thanksgiving in texas!

*Mitch, Scott and the kids all fly from California to Texas to celebrate Thanksgiving with their whole family! Send suggestions on what you wanna see! Love • Bree 🧡💛🤍🤎🖤*

Today is Thanksgiving!

Last night, Scott, Mitch, Liam, Hudson, Sophia, Isabella, Sawyer, Amelia, Joel and Gabriella all flew from California to Texas to be with their whole entire family for Thanksgiving!

Scott, Mitch and the kids will stay in Texas for about  a week to spend much needed time with their family before they all head back home to California!

The flight from California to Texas last night luckily wasn't crowded with a lot of people which made Mitch feel at ease and relaxed, since Covid is getting bad again.

Also, Gabriella did very well during her first airplane flight ever! She slept the whole time and cuddled mostly with Mitch!

Mitch's parents Nel and Mike are hosting Thanksgiving at their house this year and everybody will meet there!

It is a tradition in the Grassi-Hoying family that Nel and Mike and Connie and Rick host Thanksgiving every other year except for last year when Mitch and Scott hosted it at their house! This year is Mike and Nel's turn.

Right now, Scott, Mitch, Liam, Hudson, Sophia, Isabella, Sawyer, Amelia, Joel and Gabriella are all in the car and they are heading to Mitch's mom and dad's house!

Joel is happily singing Baby Shark while Gabriella sleeps in her car seat next to him.

Amelia and Sawyer are watching cartoons together while Isabella and Sophia play Among us together!

Hudson is watching a documentary about NASA while Liam is listening to music and is texting friends.

*Liam, Hudson, Sophia, Isabella, Sawyer, Amelia, Joel and Gabriella's Thanksgiving outfits*

Mitch is holding Scott's hand while Scott is driving to the Grassi house!

"I really love your outfit today, Mitchy! It is so so cute!" Scott says as he kisses Mitch's hand, making Mitch smile and blush at him.

"Aww, thank you, Scotty. You look very handsome yourself today." Mitch says as he kisses Scott's hand, making Scott smile.

"Thank you, Mitchy! Also, it is so weird to see the kids being quiet and not asking us one hundred questions about are we they yet and other things." Scott says as Mitch laughs.

"It is weird! But I am sure it is just the jet lag kicking in on all of them now." Mitch says as Scott chuckles loudly.

"True! I am so tired today!" Scott says as he yawns, making Mitch laugh loudly.

"Me too! And I am really glad Gabriella that is napping, poor princess did not sleep well last night." Mitch says as he turns around to see Gabriella sleeping in her car seat.

"Daddy shwark! Papa shwark!" Joel sings as he dances in his car seat.

"Hi, baby boy! Are you excited to see everyone today?" Mitch asks Joel with a big grin.

"Ya! And eat urkey!" Joel says as he claps his hands happily.

"And eat turkey! That's right!" Mitch says as he smiles at Joel.

"Turkey is very yummy, huh?" Scott says to Joel and Joel smiles.

"Ya! And am!" Joel says as he giggles.

"And ham! Ham is your favorite isn't it!" Scott says as Joel happily nods and smiles at his Daddy.

"Daddy! Papa! Are we there yet?" Amelia asks making Scott and Mitch both giggle at each other and smile.

"Not yet! We will be there in about twenty minutes!" Mitch says to Amelia happily.

"That's a long time!" Amelia says making Mitch and Scott both chuckle and smile.

"It will come super quick! I promise!" Scott says to Amelia with a big grin.

"Who is there already, Daddy and Papa?" Sophia asks Mitch and Scott.

"Mom Mom! Nana! Grampy! Poppy! Auntie Lindsay! Uncle Ryan! Zach, Archer and Naomi too!" Mitch explains to Sophia.

"Cool!" Sophia says with a cheeky grin at Mitch and Scott.

"Yay!" Isabella, Amelia and Joel all say in unison with big smiles.

"Awesome!" Hudson says as he gets very excited.

"That's super cool." Liam says as he texts Willow happily.

