
As soon as they got home, Luna and Chrysalis decided it was perfect time to fully introduce Sunset to video games. The three of them took to the basement while Celestia opted to make dinner instead.

Sunset marveled at the massive entertainment system with various consoles sitting under the television and two thin book shelves next to speakers on either side of the TV. Behind the couch was two workbenches', one having a monitor and a half put together tower and the other was scattered with computer parts and casings. There were a few books on the shelf next to it but it mostly contained various labeled bins with everything from wires to motherboards sticking out of them. To the very back of the basement, was the laundry room and furnace.

"Woah." Sunset said.

Luna looked at her and grinned, "Yes, this is the entertainment room and workspace. When I'm not in my room, I come down here to play on the consoles or attempt to put together computers and laptops.

Sunset was thoroughly impressed, "Celestia did say you have been building computers since you were little."

Chrysalis sighed, "Don't encourage her."

Luna waved off her friend and smiled proudly, "My father taught me almost everything I know. He used to fix computers for a living. When I was thirteen, I was good enough at fixing them he started to pay me to help him."

Sunset smiled, "Wow, I only really know how to fix program issues."

Luna raised a brow, "You know how to fix computers."

Sunset frowned slightly, "Yeah, I learned how when I started hacking student's email accounts and phones."

Chrys and Luna exchanged concerned looks, not meaning to upset the girl by getting her to reminisce on her past. So, Luna quickly changed the subject back to video games, successfully putting a smile back on Sunset's face.

Luna started her off with a first-person shooter and, at first, they all cringed at how often Sunset died. Come the second round however, she was starting to get the hang of it. After a few hours, Sunset was actually putting up a fight.

All three women were so focused on playing and shouting insults at each other, they didn't see or hear Celestia come down stairs and stand directly behind the couch. Eventually, Chrysalis noticed and they both smiled manically.

Chrys focused on the game as if she never saw her and Celestia slowly moved towards Sunset and Luna who had yet to notice her.

She waited until there was ten seconds left on the countdown clock and, quickly grabbed their shoulders "Who's winning?" She said suddenly.

Sunset and Luna jumped and yelled. They both went to smack the offender but, instead, Celestia quickly dodged they smacked each other in the face with their controllers.

"Ow." They both groaned, holding their foreheads.

Chrysalis and Celestia didn't even attempt to conceal their laughter as the other two glared at Celestia. It didn't take long for Sunset and Luna to lose their composure as well and start to snicker.

Once everyone was calmed down, Celestia announced that dinner was ready. Celestia had prepared chicken and beef fajitas which was something Sunset had never heard of before but found it rather delicious.

The majority of the chicken was saved specifically for Sunset as, everyone was aware she didn't eat beef.

After dinner, Sunset helped Celestia clean up the kitchen and put everything away while Luna and Chrysalis started bringing something in from the garage.

"What are they doing?" Sunset asked.

Celestia smiled, "They are bringing in the decorations. We usually do it at the beginning of the month but there has been a lot going on lately."

"Oh yeah." Sunset mused, "Like a tree and ornaments and stuff like that?"

Celestia nodded.

"You know, even the traditions here are similar to Equestria." Sunset said, "We had Heartwarming instead of Christmas. Same thing though; presents, decorations, trees..."

"At least I don't have to worry about having to explain it to you." Celestia said.

Sunset chuckled, "I'm almost surprised I remembered."

Celestia smiled sadly at that but she made sure Sunset didn't see. She was still having a hard time dealing with the fact that it's been years since Sunset had had any type of holiday. It hurt Celestia's heart that the young girl was so nonchalant about it now.

Once they were finished, they met Luna and Chrysalis in the living room as they just finished stringing the lights on the tree. Luna and Chrysalis ran up to them, wearing red and white hats and put one on each of their heads as well.

Sunset adjusted hers and looked at Luna with a quizzical look.

"What?" Luna defended, "It's tradition."

Sunset looked to Celestia who shrugged, "She's right. You have to wear it for decorating and present opening."

Sunset shrugged as well, "Alright."

It took a bit of coaxing at first but soon, Sunset happily participated in putting the ornaments on the tree.

When they got to the red and silver tinsel, Sunset's more childish humor broke free. She took a strand of red and walked discretely around the couch towards Celestia. When Luna and Chrysalis noticed what she was doing, they grinned and grabbed strands of their own and began to walk towards the tall woman.

"What are you two doing?" Celestia questioned the two darker women inching towards her.

Without any warning Sunset threw a tangled strand of garland on her head which sat nicely on top of Celestia's head like another layer of sparkly hair. The surprised look on Celestia's face when Sunset came around in front of her made Sunset grip her stomach laughing.

Luna approached her sister and wrapped her stand around Celestia like a sash.

"Are you done yet?" Celestia raised her eyebrow at her sister and Sunset laughing.

"Nope." Chrysalis said.

Then it happened. Sunset and Luna hit the floor laughing as Chrysalis put the star meant for the tree on Celestia's head.

"Does anyone have their phone on them?" Chrysalis asked between laughs. Sunset handed Chrys her phone and she snapped a picture then immediately sent it to herself and Luna.

Celestia gave the three of them a terrifyingly sweet smile. The three of them exchanged looks and nervous smiles. Unluckily for Luna and Sunset, they were on the floor surrounded by boxes and somehow, none of them noticed the entire bag of tinsel next to the taller woman.

In one, swift, movement, Celestia had grabbed the bag and dumped it completely over Sunset and Luna then went to put the star on Luna's head. They both gave her blank looks as she glared but soon, they were all laughing at the red and silver tangled mound that was Sunset and Luna.

Chrysalis used Sunset's phone to capture the scene all the while laughing with them.

