Sunset had woken up again early Sunday morning. She was incredibly confused and disoriented, having no idea where or even, what she was. Sunset had woken up screaming, saying things like, 'What did you do to me?' and 'what are these?' while looking at her hands.
She was so disoriented, Sunset had made the mistake of attempting to sit up, irritating her broken ribs. The girl had screamed in pain then panicking because still, she had no idea where she was. Sunset wouldn't let anyone touch her or even calm her down.
"Don't touch me!" Sunset screamed viciously, "Just tell me what the hell is going on! Where am I?"
Eventually, Celestia stepped in at the request of Sunset's doctor, hoping to not have to result to drugs.
Celestia managed to get a hold of Sunset's face, forcing the girl to look at her, "Sunset, you need to relax or you're going to hurt yourself more." Sunset struggled against the older woman, "Sunset stop!" She spoke in her 'principal' voice, Sunset stopped struggling to look at her with tears in her eyes, "Now, listen. You were in an accident and now you're in the hospital. You were hurt and if you keep moving around, you're going to hurt yourself more. Do you want that?"
Sunset shook her head and physically relaxed. Celestia let her go and she settled back down on the pillow.
"Now, the doctor's need to change the bandage on your head." Celestia said, "Do you understand?"
Sunset nodded and one of the nurses took over. After the bandages were changed, the nurse left the room, Celestia approached Sunset again.
"How do you feel?" Celestia asked.
"Like I got hit by a bus." She grumbled.
"You should get some more rest." Celestia suggested.
Sunset grumbled again, "Not until somepony tells me what happened."
Celestia smirked a bit at the, obviously, Equestrian term, "Why don't we talk about this when you're more focused, OK?"
Sunset grumbled but reluctantly agreed.
Celestia sighed inwardly, This is going to be a long day.
Celestia knew that Sunset would be irritable, having just come out of a coma. Her sister was the same way.
In moments, Sunset was sleeping soundly once again.
Celestia sat back in her chair and opened her book. For the first time in over a week, she was finally able to concentrate on the story. Sunset was in and out of sleep for the rest of the day, never awake for more than five or ten minutes at a time.
Monday morning at Canterlot High was still met with the somber faces of the five friends of Sunset Shimmer. They acknowledged that Principal Celestia was not in school again, most likely still waiting at the hospital with Sunset. It irritated the five girls that they couldn't see her but understood the hospital's policies. They were just glad someone was there.
The lunch period was almost over when the secretary's voice came over the speakers, "Will the following students please report to Vice-Principal Luna's office; Fluttershy, Applejack, Rarity, Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie. Thank you."
The five girls looked confused for a moment as they gathered up their things but it didn't take them long to realize why they would be called to Vice-Principal Luna's office; she had news on Sunset.
After that; they practically ran to the office. Rainbow Dash was the first to enter the main office and, before anyone could stop her, she burst into Vice-Principal Luna's office without knocking.
"What's up with Sunset?" Rainbow demanded.
Luna raised an eyebrow, hiding her amusement it Rainbow's actions.
Fluttershy walked in with the others, placing a hand on Rainbow's shoulder to get her to relax. "You really should have knocked first." She told her.
"Honestly, Rainbow Dash," Rarity crossed her arms. "This is the Vice-Principal's office. Show at least a little respect."
Rainbow went to retort but Luna silenced them with a hand.
"It is quite alright, girls." She told them, "I understand Rainbow Dash's insistence given the circumstances."
The girls nodded before Applejack spoke up. "Well, since we're on the subject; is there any news on Sunset?"
"Actually," Luna said, finding it mildly entertaining to watch the girls squirm, "There is and its good news." They looked at her expectantly, "Sunset came out of her coma Saturday night."
There were smiles and a cheer coming from Pinkie Pie.
"When can we see her?" Fluttershy asked.
"You won't be able to go see her for a few days, possibly, not until the weekend." Luna told them, "She was in and out of sleep for the entirety of Sunday. Sunset is still very confused and tired, she will need time to rest."
There were understandably disappointed groans around the room but the girls weren't stupid, they knew how serious the situation was.
