Last Day!

Sunset was woken up at an ungodly hour for an x-ray and C.A.T scan and Celestia was there for her the entire time. By the time they were doing the C.A.T Sunset was unable to move as her pain killers had worn off.

When she got back to her room, the graciously accepted the pills the nurse gave her and washed them down with a cup of water.

Fluttershy and Rarity came to see her in the afternoon and they had fun just talking and joking around. They talked about the band, which they had named, the 'Rainbooms' and how Fluttershy wrote a few songs.

Sunset flipped through the book Fluttershy kept the songs in and smiled, "Wow, Fluttershy, these are really good. You should play these at the showcase."

Fluttershy frowned, "I would like to, but Rainbow Dash has already written songs for it."

"So?" Sunset questioned, "You guys just started, why can't you change the set list?"

"That's what I've been saying." Rarity explained.

"I just don't want to step on her toes." Fluttershy frowned, "She said we'll play them eventually."

"Fluttershy, darling, you know Rainbow Dash better than anyone." Rarity said, "You need to be more assertive with her."

"Rarity's right." Sunset agreed with an encouraging smile, "If you want to play your songs, you have to stand up for yourself."

"But I don't want her to get angry with me." Fluttershy said, "That would make me feel terrible."

Doesn't feel worse to be disregarded? Sunset thought but decided that would be crossing some sort of line.

They eventually dropped the subject until Fluttershy had to leave for the animal shelter.

"So," Rarity said, "Are you happy to be getting out of here tomorrow?"

"You have no idea." Sunset heavily sighed, "Though I'm still going to be in bed for the better part of next week. I never thought that I'd be looking forward to going to school."

Rarity giggled, "Well, it is a bit odd. However, I do think you deserve to feel as such."

Sunset laughed but flinched soon after, "Ow. Still hurts to laugh."

"Are you alright darling?" Rarity asked worriedly.

Sunset waved her off, "Yeah, it's not the first time and I doubt it will be the last. I never knew people could laugh this much."

"It usually means that you're happy." Rarity smirked.

"Happy hurts." Sunset mock-pouted, enticing more, painful, giggles.

"Jokes aside," Rarity said, "I'm glad you're feeling better."

"Thanks." Sunset smiled. She thought for a moment and thought of something she'd been meaning to ask about, "So, has everyone know."

Rarity nodded, "We wanted to wait until you were out of the hospital to tell you. All five of us have started to, what Pinkie calls, 'Pony Up'."

"Pony up?" Sunset questioned, "I suppose it is an accurate way of putting it."

"You're not upset by it?" she asked, "Whether you admit it or not, we know it's why you weren't at school the week of the earthquake."

Sunset sighed, "I am but not that you 'pony up' in general but at how you got that ability to begin with." Rarity was about to say something but Sunset interrupted, "You can say that it wasn't my fault all you want but we both know that would be a lie. I'm going to have to live with my mistakes and I have accepted that. Besides, the more I think about it, the more I realize that it's not exactly a bad thing."

"What do you mean?" Rarity asked.

Sunset frowned and looked out the window, not saying a word.

Rarity took in her reaction and a lightbulb went off in her head. "Now, Sunset," She said sternly, "Don't be thinking like that. You aren't going to turn into that...that 'thing' again. You are a changed person and you have to see that."

Sunset took a deep breath, there's no point in arguing with her.

"I know that, Rarity." Sunset told her, "I'll get over it eventually."

Rarity looked unsure for a moment then quickly changed the subject, "Are you really going to be living with the Principal?"

Sunset nodded, "And Vice-Principal yeah. I'm still having trouble wrapping my head around it."

"I can see why." She commented, "Especially with your past."

Sunset frowned.

"Oh, I'm sorry." Rarity said sincerely, "I didn't mean-"

"It's fine." She said, "I just..." Sunset groaned, "Can we just not talk about it please?"

"If that's what you want." Rarity told her, "If you ever want to talk, just let me know."

"Thanks." Sunset said, "So, what outfits are you making for your band?"

Rarity grinned and reached into her bag, pulling out a bejeweled sketch book and scooted closer to Sunset.

"I'm glad you asked!" she said excitedly, "No one seems to understand how costumes gives a performance a certain... je ne sais quoi."

Sunset smiled, "I know, in Equestria, we don't really wear clothes but when we do, they seem to personify our personalities. Mostly at higher functions though. I found it easier to read people here because humans always wear clothes."

"Hmm, you never struck me as a person who understands fashion." Rarity commented.

Sunset shrugged, "So, anyway, let's see what you got."

They spent the next hour looking over Rarity's designs. Sunset even gave her a few helpful suggestions regarding a couple. However, the day came to an end and it was time for Rarity to go home.

"I'm afraid I must be going." Rarity frowned, "But you must let me use you as a model. Other than Fluttershy, you're the only one who seems to get my vision."

"Sure," Sunset smiled, "I'm glad I could help. Have a good night!"

Rarity smiled and waved, smiling at Celestia and Luna as the older women stepped back into the room.

