Viola smirked, in spite of herself. She hadn't expected Damien Pierce to take her to Doña Bella, one of her favorite restaurants. Anyone in her shoes would have been flattered to be sitting where she was, and Doña Bella never seemed to disappoint when it came to class. It was an artsy, European styled restaurant filled with people of status and dignitary, enjoying their tasty meals. "This is pretty grand for an apology. Too bad you're a week late."

"Yeah, I know your birthday's over a week ago and it seems too late to apologize for missing your party. But I remembered how much you liked Doña Bella, so I decided to surprise you with this." His fingers raked through his lustrous black hair, wearing a bashful smile that bought a touch of innocence to his face. No one questioned the sight of two teenagers sitting at the five-star establishment. All that mattered were the expensive outfits on their bodies and Damien's credit card that could never max out, no matter the price of food.

A part of her felt giddy at his sweet action but she cloaked her excitement with a halfhearted shrug. The bored look in her sable eyes seemed to surprise him. "It's a little too late for that but I will eat whatever you buy. I'm too hungry to complain."

The dimly lit cinnamon scented candles around their table aided the romantic setting Viola had hoped to enjoy with Damien. He smirked at her, letting his alluring blue eyes twinkle. A motion that sent her heart pounding. "Sure. Whatever you say, Vi."

A waiter was there to take their order. Viola made her choice without hesitation. Nothing tasted better than pumpkin ravioli with bleu cheese on a Sunday night and Damien Pierce seemed to agree with her pick, ordering the same.

The moment felt perfect while they ate in silence. Violin music played in the background and Damien leaned closer, breaking the ice. "I heard you're now getting along with mi Be--sorry, I mean Callie."

Viola pushed back her plate. Anger rose in her like a tide rushing through her veins. "Why can't we have one moment without you talking about your obsession with her?"

"Obsession?" He blinked. The corners of his lips twisted. "I'm not obsessed with Callie. I actually love her."

Viola rolled her eyes. "Please. What do you know about love? You wouldn't even know what it was even if it hit you on the head wrapped in a wad of cash."

A flicker of irritation crossed his face. His fists balled. "Are you kidding me? I have worked hard to get her attention aIl—"

"Get her attention? She's not a dog. You know, I actually like her now and I find your whole affection to be problematic."

He barked a laugh. The rich, gruff rumble caught the attention of a few customers who cast glances at him without giving away anything but the quick judgemental looks in their eyes. "You like her now? After everything you've done to her, now you're a saint? I love you, Vi but you're so inconsistent."

Viola felt offended by what he said. Callie wasn't half as bad as she thought and Damien's feelings were turning into an obsession. She just wanted to do one thing right for once. "Not to burst your bubble but Callie doesn't want you. In fact she has someone she cares about. Let that sink in, Damien."

His gaze held hers in a steely grip, the frightening look seized Viola's thoughts. "You don't know what you're saying."

Viola knew she should have stopped there. A simple apology would simmer his rage but Viola was done putting up with his bad behavior. She had defended him for too long, accepting his past as an excuse for his flaws. But Viola didn't want to be a part of that anymore. "I'm sure you know she doesn't give a shit about you, just the exact same way you don't care about me."

With a clenched jaw, he spoke without emotion. "What are you saying—"

"How long, Damien?" Viola drew out a quick breath and choked back a sob. She'd rather die than cry in front of him. Viola Fawn Tyson-Pierce never cried. Even if it broke her. "How long have you known about my feelings for you? I'm sure you're not stupid enough not to have noticed."

Damien Pierce pulled his lips tighter, tearing his gaze away from hers. She found his silence to be just as worse. Her suspicions were right. Damien always knew about her feelings for him. And judging from the look in his eyes, he was ashamed of it.

"Talk to me. Have you always known?" She coaxed, trying to force of the truth from him. Viola needed to hear it from his mouth, even though she was sure it'd hurt. But it was the closure she needed to move on from him.

"Yes." He dropped his words quietly. Leaving it as it was. She just stared at him. Rigid blue eyes returned her look.

Viola tried to tone down her annoyance. Her small shoulders leaned against the cool wooden chair as she took a beat to absorb his words.

When she got back her composure, Viola accused. "Why didn't you say anything all these while?"

"You and Harvey are my best friends. Your feelings would have made things too complicated for all of us. I just hoped it would disappear overtime. I didn't want to lose our beautiful friendship, Vi. You need to understand." Damien Pierce gently brushed his fingers over her hand that was set on the oval table and gave it a gentle squeeze. She paled at the cooling sensation it brought her.

Viola pulled away from his touch, trying hard to suppress the heartbreak attached to his words. "Oh really? Just like your feelings for Callie?"

He ground his teeth. Viola could see the pulse throbbing at his temple. "This is different."