Sunset couldn't help but appreciate how happy she was in that moment and reflect on how unusually comfortable she felt throwing the tinsel on Celestia. However, she also still found it hard to believe that she was going to spend Christmas with these wonderful people.

After they cleaned up all of the tinsel and actually put some on the tree, they put some other Christmas paraphernalia around the main floor such as little statutes and table cloths. Sunset helped Luna and Chrysalis take the boxes back out to the garage while Celestia made some hot chocolate then they all congregated back into the living room.

"Well that was...eventful." Celestia said.

Sunset snickered but didn't reply.

They all stayed in a comfortable silence while drinking their cocoa until, a few minutes later, Sunset got lost in her own head, humming to herself.

"Sunset?" Luna questioned, "What are you humming?"

Sunset flipped her head towards Luna as if startled, "Oh, sorry, it's just a song I've had in my head for a while."

"What is it called?" asked Chrysalis.

Sunset shrugged, "I don't know. I don't have a name for it yet."

"Wait, you're writing a song?" Chrysalis said in surprise.

Sunset blushed, "Yeah but without my guitar, I can't finish it."

"Is this the song you told me about when we first started our sessions?" Celestia asked.

"Yeah, I actually have some of the tune and lyrics but it's hard to make them fit without music." Sunset said.

Celestia nodded, "Well, if you ever do have a chance to finish it, we'd love to hear it."

Sunset gave a small smile, and simply replied with: "Sure."

It wasn't long before everyone split off into their own areas.

Sunset got into her room and shut the door then sat at her desk and took out her sketch book. She decided to finish working on the drawing for Pinkie Pie and while she did, Sunset got to thinking about everything that's happened to her in the past few months from turning into a demon, turning back, talking with Celestia, being hated, making friends that wanted to protect her, and finally, being taken in by Celestia, being a part of their holiday, and...their family.

She didn't realize before now that she never actually sat back and thought about everything and, now that she did; it was a bit overwhelming. Sunset moved the sketch book out of the way as she felt the tears well up in her eyes and down her cheeks. She gripped at her heart through her sweater.

The thoughts of Celestia being there for her in the hospital so she wasn't alone. How she comforted her when she was upset or unsure. How safe she felt now in her new home, Sunset realized was almost too much for her to handle. There had been so much going on that she never had a chance to think about everything as a whole.

She thought about her lonely, secluded childhood and how much more alone she was when she fled Equestria. Sunset hated who she was and was working hard to distance herself from that. Because of all the people surrounding her, she was learning to trust again, to care about others and to accept when others cared about her and not push them away. Everything that was happening to her was making her better and she relished in it.

Since coming to the human world and even when she was at the palace, the one thing she wanted, the only thing she's ever wanted was to be loved and accepted for who she was. Sunset never admitted it but she craved it, she ached for it. For someone to be proud of her. For someone to love her and to pick her up when she fell. To put her back together when she broke and not cast her aside. Someone who just wanted her how she is.

Finally, after so long, she has everything she wanted and everything she didn't know she needed.

The tears kept falling and Sunset was failing to hold back the sobs. She was just so happy that she didn't have any other way to get it out.

She didn't notice Luna poke her head in and rush to get Celestia.

Soon, there was a knock on her door and when she didn't answer, Celestia let herself in and approached Sunset at her desk.

"Sunset, honey, what's wrong?" Celestia asked delicately, kneeling on the floor next to her.

When she still didn't respond, she carefully turned Sunset to face her. She couldn't figure out what could possibly be wrong. As far as Celestia was aware, they had a rather enjoyable night.

The next thing she knew, Sunset tackled her in a hug and cried harder. Celestia wrapped her in a hug that, for some reason made Sunset hold on harder.

"Sunset, I can't help if you don't tell me what's wrong." Celestia said softly she held her.

It was then, another thought occurred to Sunset, something that, as of late, she has only thought in passing. The thing she wanted, no, needed most in either world, wasn't grades, money, a roof over her head or even food. What she's need for so long is a mother's love.

"That's j-just it. N-nothings' wrong." Sunset managed as she refused let go of Celestia, "I just re-realized how happy I actually am."

Celestia paused for a moment and soon, a stray tear ran down her cheek and a soft smile graced her lips, "Oh, Sunset. You have no idea how glad I am to hear that."

Sunset gave her another squeeze, "Thank you, Celestia. For everything you've done for me. Thank you for caring about me as much as you do. Last time someone cared like this, I...I don't even remember now."

Fresh tears fell from both of their faces as Celestia just held Sunset like a small child. Her small child.

Celestia kissed the top of Sunset's head, "I love you as if you were my own child, Sunset. I love you for who you are. Nothing will change that."

Sunset buried her head further in Celestia's chest and continued to cry until she had no tears left.

Celestia guided Sunset off the floor and on to her bed where, even Celestia could tell she could be out at any second.

"You should get some sleep." She said in a soft tone.

What happened next was something she never expected.

"Can you stay a little longer?" Sunset asked in a small, half asleep voice, "Please?"

Celestia's heart swelled as she lay down next to Sunset and started to run her fingers through her hair as her mother used to do to her. It didn't take long for Sunset to fall asleep.

Celestia smiled as she got up and carefully moved the covers so they were covering Sunset. She shut the light off and left the room, closing the door behind her.


Really didn't know how else to title this chapter.

Guess what?! I'm making this into an audio book and hopefully, actually get people to voice the characters because I'm ONE person. I will be voicing at least one character the narrator probably AND I really want to do Sunset's demon. If any of you want to voice something, I have a casing call url=https://www.castingcall.club/projects/equestria-girls-fan-fiction-audiobook It would be awesome if I had some of you voicing the characters!

Also, had a job interview today and...ugh I hate interviews. I think it went OK though because I got it!

Just out of curiosity, what do you guys think I look like IRL? Including gender

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