Scott, Mitch, Liam, Hudson, Sophia, Isabella, Sawyer, Amelia, Joel and Gabriella all continue to talk and watch videos through the drive to Mitch's parents house! 

After a twenty five minute drive, Scott, Mitch, Liam, Hudson, Sophia, Isabella, Sawyer, Amelia, Joel and Gabriella have all made it to the Grassi house!

"We have made it to Mom Mom and Poppy's house!" Mitch says as Scott parks his car on the side of the Grassi house on the side road!

"YAY!" Hudson, Sophia, Isabella, Sawyer, Amelia and Joel all say in unison with big smiles on their faces.

"Woooooooo." Liam says as he fixes his hair and smiles at Mitch and Scott.

"Be careful getting out of the car, guys! Watch for any cars that are coming." Scott says to the kids getting out of the car on his side of the car.

One by one, Scott, Mitch, Liam, Hudson, Sophia, Isabella, Sawyer, Amelia, Joel and Gabriella all get out of the car together!

Mitch is holding a sleeping Gabriella while Scott is holding a happy and energized Joel!

"Let's all go!" Scott says happily to the kids with a smile.

"Yay!" Hudson, Sophia, Isabella, Sawyer and Amelia all say in unison as they run in the front yard happily.

"Be careful! Be careful!" Mitch says as he watches the kids slow down as they walk over to the front door now.

Liam giggles and smiles at his younger siblings and then at Mitch and Scott as he walks over to the front door as well.

Just then, Connie, Nel, Lindsay and baby Naomi are all standing at the front door, ready to greet everyone!

"Ba ba ba! Ba ba!" Naomi says making Connie, Nel and Lindsay all smile.

"Look, Naomi! Your cousins, Uncle Scott and Uncle Mitch are here! Yay!" Lindsay says to Naomi in a babyfied voice making her smile.

"Hi, Nana and Mom Mom! Hi, Auntie Lindsay and baby Naomi! Happy Thanksgiving!" Hudson, Sophia, Isabella, Sawyer and Amelia all say in unison with big smiles.

"Ba ba ba ba!" Naomi says to her older cousins making all of them giggle and smile at her.

"Hey guys! Happy Thanksgiving! I am so happy to see all of you!" Lindsay says as she hugs and kisses Hudson, Sophia, Isabella, Sawyer and Amelia one by one!

"Hi, sweethearts! Happy Thanksgiving! Nana has missed all of you soooo much! I am so happy to see all of you!" Connie says as she hugs and kisses Hudson, Sophia, Isabella, Sawyer and Amelia one by one.

"Hi, sweeties! Happy Thanksgiving! I've missed you all too! And I love your outfits!" Nel says as he hugs and kisses Hudson, Sophia, Isabella, Sawyer and Amelia one by one.

"Thanks! Daddy picked the colors out and we picked what we wanted to wear!" Amelia says as she twirls around in her dress.

"Yeah! I picked my outfit!" Sawyer says with a cheeky smile.

Liam then walks over to the front door smiling at Connie, Nel, Lindsay and baby Naomi.

"Hello, Mom Mom, Nana, Auntie Lindsay and Naomi. Happy Thanksgiving!" Liam says with a smirk.

"Happy Thanksgiving!" Connie, Nel and Lindsay all say in unison to Liam happily making Liam grin.

"Ba ba ba!" Naomi says loudly, making Liam giggle and smile.

"Hi, sweetheart. I am so happy to see you and to see you healthy. You know all of us are here to love and support you. Always." Connie says as she hugs Liam tightly and kisses him.

"Thank you, Nana." Liam says with a grin at Connie.

"Hi, sweety. You look so happier and healthier now which makes my heart melt. And I am so glad you are here and are doing well. I love you so much." Nel says as she kisses Liam's head and hugs him.

"Thank you, Mom Mom." Liam says with a grin at Nel.

"You are almost taller than me! Oh my gosh!" Lindsay says as she hugs Liam.

