Summer and Sun
Sunset stood nervously outside the passenger door of Celestia's SUV, looking at the massive house in front of her. It was two stories but the entire house was at least twice the size as Luna and Celestia's. The front door was under a small stone awning held up by two white pillars. Bare bushes sat under the front first floor windows and from where she stood, Sunset could make out a white gazebo that was obviously not in use as it was covered in fluffy white snow.
"Are you OK, Sunset?" Chrysalis asked, giggling at her reaction.
"It's..." She trailed off.
"Big, I know." she agreed, "They bought this place when Summer retired."
"Sunset, Chrysalis a little help please?" Celestia called.
Obediently, they split off in order to help unload both vehicles.
Sunset slipped her back pack over her shoulders then allowed Celestia to place various packages in her arms.
"Uh, Celestia?" Sunset asked.
"What is it?" She asked attentively.
"What if I don't get along with them?"
Celestia looked in Sunset's worried eyes and smiled, "They'll love you Sunset. If it helps, I'm sure you and my mom will get along fine. She really likes to paint and sing."
Sunset gave a nod and she followed Celestia to the door where Luna and Chrysalis were already being greeted by the old couple.
As they got closer, Sunset could make out their appearances. The woman wore a warm, welcoming smile like Celestia's. Her hair was almost completely grey but you could still make out the greens and blacks of her natural hair color. Her blue skin was much like Luna's with the same soft pink eyes as Celestia.
The man had a friendly yet playful smile that reminded Sunset too much of Luna. He was one of the few elderly gentlemen that kept all of his hair that was a greying midnight blue. He had smoky grey-pink skin and dark hazel eyes that matched Luna's own.
When they saw Sunset and Celestia approach, they quickly ushered the four inside to drop the packages off in the living room before proceeding to actually greet the four ladies. Sunset stuck close to Celestia, her nerves starting to overload her brain.
"Sunset?" Celestia caught the teen's attention and directed it towards the older couple, "This is my mother and father: Summer Eclipse and Black Sun."
"Nice to meet you both." Sunset said, nervousness clear in her voice, "I'm Sunset Shimmer but you can just call me Sunset."
Black Sun chuckled, "Just call me Sun." He pointed at Sunset's chest, "You got something on your jacket by the way."
Sunset didn't look and raised a brow, "I'm not falling for that." She stated.
Still he didn't remove his finger, just stood there and smiled. They simply just stared at each other and was battling the urge to look. The other three just watched with interest.
After another moment, Sun spoke, "This is a nice phone by the way," he held up Sunset's phone in its orange case, still holding his finger to her chest.
Sunset's eyes widened, "How did you-"
She made the mistake of looking down to her pocket, allowing Sun to flick her nose. Sunset looked shocked as everyone snickered.
"OK, that was clever." She said as he returned her phone.
Summer Eclipse came forward and smiled at Sunset, "You may just call me Summer. Sorry for the old geezer's tricks. He's been doing it all his life."
"And I still got it!" Sun protested, causing Summer and Sunset to laugh.
Summer leaned over to whisper in Sunset's ear, "I'm glad you could join us."
When she retreated Sunset gave a small smile, "Thanks."
Summer clapped her hands together, "Alright, you all go get settled and we can catch up later."
With that, they grabbed their luggage and went upstairs.
The inside of the house had Sunset in awe. On the walls, were family pictures, awards, maps of the stars and paintings. The hallways on the second floor were in a 'T' shape, the stairs being the start on the top of the T.
"This is a big house." Sunset stated, a little overwhelmed.
"Yes, well, our father has always said, 'why settle for big when you can go bigger.'" Luna mocked, lowering her voice a few octaves.
They chuckled as they turned the corner and Luna and Chrysalis entered the two rooms at the end of the hall.
Celestia and Sunset stopped in front of the first door, the former leading the way in. Sunset scanned the simplicity of the moderately sized room.
It had a queen-sized bed in the corner adjacent to the door with dark wood head and foot boards. A small desk sat between the window and a book shelf and a massive wardrobe sat facing the bed on the same wall as the door. Walls were decorated with a painting of a lake with some deer and, ironically, sunset.
"This is going to be your room for our stay." Celestia explained, "My room is right next door and the bathroom is the first door on the left when you come up the stairs."
Sunset nodded as Celestia left her alone to put her things in her own room. She placed her backpack and suitcase on the chest and walked over to the window. So far it had been a long morning and it was hard to believe it was only early in the afternoon.
