scott in that exact moment. That moment where he couldn't even speak because Scott was so beautiful.
Mitch then snapped out of his trance and laughed stiffly.
"U-um... thanks for stopping by. And for the bear, I know she really loves it. Do you want to sit down and watch spongebob?" He asked. Scott giggled but glanced at his watch.
"I have about fifteen minutes." He informed. Mitch smiled and nodded.
"Perfect. Just enough time to watch the first half and eat fortune cookies. C'mon." He grabbed Scott's hand and guided him to the couch, even though it was unnecessary.
Shut up.
Mitchy and Scotty sittin' in a tree--
As they both sat down, Mitch "forgot" to let go of Scott's hand. When he realized, he noticed Scott was holding his hand in an actual grasp.
Yeah, sure.
Mitch felt his face heating up, but still smiled to himself as he looked at their interlocked hands.
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