"You're right. It is different." A smug expression tipped her lips. The candlelight cast a small shadow over her face, the flickering kindle drawing out Viola's crooked smirk. "I'm the idiot that fell in love with her cousin for almost a decade and you're the colossal dipshit that can't get his shit together without dragging a poor girl into his mess."

"Everyone should just stop telling me how I should feel, okay? I am not obsessed with her. I am not dragging her through my emotional problems. I am not using her to compensate for my loss. I—"

She started to say, her tone sounding very wry at his unconvincing statement, making him stiffen. "I didn't say that last part. But I'm guessing you were thinking the same thing too." His ignorance to his actions were disappointing. Viola couldn't believe how she had wasted years loving a person who was so out of touch with the world.

Damien Pierce instantly lost his cool. He was done listening to anything from her mouth. He was sure Viola was poisoning his mind out of jealousy and he made sure to prove her wrong. His voice dropped, low and dangerous. "You have no idea what I'm willing to do for Callie. I'll prove to you. I'll prove it to the whole damn world."

Viola's heart pulsed faster. His tone was different from what she was used to. It seemed almost manic and had her worrying about Callie's concerns on his past behavior. She was hoping to change Damien for the better but it seemed like her actions just released a dangerous new type of Damien. And it scared her.


Maxime grinned. "This is the dawn of a new era, guys. This is a moment we'd tell our children and they'll tell their children, who'll also tell their—"

"We get the point, Max." Leona rolled her eyes.

"Okay, fine." With light gleaming in his eyes and his arms stretched out apart, Maxime's face held a spark of triumph. "This is the time we all aligned to—"

Larkin's eyebrow raised. His tone, amused. "Wait, is this because I invited you guys here to watch a game and get drunk with me?"

Leona and Callie had started to laugh, and Maxime scowled at Larkin. "I practiced this speech at home. Come on, let me finish."

Callie laughed louder. The lilting sound deepened over her lips. "I need enough alcohol in my system to listen to any of that."

"Ungrateful scums." Maxime grumbled, while the others shared amused glances. With a swift grin on his face. Maxime's pearly white glinted for a moment. "I have a whole day planned for all of us-"

Leona glanced at her watch, shaking her head. "I'm only available for two hours."

Callie chimed in. "Me too."

Maxime pushed back his dark mane, scoffing. "Okay, two hours then. And we'd start with some fun activiti—"

"As long as it's not illegal. I'm underaged and I can't risk anything ruining my chance at getting into Duke." Callie answered immediately.

Maxime cocked his head. "Why do people pick the priciest ivy League colleges? Crentwood University gives the best scholarships and it's here in Indiana."

"That's funny coming from a rich kid who dropped out of the same university." Leona rolled her eyes again. Her tone, sharp with disdain.

Callie was stunned. Maxime came from money? She'd just assumed he was carefree about things because he'd been through hard stuff, wanting to be optimistic about what was left out of life. She didn't think it was because he grew up having everything he wanted.

Maxime dragged out his words, his eyes softening. "Leona, It—"

Leona forced a smile on her delicate face. It was her method of changing the subject and it seemed to work. "What do you have planned for the next two hours?"

After giving a short sigh, Maxime tried his best to seem unaffected by his ex girlfriend's jab, and wore his customary wide smile. But he couldn't fool anyone with his playful demeanor. "Let's play a game." He wriggled his eyebrow suggestively, making Callie shift uncomfortably on the couch.

Callie groaned. "No way. We're not kids anymore."

"I'm a lot older than you guys, so I should be the one complaining." Maxime shrugged.

"You're only 20. Get over yourself." Leona rolled her eyes. Callie's eyes narrowed at the news. She had assumed he was much older. 25, at least. Definitely not 20. The facial hair definitely aged him up a lot. It was hard to believe how close in age he was to Larkin. Speaking of Larkin, he was quietly watching them with a relaxed expression donning his face.  Callie swallowed. She still hadn't gotten last night out of her head. Except this morning, something changed in her. Something that made her realize how foolish it would be to get involved with her boss. Her very attractive boss.

With a soft chuckle, he pointed out. "I was gonna play truth or dare but—"

Leona cut in, glaring. "Not on your life."

Somehow Maxime was the only one in the room that found Leona's reaction funny. He laughed. "Let me finish, McGraw. I was gonna play truth or dare but I realized how awkward it would be playing it with my ex girlfriend, boss and my coworker all in the same room. It'll be too weird."

Larkin sighed. "Let's just do what I planned from the beginning. Let's watch a game. That's still gonna be fun."

"You know what, Lark...." Maxime paused to give a sheepish grin. "Can I call you Lark?"

Larkin frowned. "No you can't."

