The Shelter

Author's Note

I was doing so good at keeping to a schedule but, alas, I have no self control. My lack of self control is probably a welcome thing to all of you huh?

Anyway, enjoy!

            After school, Sunset was on the way home when Fluttershy stopped her at the Wonder Colt statue.

"Hello, Sunset." She said shyly, "I was... Well I- I was wondering if... Since you told me you like animals ... I wanted to..." She sighed and hung her head slightly, "You know what, never mind, you'll probably say no anyway."

The shy girl frowned and stared at the ground. Sunset furrowed her brows. Yes, she knew Fluttershy was uncomfortable with asking things of people, her especially, but the last thing she wanted was for Fluttershy to be afraid of her...again.

"It's OK, Fluttershy. It can't hurt to ask." Sunset flashed her a reassuring smile.

The fact that Sunset was actually making an effort gave Fluttershy a little more confidence in the other girl's answer, "Do you...I mean, if you're free... maybe, want to help me at the shelter today? I know we just became friends and all but this morning you were fawning over the pictures I had so I thought-"

"I'd love to." Sunset smiled brightly.

"OK I understand..." Fluttershy' eyes widened, "Really?"

Sunset shrugged, but kept her smile, "Sure! I don't see why not. I'm not doing anything and I thought they all looked adorable."

Fluttershy beamed and grabbed Sunset's arm, heading towards town, "Oh my goodness, this is going to be so much fun! I don't have friends to help me very often. Don't get me wrong, they help when they can but Rainbow Dash is slightly allergic to dander, AJ has the farm, Rarity helps when she's not working and Pinkie Pie..." she giggled, "Tries to impersonate them."

"Well I'm happy to help." Sunset said, "I've been to the shelter a lot in the winter when I find strays. I don't like seeing animals miserable when I can do something." Fluttershy raised an eyebrow, causing Sunset to look at the ground and frown, "Yeah I get it, absurd coming from me."

Fluttershy waved her hands out in front of her, "No that's not it, I've seen you out of school a few times and you never seemed like the horrible bully you were at school, no offence."

She sighed, "None taken."

"Anyway," Fluttershy continued, "I always hid from you, especially at the shelter but if I'm being honest, you were never really as bad as everyone is leading on."

They walked in silence other than the odd small talk until they made it to the animal shelter. They entered the creme colored building and moved behind the counter to the back area. Sunset was silent as Fluttershy went to fetch the head veterinarian. The pony-turned-human stared at the ground with a blank expression as Fluttershy's words sank in.

To Sunset, others saying she wasn't as bad as people think was just as outlandish and idea as saying she was in some sort of fan fiction where the writer would put her through this misery for fun. Absolutely ridiculous and highly unlikely.

Sunset was snapped out of her thoughts when a tall woman entered the room. She had a head of graying sky-blue hair and pale orange-green skin.

"Sunset?" She looked at the other teen quizzically, "What are you doing here?" she looked to Fluttershy, "I thought you said that your new friend used to be a bully?"

"If I may," Sunset spoke nervously, "She's right, Doctor Fauna."

"You know what?" Dr. Fauna stated, "I don't even want to know about it. All I know is that you are a good samaritan who has a huge soft spot for animals. It's how I want to see you unless you give me a reason not to."

Sunset smiled meekly, "I will be more than happy if it could stay that way."

"Well then," she clasped her hands together, "Fluttershy, I trust you have this under control. Now if you need me, I have to untangle Blaze again."

"Is Blaze a snake?" Sunset asked.

Fluttershy and Dr. Fauna laughed, much to Sunset's confusion.

"Not exactly." Fluttershy snickered.

"Blaze is my trainee." Dr. Fauna explained, "And he always seems to get tangled up in the dog leashes."

Sunset giggled as Fauna left the room. Fluttershy led her to the break room where they switched out their jackets and sweaters for lab coats.

They spent a few hours feeding all of the animals for the night, some cat's recognized Sunset and started to egg her on so she'd pet them by making her trip and blocking the food bowls. She gladly pet them so they'd move out of her way.

