First Meeting
Author's Note
Why the hell not!
Sunset was woken up early but the incessant vibrating of her phone over on the desk. She groaned and tried to block out the sound with her pillow but eventually, her ringtone joined in the racket. Once it stopped, she tried to go back to sleep but by that point, she was already awake. Groaning, she rolled off of the cot and walked over to grab the now annoying, device.
She shivered as the cold air reached her skin, feels like I'll have to add some blankets on my cot or I'll freeze to death.
After grabbing herself her thick, magenta sweater from her suitcase, she curled back up in the blankets and checked her phone. There were a lot of messages from the group chat Rarity had created plus a couple messages, and the call from Rarity specifically. Sunset read the messages and though there was some random conversation, most of it was the girls trying to get a hold of her.
Her phone rang again, making Sunset jump a little as Rarity's number popped up on her screen, What do I do? Well, answer of course, but I don't know if I'm ready for a phone call. Is that what friends do? Do they just randomly call and text each other?
Before she could really dwell on the repercussions of it, she hit the answer button, "Uh, Hello?
"Sunset, darling!" Rarity greeted, "We were all trying to get a hold of you!"
"I can see that." Sunset replied flatly, "I was asleep." Nervous or not, Sunset did not like to be woken up.
"Oh, I'm sorry to have woken you up." Rarity said genuinely, "Do you want me to phone back later?"
Sunset sighed into the phone, "No, it's fine, I'm awake now. What's going on?"
"Yesterday, you said you wanted to talk to all of us." Rarity explained, "You know, before you started to give this friendship thing a shot."
Then it clicked in Sunset's brain, "Oh! Right! Sorry, my brain doesn't really work after I just wake up. That would be great."
"So, you're free today I presume?" Rarity asked.
"Yeah, I have nothing going on." Sunset agreed.
"Fabulous. How does two O'clock sound?" the British girl asked.
Sunset pulled her phone away from her ear long enough to check the time, "Yeah that works for me."
"Wonderful! We will see you then." Rarity said happily.
"Rarity!" Sunset said quickly before the other girl hung up, "Thanks."
"You're very welcome, Sunset." Then she hung up the phone.
After that, Sunset smiled to herself as Rarity messaged in the group chat the time and place along with a short explanation of why they were all meeting. Sunset went about getting ready for the day. After getting dressed, she slipped the magenta sweater back over her head, her cutie mark on the cuff of the right sleeve with her name written just above it in a light orange.
Sunset glanced at her phone clock after she finished brushing her teeth and saw it was just past noon. So, because she had time to kill, she went ahead and finished her homework for the weekend. She knew she wasn't stupid, no, in fact she was smarter than most people. Sadly, that knowledge had been one of the many factors that lead her down the path she'd been on.
It didn't take long to finish up, most of it had to do with math and that just so happened to be her best subject. She looked at the time and realized she still had over an hour until she was meant to meet the others. Deciding to walk to Sugar Cube Corner to kill time, she grabbed her wallet, keys and backpack, shoving a book she was reading inside, just in case.
After locking up the building, she headed on her way. She was thankful for the heavier sweater but also missed the warmth of her leather jacket after having left the torn accessory in her locker, no longer having a use for it but also not having the heart to get rid of it. Her and that jacket had been through a lot. It was the very same jacket she'd come through the portal with. Why it had been so big on her back then she wasn't sure, but she was happy she was able to grow into it.
The closer she got to Sugar Cube Corner the more nervous she became. About a block and a half away, she stopped dead in her tracks. Honestly, she was surprised she'd even made it this far without panicking.
What am I even thinking, going through with this? She went into panic mode, What am I going to say 'sorry for being a horrible person to you and for ruining your friendship. Please forgive me.'? I should at least apologize for breaking up their friendship, though. But what if that isn't good enough? What if this is just a ploy for payback? I wouldn't blame them. I would have done the same thing! Why is this so vexing? Sunset took a deep breath to calm herself, I'm just getting inside my own head. None of them are like that, I would know. Rainbow might try something but not without consulting her friends.
"I can't believe I'm doing this." Sunset said out loud, "If this blows up in my face, it's my own fault. I'd deserve it."
Reluctantly, Sunset kept walking.
As Sugar Cube Corner came into view Sunset gulped. Nope, I can't do this. I should go back to my place. She kept walking towards the building, No, I can't run away from my problems. I want to do this! I need to do this if I want to make a genuine effort at this.
Upon walking into the building, Sunset's nose was assaulted by the sweet smell of fresh baked goods and various coffees and teas.
Mrs. Cake smiled as she saw her, "Good morning, Sunset! How are you today? I don't usually see you on weekends."
Sunset liked Mrs. Cake and she had been one of the first people to notice a change in her, even before the formal. Mr. and Mrs. Cake even knew of Sunset being a bully but they never truly believed her until after that night. Since then, she had spent most of her evenings at Sugar Cube Corner.
"Morning." Sunset greeted with a small smile, "Today, I have something important to do."
"Oh?" she asked, "And what might that be?"
"I have some people to make amends with." Sunset admitted, "They're supposed to meet me here."
"Well good for you!" She smiled warmly, "Would one of them be Pinkie Pie by any chance?"
Sunset raised a confused eyebrow, "Yeah, how'd you know?"
"She came in here about half an hour ago going on about how she was so excited about getting to know 'a new friend'." Mrs. Cake put a finger to her chin, "Actually, I think you might be the person she's been going on about all week."
Sunset giggled, "That's Pinkie Pie for you."
Mrs. Cake smiled but then turned serious, "I guess it's true about where you got that cut on your head and bruise on your cheek then."
Sunset put her hand over her bruise, "Yeah."
"Well, if I know Pinkie and her friends," She smiled, "That will be the last time."
Sunset smiled brightly, "Yeah, thanks. I don't think my body can take much more abuse."
"They're in the back-corner booth." Mrs. Cake said as she left, "Good luck!"
With that Sunset walked to the back of the café and saw all five girls sitting and talking.
Here goes nothing.
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