
Celestia woke up fairly early to do some basic house cleaning in order to prepare for Sunset finally getting out of the hospital, even if she was probably going to be resting in her room for the next few days.

Turns out, she wasn't exactly the quietest person while cleaning as Luna came stomping out of her room.

"Tia!" Luna yelled, "It is seven in the morning! I should not be awake until at least ten! The house is clean enough, I doubt Sunset will care if she sees a measly speck of dust."

"I know." She said as she sat down on the couch, "I'm just nervous. What if she doesn't like it here? We didn't exactly give her a choice."

"As far as Sunset goes," Luna stood next to the couch, arms crossed, "You have nothing to worry about. We have already explained this to her and she seemed genuinely thankful for what we're doing for her." She smirked, "Besides she did say you reminded her of he-"

"Luna!" Celestia protested.

"What? I'm just saying, it is probably not going to be that much different from the last two months." Luna explained.

"Except that now, she'll be living under our roof." Celestia groaned.

"Try not to think about it so much, Tia." Luna placed a comforting hand on her sister's shoulder, "Everything will be fine."

Celestia smiled, "You're right. I'm over reacting."

"Of course, I am!" Luna said proudly, then looked at the clock, "You should probably at least make her bed before you get her."

Celestia's eyes widened in realization, "I completely forgot!"

Luna chuckled as her sister ran upstairs.

"Is she done?" Chrysalis asked as she poked her head in from her guest room.

"I believe so." Luna said then giggled, "Remember when we were kids and she cleaned the entire house for that bird."

Chrysalis laughed, "Yeah and she had Discord come over to help her reach the top of the bookshelf."

"Ah yes. Good times." Luna smiled then stared at her friend, "I'm really glad you changed professions."

"I know." Chrys smiled at the smaller woman, "I don't think you and Celestia could handle another trip to the hospital."

Luna snorted, "A lot of good that did."

"At least it wasn't you or me again." She said.

"Chrys, I have only been in the hospital twice and one of them was my own stupidity." Luna said, "You have been in the hospital six times."

Chrysalis flinched for a moment at a memory then shrugged, "And you and Tia helped me each time. Besides, it was because of you that I left the F.B.I. I didn't like seeing you so upset all the time."

They stood in silence for another few minutes, just smiling at each other until Chrys' watch beeped.

"Sorry, Lu." Chrysalis said, reaching into her room to grab her duffel bag. "I have to head out, can't blow off work forever."

"I know what you mean." Luna smiled, "I'm glad that my sister is coming back to school on Monday."

"What about the kid?" She asked.

"She'll probably be back sometime this week or next week." Luna explained, "I think it will be like pulling teeth getting her to stay put for another week."

Chrysalis laughed, "I know the feeling. Anyway, bye Luna. I'll see you for the holiday break."

Luna gave her friend a hug and smiled, "OK, Chrys. And be careful on your bike," She leaned in close so only Chrysalis could hear, "I have a feeling you might need it to give someone lessons."

Chrysalis snorted, "Yes, and I think Tia is going to murder me." She smiled and gave Luna another hug, "Besides, I don't ride my baby in the winter, too icy."

Luna walked Chrysalis to the door.

"Bye, Celestia!" Chrys called.

Celestia appeared at the top of the stairs holding Sunset's backpack then came down to give the ebony skinned woman a hug, "Bye, Chrysalis. We're going to miss you."

"I'll miss you too." Chrys smiled, "Good luck with the kid. I think she's very lucky to have you two now."

Celestia smiled at that, "Me too." She looked at the clock, "Speaking of which, I've got to get going."

After one last goodbye, Chrysalis and Celestia went to their cars and drove off in their designated directions.

Luna shut the door and went into the kitchen, sitting at the island as she waited for the coffee to brew.

"Well this might be interesting." Luna mused, "Things are going to be changing a lot around here."


Sunset stood at the window in the hospital room, watching the cars pass by and cringing as she studied the snow that now covered the ground and trees. I really have to get a winter jacket this year.

A few moments later, there was a knock at the door. Sunset turned slowly to see Celestia walk in with her backpack in hand.

"I wasn't expecting you to be awake this early." Celestia said.

