Author's Note
Hey Everyone! Thanks for reading Scars! So, I had a little mix up over on fimfiction where I forgot to post the first chapter so I am posting 2 chapters today as an apology so all my sites get 2 chapters! So enjoy! It's 12:20 AM so it's officially Monday! I give you; Chapter 4!
The five heroes of the fall formal sat at their table in the back of the cafeteria. Since the formal, everything had seemed more relaxed and happy; groups were mixing and secret friendships had been revealed. The only time there was any sort of negative energy was when Sunset was around but it was always the hate emitting off the other students.
The four girls from this morning had somber expressions on their faces. Sure, the fiery haired girl had put their friendship through the wringer but it's not like the entire group was divided, some were still friends with the ones who hadn't been thought to have wronged them and their friendship was even patched up quickly, everyone admitting to have played a part in the reason it stayed broken. Just because Sunset Shimmer had planted the seeds, it didn't mean she deserved to have the entire student body against her.
Pinkie had filled Rarity in on what had happened during their first period home economics class when the pink girl walked in late with a note from the Principal and a less than upbeat attitude. Rarity was outraged and was honestly shocked that Sunset had refused to let Principal Celestia take any sort of action.
"Has Sunset been to any of her classes today?" Rarity asked the girls.
"I passed by her math class just before the bell rang for lunch." Applejack said, "She wasn't there."
Rainbow thought for a minute before coming to a realization, "Do any of us share a class with her?"
They all looked at each other before Pinkie Pie spoke, "We have art together every second day but that's it."
"Yeah," Rainbow spoke, "Isn't she an honor student?"
"I think so." Fluttershy said, "She does get a lot of school awards."
"I just hope she's ok." Applejack frowned, "She was in a pretty bad way when we left her."
"So," Rarity said in a serious tone, "We're in agreement then?"
Rainbow nodded, "My selling point was when she didn't want Trixie to even face punishment. I would have let her be locked up after that."
"She was being picked on and shoved in lockers when she was in the halls all of last week." Rarity said, "She didn't so much as complain or say a word."
"I don't think she's taking it as well as she's letting on though." Said Fluttershy.
"What makes you say that, darling?" Rarity asked her timid friend.
"She said she'd deserved it. No one taking being bullied well would say that." She explained, "Especially if they were already feeling guilty. I'm also willing to bet that she's claustrophobic. She was desperate enough to give herself a concussion."
"You're right." Applejack said, "I think Trixie needs a good butt kickin'."
"I don't think that's a good idea." Rarity said, "If we want to give her the chance she deserves, we need her to trust us enough to open up about herself. That means we should respect her wishes of not acting on Trixie." Rarity dead panned Rainbow Dash, "No matter how much she deserves it."
Rainbow crossed her arms and gave a huff. She looked at her purple haired friend and nodded her understanding.
"Pinkie Pie and I are going to take her to the hospital after lunch since there isn't anyone else to take her." Fluttershy said in her usual quiet voice.
"Yep!" Pinkie said, "I don't have my test until next week so Maud is going to drive."
"We should probably get going." Fluttershy said, standing up and grabbed her tray.
"Right!" Pinkie bounced up and followed the other girl, "See you girls later!"
Everyone waves off Pinkie and Fluttershy and continued to eat their lunches
Nurse Tender Heart sighed, it had been quiet as she finally finished her paperwork for the morning and looked to the girl on the bed. She had been really quiet, and there were quite a few times she'd had to go make sure she was still awake. It was lunch time for the students so the hour had far passed but she still didn't think it would be a good idea to let her sleep.
Sunset was feeling really terrible, she felt as if her head had a construction site on it and she wanted to throw up, as she had multiple times since coming to the nurses office. She wanted to fall asleep but she knew better, so she was content to lying on her back with an arm draped over her face to block out any light, headphones in.
Nurse Tender Heat tapped Sunset on the shoulder to make she was still with her. Sunset groaned that she was still awake.
"I know you want to go to sleep right now but you should get to see a doctor first." Tender Heart said, "Are you sure there isn't anyone who could take you?"
