Gift Exchange
Author's Note
Yep. It's my birthday and...yeah there is probably nothing going on today but I will get some writing done. I'm also not sure how it's a present to me, but 2 chapters will be posted to day in honor of me!
Anyway, I got the full character list for Scars so I can start to get to work on the audio book. Still looking for a Sunset if you want to try out, check out my casting call! or e-mail me at [email protected].
I also went to pick up my computer yesterday afternoon and, well, my mom wanting to get my computer fixed was all a ruse! She and my step dad had BOUGHT me a new laptop! A gaming one too! It's actually my first brand new computer, the others I've had were all hand me downs. This one means a lot because my family doesn't have a lot of money so I don't even know how they could afford it.
Second chapter will be posted later today!
Sunset woke up in the morning with a smile on her face with the feeling that she finally belonged somewhere. Absolutely nothing could ruin her mood.
After getting dressed, Sunset grabbed Pinkie's present off her desk and ran downstairs for breakfast.
Celestia, Chrysalis and Luna stood around the island eating eggs and toast when Sunset walked in and set the brightly wrapped gift on the counter and took her usual spot at the island.
"You still going to Miss Pie's I assume?" Luna asked.
Sunset nodded, "That's the plan. I'm going to be coming back later tonight though."
"You need a ride?"
She shook her head, biting into a slice of toast. "No, Rarity's picking me up in an hour, but I might need a ride home."
Luna grinned, "Just text me when you're ready to be picked up."
Sunset smiled, "Thanks."
After breakfast, Sunset brushed her teeth then carefully placed Pinkie's present in her bag before going into the study where Celestia and Chrysalis were working, the latter was hijacking Luna's desk.
Celestia was the first to notice her entry, "Rarity is going to be here to pick you up soon?"
"In five minutes." Sunset told her. "I just came to tell you I was leaving."
Celestia smiled, "Ok, have fun. Home by one or I'll send Luna whether you call or not."
Sunset did a mock salute, "Yes ma'am!"
Celestia rolled her eyes, "Sunset, I mean it."
The teen chuckled, "I know, I know. I wasn't planning on staying that late anyway."
Celestia nodded, "See you tonight."
Sunset waved as she left, "Alright, see you later."
Once Sunset was gone, Chrysalis could no longer contain her laughter. "Wow that is going to take some getting used to."
Celestia smirked, "You and me both."
"At least you didn't have to worry about the diapers or the 'terrible twos'."
Celestia sighed, "She only admitted she thought of me as a mom and I thought of her as a daughter. You're acting as if it was already official
"In time, Tia. I 'm just doing the papers now so it's all good to go when you do ask her." She said, "But you would never believe who did Sunset's papers for her."
"Sunset! Rarity!" Pinkie cheered, giving them both a hug, "It feels like forever since we last hung out!"
"It's only been a week, Pinkie." Rainbow yelled from the living room.
"Yes," Pinkie said loudly, "But I still really missed you guys!"
"We are happy to see you too." Rarity said with a smile.
They walked into the living room where everyone else had already arrived.
"Hey, Sunset," Rainbow said, "Didn't you go to Celestia's parents for Christmas?"
Sunset nodded, "Yeah, it was actually better than I expected."
"What are they like?" Applejack asked.
"You guys just want to know more about the Principals' outside of school." Sunset said suspiciously.
"Can you really blame us?" Rainbow questioned.
Sunset smiled, "Not really. To tell you the truth, you kind of forget they are old enough to be my grandparents. Their dad is a complete computer and videogame nerd and their mom is a comic book geek and an amazing artist. She even gave me two bins of comics."
"I was expecting them to be strict, military old people." Rainbow said, "Like Vice-Principal Luna."
Sunset couldn't help but laugh at what Rainbow had insinuated, "You guys really need to come over one day. They are almost the exact opposite of how they are at school. On Christmas morning, Luna jumped on top of me to wake me up."
Everyone went slack-jawed.
"Seriously, they are completely normal people." Sunset paused, "Well, except Luna, she's just crazy."
"I need to see it to believe it." Rainbow said skeptically.
"Yes, it's hard to believe." Rarity nodded.
"What's Principal Celestia like?" Fluttershy asked, "She seemed really caring and motherly when you were in the hospital."
Sunset smiled, "Yeah, pretty much. I mean, she can be pretty dorky too but you can tell when she cares."