Sunset shrugged, "I have a hard time sleeping here. Besides, they rebandaged my leg and got rid of the gauze pad." She pointed to her head which now only had three butterfly bandages holding the wound together. "The nurse showed me how to change them myself."

Celestia smiled and nodded, "Anyway, I have to go fill out your release forms." She set the bag on the bed then headed back to the door. "Get changed and I'll be right back."

Sunset nodded to her then limped to the bed, she opened the bag and began to get changed. Celestia and Luna had obviously salvaged a lot of her clothes. Slipping the track pants on was easy but the shirt was another story. It was not particularly easy slipping her shirt overhead, much less getting her arms in the sleeves. Overall, it was painful.

She was in the middle of trying to get her black sweater when Celestia walked back in, "Would you like some help."

Sunset sighed but flashed a grateful smile, "Yes, please."

Celestia helped sunset into her sweater then grabbed the girl's jacket. Once she zipped up her leather jacket, Sunset put on her scarf then shoved the pajamas along with her books and folders, into the bag and zipped it up.

Sunset attempted to pick up the bag but she dropped it as she winced in pain, tenderly gripping her side.

"Here." Celestia said as she grabbed it and sung it over her own shoulder, "This weighs a ton. The doctor told you not to over exert yourself or try to lift anything heavy."

Sunset crossed her arms and mumbled; "It's not that heavy."

Celestia rolled her eyes, "Uh huh."

Sunset snickered, "You sound like my Mom."

Celestia raised an eyebrow, "Oh really?"

"You just gave me that classic parental 'I know you're just being stubborn' look. My Mom, Mrs. Cake and Doctor Fauna give me that same look whenever I insist that I'm fine." Sunset explained.

"I can't say I blame them." Celestia smiled, "You just don't want people to worry about you. The truth is, Sunset, they see right through you and worry more."

Sunset just stared at her Principal in stunned silence for a moment before muttering, "OK, Sorry. Thanks."

"Looks like you're all ready to get out of here." Doctor Wing said as entered the room.

Sunset turned to him and grinned, "Yep! I'm seriously glad to get out of here. I don't even care that I still have to take it easy."

He laughed, "Yes, most people are. You were by far one of my easiest patients."

Sunset shrugged, "I try."

He chuckled, "So, I don't suggest going back to school right away but when you do, I suggest getting someone to help with your books." Sunset nodded. "In that case, I hear by release you." He bowed dramatically then smiled.

"Thank you, Doctor Wing." Celestia said as she shook his hand.

Sunset followed suit, waving to him with a quick thank you as she followed Celestia. Once they were in the elevator, Sunset found herself shuffling awkwardly next to the taller woman. When the doors opened, Sunset followed Principal Celestia through the halls and out the front doors.

"I hate winter." Sunset said as she shivered.

"That reminds me, do you have a winter coat?" Celestia asked, "We didn't find on in the wreckage."

Sunset shook her head, "Nope, never did. I had every intention of getting one this year though."

Celestia nodded, "In that case, I think we'll take a trip to the mall tomorrow if you are feeling up to it. The last thing we need is for you to get sick."

"It's fine, I can pick one up after school next month." Sunset said, knowing that arguing with her would be futile but it was worth a shot.

Celestia helped Sunset into the passenger side of her grey SUV then got into the driver's seat and started the engine.

"I don't think so." Celestia said as she faced Sunset, "You are under my care; therefore, your health is my concern."

Sunset didn't say anything as Celestia pulled out of the parking lot and started to head towards the shopping district of the city. It wasn't very long until they pulled into the parking lot of an electronics store.

"What are we doing?" Sunset asked as she got out of the car with Celestia and followed her into the store.

"Your phone was surprisingly intact. I just had the screen replaced." She explained, "And I'm putting you on my phone plan."

Sunset looked incredulously at Celestia, "Why?"

"Because you need a phone and I don't want to risk you getting cut off." Celestia explained.

"A-alright." Sunset said as they got to the front counter.

Celestia talked to the salesperson and Sunset payed off her contract but that was the only thing Celestia allowed her to pay for. When they were done, they went back to Celestia's car and Sunset scanned her phone. It was exactly how she left it other than the hundred or so messages she got from her friends the first couple days she was in a coma.

