Enter: Chrysalis

Sunset wasn't sure how to react to Chrysalis. She seemed nice enough but the term 'social worker' threw Sunset off a bit.

Chrysalis saw Sunset's analytical expression and knew it was directed at her.

"Does she always analyze people like this?" Chrysalis asked Celestia, finding the weight of the younger girl's gaze uncomfortable.

Celestia leaned over to whisper in her ear, "Sorry, I may have let it slip that you're her social worker."

Chrys looked to Sunset and chuckled then out right laughed. The sister's seemed amused by their friend's actions but Sunset was only left with a puzzled look on her face.

"Well this is an interesting development." Sunset muttered.

Once Chrysalis calmed down, she spoke, "Sorry, it's just, you have the wrong idea about me. Yes, I am a social worker, but I was only assigned to you out of necessity and a favor for Celestia. I can admit, despite my age, I'm no more mature than Luna."

Sunset smirked, remembering the former attempting to act sneaky nights before.

"I am too mature!" Luna protest in a manner that did little to prove her point.

Celestia shot her a challenging look.

"I can be!" Luna continued.

"Outside of work?" Chrysalis asked, a knowing grin.

Luna went to protest but then straightened herself once again, "You're only as old as you feel."

The two older women laughed at her antics while Sunset hid her mouth behind her cast, doing her best not to laugh.

I really hope my ribs heal soon. Laughing hurts. She thought as she let a small laugh escape.

Celestia saw Sunset wince as she chuckled, causing the older woman to frown a little but then smiled a little to see her enjoying herself.

"So, Sunset," Chrysalis looked unsure. She looked around to make sure the door was shut before continuing, "Are you really a magical talking unicorn."

If any of them were drinking anything at the moment, spit takes would have been imminent.

"You told her?!" Sunset gave Celestia mortified look.

Celestia glared at her sister. "I didn't tell her anything."

"I'm sorry, OK?" Luna pleaded, "I tell her everything! Besides, she needed a bit of background information! I didn't tell her about the formal." She pouted.

Chrys raise a curious brow, "What happened at the formal?"

Celestia and Sunset both glared at Luna.

"Oh my god." Chrys's eyes widened in horror, "There's two of them now!"

Luna clung to Chrysalis as if she was going to save her, "I told you! They're like twins!"

"Why are you hiding behind me?" Chrysalis asked, pulling Luna in front of her.

"Cause they're not glaring at you!" Luna protested, moving behind her again.

Chrysalis pulled Luna back in front of her and on to her lap. She securely held the blue haired woman in place by wrapping her arms around her waist. Despite Luna's now deep, red blush, she still tried to escape, flailing her arms out in front of her while Chrys smiled contently.

By now, Celestia and Sunset had stopped glaring and watched, amused by the other twos' antics. Sunset had to admit that she found the sight of her Vice-Principal acting so childishly was comforting. She was pretty sure she would never find her scary ever again, even in school.

Luna eventually got free and cheered; "Ha ha! I am free! See you tomorrow Sunset." Then she ran out of the room.

Chrysalis smiled, "Nice meeting you, Sunset. I'll see you again soon." Her face morphed into a maniacal grin, "Now, I have to go capture the Princess." She then went after Luna.

Celestia and Sunset sat in silence for a few minutes, staring at the glass door, unsure of what to make of what had just transpired.

Sunset was the first to speak, "So...are they dating or something?"

"Oh, thank goodness, you see it too." Celestia exclaimed, dragging her hands wistfully down her face. "I knew I wasn't crazy."

"So that's a no?" she questioned.

Celestia shook her head, "No, but I've been watching this since our last semester in high school. It's getting ridiculous at this point."

Sunset nodded, "Not like you can force it."

Celestia sighed, "I wish."

Another moment of silence, Sunset remembered there was something she wanted to show Celestia.

She grabbed her sketch book and flipped to a page then turned to the older woman, "Hey, I want to show you something."

"What is it?" she questioned.

Sunset handed her the sketch book and Celestia gasped. It was a picture of a pure white horse with long legs and a large horn with a point so sharp it could impale someone if they weren't careful. She had a flowing mane with pale, sparkling pink, green and blue colors much like her own and wore a golden crown and what seemed to be necklace with a purple amethyst placed in the middle. On her flank, there was an orange and yellow sun designed with eight wavy spires coming from all directions. The massive white wings that flexed out only added to her regality.

In the picture, she looked out happily in the distance. The detail in the drawing only added to the awe in Principal Celestia's features.

"I this the Princess?" Celestia asked.

Sunset looked out the window on the opposite side of the bed, "Yeah. She's what you look like where I come from."

"Well," Celestia looked at the picture, "I can't say it's not odd, especially with the striking detail you gave her."

"I just thought that you might be curious about your interdimensional counterpart. I would have drawn Luna but I've only seen her pony form once and it was a very poor representation in a book." Sunset explained.

Her face contorted into one that Celestia could only describe as a cross between utter confusion and unsated curiosity.

"What's wrong?" Celestia asked.

Sunset shook her head, "Nothing it's just. The parallels in your world don't really add up."

"What do you mean?"

"In Equestria, you and Luna are both over a thousand years old and here, you're only in your thirties. That means you two haven't had a counterpart here for millennia but everyone else had. I probably have another me out there somewhere." Sunset explained, more to herself than directly at the older woman.

"I have to admit, it is interesting." Celestia said, "However, it isn't really in my area of expertise."

Sunset nodded, "I know, you seem more like the English teacher type. It was just a thought."

Celestia giggled, "Well I can't say your wrong. My sister on the other hand, would find this interesting. She's always loved the multi-whatever it is, theory."

"The multiverse theory?" Sunset questioned.

"Yes, I believe that was it."

"I might be wrong," Sunset inquired, "But I don't think I should get her started. She seems like the kind of person who will talk about something like this for hours."

"No," Celestia sighed, "You're correct. This is why she and our father get along so well."

Sunset raised her brow, "Is your dad a super nerd to?"

Celestia nodded, "He's the reason Luna is... well, Luna. My mother said he insisted on naming her after a comic book character or something."

After a short, painful laugh, Sunset looked at the clock and sighed, "Looks like it's getting pretty late, you should probably get home."

Celestia looked at the clock and frowned, setting Sunset's sketch book on the bedside table, "It seems so. Are you sure you don't want me to stay?"

Sunset smiled, "Yes, I'm sure. I'm fine. I'm used to being alone so sometimes the silence is nice."

"That isn't helping your case." Celestia said seriously.

"Seriously, Principal Celestia, go home. I'm not going anywhere." Sunset insisted.

Celestia reluctantly grabbed her belongings and rested a hand on Sunset's shoulder and they said their goodnights. The woman suppressed the urge to kiss the teen on the head as her mother used to do. The entire arrangement was still too new for such...motherly, actions.

When Celestia was gone, Sunset carefully stretched her arms, though it was still mildly painful. She enjoyed the pleasant conversation she and Celestia had. It was nice to just have someone there to talk to, to care. It was refreshing.

She looked down at the picture she drew of Princess Celestia, The more I'm around Principal Celestia, the more distant she becomes from the Princess. This Celestia is a lot more focused, she actually has time to care. She really does remind me of my mom but she's actually letting me be me. I don't have to prove anything.

Sunset smiled. It was strange, but as time goes on, she found that she was connected to this world more than the one she belongs in. Sure, Sunset still had a lot to learn about the world she was in, but as she looked out at the now rising moon, she knew that out of both worlds, the one she was in now had people that actually cared about her. However new it is, it's more than she had in Equestria.

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