"Ok, enough gushy talk." Rainbow said, "Let's open our presents!"
Rarity, Sunset and Applejack rolled their eyes at her but sat down in a circle on the floor.
"Ok people!" Pinkie said, "Remember, you can't say who got who their gift. It will remain a secret unless they figure it out themselves!"
Starting with Rarity on Sunset's left, they went around in a clockwise circle, each girl opening their presents one at a time.
"My turn, my turn!" Pinkie said excitedly after Rainbow opened her new basketball.
Pinkie ripped open the paper, revealing a bright purple frame with hers and Maud's names painted on it. Inside was the drawing of Pinkie sitting next to Maud. Pinkie had an arm wrapped around her sister and Maud held Boulder with her free hand.
"Wow! This is amazing!" Pinkie said with the world's biggest smile on her face.
She turned the frame around for everyone to see.
"Is that a drawing?" Rarity asked.
Pinkie nodded enthusiastically, then handed the picture to the accented girl.
"The detail on this is remarkable." Rarity marveled, passing it around the circle.
Everyone nodded in agreement, even Sunset who didn't want anyone else to know that he was the one who drew it. The look on Pinkie's face was enough.
After Fluttershy opened her new brushes for the animals at the shelter, it was Sunset's turn as she was the last one in the group.
"Now, your gift is a little different, dear." Rarity said, "Fluttershy was your secret Santa but after talking to Vice-Principal Luna, we decided to all pitch in and get you something together."
Sunset raised her eyebrow, "You guys didn't really have to do that."
Fluttershy smiled, "We wanted to." She handed a box to Sunset and gestured her to open it.
Sunset peeled open the paper and her heart stopped, "Guys, you really didn't have to do this."
"We know you used to do almost all your school work on your laptop but it got broken during the earthquake." Pinkie said.
"We asked V.P. Luna what we could get you and after we told her that the price didn't matter, we may have gotten it out of her." Rainbow grinned.
"We even got a good deal on it." Applejack stated, "Turns out my Uncle Orange owns an electronics store so we got it half price."
Sunset smiled, "Thank you all so much. It means a lot."
"Yeah, yeah, just don't leave it in and old building before an earthquake, OK?" Rainbow said.
Sunset laughed, fist bumping Rainbow. "Deal."
After they all cleaned up, they just sat around, hanging out.
"Sunset?" Fluttershy asked so only Sunset could hear.
"What's up Shy?" Sunset asked.
"I just wanted to say that you are a very good artist. That picture you drew was amazing." She commented.
"I have no idea what you're talking about." She smirked with a wink.
Fluttershy giggled, "I'm glad you're feeling better."
"Yeah, well, it's hard not to when you are surrounded by amazing people." Sunset smiled, "Speaking of which, what's up with you and Rainbow Dash?"
Fluttershy's face turned red, "I-I don't...I mean...well."
Sunset laughed, "It's alright, I won't tell. I'm pretty sure one of you will ask the other out at some point."
"How can you be so sure?" Fluttershy asked.
"Because I know how to read other people." Sunset smiled.
"Oh, I see." Fluttershy nodded in thought, "W-what would you do?"
"Just go and ask her out for coffee or something." Sunset said, "It can't hurt to try."
Fluttershy shook her head "I couldn't do that. Not in front of all our friends."
"I didn't mean right now." Sunset said, "I meant when you are ready for that step."
Fluttershy nodded, "Thank you."
Sunset smiled, "Any time."
The rest of the night was pretty relaxed and, eventually Sunset began to get tired and texted Luna.
"How was your night?" Luna asked as she got in the car.
"It was great!" She said excitedly. "Did you know about this?" Sunset asked, holding up the computer box.
"Maybe." Luna smirked.
Sunset grinned, "You are scary good with secrets."
She shrugged, "I try. Though, I doubt that was the best Christmas present you got."
Sunset chucked, "Yeah, but I don't think anything will ever be able to even come close to having a family."
"Wait until you meet the person you want to marry." Luna said.
"Speaking of," Sunset said, "What are you going to do about Chrys?"
Luna sighed, "Nothing right now, obviously. Eventually, maybe. Now can we drop the subject."
Sunsetbacked off and they went on to talk about other things. It was then decidedthat they would spend the rest of the vacation binge watching Marvel until theyget all caught up.
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