New Home
Sunset got out of Celestia's SUV and followed her up the walkway. It had gotten colder since she left the hospital earlier in the day, so she was thankful that Celestia made her get a winter jacket. The warmth of the black and orange jacket was more than welcome in the cold air.
Celestia opened up the front door and stepped inside, holding the door open for Sunset, "Luna, we're here!"
Sunset nervously followed Celestia in taking their boots and coats off. They made their way through the house into the living room. Luna was sitting on the couch, fiddling with a laptop while the TV was playing some sci-fi movie.
"Hello." Luna turned and greeted, "How does it feel to be out of the hospital, Sunset?"
"Good." She replied, scanning the room, "It's nice to stretch my legs."
"That's good to hear." Luna scanned through the computer then set it down, "Did my sister lay the basic ground rules?"
"Call if I'm going to be late, don't go into your room, no-"
"That's all I need to know." Luna affirmed before walking off into the kitchen.
"Um, OK?" Sunset looked at Celestia with a confused expression, "Should I be worried?"
"Only if you go into her room." Celestia told her nonchalantly.
"So, I guess a tour is in order." She gestured to the room, "This is the living room."
Sunset snickered at the obvious statement but followed her through some double glass doors into a room with a huge table.
"This is the dining room." Celestia said.
She leads her through another set of doors, into a quite large, kitchen where Luna was sitting at the island, looking at her phone with a glass of juice in front of her.
"Kitchen." Celestia said simply, "You are welcome to use or eat anything in here-"
"Except for the alcohol in the cupboard above the fridge." Luna stated, never taking her eyes off her phone.
"Right, that's off limits." Celestia agreed, "I also did some shopping yesterday and got more vegetables and other alternatives for meals for you as well."
"You really didn't have to." Sunset stated, "I don't really want to put you two out."
"If we thought you were going to 'put us out'," Luna turned to look at Sunset, "We would have abandoned this idea months ago. You are now living here so it's only right that we make sure there is food you actually like. Celestia and I understand why you don't eat meat and we accept that."
"I can eat chicken and turkey though." Sunset claimed.
"Now I'm lost." Celestia said.
"I just won't eat meat with hooves." Sunset explained, "In Equestria, those types of animals were sentient. Chickens here are just...chickens. It was just easier to tell people I was vegetarian because I couldn't exactly tell them why I would only eat chicken. Besides, I never got meat that often to begin with so it didn't matter."
"I see." Celestia thought, "I suppose that makes sense. Anyway, shall we continue?"
Sunset nodded and they continued the tour. She was especially impressed with the massive study that no doubt took up a quarter of the house on its own. Next, was the guest room and the downstairs bathroom. The basement was apparently something Luna would show her eventually so, they then made their way upstairs.
"My room is just at the end of the hall to the right. The bath room is here," She pointed to the only other door on the right, "And this, is now your room." Celestia lead Sunset inside and let Sunset look around a bit, setting her bag on the bed.
Sunset looked around and was in awe. It was clear that the room was furnished with her in mind. There were a couple band posters she enjoyed on the walls and the two bookshelves were filled with books, some hers and others were new. There were little trinkets that Sunset thought were cool. One of the shelves held binders, drawing supplies and her extra picks and extra guitar strings she usually kept in her suitcase.
One thing that made her smile was the duvet on the bed. The base was black but the design made it look like a rainbow of paint dripping down a black background. The entire room just screamed 'Sunset Shimmer' right down to the dark red walls.
"Honestly, I thought you only half listened to most of what I was saying." She said as she eyed one of the posters.
"Sunset, I always listened. I wouldn't have been a very good councilor if I didn't." Celestia smiled, "Do you like it?"
Sunset nodded, "You and Luna did all this for me?"
"Of course." Celestia said, "I wasn't kidding when I said you were going to stay here whether you liked it or not. The least we could do was make you feel comfortable."
Sunset walked up and gave Celestia as big a hug as she could manage without hurting herself which the older woman returned gently.
"Thank you. This is the nicest thing anyone has ever done for me." Her voice was muffled a bit but Celestia could hear that she was on the brink of happy tears.
"Sunset, you deserve to have the same chances as everyone else." Celestia said, "I'm happy you like it. Luna even picked the bedding."
Sunset pulled away and smiled, "You two did a great job."
"So, I will let you get settled and I will come get you for dinner later, OK?" Celestia said, "Feel free to ask if you need anything."
"I will, thanks." Sunset smiled as Celestia left and shut the door behind her.
Sunset sat on the bed, her bed and scanned the room again. It really was very comforting and homey it reminded her of... what did it remind her of? Has anywhere she lived felt homey to her?
I guess this is a first. I never really felt like I could let my walls down like this in my room before. She thought.