"No." Sunset stated.
"You're parents are out of town a lot." Tender Heart mused.
Sunset grunted just as there was a knock at the door.
"Nurse Tender Heart?" a soft voice called into the room, "Is everything alright?"
Nurse tender heart walked to the door, "Fluttershy, how are you?"
Fluttershy nodded, "I'm fine, thank you. Is Sunset still here?"
Nurse Tender Heart stepped aside and gestured to Sunset's direction. Fluttershy nodded gratefully and made her way to the other girl.
"Sunset, how are you feeling?" Fluttershy asked as she approached the other girl.
The fiery girl groaned, "Like I used my head as a battering ram." She shifted to see Fluttershy, "What are you doing here?"
"To check on you." She said fidgeting nervously.
"What?" Sunset asked curiously, "Why are you so nervous?"
"W-well," she stammered, "I'm also here to take you to the hospital."
"Why?" Sunset asked, surprised by this revelation.
"Because you need to see a doctor and you don't have anyone to take you." Fluttershy said quietly but Sunset could still hear.
"It's fine, Fluttershy," Sunset said, "You don't have to. I can just take a bus."
Fluttershy knew Sunset was going to try to talk her out of it and the usually shy girl wasn't having it. She crossed her arms and spoke, "Oh, really? Get up then."
"Ok," Sunset said, sitting up gripping her head, being careful to avoid the cut on her forehead.
She swung her legs over the side of the bed and went to get up but a voice
stopped her.
"If you are thinking of going yourself," Celestia said as she approached the bed, "I would advise against it."
The younger girl sighed and looked up at the three people in front of her, "Look, I'm fine, really. I just have a bit of a headache."
As far as Sunset was concerned, she was just a nuisance to these people. It was her own fault she had made Trixie hate her so much, though Sunset had never actually shoved her in a locker, the other gifted kids yes, but that was it, and it was her own actions that got her into this situation to begin with.
What am I even thinking? She thought, There is no way any one is going to give me a second chance! I really screwed things up for myself. I deserve this, all of it. I wanted to stop this months ago but I didn't. I wasn't strong enough to stop, I was afraid that this very thing would happen. Me, powerless.
"Sunset," Celestia said gently, "I don't know what you're thinking, but I insist you let Fluttershy to take you to see a doctor. I can't force you, but I think it would be best."
Sunset looked up at the three, no, two people staring at her. Where did Fluttershy go? Whatever, she probably had better things to do.
"I just want to go home." Sunset decided. If you would even call it that.
Celestia bit her lip nervously, unsure of what to do. She was stuck. If Sunset wanted to go home, there really isn't anything she can do, not without hearing about it from the school board or authorities anyway.
Just then, Fluttershy walked back in the room with a smile on her face and, much to Sunset's surprise, she grabbed Sunset's arm and gave it a tug, getting her on her feet. Sunset was so tired, she didn't even resist, just stared at the pink haired student.
"I'll make sure she gets home safely." Fluttershy told the Principal.
Fluttershy gave Celestia a look that made the woman sigh in relief, "If you don't make it back for class, I will be sure that you don't get into trouble."
Fluttershy nodded and lead Sunset Shimmer out of the room and down the hall. Sunset was still a little wobbly but she wasn't nearly as dizzy as she had been.
"You're not taking me home, are you?." Sunset mumbled, still thinking this was an issue for Fluttershy.
Fluttershy continued leading her down the hall and as the new front doors came into view she spoke, "No. We are taking you to see a doctor." She sounded almost irritated but it was clear it wasn't entirely directed at Sunset.
"We?" Sunset questioned.
As they stepped outside the doors, they made their way across the courtyard to where a stone-grey car was idling. Leaning against it was a mass of fluffy pink hair who jumped up strait as she saw them approach and opened the back door.
"Fluttershy! Sunset!" A voice, obviously Pinkie Pie's, spoke with both worry and excitement, "I was starting to worry something happened. Well, something did happen but it's not the 'something' I was worried about, something else. Not that I wasn't worried about this something-"
"Thank you, Pinkie," Fluttershy interrupted, "But we should get going."
