Friend Down

                Come Monday; Rarity, Fluttershy, Rainbow, Pinkie and Applejack walked into the school, tapping on their phones. None of them had heard from Sunset since before the earthquakes on Friday and were concerned as to what had happened.

"You don't think..." Rainbow's voice trailed off.

"Oh, I hope she's OK." Fluttershy said.

As they were passing the office, Vice-Principal Luna caught their attention.

"Girls." Luna said in a stern tone but it was somewhat softer than usual, "Can I speak to you five in my office please?"

They exchanged nervous glances but followed Vice-Principal Luna into her office. As they entered, they all gathered around her desk; Fluttershy and Rarity sitting in the two chairs provided.

Luna sat at her desk and took a deep breath to collect her thoughts. She did not want to reveal too much about what had happened, as to not upset them more than necessary. Sunset's living situation was also something she didn't want to reveal in its entirety. That was something Sunset should reveal for herself.

"As I told you on Friday," Luna began, choosing her words carefully, "Principal Celestia had planned to check up on Sunset Shimmer after we cleared out the school."

They nodded, not liking where this was going.

"When she got there..." Luna trailed off, dropping her façade to reveal a pained expression, "When she got there, Sunset's building had collapsed while she was still inside."

They all gasped in shock and horror at this new information. Fluttershy began to sob quietly while the others, including Rainbow and Applejack, had tears brimming their eyes.

Rainbow was the first to speak, "Is she..."

Luna smiled slightly, "Miss Shimmer is a lucky girl. My sister is watching over her at the hospital as we speak."

Everyone sighed in relief, though Fluttershy was still in tears.

"You could have lead with that." Rainbow grumbled.

"Can we see her?" Pinkie Pie asked.

Everyone started voicing their agreement before Luna raised her hand for silence.

"I'm sorry. I understand you want to check on Sunset but no one but family are allowed in to see her right now." Luna explained. She frowned, "Sunset has not woken up yet since the incident."

"But she doesn't have any family here." Applejack protested.

Luna nodded, "I am aware. Luckily, Principal Celestia is her emergency contact. I assure you, she will not be alone when she does wake up."

Rarity stood, steeling her nerves, "That's great, thank you." She turned to her friends, "I think we should all get to class and let Vice-Principal Luna get to her own work."

The others grumbled but exited the office.

Once they got into the hallway, they gathered in a circle. Fluttershy was shaking as she struggled to hold back the tears. Rarity was having a hard time too, now that they were out of the office. She didn't even feel the need to be a drama queen. Everyone had tears in their eyes.

Wordlessly, they all gathered into one big group hug in the hallway. The bell for class went but they remained where they were. None of the five girls had any intention of going to class. Instead, they headed to the band room where they knew they wouldn't be disturbed for the time being.


It was nearing lunch time when there was knock at Luna's office door.

"Come in." She said.

The person walked in and closed the door, "Luna."

The woman looked up to see a black skinned woman with teal colored hair. It was none other than Chrysalis.

"Chrysalis!" Luna yelled, getting up and practically jumping on top of her in a hug, "Thanks for coming!"

She returned the hug, "I know our appointment wasn't until this evening but I cleared my schedule to come earlier when you texted me what happened. Is Celestia with her?"

Luna nodded and lead her friend to the chairs in front of her desk, "When I met her at the hospital on Friday night; she was crushed. When she got to the scene, the building was leveled. Apparently," Luna spoke quieter, just in case, "Sunset was essentially dead. They couldn't get a pulse. One of the paramedics were determined to save her. She was lucky."

Chrysalis nodded, "I need to see Celestia." She opened her briefcase and pulled out a document, "I finished them last night. I know it's not what you two wanted but the other can wait. This will at least allow her to be released to Celestia when she does wake up."

Luna read them over, "It says here her parents are no longer suitable caregivers."

She nodded, "I didn't want to raise suspicion, especially since you probably told the doctors her parents were out of town."

Luna smiled, "You should go see her now so the doctors know. Celestia is starting to get concerned. They keep asking about her parents."

Chrysalis grabbed the papers and replaced them in her case, then headed for the door, "Very well. I'll see you later tonight."

"Thanks, Chrys." Luna waved, "We owe you one."

Chrys nodded and left the office.


Chrysalis entered the hospital and went up to the front desk.

"Excuse me," She addressed the lady behind the desk, "I'm looking for Sunset Shimmer's room."

She typed something into the computer, "Are you family?"

"I'm her social worker." She explained, "I need to speak with the woman in with her now."

The other woman nodded and wrote something on a sticky note and handed it to Chrysalis. Chrys thanked her and went to find the room.

Surprisingly, it wasn't too terribly hard due to the fact that there were helpful signs and kind staff directing her way.

When she found the room number, she knocked on the sliding glass door then entered the room, closing it behind her.

She frowned when she looked at the red and yellow haired girl in the bed, hooked up to the respirator. Her attention then fell on the task at hand. Sitting in a chair next to the girl, was Celestia reading a book.

She had bags under her eyes but other than that, she was still well kept. However, to someone who knew her as well as Chrys and Luna did; you could clearly tell she was in deep, emotional pain. Upon closer observation, you could see that her eyes flitted randomly around the page trying, and failing, to focus on the story.