Maxime waved his hand dismissively. "I'll call you Lark anyway." Larkin's frown deepened, making a chortle of laughter burst out of Maxime's mouth. "You need to let loose, man. Grab a beer. Get high and quit moping around."

"Sure. Whatever." He muttered, his lips set in a grim line.

Soon, a lapse of silence poured in. With nothing to say to each other, the large living room felt emptier than a graveyard even with their presence.

Leona tore the awkwardness apart with a sudden announcement. "I know this is coming a little too late but I never got the chance to apologize to you, Larkin." An embittered tone in her voice startled them all. It wasn't often anyone had seen her act vulnerable. Not even Maxime. "I found out that Max told you about my conversation with Mrs. Esther concerning me misinterpreting your friendly gestures as something else." Ah yes, Callie remembered. The time she thought he was interested in her. The memory of what Larkin had told her almost made her smile. "Max misunderstood my words. I didn't say that you were flirting with me. I only said that your actions made it feel like you were. I shouldn't have said the things I said. I acted without thinking. I do that a lot but I respect your decision to be friendly with me. Once again, I apologize for any misunderstanding."

"Even your apologies seem rehearsed. At least, something hasn't changed." Maxime offered a sharp, disgruntled grunt. The tight tilt in his voice brought back traces of his natural French accent.

Larkin cleared his throat, breaking apart whatever tension rolling off the ex-couple. "It's not a problem. I'm over it."

Maxime's relaxed tone was back. It seemed to pull everyone in an easy state. "Now that we've resolved any bad blood between us, let's get drunk already. All these emotional talk is making me yawn."

"Easy there, mister. I'm totally gonna drag your ass out of my house if you end up getting drunk today." Larkin patted his arm, with an amused smile sparking up his face.

Callie caught a glimpse of a shadow of Larkin's former self. The light smile creasing his cheek disappeared quickly, when his gaze linked on hers. It was hard not to feel special by the way he looked at her. She didn't think anyone else made her feel that same way. The blended emotions of warmth and hunger made her heart soar with pride.

She struck her gaze away, afraid that she'd do something she'd regret. Feeling the need to get out of this situation, she jolted up, blurting out. "I'll go get the drinks."

"I'll help." That was Larkin speaking. His voice was calm, velvety. For a moment, Callie was totally surprised by his words. He glanced at her momentarily, the look of intrigue in his eyes didn't waver.

Nerves swirled in her stomach as she went to the kitchen. She could feel Larkin following her. The clinking sounds of his walking stick didn't help either.

Frozen, she turned around. Larkin Hammell stood dangerously close. Once again, the muscles in her body rippled at the thought of last night's events. it was hard not to stop thinking about it but it made her worry. A lot more than she tried to hide.

He closed the gap between them. His breath, hovering over her lips. "I missed you." His arms were already around her waist and Callie could feel the feverish pleasure of his warmth. Looking into his glowing green eyes had her blood pumping.

"What are you talking about? I've been around all day." She eased out of his grip and took two steps away, fighting away how easily she responded to his touch and how her attraction to him made her melt in his arms.

With his hands no longer around her, Callie felt torn, missing the addictive heat his body brought to her. Larkin corrected. "No, you've been working all day. That's different. And Leona was around too so I couldn't just come over to you."

"Well now's not the time either." She peered at the slightly opened door. "Leona and Maxime can easily come in anytime."

He scoffed. "Those two? They're too busy acting like an old married couple and sometimes giving each other loveydovey glances when they think I'm not looking. They couldn't care about anything else." He took her hand, interlacing it. Hearts pounding and eyes burning into each other, Larkin added, with a rare soft smile. "Besides, if they ask, I'll tell them you're my girlfriend."

"But I'm not your girlfriend. I'm just the girl that works for you." Pulling away from his grip once again, her sullen tone surprised even herself.

He grimaced, eyes set on her face. "I don't understand. After everything that happened yesterday. I thought—"

Callie met his gaze, her chin slightly tuck. "Well, you thought wrong. After I got home, I had the chance to sit down and think. Whatever that happened wasn't like me. I don't know what came over me and It shouldn't happen again."

A quick hurt look crossed his face, her gaze lowering at his reaction. Larkin's lips parted, but then Maxime's voice echoed from the living room. "The football game's about to start, guys. Where's the booze?"

Callie squeaked back, her eyes facing the door. "I'm getting it, Maxime. Gimme a second." Steering her gaze back to Larkin's electrifying look, she said quietly. "I have to go."

She was caught in his sight, making Callie feel breathless again. "Fine. But I'm taking my coffee first." and with that he stormed out.

Is it weird that I was listening to One Direction's "KISS YOU" while I was writing this chapter? Now It seems to match this chapter's mood with its whole teenage love song vibe.
Anyway, I sincerely apologize for the delay in posting this chapter. My personal life has been very hectic and it's taking a lot of my time.

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