Pinkie helped Sunset into the car as Fluttershy went around to the other back seat door to sit next to her. The rambunctious girl slipped into the passenger seat then turned to face Sunset.
"Sunset," Pinkie said with a smile, pulling her attention to her, "This is my big sister Maud! You're going to get along great! Maud, this is my new friend Sunset!"
That got the fiery teen's attention, Friend? Did she just call me her friend? Must be the excuse she used to get her to drive me to the hospital.
"Hello." Maud said in the most uninterested, monotone voice Sunset had ever heard, "Nice to meet you."
Sunset was unsure of what to do but knew she had to respond, "Likewise. Thank you for, um, driving me." Her voice was groggy but it held no negativity so she called that a win.
"Your welcome, I'm happy to help." Maud said as she pulled away from the school.
Sunset sat quietly, almost falling asleep a few times during the ride but Fluttershy managed to keep her awake by shaking her shoulder every time she started to nod off. It did annoy Sunset but she understood why she was doing it. Now that she thought about it, Sunset realized that she really might not wake up if she went to sleep without first checking with a doctor.
I really did do a number on my head. Sunset looked over to Fluttershy. Still, I don't know why, of all people that would help me, it's Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy. This world's people are hard to understand.
They pulled up to the front doors of the emergency room and the two pink haired teens got Sunset out of the car and into the building while Maud went to find parking.
Sunset got checked in after a little heart attack when questioned about her parents but Fluttershy acted quickly, telling them they were out of town on business.
Fluttershy steadied Sunset as they went and sat down in the waiting area, Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie sitting to either side of her.
"Really guys," Sunset spoke, "I'm fine. There is no point in you staying."
"Then how are you getting home?" Pinkie asked.
"I can walk," Sunset told her, "Or take a bus. You really don't need to be here."
Fluttershy looked at her quizzically, "Do you have anyone you can call?" Sunset shook her head, "Do you have anyone you would prefer to be here?" another head shake. "Do you want to be alone?"
"Uh," Sunset stared at Fluttershy, slack jawed, unsure of how to respond.
She could admit that she didn't want to be alone, especially now where she was having a hard time getting her bearings, she wanted someone there. Having the two girls there made her feel safe but she didn't want them to feel like they were forced to be there. It isn't who she wanted to be anymore, she didn't want to be selfish.
"I don't want you to feel like you have to be here." Sunset said finally, "I don't care what the Princess said, you don't have to look after me. I've been left to my own devices this long, I don't need you here. I can handle myself." She shifted so she could bring her knees to her chest, "I don't want to be the one to keep you from something you would rather be doing."
"You didn't answer my question." Fluttershy pressed.
Sunset gripped her legs tighter, sighing in defeat, "No, but you guys can leave if you want."
"Do you want us to leave?" Pinkie asked, "And don't say what you think we want to hear or what you think would spare our feelings, if you don't want us to leave say so, if you do, that's fine too and wow that was weird to say to you!"
Fluttershy giggled, "I'm not going to lie, that was a bit strange."
After a small chuckle from Pinkie Pie, both eyes returned to the red and gold haired teen.
"So, do you want us to leave? Or do you want us to stay?" Pinkie asked again.
Sunset could feel tears welling in her eyes, Are they serious? Will they actually stay if I ask them? What if they laugh and leave anyway? I don't want to be here alone. I hate hospitals but who doesn't? I guess there is only one way to know for sure, not like I have anything left to lose. Even if they are willing to give me a second chance like Rainbow Dash said. Not sure if I believe that either.
Sunset muttered, "Stay."
Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie smiled at her.
Pinkie grabbed Sunset in a hug and said, "Of course we want to stay! We wouldn't be here if we didn't!" very loudly, making Sunset wince painfully at the sound.
"Pinkie, you're talking too loud." Maud said as she came in and sat across from the girls, "She's got a concussion, her ears are probably really sensitive."
"Oops!" Pinkie said in a hushed voice, "Sorry, Sunset."
"It's fine." She responded, a small smile on her face.
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