"Yeah! I think I'll be taller then my Dad by next year." Liam says as he giggles.

"Ba ba!" Naomi says as she plays with Liam's necklace.

"Hi, Naomi." Liam says as he smiles at Naomi and Naomi smiles ear to ear.

Mitch, Gabriella, Scott and Joel all walk over to the front door!

"Hello everybody! We are so happy to be here!" Mitch says as he hugs Nel, Connie and Lindsay one by one.

"Hello! It is so good to see all of you!" Scott says as he also hugs Nel, Connie and Lindsay one by one.

"Hiiiiiiiiii!" Joel says as he waves at Nel, Connie, Lindsay and Naomi.

"Hi, Joel!" Nel, Connie and Lindsay all say in unison as they kiss Joel one by one.

"Ba ba ba ba!" Naomi says as she smiles at both Mitch and Scott.

"Hi, baby girl! You are such a pretty girl!" Mitch says in a babyfied voice as he kisses Naomi.

"Hi, Princess Naomi! Hi, baby!" Scott says in a babyfied voice as he also kisses Naomi.

"Aww! Look at Gabriella! She has gotten so big!" Connie says as she pouts at Gabriella being so cute.

"She is so so precious baby! She has gotten so big!" Nel says as she smiles and also pout at Gabriella's cuteness.

"Oh my gosh! She looks so big now! That makes me cry!" Lindsay says making Mitch and Scott both smile.

"She loves to eat! Just like me!" Scott says making everybody laugh.

Naomi looks at Gabriella and smiles at her making everybody awe.

"Look, Naomi! This is your baby cousin, Gabby! Yeah!" Lindsay says in a babyfied voice at Naomi and Naomi smiles.

"Let's all go inside! Make yourselves at home!" Nel says with a big smile.

Mitch, Scott, Liam, Hudson, Sophia, Isabella, Sawyer, Amelia, Joel and Gabriella all happily walk into the house!

"Hello everybody!" Mitch and Scott both say in unison with big smiles.

"Hi, Grampy, Poppy and Uncle Ryan! Happy Thanksgiving!" Liam, Hudson, Sophia, Isabella, Sawyer and Amelia all say in unison with big smiles.

"Hiiii!" Joel says as he claps his hands happily.

"Happy Thanksgiving!" Rick, Mike and Ryan all say in unison as they begin to hug everyone!

"Look at Gabby! Her hair is super blonde!" Ryan says as he smiles.

"It really is! Just like her Papa!" Mitch says as he smiles at Ryan.

"She has gotten so big! Look at her!" Rick says, admiring his youngest grandchild.

"She sure has! So precious!" Mike says as he smiles at Gabriella and Gabriella continues to sleep.

"Hi, Uncle Mitch and Uncle Scott!" Zach says with a big smile.

"Hi, Uncle Itch and Uncle Tott!" Archer says as she runs over to Mitch and Scott.

"Hi, Zach and Archer!" Mitch says as he kisses Zach and Archer.

"Hey squirts!" Scott says to Zach and Archer as he hugs and kisses them.

"The baby!" Archer says with lots of excitement.

"Aww! Baby Gabby!" Zach says with a big grin.

"Yeah! This is baby Gabriella! Isn't she so cute?" Mitch says to Archer and Zach.

"Yes! So tute!" Archer says with a grin.

"She is really cute!" Zach says happily.

"I told you guys she was smaller then Naomi! She is a little baby." Lindsay says happily to Zach and Archer making them smile.

Scott, Mitch, Liam, Hudson, Sophia, Isabella, Sawyer, Amelia, Joel, Gabriella, Connie, Rick, Nel, Mike, Lindsay, Ryan, Zach, Archer and Naomi all hang out while they wait for everyone else to arrive!

Jessa, Jared, Ady, Asa, Kiya, Lauren, Robert, Landon and Beckham have all arrived next!

"Hey guys!" Nel and Connie both say in unison with big smiles as they hug and kiss Jessa, Jared, Lauren, Robert and the kids!

