Paper Trust
Come Thursday, Sunset's friends checked in with Vice-Principal Luna. After hearing there were no more changes, they continued to sluggishly mope to their respective classes. Though they haven't really been friends with Sunset for very long, they were taking everything really hard.
Now that she wasn't a bully, they realized why so many adults liked her. She was kind, caring and, to a point; wise beyond her years. Sunset's one of those people you could have one, genuine conversation with and find yourself spilling your deepest concerns and regrets on. When you got to know her; it was hard not to like her.
Over the past few days, the girls found themselves in a few awkward situations where they had to tell some people what had happened. On Tuesday, during soccer practice, Rainbow got distracted, thinking about Sunset and she caught the ball with her face. She had to see Nurse Tender Heart to stop her bloody nose. Tender Heart had questioned her about how she got so distracted and she ended up telling her about Sunset. Even the nurse ended up in tears. After school that day, they went to sugar cube corner and Mrs. Cake asked about Sunset, as she was a regular, more so than the other five girls. They explained the situation and, well...they all got free hot chocolate.
Wednesday afternoon, Rainbow went to help Fluttershy at the shelter. When Rookie jumped on Fluttershy, the sweet girl started to cry, remembering the first time Sunset had helped her at the shelter and the night she'd come in after saving him. After a few minutes of Fluttershy crying, clutching onto Rookie as if he was a life line; Fauna came in to see Rainbow Dash trying to calm Fluttershy down. Rainbow had to explain the situation. Fauna drove the girls to Fluttershy's after that.
During lunch, the five were still generally somber, merely picking at their food. They didn't talk to anyone and the other students gave them concerned looks. They could all see there was something wrong but none of them had the nerve to ask.
It turns out, not everyone noticed their mood.
Trixie, acting all high and mighty, walked up to their table with a sly smirk, "Hello, how are you all today?"
Her voice was far from genuine so Rarity spoke, "What is it that you need, Trixie? As you can see, none of us are really in the mood for your attitude, today."
The other girl smirked, "Well, I just couldn't help but notice Sunset hasn't been around for the last couple weeks."
The group stiffened at the mention of Sunset's name but they remained silent.
Trixie continued, now having drawn an audience form the surrounding tables, "I guess I finally scared her off. I mean, who would want to be friends with a demon anyway." Rainbow and Applejack clenched their fists and glared at her, "Maybe she did the entire world a favor and ended it."
In less than a second, Rainbow had her pinned against the brand-new window pane with a hard thump, "Talk about her like that again!" She yelled angrily, "I dare you!"
Trixie giggled a bit and smiled, "Why do you care? She's nothing more than a cockroach to the 'Great and Powerful Trixie!'"
Rainbow lifted her hand to punch Trixie but Applejack and Pinkie Pie pulled her back, each of them wore angry expressions directed at Trixie.
"She's our friend!" Rainbow yelled, the whole student body watching, "Don't talk about her like that! How would you know anything about her?! Unlike us, she doesn't have a family who cared about her! What gives you the right to judge her?!"
Trixie snorted, "Whatever gave her the right to stomp all over us? Over you? Nothing! This is just revenge for everything she's done to all of us. She deserves all of it!"
Rainbow tried to break free to attack her but her friends kept her restrained.
"But she's trying to change!" Pinkie yelled at her, "You're not even trying to see that she's trying."
"People don't change." Trixie said.
Rainbow was about to yell again but, she was interrupted by an unlikely source. Now, Fluttershy had Trixie pinned to the glass. At that moment; to everyone who was watching, including Trixie herself, Fluttershy was emitting an aura of pure, unadulterated rage. The usually shy girl was terrifying.
"Now you listen here," Fluttershy spoke darkly and louder than most had ever heard her, "If you had taken the time to see that Sunset was trying, you'd also see that she was suffering more than any of you ever did. You locked her in her own locker and she gave herself a concussion, you had Gilda try to beat her to death. What makes you think she deserves what you gave her?" Fluttershy scanned the other students, "You all got your frustrations out after the first week. Now you are just picking on her for no reason. You are no better than she was. And you..." She glared at Trixie, "you have sunk lower than Sunset ever did." She took a deep breath and stepped back, "I don't want to so much as hear you talk down about Sunset again."
"Then where is she?" Trixie questioned angrily, "Why can't she stick up for herself?"
"Remember that earthquake on Friday?" Fluttershy asked rhetorically and glared at her, "Sunset's building fell on top of her."
The whole room gasped.
"I-Is she..." Trixie stuttered.
