Day 2

                Sunday came and went, and though it was only Sunset's second day, it was fairly relaxed. The youngest member of the house spent the majority of her time in her room, working through her homework. When Celestia had gone in to check on her, Sunset didn't notice her entry due to the music in her ear buds and the undivided attention she was giving her Physics homework. Celestia watched her work for a few minutes and was astonished at the speed she was going at, with a broken wrist no less.

Shortly after that Celestia had given her a tour of the study and explained how the majority of the books were organized. To no surprise, it was very similar to CHS's library. Sunset had sat in a chair near Celestia's desk and read a book from the shelf.

For dinner they had take-out and Luna assaulted her with various questions and was appalled to hear that Sunset had only ever watched the education films in school and one on Halloween with her friends. She swore that the next weekend, they would catch her up on 16 years' worth of movies.


Celestia smiled as she sat in the kitchen on Monday morning after Luna went to work. She did feel bad that her sister had to spend at least another few days running the school alone but she wasn't quite ready to leave Sunset alone yet and, neither was Sunset.

It was close to ten when Sunset came down the stairs sleepily, and... painfully?

"What's the matter, Sunset?" Celestia asked worriedly.

Sunset grabbed a cup of coffee and sat across from Celestia, "My ribs hurt."

Celestia got up and grabbed something from the microwave then set it down in front of Sunset, "Sorry, I forgot to give these to you the other day. They're for the pain."

Sunset read the bottle and took out one of the tablets and washed it down, "Thanks."

"So other than that, how are you feeling?" The tall woman asked.

"Fine, I guess." Sunset said, "But if I'm honest, I'm still getting used to everything."

"That is to be expected." Celestia confirmed, "Luna and I are still adjusting as well."

It was silent for another few moments before Sunset spoke, "So, I finished all my homework for the last few weeks."

"All of it?" Celestia questioned, "Even art."

"Yep!" Sunset said proudly, "I didn't want to be behind everyone else when I go back." She sighed, "Do I have to go back?"

Celestia chuckled, "Nice try but you do still need to go to school." She leaned forward to look Sunset in the eyes, "It will get better eventually, Sunset. Just give it time."

She groaned, "I know. You're right but it's just...hard."

"You're a strong girl Sunset, I know you can make it through this." Celestia told her, "You also have your friends, Luna and myself to help you if you need it."

Sunset smiled as she finished her coffee, "Thanks, that actually means a lot coming from you. Speaking of which, when do I get to go back to school?"

Celestia pursed her lips in thought, "Well, I was planning on going back myself tomorrow but I still want you to rest for a couple more days."

Sunset nodded, then grinned, "Wednesday then?"

Celestia shot her a playful glare, "Don't push it."

Sunset raised her hands in defeat then they both broke out laughing. It wasn't that Sunset wanted to go back, it was just that she was bored just lying in bed all day. She was used to moving around during the day.

"Um, can I take a shower, please?" Sunset asked nervously, still somewhat feeling like a guest in Celestia and Luna's house.

"Of course. You don't have to ask." Celestia said.

"Thanks." Sunset replied while putting her cup in the dishwasher.


Sunset finished washing herself and stood under the water, letting it run down her neck and back. The spot between her shoulder blades felt odd as the water streamed down the still healing scars.

I don't know how I got so lucky. Sunset thought to herself, I have people who actually care about me, who want to genuinely help me. It's different but it's...nice. This is probably what the Princess tried to show me. Sunset frowned, remembering the day that lead to her jumping through the portal.

"I'm sorry Princess Celestia. If only I could tell you that myself." Sunset said, turning off the shower and drying herself before putting on a fresh pair of pajamas.

She looked at herself in the mirror, staring herself right in the eyes. I know I didn't deserve this chance, no matter what Principal Celestia says but I'm not going to prove her wrong.

Sunset closed her eyes and took a deep breath and exited the bathroom then went into her room, shutting the door. She grabbed her sketchbook and pencil case and sat on the bed, using the pillows to support her back and used her knees to support the book.

At first, she wasn't sure what she was drawing, but after a few strokes of her pencil, she began to develop a picture in her mind. She sat drawing for hours, making sure every detail was perfect. It got to the point where Celestia got concerned and went to check on her, only to find her huddled over her sketch book.

