Welcome Back
"So, you have movies, I've shown you how to use the TV, you have books and access to the kitchen." Celestia listed off, "Are you sure you're going to be OK here alone?"
Sunset sat in her bed and nodded, "Celestia, I'm fine, you're only going for the afternoon."
"I know but you have only been here a few days, I feel horrible for leaving you alone." Celestia said.
"You've been looking over me since the earthquake." Sunset said, "You've put everything on hold for me. I'll be fine."
"You are so mature for someone so young." Celestia smiled, "Anyway, I want you to rest today. Lay in bed or on the couch but I don't want you moving around too much."
Sunset rolled her eyes, "OK."
The older woman sighed, And there's the teenager attitude.
Celestia gave Sunset a hug and gave a small wave as she left the room and exited the house.
Sunset relaxed into her bed. Though she wasn't particularly keen on the idea of being left alone, she knew Celestia still had a school to run and Luna couldn't do it alone. Besides, it was only four hours until one of them got home, Sunset just needed a distraction.
She got up and went over to the TV where she had put the movies Luna lent her. It was a series and Luna told her they had to start with a certain one. Well I have nothing better to do.
Sunset put the disk in the player like Celestia had showed her and turned the TV on. She brought the remote over to her bed and got comfortable.
Luna came home around 5 and Celestia had to stay at the school later because of the paperwork Luna couldn't do. Celestia said that she'd grab something for dinner on her way home so Luna was free to relax.
"Sunset, I have returned!" Luna called but was met with silence. What is she up to?
Luna climbed the stairs and approached Sunset's room. She heard some familiar explosions a mechanical noises so she knocked on the door and went inside. Sunset was laying in her bed, eyes glued to the TV across the room. Luna grinned at the two men in battles suits hashing it out on screen.
When Sunset noticed Luna watching the screen, she paused the movie. "Hey, how was work?"
"Fine considering its work." Luna responded. "You watched 'The First Avenger' first, right?"
Sunset nodded.
"And what did you think?" Luna asked hopefully.
"I loved it!" Sunset said excitedly, "I was really mad that Bucky died though. He was my favorite."
Luna smiled at the small pout on the younger girl's face. "I'm glad, how are you liking Iron Man?"
Sunset gave a wide grin, "Tony Stark is a great person and no one can tell me different."
"I like your attitude." Luna chuckled, "Mind if I watch the rest with you?"
Sunset nodded. Luna walked over and sat down on the other side of the bed.
"Where's Celestia?" She asked.
"She had to stay late to finish up her paperwork that I wasn't authorized to do for her." Luna explained.
Sunset nodded and pressed play on the movie.
When it was done, Sunset and Luna were quick to agree to put on another one.
"OK," Sunset said as the credits rolled, "I get why Bruce left but still! He should have at least taken her with him. Even I could see that he would never hurt her even as the Hulk!"
Luna nodded, "I have to agree, he just ended up hurting her in the end. But to be honest, this movie can be considered non-canon and you don't actually have to watch it. It's just good for understanding the Hulk."
Sunset nodded in understanding as there was a knock on the door. "Come in."
"What are you two up to?" Celestia asked.
Luna smiled, "Sunset was watching Iron Man so I joined her."
"Then we put on 'The Incredible Hulk'." Sunset explained.
Celestia smiled and nodded, "I see. I'm glad to see that you two have some common ground. Who's your favorite so far Sunset?"
"Bruce Banner." She replied, "He's a misunderstood person and I respect that."
Celestia hummed, "I am fairly partial towards Black Widow myself."
"Who?" Sunset questioned.
Luna patted Sunset on the shoulder, "You'll get there."
"Any way, time to eat. I brought burgers." Celestia tempted as she left the room.
After a quick glance to each other, Luna and Sunset left the room quickly and headed down stairs.
They sat in the living room eating in silence.
Celestia polished off her burger and turned to Sunset, "Alright, you can go to school tomorrow under two conditions."
Sunset swallowed a fry and gave Celestia her full, undivided attention.
"One, you only carry what you need for you class and I will carry your bag to your locker for you in the morning." Celestia explained and Sunset nodded, "And I don't want anyone except your friends to know where you are living. I know how teenagers can be and you are already having problems at school."
"OK, I can do that." Sunset agreed.
Celestia nodded, accepting her answer and sighed, "Alright then."
Sunset grinned and gave Celestia a light hug. Though it was true Sunset was nervous about dealing with the other students again, she was tired of just sitting around and she really missed her friends.
Sunset took to her room shortly after to tell her friends that she was going back to school. Of course, they were excited even after Sunset told them that no one else could know that she was living with the Principal and Vice-Principal. Rarity and Fluttershy also told her they were sure that it should be a lot more relaxed around CHS now. Everyone had seemed to calmed down from the formal.
"Sunset?" Celestia asked as she poked her head in the room.
"I just wanted to let you know we need to be out of the house by 6:30 tomorrow morning." She said.
Sunset looked at the clock and nodded. "That's only a half hour earlier than I left when I lived in that building."
Celestia nodded, "Alright, good night."
"Night." Sunset replied as Celestia shut the door.
Sunset set her alarm and plugged her phone in on her desk out of habit. Then she packed her school bag with her things, including her two weeks' worth of homework and her sketch book. She got out her clothes for the next day and crawled into bed.
It took her a few moments to fall into a dreamless sleep.
Sunset groaned as her alarm blared. Ugh, it's too early to be awake.
Still, she turned it off and groggily pulled herself out of bed. She pulled her clothes on then went to brush her teeth.
Celestia knocked on the bathroom door, "Sunset, breakfast is ready."
Sunset spat the toothpaste in the sink, "Alright." She replied as she rinsed and headed down stairs.