Sunset opened her bag and took out its contents, putting her homework on the desk and putting her dirty clothes into the hamper then sat on the bed and laid down. She reflected on the day, it wasn't even three and she was already physically and emotionally exhausted. Sunset relaxed into the queen-sized bed and hummed at the comfort it offered.
I haven't slept in a real bed since I was in Equestria. She thought to herself, A few minutes wouldn't hurt.
Celestia and Luna sat at the kitchen island waiting for the spaghetti to finish. It was no surprise that the red head upstairs was the topic of conversation.
"So, how is she?" Luna questioned.
"Good, she just needs time to adjust." Celestia said.
"How are you?"
Celestia sighed deeply, "Relieved that she's out of that building, here and alive."
Luna chuckled, "I bet." She looked away and tapped her nails against the counter, "I don't suppose that you'd be going back to work on Monday?"
Celestia laughed, "We'll see. I might wait until Tuesday, make sure Sunset's settling all right."
"Tia, she's been telling you to go to work for the past week." Luna said.
Celestia thought for a moment before responding, "I see your point."
Luna got up and checked the sauce and noodles, "It's done. You want to go get the kid?"
Celestia nodded and made her way up stairs. It was strangely quiet so Celestia gently knocked on the door. When she didn't get a response, she pushed it open. She smiled as she spotted Sunset rolled on to her uninjured side, sleeping soundly on the bed. Celestia didn't want to disturb her but since Sunset was just released from the hospital and she was still healing, the girl needed to eat.
Gently, Celestia knelt down and shook her shoulder, "Sunset. Sunset, wake up."
Sure enough, the girl stirred. She flinched for a moment as she opened her eyes until she relaxed upon realizing where she was.
"Sorry," Sunset mumbled, sitting up slowly, "I was just so comfortable that I couldn't help it."
"No need to apologize." Celestia assured her, "I'm glad you feel so comfortable. Besides, you've had a long day." She stood up and started out of the room, "Now, come get something to eat."
Sunset got out of the bed and followed Celestia into the dining room where Luna already sat, her back to the kitchen. The table was already set with plates, forks, knives and the makings of spaghetti. Each of the three places had a glass of milk in front of it as well.
She was unsure of where to sit so Sunset waited until Celestia to take a seat at the head of the table until she sat across from Luna. Starting with Luna, they passed the noodles and sauce clockwise until all three had food on their plates.
Luna immediately started to dig in followed by Celestia. Sunset followed suit and picked up her fork, spinning noodles around the tongs and shoved it in her mouth.
"Wow, this is really good." Sunset commented.
Luna grinned with pride, "Thank you, Sunset. I'm glad you like it."
"Yes, Luna is the one who usually makes the spaghetti. I seem to always mess up the sauce." Celestia told her.
"True," Luna replied, "But you are better at making literally anything else."
"Can you cook, Sunset?" Celestia asked.
Sunset shrugged, "Kind of. All I can do is barbeque. I'm pretty useless if it has anything to do with a stove."
Luna leaned over towards her sister, "Tia, it's finally happening!"
"What?" Sunset questioned, "What's happening?"
Celestia smirked, "Luna and I set anything we barbeque on fire."
"Yes," Luna nodded, "We usually have to wait until Chrysalis or Discord visit to use our barbeque."
Sunset laughed and winced but the pain wasn't as bad this time. "I understand, believe me. Remember when you had to call the fire department during home economics because I set the cupboards on fire?"
"Yes, that's the reason we banned you form even entering that room without someone accompanying you." Luna remembered.
"Thus, I haven't been in there since." Sunset joked.
They continued to eat their meals and Sunset was the first to finish, grateful for a meal that wasn't hospital food or greasy. The best part, Sunset believed, was that it was a genuine home cooked meal. Something that she never realized she missed.
"Would you like help cleaning up?" Sunset asked.
"No." Celestia said, "You're still hurt and if you want to go back to school at some point next week, you'll just rest."
"But I-"
"No." Celestia interrupted.
Sunset sighed in defeat, "Fine."
"Why don't you go up to your room or get a book and relax in the living room?" Celestia suggested.
Sunset nodded, "I'll be upstairs. If, um, that's alright."
"Of course, it is." Celestia said.
"Remember, Miss Shimmer, this is your house now too. You do not need to ask to go somewhere." Luna told her.
Sunset smiled and headed back upstairs.
She shut her door and stood in the middle of the room, looking around. My room. This is my room. Sunset couldn't help but smile at the thought. It was warm, clean, and she didn't have to lock it in concern for intruders. However, the best part was the two women down stairs. It was now a new reminder that she wasn't alone, not anymore.
Author's Note
I have made the decision to move up my posting to end the story on July 28th because I want to use is it as my entree for Wattpad's Wattys awards and the deadline is August 1st.
I'm really sorry but I'm affraid I have to post two days a week instead of Monday.
HAHA Really horrible isn't it?
New post days are Mondays and Thursdays.
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