"Tia." Chrys called.

Celestia jumped a bit, then put her book down upon seeing the other woman in the room, "Chrys! I wasn't expecting you until this evening."

"I tried to get here earlier after Luna texted me." Chrysalis hugged her friend then pulled the papers from her bag and handed them to her. "I'm still working on the other papers you asked for but these will release her into your care as soon as she's released from the hospital."

Celestia read over them and smiled, "And you're her social worker?"

She shrugged, "Well, I can't keep her with you if someone else was in charge."

Celestia hugged her friend with tears in her eyes, "Thank you so much. You have no idea how much this means to me."

Chrysalis broke the hug and smiled, looking at Sunset, "I have a feeling it will mean a whole lot more to her."

Celestia smiled and signed the papers. Chrysalis left soon after that but promised to return with food later that evening.

Meanwhile, Celestia sat down and watched Sunset's face. She looked so peaceful while she slept. The heart monitor beeped steadily. The sound of Sunset's even breathing through the tube in her mouth just reminded Celestia of the time she was in here watching over her sister.


19 years ago...

Celestia sat in her room like she usually did on a weeknight. It was another emotional and hectic day. When the someone let it leak that Luna was, in fact, gay, the entire school started beating down on her. Her, Sombra, Discord and Chrysalis tried their best to shield her but they couldn't be with her 24/7.

It was bad enough that Luna was two years younger than everyone in their class but now, this little fact set her leagues apart from everyone else.

A couple months ago, Luna was one of the most feared students in their group next to Sombra but now, she's the schools personal punching bag. When Celestia told them to stop; they yelled at her that if they never stopped their assault on other students, why should they show Luna mercy?

They were right of course. When Celestia, Luna and their friends found out about other people's fears and facts about them that they had, at the time, deemed shameful, they kicked everyone when they were down. They had once caused a student to transfer because it got out that he was gay as well. This whole situation was like a slap in the face for Celestia.

Lately, Luna had become distant. She didn't talk to Celestia, their parents or their friends. The only one that Luna actually talked to was Chrysalis who had become Luna's human shield when they were together.

Celestia was brought from her thoughts with a knock on the door.

The door opened and her mother came in. She was of medium height with shoulder length, soft green hair and pink and baby blue skin. Celestia met her eyes.

"Have you seen your sister since you got home?" She asked.

Celestia shook her head, "Why? What's wrong?"

"I'm not sure but she's not answering her phone." Her mother explained.

Celestia got off her bed and grabbed her light brown leather jacket, "I'll look for her. Maybe Chrysalis has seen her."

"Thanks honey." She smiled.

Celestia nodded and went to her car. She started to drive. At a stop light, she took out her brand-new flip phone. It was much lighter and smaller than her old one, very convenient. She called Chrys but there was no answer.

Odd, Celestia thought, She always answers her phone.

Celestia was starting to get a sick feeling in her stomach as she drove to check out Luna's usual hangouts.

No more than ten minutes later, her phone rang. Celestia pulled over and picked it up.

"Hello?" She questioned.

"Celestia! It's Luna, she-she-" Chrys said form the other end.

"Chrysalis? What happened?" Celestia said, as her heart began to pound in her chest.

"I called an ambulance. I'm so sorry." Chrysalis continued as if she didn't hear her, "I-I pulled her out of the way but we were too close to the rail!"

Chrysalis was crying and it took all of Celestia's willpower to not yell.

"Chrysalis," She said in an eerie voice, on the verge of tears, "What happened to my sister."

There were ambulance sirens in the background as Chrys tried to steady her voice, "Luna tried t-to, let the train hit her. I pulled her out of the way but she tripped and...I'm so sorry. I tried to grab her but she slipped. Discord saved her from the water."

Celestia's world shattered around her. Her sister just tried to do the unthinkable and she wasn't even there.

There were voices on the other end then Chrysalis spoke again, "I'm taking the ambulance with Luna, I'll meet you at the hospital."

Celestia hung up and called her parents on the way to the hospital and explained the situation. When she got there, she was embraced by Chrysalis who apologize profusely. Discord gave an apology as well despite being soaking wet.

When Celestia and Luna's parents arrived, they got the full story. Apparently, Chrysalis had gotten a phone call from Luna saying she was sorry and she just couldn't do it anymore. Chrysalis managed to figure out where she was and called Discord. Luna was going to commit suicide by getting hit by the train. Chrys climbed onto the bridge and pulled her out of the way as the train came by. Luna had lost her footing and fell over the railing into the river. Discord had gone in after her and pulled her to shore.

Celestia's Mom hugged them both, thanking them for trying to save her daughter's life. The doctor had come in after a while and lead the group to Luna's room. She was alive, hooked up to various machines and had a small gash in her forehead.

The older sister had sat with Luna, watching her peaceful sleeping form, Chrysalis coming in with food when she needed it, until Luna finally woke up.


Present Day...

Celestia was woken up by her Younger sister shaking her shoulder. It took a minute for Celestia to acknowledge where, and when, she was. Her little sister, all grown up, smiled down at her, Chrysalis standing behind her.

She looked to Sunset, still motionless in the bed.

Come on, Sunset. Celestia thought. You're not alone any more. You never were.

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