One animal in particular, a chocolate lab with a missing left ear by the name of Rookie, recognized the flame haired girl, and as soon as Fluttershy opened the gate to feed him, he bolted, almost knocking the pink haired girl over. Sunset however, turned just in time to see the giant, dark brown dog, jump on top of her, knocking her to the ground with a loud; THUMP!

Fluttershy hurried to where the dog and Sunset were, smiling as she saw Sunset being licked to death by the overgrown dog while laughing.

"It's nice to see you again too, Rookie." She laughed, "Hey stop, I could use a little help please!"

Fluttershy laughed, carefully leading the dog back to the pen, "He remembers you. He was being attacked by some kids, right?"

"Yeah." Sunset said, as Fluttershy helped her to her feet, "He's looking a lot better."

The other girl nodded, "And so do you. I was volunteering that night you brought him in, you had bruises on your arms and face."

Sunset looked to Fluttershy and smiled, "Yeah, I kind of had to fight my way to him."

"Well I'm glad you did." Fluttershy said, "He was in really bad shape."

"It sucks no one's adopted him yet." Sunset stated, "I'm personally not much of a dog person. Unless one gains pon-human like intelligence, I'm out."

Fluttershy giggled, "Fair enough. Dr. Fauna loves him, I'm pretty sure she wants to take him home but is waiting to move into her new house first."

"Why do you think that?"

"Well, this one couple came in the other day and saw him. They were ready to adopt but she told them, 'he's already been adopted'" She explained, "I checked his file and he's still homeless."

Sunset smiled, "I'm sure they will be very happy together."

The girls finished up feeding and cleaning the pens and before they knew it, Dr. Fauna yelled that it was time to close up shop.

Sunset looked at the wall clock and was surprised to see that it was almost eight o'clock, "Wow, it doesn't seem like it's that late."

"Yes, time does seem to fly around here." Fluttershy agreed.

The girls went outside after grabbing their jackets and waving goodbye to Dr. Fauna.

There was a car out front with a man at the wheel. He had dark green skin and pale pink hair on his head that was styled in such a way, Sunset couldn't help but associate with soft serve ice cream.

"That's my dad." Fluttershy said, "Would you like a ride?"

Sunset thought on this for a brief moment but didn't really want Fluttershy, or anyone for that matter, to know where she lived, "No thanks, I'll take a bus."

"OK." She said, "Text me when you get home. See you tomorrow."

Sunset waved as Fluttershy and her dad drove off. She found the bus stop and sat on the bench, waiting for the bus.

I actually had a good day. Maybe there is something to this friendship thing. Sunset thought.

She boarded the bus when it came around the corner and took a spot near the front. Digging through her bag, she brought out a folded piece of paper. Opening it, she stared at the record that held her deeds of the formal to some degree. Though it wasn't in her permanent record anymore, she knew it had still happened and she thought she deserved to keep around a constant reminder as to how much she screwed up.

It made her frown once again, What if the girls and Principal Celestia are wrong. What if I haven't changed? What if I can't? I could just be this ticking time bomb and when I go off, I could just repeat my same mistakes. I don't want to be that version of myself again. I was so alone. I might as well be back with my parents.

Sunset got off at her stop and walked to the abandoned building then ducked inside. On her floor, she took a step forward and one of the wooden floor boards cracked inwards, almost making Sunset fall face first.

"Well that's new." She said to herself.

She looked around the hall at the usual cracked walls and peeling paint. Indeed, the building was practically falling apart but Sunset thought nothing of it. She'd lived there for six years and never had a problem.

Going to her room, the thoughts of this all being some elaborate farce weighed heavy on her mind. She looked to the corner of the room and picked up her guitar and started strumming the acoustic. Sunset got lost in the rhythm and it calmed her nerves. It had been something she'd initially taken up to quickly learn to use her fingers. She prided herself in the fact she had taught herself to play and music class taught her how to read music. Even after she had gotten the hang of having the extra appendages, she still played and found it calming.

The tune she played was nameless but warm, assertive and it gave her a sense of self-worth. She'd always wanted to turn it into an entire song, including lyrics but with all her plans of manipulation, she never had time.

No time like the present. Sunset thought as she took out a piece of paper.

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