The Plan
Since that day in Celestia's office, Sunset had spoken with her every couple of days, whether it's to share her day or vent about her misguided deeds. It was nice having someone else to talk to, someone other than the five girls she is growing to care for.
It was Sunday afternoon and Sunset was walking around aimlessly downtown. She had spent a good hour walking through the park and was pretty sure she could navigate it in her sleep by now. Now, she wandered down the sidewalk in the business district of town, close to Canterlot high. She had a couple run-ins with fellow students but for the most part, they left her well enough alone.
She was snapped from her thoughts when she almost ran into a hyperactive, bouncing, pink blob.
"Sunset!" Pinkie Pie cheered, "I can't believe I actually found you!"
Sunset looked surprised, "Y-you were looking for me?"
Pinkie giggled, "Well of course silly! You weren't answering your phone and I need to talk with you and the other girls! So, I decided to check the mall where you work even though you don't usually work Sundays and when you weren't there, I decided to wander around and see if I could find you. I didn't actually think I'd find you though, but I did!"
"Uh..." Sunset stammered and looked for her phone to check her messages but it wasn't in any of her pockets. "That's weird, I guess I forgot it at home. Sorry, Pinkie."
"Oh, that's OK Sunset," Pinkie put her arm around her shoulders, "I would have just talked to you on Monday instead."
Sunset moved out of Pinkie's arm and the pink haired girl rambled off something about cupcakes and pudding until they came to Sugar Cube Corner and went inside. The girls walked to the usual booth near the back of the café where their four other friends sat waiting, absorbed in their own conversation.
Applejack was the first to notice their arrival and waved to Sunset with a smile on her face, halting the other conversation they were having for everyone else to greet the two newcomers.
"Hey, you found her!" Rainbow greeted.
"Yep!" Pinkie said as she slid in next to Rarity, while Fluttershy shuffled over for Sunset to sit down, "She forgot her phone at home so she didn't get our messages."
Fluttershy gave Sunset a concerned look, "Don't you live alone? Isn't it dangerous to be without a phone?"
Sunset looked to the shy girl, "Until recently, there wasn't anyone who I would call or vice versa. Honestly though, I never forget my phone, I just didn't get a lot of sleep so I guess it slipped my mind."
Fluttershy asked why she wasn't getting much sleep but Sunset didn't really want to bring up the nightmares she's been having. So she avoided the question by pretending she didn't hear her.
"So, Pinkie," Sunset spoke, "Why are we here?"
"To make plans for Thursday silly!" She said as if it were obvious.
"Thursday?" Sunset though out loud, "That's the thirty first, right? What's so special about it?"
"You're kidding, right?" Rainbow Dash asked dumbfounded.
Sunset looked at her questioningly. It was then that everyone else joined her in the shocked expressions.
"It's Halloween, duh." Pinkie said finally.
Sunset nodded, "Right, it's that night where fillies- uh, kids, go out in costume and get candy."
Applejack sighed, "I was scared there for a minute. Wait didn't you have Halloween in...ah, where you're from?"
"Hmm," Sunset though a moment before speaking, "Not exactly. We had something called nightmare night. We dressed up in costumes and went door to door to get candy but we had to sacrifice some of our candy to Nightmare Moon so she didn't eat us instead. Though I think that last part was the Princess's idea. She had quite the sweet tooth."
"I still can't believe that in another dimension our Principal is actually a princess." Rarity said.
"So, let's plan Halloween!" Pinkie interrupted.
It was a long tedious, process, much more tedious than Sunset thought necessary. For the most part, Sunset was silent, believing it was not her place to shoot off any opinions or suggestions because she was so new to the group.
"So, this is the fastest route!" Pinkie Pie said as they were all huddled around a map.
Sunset scanned the scribbles and Pinkie's attempt at math and noticed something she missed, after a few moments she decided to give it a shot.
"There's a better way we can go." Sunset said, "You're looking at the length of the road, not the number of houses."
Sunset grabbed a marker from Pinkie and started drawing X's on the map where there were various houses then drew a blue line over Pinkie's pink ones. When she was done, she grabbed the ruler and calculated the distance they could walk in the two hours Pinkie had set for candy collecting.