She messaged the group chat stating that she had her phone back and this was her new number.

"Texting your friends?" Celestia asked.

"Yeah. It's kind of awkward to text with a cast on though." Sunset said, holding up her left arm.

"I would assume so." Celestia chuckled as she pulled onto the road, "Now, how about we go get something to eat?"

As if on cue, Sunset's stomach growled, "Yeah, that would be nice."

"Any requests?"

"Sugar Cube Corner?" She requested, "I miss their tea."

Celestia smiled, "Sugar Cube Corner it is. I haven't been there in a while either."

They drove in a comfortable silence. Sunset flipped through her phone and found a call she didn't make. It was to her boss.

"Hey, did you or Vice-Principal Luna use my phone when you found it?" Sunset asked.


"I just couldn't have made this call to work, I wasn't exactly conscious when the call was made." Sunset explained.

Celestia thought for a moment and realized what had happened, "I told Luna to let your boss know what happened so you wouldn't get in trouble."

"Oh. Uh thanks."

They pulled into the Sugar Cube Corner parking lot and headed inside, out of the cold. Sunset and Celestia were assaulted by the smell of freshly baked goods, making them both smile.


They looked over to a nearby table to see Mrs. Cake staring at them with a shocked expression.

Sunset flashed her a wide grin, "Hey, Mrs. Cake! How have you been?"

The older woman made her way over and looked Sunset up and down and eyed her cut on her head worriedly, "I'm a lot better now. I heard what happened from your friends. How are you feeling?"

Sunset held her smile, "I'm fine don't worry. They just let me out of the hospital today."

"The doctor said she should make a full recovery." Celestia explained.

"That's good to hear. You look well for someone who..." Mrs. Cake trailed off.

"Who had a building fall on top of them?" Sunset said, "I've been told by...well, everyone." She put her casted hand to her chin in thought, "I think it had something to do with the fact that I was on the third floor at the time. I don't remember anything though."

"Sunset, dear," Mrs. Cake smiled, "Would it be alright if I gave you a hug?"

Sunset met the woman's eyes and saw that she was trying to suppress her tears, so Sunset smiled, "Of course, just, careful of the ribs please."

In no time Mrs. Cake enveloped Sunset into a hug, one that the young girl returned.

Celestia thought it was a sweet scene to watch, even if she could see that Sunset was a little uncomfortable no matter how hard she tried to hide it. When the hug broke, Sunset was still smiling, showing Mrs. Cake that she was indeed, OK.

Mrs. Cake went over to the counter and took their orders then, Sunset and Celestia went to sit at a table in the corner by the window, just looking out in silence.

Celestia was first to speak, "So, I know that we haven't even made it to the house yet but I would like to get this over with now."

Sunset nodded, "Ground rules I'm guessing?"

"Yes," She replied, "Now, first, I know you're used to being able to go wherever and whenever you want. You're sixteen so I'm not too terribly concerned but I would like you to let me know where you are."

"OK, that's fair." Sunset agreed.

"Ten o'clock curfew on school nights." She added. Sunset chuckled. "Something funny?"

"No, sorry, it's just, it's later than my personal curfew." She explained, "In the end of town I was in, I didn't let myself stay out past 9:30 most of the time."

"I see. That makes matters easier for me I suppose." Celestia mused, "Oh, and Luna might actually kill you if you go into her room without permission."

"Totally understandable." Sunset nodded, "Anything else I should know about?"

"Not off the top of my head. The rest will come up as we come to it."

"I actually have an...odd question." Sunset said.

"What's that."

"It's been a bit of a mouthful to call you Principal Celestia all the time." Sunset explained, "I mean it's fine but, while I'm not at school, would, uh, can I just call you Celestia?"

Celestia smiled, "Of course, I was actually going to suggest it once you were settled into your new living situation so yes, you may call Luna and I but our first names while at the house but please refrain from doing so at school."

"Done." Sunset said.

Mrs. Cake came over with their teas and sweets afew moments later. The two of them ate and engaged in pleasant conversation,just enjoying each other's company until they were finished eating. They bid agoodbye to Mr. and Mrs. Cake before getting in Celestia's SUV and heading to home.Author's Note

Sorry for being late! I didn't remember it was Monday (Tuesday) At 1am.

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