"Hello!" Mike and Rick both say in unison to Jessa, Jared, Lauren, Robert and the kids!

"Hi, Auntie Jessa, Uncle Jared, Auntie Lauren and Uncle Robert!" Liam, Hudson, Sophia, Isabella, Sawyer, Amelia and Joel all say in unison.

"Hey guys!" Jessa, Jared, Lauren and Robert all say in unison as they hug the kids one by one.

"Aww! Baby Gabby so so cute!" Kiya says as she admires baby Gabby in Scott's arms.

"Hi, baby Gabby!" Landon and Beckham both say in unison as they admire baby Gabriella.

"Aww, baby Gabby is so cute!" Asa says as he smiles at Gabriella.

"Gabriella is so tiny and so precious! Aww!" Ady says as she smiles and rubs Gabriella's head softly.

"She is cute! She is just taking a nap again! Uncle Mitch just fed her a bottle." Scott says to Adhy, Asa, Kiya, Landon and Beckham.

"Hey!" Mitch and Scott both say in unison as they hug Jessa, Jared, Lauren and Robert one by one.

"Aww, Gabby is so cute! Look at her!" Jessa says as she admires her niece.

"She is Scott's twin! Oh my goodness!" Lauren says as she giggles and smiles.

"She is and I love that." Mitch says with a cheeky smile.

"She has gotten big!" Robert says with a big grin.

"So cute!" Jared says with a smile.

Ady, Liam, Asa, Hudson, Sophia, Zach, Isabella, Sawyer, Landon, Kiya, Amelia, Archer, Beckham and Joel all hang out and play together while Naomi and Gabriella hang out with Connie, Rick, Nel, Mike, Lauren, Robert, Lindsay, Ryan, Jessa and Jared!


Thanksgiving dinner is almost ready and everybody is getting excited and ready to eat!

"Hey! Let's take a picture of all of the kids together before we eat Thanksgiving dinner!" Jessa says with a grin.

"Oh yes! We need an updated picture now that we have Naomi and Gabriella in the family!" Lauren says as she fixes her hair and smiles.

"I would love that!" Mitch says with a proud smile.

"Me too!" Lindsay says as she giggles.

"Kiddos! Come in the living room! We need a group picture!" Scott says making Ady and Liam feel annoyed since they are the two oldest.

Ady, Liam, Gabriella, Asa, Hudson, Naomi, Sophia, Joel, Zach, Beckham, Isabella, Sawyer, Landon, Archer, Amelia and Kiya all gather around on the couch and on the floor as they sit together!

"Okay, everyone! Say turkey!" Lauren says happily to the kids.

"Turkey!" Ady, Liam, Asa, Hudson, Sophia, Zach, Beckham, Isabella, Sawyer, Landon, Archer, Amelia and Kiya all say in unison with big smiles.

"Urkey!" Joel says as he smiles ear to ear.

Scott, Mitch, Lauren, Lindsay, Jessa, Connie and Nel all happily take many pictures of all sixteen of the kids together!

"Sooooo cute!" Nel and Connie both say in unison happily.


It is now time for Thanksgiving dinner!

"Kids! It is time for Thanksgiving dinner!" Rick says to all of the kids as he picks up Joel and Joel smiles.

"Yay!" Joel says as he giggles and smiles at Rick.

"YAY!" Ady, Liam, Asa, Hudson, Sophia, Zach, Beckham, Isabella, Sawyer, Landon, Archer, Amelia and Kiya all say in unison as they all get ready for Thanksgiving dinner!

"Make sure you wash your hands!" Nel says to the kids as they begin to wash their hands in the half bathroom and the kitchen!

"Mmm! All of this food smells SOOOO good!" Scott says happily.

"It really does! Oh my goodness!" Mitch says as he giggles and smiles.

At the adult table they are sitting in this order - Ryan, Archer, Naomi, Lindsay Lauren Beckham, Robert, Connie, Rick, Nel, Mike, Scott, Joel, Gabriella, Mitch, Jessa and Jared!