"She's alive, but she hasn't woken up yet." She said, "Only family and friends are allowed in to see her." Fluttershy frowned, "And like you said, she doesn't have any."
Fluttershy and her friends exited the cafeteria as Trixie sank to her knees and started to cry. None of the girls had any sympathy towards her, she needed to understand.
They silently walked to Sunset and Fluttershy's lockers and sat in the hallway. Sunset had gotten a new locker after she dented her old one with her head. Fluttershy had requested Sunset be closer to her so her friends could keep an eye on her. The Principal was happy to agree.
"Wow, Fluttershy, that was..." Applejack had a hard time at finding the words.
"I didn't know you could be that...terrifying." Rarity said.
"She had to learn." Fluttershy said adamantly.
Rainbow thought back to the cafeteria and realized a certain detail, "Wait, I thought Principal Celestia was with Sunset?"
Fluttershy nodded, "She is."
"Then why did you tell Trixie she was alone?" Rainbow asked.
"I didn't." Fluttershy stated, "I just told her she didn't have any family. I know I didn't give the detail that Principal Celestia being there for her but if I did, I wouldn't have gotten my point across as well. I never lied."
"I think what you did was very admirable." Everyone turned their heads to see Vice-Principal Luna standing a few feet from them. "I think Miss Lulamoon won't be giving Sunset much more trouble now."
Fluttershy smiled.
"She's also earned herself a suspension." Luna scowled, "If you hadn't had intervened, I would have. Talking like that about another student was completely unacceptable."
"Thanks, Vice-Principal Luna." Rainbow said, "Sunset shouldn't have had to deal with Trixie's crap to begin with."
Luna smiled, "I'm glad she has friends like you to look out for her."
They smiled and Luna walked back towards her office to make a phone call to Trixie's parents.
It was late in the evening when Luna finally arrived at the hospital. Still, Celestia greeted her with a smile.
"Sorry I'm late." Luna sat next to her and scowled "I had to fill out suspension papers for Miss Lulamoon."
"Oh?" Celestia questioned, "What for?"
"For some..." She searched for the words, "remarks, regarding Miss Shimmer. Her friends dispelled the situation well, though. I doubt Trixie will cause her any more trouble. The rest of the school will likely lay off more as well. If anything, they are too scared to deal with Fluttershy."
Though it struck her as odd that Fluttershy would have terrified an entire school, Celestia didn't really feel like questioning it. She was just happy that Sunset had such good friends to protect her.
"Come on, Tia." Luna placed a comforting hand on her arm, "You need to sleep in a bed. You haven't left the hospital since Tuesday night." Celestia wanted to argue but Luna spoke first, "Chrysalis is going to stay with her for tonight so she won't be alone."
Celestia was too tired to argue and, after one more look at Sunset, she followed her sister out of the hospital to the parking lot. The drive was silent and when they got home, Luna ushered her sister into the bathroom to shower.
When she was done she crawled into her bed but couldn't sleep. Her thoughts never strayed from Sunset. The three, terrifying, minutes she watched the paramedics get a pulse was still fresh in her mind. Never had she thought she would have to witness something like that. However, she was thankful Sunset had survived.
She was a strong girl, Celestia couldn't deny that, she was fully capable of taking care of herself...for the most part. Still, she was happy she wouldn't have to anymore. Finally, Sunset could be a regular teenager. Or as regular a former magical unicorn could be.
Luna knocked on Celestia's room door and walked in, clutching a pillow while looking away with a light blush.
"I can't really sleep. This week has been stressful." Luna rubbed the back of her head, "Can I, um, sleep with you tonight? Like when we were younger?"
Celestia smiled and moved over. Luna grinned and did a belly flop next to her sister.
"Things didn't really go how we planned, did it?" Sighed Celestia.
"No, but it seems other things are working themselves out as well because of it." Luna said thoughtfully.
The elder sister frowned, "Still, I wish it didn't end up like this."
Luna yawned and cuddled into her sister, "Me neither, but we can't change them."
"So," Celestia said after a yawn of her own, "We are going to be looking after a stubborn teenager when she wakes up."
"Correction, you are going to be looking after a stubborn teenager." Luna joked, "I'm going to be the fun and corruptive aunt."
"Aunt, huh?" Celestia questioned.
"Oh, don't give me that." Luna said, "We both know that's how it will end up."
Celestia sighed, "You're being ridiculous."
"Whatever." Luna said as she closed her eyes, "Night, Tia."
"Good night, Luna." Celestia said as she drifted off.
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