"There." Sunset sat back in the booth.
Pinkie and the others looked at Sunset's route. Applejack, Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie started to recalculate and when they were finished, they gave Sunset blank stares.
The looks on their faces were making Sunset self-conscious. She was about to apologize but Pinkie spoke first.
"Wow Sunset!" Pinkie smiled brightly, "You're super good at math! We will hit twice as many houses!"
2.3 times more. Sunset thought to herself but didn't want to insult the pink girl.
"Did you just think of that when we were talking?" Rainbow asked.
Sunset shrugged, "I guess."
"Wow." Fluttershy said, "And I thought I was good at math. I can see why you're in all the honors classes."
"Except in history." Sunset said.
"So, it's settled!" Pinkie Pie cheered, "We will take Sunset's route!"
Sunset smiled to herself as they all went on to talk about costumes. After about an hour of discussion and debates, they all settled on modern time vampires and werewolves as it was both a fun and easy costume for Sunset's first Halloween. They drew from Applejack's hat to decide which three were going to be werewolves and which three were going to be vampires.
They all split off shortly after that but Sunset was not really up to date on this world's conspiracies and lore, she also didn't really have the time to look it up. So, she ran off to catch up with the best person she could think of to help her, Rarity.
About a block away, Sunset finally caught up to the purple haired girl, "Rarity! Wait up!" She called.
Rarity turned around to see Sunset standing a few feet away, "Sunset? What's wrong?"
She waved her hands in front of her, "Nothing, honest, I, uh..." Sunset looked away out of breath and suddenly nervous about the nature of her request.
"Well? What is it?" Rarity said tentatively.
"I wanted to ask, if it's not too much trouble, I know you don't know me well but I was hoping..." Sunset took a deep breath and kicked at the ground, "Would you mind helping me with my costume...please?"
It took a moment before Rarity practically squealed, "I thought you would never ask!"
With that, Rarity was dragging Sunset down the sidewalk.
On their way to the thrift store, Rarity explained to Sunset exactly what she was getting into. Werewolves were fairly rugged so she needed some ripped jeans, an old shirt and a jacket. After a couple hours of searching through the aisles, they found what they were looking for, a pair of ripped dark blue jeans, a dark orange shirt and Rarity grabbed a few packages of face paint and some fake fangs.
"So, all we didn't get was a jacket." Rarity said.
Sunset frowned, "I really miss mine."
"The one that got taken from your locker?" Rarity asked.
She nodded, "I've had that jacket since I came here. It holds some sentimental value I guess. Now, I'm probably never going to see it again."
"Never say never Sunset." Rarity said, though Sunset never saw the knowing smirk on her face, "Now, I want you to meet me at my house at six thirty on Thursday."
Sunset raised an eyebrow, "Why?"
Rarity rolled her eyes, "To do your make up of course."
"Makeup?" asked Sunset.
"Yes, darling," Rarity said, "You can't look like you. You're a werewolf! You must look more canine."
"I don't get it..." Sunset said.
Rarity couldn't help but laugh, "You'll see what I mean come Thursday."
Sunset looked at her nervously.
"Sunset," Rarity looked at her with a serious expression, "I am your friend and you asked me to help you, so I shall. You have to learn to trust us."
She sighed, "I know, sorry. It's going to take time for me to figure out this friendship thing."
"It's alright," Rarity smiled, "But I have to warn you, the girls and I are pretty touchy feely, you're going to have to get used to it."
Sunset nodded, "I can try."
Rarity smiled, "That's all I ask."
Sunset stuck her hands in her sweater pockets, her bag of clothes hanging from her arm, "Thanks for helping me Rarity, I really appreciate it."
"What are friends for." She smiled.
They then said their goodbyes then went home to prepare for the week ahead.
Author's Note
God I hate reading my own writing. To me, I find that reading my own writing is not...well, good. I know it's always turns out and I love how people like it. But Alas, I still need to do the final edit.
Thank you to all of you who are following this and I can't wait to show you what I have in store for all of you and for our dear Sunset. Thanks again, see you next week!
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