At the kids table they are sitting on this order - Ady, Liam, Asa, Hudson, Sophia, Zach, Beckham, Isabella, Sawyer, Landon, Amelia and Kiya!

Mike and Nel stand up in front of everybody and they tap their glasses happily, getting everybody's attention!

"Mike and I are very happy to have all of you here today! We all haven't been together in so long so this is a big event for this whole entire family! I know during these times we didn't think we could actually have a Thanksgiving dinner with all of you! So to have this dinner it is very special for all of us!" Nel says with a big grin and Mike smiles at Nel.

"Okay everyone, let's hold each other hands as we pray for this wonderful meal." Mike says to everyone as he holds Nel's hand and everybody else hold each other's hands.

Ryan, Archer, Naomi, Lindsay Lauren, Beckham, Robert, Connie, Rick, Nel, Mike, Scott, Joel, Gabriella, Mitch, Jessa and Jared all hold each other's hands and bow their heads in prayer at the adult's table while Ady, Liam, Asa, Hudson, Sophia, Zach, Beckham, Isabella, Sawyer, Landon, Amelia and Kiya hold each other's hands at the kid's table!

"Heavenly Father, on Thanksgiving Day, we bow our hearts to You and pray. We give You thanks for all You've done, especially for the gift of Jesus, Your Son. For beauty in nature, Your glory we see, for joy and health, friends, and family. For daily provision, Your mercy and care, these are the blessings You graciously share. So today we offer this response of praise with a promise to follow You all of our days. Amen." Nel says with a big smile.

"Amen!" Everyone says happily in unison as they all begin to eat their Thanksgiving dinner!

"Let's eat!" Rick says making everybody laugh and smile.

For the rest of the day, Scott, Mitch, Liam, Hudson, Sophia, Isabella, Sawyer, Amelia, Joel and Gabriella all celebrate Thanksgiving with their family and they have a fun filled day!

Scott, Mitch, Liam, Hudson, Sophia, Isabella, Sawyer, Amelia, Joel and Gabriella spend a few days in Texas with their family! :)

Mitch posts a picture of Liam, Joel, himself, Gabriella, Sawyer, Isabella, Sophia, Scott, Gabriella and Hudson. He writes the caption as: "happy thanksgiving for our family! we have a lot to be thankful for 🦃🦃"

Mitch posts another picture of Ady, Liam, Gabriella, Asa, Hudson, Naomi, Sophia, Joel, Zach, Beckham, Isabella, Sawyer, Landon, Archer, Amelia and Kiya all sitting together. He writes the caption as: "the sixteen grassi-hoying grandkids! getting all of them to smile and look was such a challenge but we did it! 🥰"

Scott posts a picture of Sophia, Hudson, Mitch, Joel, Sawyer, Amelia, Isabella, Scott, Gabriella and Liam. He writes the caption as: "happy thanksgiving! love • scott, mitch, liam, hudson, sophia, isabella, sawyer, amelia, joel and gabriella 🤎🧡💛"

Scott posts another picture of Ady, Liam, Gabriella, Asa, Hudson, Naomi, Sophia, Joel, Zach, Beckham, Isabella, Sawyer, Landon, Archer, Amelia and Kiya all sitting together. He writes the caption as: "the grassi-hoying's grandkids! all sixteen of them! 😍"

Connie posts a picture of Liam, Gabriella, Hudson, Naomi, Sophia, Joel, Zach, Beckham, Isabella, Sawyer, Landon, Archer and Amelia all sitting together. She writes the caption as: "I love having all of the grandchildren together! 🧑🏻‍🦱🧑🏼👱🏼‍♀️👧🏻🧒🏼🧒🏼👧🏻👧🏻👦🏼👦🏻👶🏻👶🏻"

Nel posts a picture of Ady, Liam, Gabriella, Joel, Hudson, Asa, Sophia, Isabella, Sawyer, Amelia and Kiya. She writes the caption as: "My grandbabies! I love all eleven of them so much! 💖💙💙💙💖💖💙💖💙💖"

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