Luna was already sitting at the island, digging into to her bacon and eggs. Celestia carried two plates from the stove to the island and set them both down, taking a seat in front of one. Sunset took the remaining seat. When she looked down at her plate and at the other two women's, she smiled lightly. Hers was the only one lacking bacon, replaced with toast and peanut butter.
Since it was early, the three of them sat and ate in silence. Out of all of them, Celestia was the only one that seemed fully awake, sipping her preferred tea while Luna and Sunset practically inhaled their coffee, Luna wordlessly refilling both their mugs.
Celestia went upstairs and soon came down with both Sunset's school bag and her own laptop bag, "If you two are finished," She said, "It's getting late."
They both looked at the clock and groaned, getting up, chugging the rest of their coffee, then dragged their feet to the door.
Celestia giggled, "I don't know why you're so sluggish, Sunset. You were the one who wanted to go back to school."
"I messed up my sleep habits the last few weeks." She yawned, "It' going to take me a bit to get back into it."
Celestia nodded as she opened the front door and held it open for Luna and Sunset. Luna walked over to her own car and rested her head on the steering wheel while Celestia and Sunset got into the SUV, giggling at Luna's antics.
"So, do you remember the rules?" questioned Celestia.
Sunset nodded, "You carry my books to my locker, I only carry what I need per class, no gym and come to see you after Lunch for my medication."
Celestia nodded, satisfied with Sunset's response. She started the car and allowed Sunset to choose a station. Sunset sang quietly the song and at first, Celestia thought it was the radio, but then realized, the sound of the voice was different from the radio. She looked over to Sunset who was focused out the window but, in the reflection, she could see the younger girl's lips moving.
She listened until the song was over and the radio announcer came on, "I didn't realize you could sing."
Sunset jumped a bit at the sudden voice then simply shrugged.
"Are you going to sign up for the showcase in January?" Celestia asked.
"No. I'd rather the rest of the students enjoy the show case than walk out simply because I'm in it." Sunset said begrudgingly.
"I think you are exagerating." Celestia said, "The other students are excited about the showcase, they won't let your presence ruin it for them."
"I guess." Sunset sighed, "Still, I don't want to take my chances. I'm just going to support my friends from the sidelines."
"What if they ask you to join?" Celestia asked.
"They won't." She said, "I didn't even tell them I played guitar. Besides, Fluttershy is a way better singer, so is Rarity. If they ask, sure, but they won't."
Celestia dropped the subject, finding that it was way too early to argue with a teenager.
They pulled into the staff parking lot moments later then made their way inside the school. Luckily, it was too early for most students to be at school already, save for the sports teams or clubs with morning meetings.
Sunset lead Celestia to her locker and opened it, confetti shooting out with a small banner that read 'Welcome Back Sunset Shimmer!'. Sunset smiled, Pinkie Pie.
"It seems your friends are happy for your return." Celestia said.
Sunset nodded, taking her things out of her bag that Celestia was holding and stacked them in their rightful places in her locker, leaving only her Physics things and sketch book in her bag. After zipping it up, Celestia allowed her to sling it over her right shoulder.
"Would you like to wait with me in the office until your friends start to arrive?" Celestia asked.
Sunset nodded, giving the older woman a small smile, following her back to the Principal's office.
It was a good half hour until students started showing up to school. The entire time, Sunset was hunched over her sketch book in the chair across from Celestia's desk. Every so often, the Principal looked up at the girl who wore a small smile as she focused on what she was doing.
Sunset looked at the clock and bid Celestia a goodbye before she left to meet her friends.
Of course, Sunset was the first to arrive at hers and Fluttershy's lockers, leaning against her own as she waited for her friends. She watched as the students that saw her gave her slightly relieved looks followed by the usual glares. However, they weren't as hostile as they had been three weeks prior. Still intimidating though.
Sunset leaned back and took a deep breath. I can do this.
Just then, she heard a few familiar voices call her name from down the hallway. She turned her head to see Pinkie walking down the hall with Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy.
"Sunset!" Pinkie said as she wrapped her in a hug. Thought it was lighter than usual, it still wasn't soft.
"Ouch! Careful Pinkie Pie." Sunset said, causing the other girl to pull back and give her an apologetic look. "I'm glad to see you too." She smiled.
Fluttershy gave her a hug as well then pulled back with a concerned look, "Are you sure you're OK to be back at school so soon? You just got out of the hospital on Saturday."
Before she could answer, Rarity appeared, along with Applejack, waving at Sunset, smiling brightly.
"Sunset!" Rarity said, "I'm surprised to see you back so soon."
Sunset shrugged, then gestured for the others to gather closer and spoke so only they could hear her, "I'm fine. My ribs still hurt a bit but Principal Celestia said, that as long as I'm careful, I could come back."
"OK," Applejack said, "But why are ya whispering?"
"Principal Celestia told me that, other than you guys, no one else can know where I'm living now." Sunset explained, still speaking in her hushed voice.
"I suppose it's for the best." Fluttershy said, "Considering how the rest of the students see you, it could make it worse."
Sunset nodded, "Exactly." She stood up normally and spoke at her regular volume, "I'll talk to you guys at lunch."
She waved to her friends but before she disappeared, Applejack and Pinkie caught up to her, walking on either side.
"We'll walk you." Applejack said.
"Why? You're classes aren't even close to the science wing." Sunset asked.
"Because silly," Pinkie said in her upbeat tone, "You're still hurt and we don't want any meanies walking into you on purpose."
Sunset wanted to argue but could see their point.
The two girls walked Sunset all the way to her desk before leaving, telling her that they would come get her after class. Not seeing a valid reason to argue, Sunset agreed and waved the girls off and waited for class to start.
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