"How long were you standing out there?" Sunset asked.

"About five minutes." Luna answered, "I didn't know two people could go on about clothes for so long."

"Sorry to make you wait." Sunset apologized, "You could have come in you know."

Celestia waved her off, "It's quite alright. She was here for so long; Luna and I had the chance to go grocery shopping."

"Yes, we had been running low on...well, everything." Luna said.

Just then, Chrysalis burst into the room and slammed the door shut and lowered the blinds.

"Got it!" She cheered as she held up two pizza boxes.

"Excellent." Luna and Celestia said simultaneously, each with their own grin.

Chrysalis pulled the table up to Sunset and sat at the edge of the bed and sat a box on top, "One cheese pizza for the kid," she handed Luna the other box, "And pepperoni and bacon for the rest of us."

Sunset stared at the box, almost drooling, "You are a saint."

Chrysalis chuckled as she grabbed a slice and bit into it, "I don't think your doctor would think so."

"True, but I don't care." Sunset said as she bit into a slice of pizza, "Thank you."

"You have got to be kidding me." Doctor Wing said as he walked in. Everyone froze, trying to find an excuse for the scene in front of them, "I've been working long hours and my wife has been insisting on healthy meals for weeks." He shut the door, "May I please have a piece?"

He sounded desperate, causing the group to laugh. Sunset waved him over and he graciously took a slice and started eating it.

"So," He said between mouthfuls, "All of your scans look good. Still not sure how you are as well as you are, but I'm going with it." The doctor took another bite and moaned, "This is so good."

Sunset chuckled, "Feel free to take another."

He immediately took her up on her offer and grabbed a piece of the cheese pizza, "Thanks. So, great news! I just got the OK to release you tomorrow morning!"

"Yes!" Sunset pumped her fist, immediately regretting it, gripping her ribs. "Ow!!"

He chuckled, "You should probably avoid doing that though."

Sunset rolled her eyes, "Not kidding."

Celestia couldn't help but laugh.

"Here." He handed Celestia a slip of paper with Sunset's prescription on it, "This should last her a couple weeks then she'll have to live with aspirin."

"Thanks, Doctor." Celestia said.

Once the doctor finished inhaling his pizza he left the room.

"I'm so glad to be getting out of here." Sunset said, "I hate this place."

"You're not the only one." Luna shivered, "I'm not a fan myself."

"Then how about we all stop doing foolish things to end up in here." Celestia glared at the other three but no one said anything.

After a few, very awkward, minutes of silence, they continued eating with pleasant conversation. Sunset and Celestia smirked slightly every time they caught Luna and Chrys stealing glances at each other.

Overall, Sunset thought the evening was extremely pleasant and she was now far less nervous around Chrysalis, especially when the two got into a conversation about motorcycles. Sunset had always wanted to drive one and when Celestia heard this, she looked like she would pass out from either shock or fear. Probably both.

"Hey, I could teach you how to ride one." Chrysalis suggested, "They're much easier than cars."

"Really?" Sunset said excitedly.

"You are not getting on one of those death traps!" Celestia protested.

"Awe man." Sunset pouted.

Chrysalis leaned up to Sunset's ear, "She'll wear down eventually."

"What was that?" Celestia asked rhetorically, glaring blazing daggers at Chrys.

"Well," Chrysalis said, "Assuming that she hasn't gotten her permit yet, she won't be able to get her license for over a year and she will probably want to drive something before then. Alternate universe or not, she's still a teenager. Besides, a motorcycle license doubles as a permit and she has to take classes before she can actually go out on a road."

Celestia continued her glare at Chrysalis then glanced at Sunset who wore a puppy dog pout, then back at the other woman, "No."

"I'll buy you cake every time she gets on one."

"We'll talk." Celestia said, continuing her glare.

Sunset raised an eyebrow, "Cake? Seriously? That's all it took?"

"You underestimate my sister and sweets." Luna said.

"I'm not that bad." Celestia protested.

"Tia, you just changed your 'no' into a 'we'll talk'." Chrys told her.

"I was kidding." She sighed, but Chrysalis and Luna knew better than to believe her. "Anyway, it's getting late. We should let Sunset get some sleep."

Chrysalis and Luna waved and headed to Luna's car, leaving Celestia and Sunset alone.

"Tomorrow is going to be weird." Sunset said.

Celestia nodded, "Yes, but for you, I believe it will be a positive change."

"Thanks again." Sunset said, "For being here and not letting me go back on my own."

Celestia smiled, "It was my pleasure. Though I'm not sure if you'll be thanking me when you have to actually abide by the house rules."

Sunset shook her head, "I doubt they'll be much different than from what I'm used to, I know I'm probably not going to get as much freedom as I usually have though."

"We'll talk tomorrow, goodnight Sunset." Celestia leaned down to hug the girl.

Sunset returned the hug, "Goodnight."

With that, Celestia left Sunset alone. The flame haired girl turned out her over-head-light and hunkered down for the evening. She fell asleep to thoughts of the next day and the new chapter that she will be starting in her life.

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