Sunset rubbed her arm nervously, feeling completely out of place in the new environment. Especially since she knew next to nothing about the hosts. She could feel the anxiety creeping up her so, to calm herself, she grabbed her sketchbook and pencils and sat on the floor, leaning against the bed.
After a few minutes of sketching, there was a small knock on the door. Sunset looked up to see Celestia walking in and sitting on the bed.
"Feeling anxious?" Celestia questioned.
She nodded, "How'd you guess?"
Celestia tapped the book, "You like to sketch to relax, or when you're bored but you have only been in here for five minutes."
Sunset chuckled, "I guess you have a point. It's just weird being in someone else's house. I just got used to yours."
"I know. I apologize for moving you around like this so soon." Celestia sighed.
"It's fine." Sunset said, "I honestly couldn't see you not seeing your parents for the holidays. It's just a bit odd for me."
Celestia nodded, "I understand but it seems that they already like you."
They sat in silence for another few seconds before Celestia got up, "How about we join everyone down stairs? You can bring your sketchbook if it would make you feel more comfortable."
Sunset smiled and got to her feet and followed Celestia back to the living room, clutching her sketchbook close to her chest.
Down stairs, Luna and Chrysalis were sitting on the loveseat across from Sun and Summer, chatting with the older couple. Celestia sat next to her parents while Sunset took a seat on the large chair between the two couches.
Sunset wasn't paying much attention to the conversation, essentially distancing herself from the other five. That was, until she heard someone say her name.
"So, Sunset," Summer said, "How have you been?"
Sunset stared at the woman for a moment with a slight panic, looking to Celestia before answering, "Um, good?"
Sun looked at her quizzically, "You sound unsure of yourself, kid."
Sunset nervously fidgeted with her pencil, "Sorry, I'm just kind of nervous around new people."
He smiled, "Not to worry, we'll loosen you up eventually."
"I see you like to draw." Summer said, gesturing to Sunset's sketch book.
The teen swallowed hard and nodded, "Yeah."
"What do you like to draw?" Summer persisted.
Sunset chewed the inside of her cheek then looked at Celestia with trepidation. The older woman nodded slightly so Sunset reached over and handed Summer her sketch book.
The woman opened it and scanned through the pages, taking a few moments to study each picture.
"You're quite good." She said, "and you seem happier now."
Sunset raised an eyebrow, "Happier?"
She nodded, "The first pages are you experimenting then, your drawings start to get dark. The most recent pages seemed to be lighter."
She handed the book back with a small smile which Sunset returned.
"Well, you're right." Sunset said simply, "I am a lot happier now."
Summer smiled at Sunset, "I'm glad."
"So," Sun said getting up, "How about some gingerbread?"
Luna, Chrysalis and Sun didn't waste time going into the kitchen. The other three rose and snickered.
"At least I know who Luna takes after." Sunset chuckled.
"He taught her everything she knows." Summer said, "Including video games."
"Did someone say video games?" Sun poked his head in from the kitchen.
"Sunset is fairly new to them, Father." Luna explained.
Sun got a sinister look in his eye that made Celestia and Sunset exchange nervous glances, "Think we found our pass time for this afternoon."
Sunset leaned over to Celestia and spoke in a hushed tone, "I feel like I should be scared of him."
"You should be." Celestia said, "He's ruthless."
"Oh, don't think you're getting out of this Tia." Luna stated, "It's been far too long."
Celestia started to argue but Sunset grinned wickedly as well.
"Which way?" Sunset asked.
Sun pointed to the hallway, "Basement, right by the back door."
Without further hesitation, Sunset began to push Celestia towards the basement, soon joined by Luna who assisted in pushing her sister.
"I knew I liked you!" Luna said.
Sunset giggled and they fist bumped each other, when Celestia began to walk towards the door on her own, "Please, not as much as you like Ch-"
"NO!" Luna sad quickly, "Don't you dare."
Sunset looked at her in mock innocence, "Dare what?"
"Oh, you little-"
"Down girl." Chrysalis said patting Luna's head, "You're going to lose this battle. She's way wittier than you are."
"I thought you were on my side." Luna grumbled.
"Only when you have a chance." Chrysalis teased.
Sunset laughed and followed Celestia down the stairs, "You just got burned."
"Shut up."
"I think I hear the fire alarm." The teen said.
"One more, I dare you."
"Hey, Celestia!" Sunset called.
"Where's the fire extinguisher?"
"You're dead meat." Luna said as she chased her down the stairs.
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