It was late in the day when she finished, Sunset was sure that she'd heard Luna come in the house at some point. She smiled at the drawing, it was much more detailed than anything else she'd ever done and, it gave her some closure.

When there was a knock on the door, Sunset told them to come in.

"Sunset?" Celestia said, "How are you doing? You haven't moved in hours."

Sunset looked at the clock, eyes widening as she saw that it read five PM, "Wow, I didn't realize it was so late. Sorry."

"No need to apologize, I'm glad you're resting." Celestia said, "What were you drawing?"

Sunset handed Celestia the sketch book and the older woman was in a stunned silence. Just when she thought Sunset couldn't surprise her, she proves her wrong.

The entire sheet of paper was covered with the most detailed scene she'd ever witnessed on paper. It went back to the night of the fall formal. Where Sunset's demon was trying to blast Twilight and her friends with magic, only in this picture, Sunset was also facing the demon. The Princess and her friends stood behind her as Sunset blocked the Demon's magic with some kind of force field. Sunset, in the picture, looked angry and determined. There were tears in her eyes that were getting blown away by the wind.

Sunset had drawn every strand of hair that was out of place, every whisk and current from the magic, rough lines created the illusion of a force field.

"This is amazing." Celestia awed, "I can't believe you drew this."

Sunset smiled, "Thanks. I'm glad it turned out. It was mostly to give me closure."

"Closure?" Celestia questioned.

"After the formal, I was having nightmares about that night and they always kept getting worse." Sunset explained, "Then, on Halloween I had that one dream about magic. I actually talked to my demon and then, as she went to blast the girls, she told me that if I wanted to protect them, save them."

"I see." Celestia nodded, "You have a talent nonetheless." She looked at the picture again, "Have you had those dreams recently?"

Sunset shook her head, "I had it a couple times while I was in the hospital but not in the last few days." She kept her gaze low and off to the side.

Celestia placed a hand on Sunset's shoulder, drawing the teens eyes to her own, "Sunset, you know that having nightmares like that isn't good for you. You need to tell me if something is wrong. Some things you can't lust leave to chance. Your mental health is one of them."

"I know, I'm sorry I didn't tell you." Sunset frowned.

"While we're on this topic, I have something to ask you." Celestia said.

"What is it?" Sunset asked.

"I think I already know the answer but... where did you get the scars on your back?"

Sunset stiffened, just the mention of them made her re-live the pain and feeling of having no control. "Th-they were from the wings. They healed quickly because of elements but, dark magic takes a toll on the body. It always leaves some kind of mark and those are mine." Her expression was sad and Celestia could see some tears start to form.

The older woman reached over and pulled Sunset into a hug. Sunset accepted and squeezed her teacher and caretaker. They were in such a position that they didn't have to worry too much about Sunset's ribs.

"I had no idea, Sunset I'm sorry." She said.

"I didn't tell you so you couldn't have." Sunset said into her shoulder. "Don't worry, I'm fine."

"Sunset, honey," Celestia pulled away and looked the younger in the eyes, "I've been worrying about you since before the formal and even more so afterwards. It's the reason why I didn't want to expel you."

Sunset was at a loss for words. She had no idea how to respond to Celestia's statement.

After a few minutes, Celestia decided to change the subject, "Now, How about some pizza?"

"Pizza?" Sunset said in a restrained, but still excited tone.

"Yes, we didn't feel like cooking so we ordered pizza." Celestia confirmed.

Sunset was on her feet in a flash and waited patiently for a giggling Celestia to lead them down the stairs.

Sunset smiled as she sat next to Luna on the couch with a couple slices of cheese pizza.

She glanced at the two women in the room. Since before the formal. They took me in they made sure I couldn't argue.

Sunset thought back to all the times she was in trouble, all the times she was suspended, all the times they should have kicked her out of school.

Was I ever really alone here?

Author's Note

Welcome to Thursday post day. I have been busy moving stuff for the last couple days but luckily, I go this chapter set up on Tuesday so we are fantastic!

Just letting you guys know that I am working on 2 new stories, one for the Marvel universe and one that isn't fanficiton but still in the sci-fi/fantasy genre.

One last question, if I were to start posting videos on YouTube, what stuff would you like to see? I am a writer through and through but I also read and draw and for some odd reason, just find out interesting facts that seem to come in handy. So, what would you like to see from me?

Thanks for your support and I will see you on Monday!

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