"I assure you," Luna continued, "Sunset will let you all know when she is ready for visitors. Now, the bell is going to ring soon. You better get to class." They started to file out of the room, "Can you please wait a moment, Fluttershy?"
The girl nodded and waved her friends off.
Once they were alone, Luna spoke, "I would like to request a favor from you. If I didn't have to do Principal Celestia's work as well, I would do it myself."
"Of course." Fluttershy smiled, "What do you need?"
"I do not want Miss Shimmer to fall behind and as an honor student, I doubt she would like that as well. I was hoping you could gather up her school work for the last couple weeks." Luna explained, "However, I was wondering if you could bring it to my sister at the hospital. I have a meeting in the city this afternoon so I need to leave soon. I also don't know when I'll be able to make it there this week."
Fluttershy nodded, "I would be happy to. If you don't mind me asking, what is going to happen to Sunset after she gets out of the hospital?"
Luna pursed her lips, "I think you should take that up with my sister." She stood up and grabbed her coat, "Now, I really do need to be going. This is Celestia's number. Text her when you get into the building." Luna handed her a sticky note then headed out the door.
Fluttershy, without anything better to do, went to complete her task.
Sunset woke up late in the afternoon with a throbbing headache. She went to feel the affected area, only for her fingers to brush fresh bandages. Scanning the room, she remembered where she was; the hospital. Though, the reason as to why still eluded her.
She looked to her right to see none other than Principal Celestia, reading a book in the chair next to her bed.
She winced at the pain in her head as she pressed lightly on the bandages, "I swear the universe is out to cause my head pain."
Celestia chuckled at the comment then replaced her bookmark, "Well that's one way to look at it. I'm surprised you don't have any permanent damage."
Sunset giggled but then winced, placing her arms over her ribs, "Laughing hurts."
"Other than that, how are you feeling?" Celestia asked.
"I'm kind of tired and I have a headache. Other than that, I think I'm all right." Sunset looked herself up and down, "You know... other than the obvious."
"Well you must be the strongest teenager I've ever met." The doctor said as he strode into the room, "Like I told your caretaker here, you should have had more problems than you do." He shook his head, "Sorry, where are my manners, "I'm Doctor Red Wing, but you can call me Doctor Wing."
"Nice to meet you." Sunset smiled slightly.
"So," Doctor Wing got right down to business, "Do you remember what happened to you? What is the last thing you remember?"
Sunset scratched the uninjured side of her head, "I don't really know. I guess..." She wracked her brain to find some information that might be of use, "I think...Yeah, I went to bed after talking to Principal Celestia."
The doctor furrowed his brows and took out a light and had Sunset follow it with her eyes, "Do you remember what day it was?"
"Wednesday." Sunset answered.
He wrote something on his chart and gave Celestia a look.
"She has every right to know." Celestia said.
"Know what?" Sunset questioned.
"For starters," Red Wing started, "It seems that you have a small case of amnesia. You see, you were..." He had trouble putting into words, "On Friday afternoon, there was a massive earthquake. And some buildings couldn't withstand it."
"Sunset," Celestia stepped in, "Your building had been leveled by the earthquake." She paused for a moment, "You were still inside."
Sunset looked at Celestia with both shock and horror. "W-what? I was...inside?"
Celestia nodded, "You were hurt pretty badly at the time and...Sunset, you were in a coma for a little over a week."
"However," Doctor Wing took over again, "You were really lucky. It could have been a lot worse. You broke your hand, a few ribs and got a severe concussion." He set Sunset's chart in its holder at the end of the bed, "I'm going to give you time to process, I know, it's a lot to take in."
Sunset remained silent until the doctor left the room.
"How do I not remember that?" Sunset asked in a panicked voice.
"It's completely normal for this type of situation." Celestia said.
After a couple minutes, Sunset still hadn't said anything else. Celestia saw the panic in her eyes but wasn't sure what she was actually concerned about. She moved to sit on the edge of the bed and grabbed her hand to get the younger girl's attention.
Sunset turned to face Celestia. Her expression was of fear and confusion.
"What's going to happen when I get out of here?" Sunset said, "If what you and the doctor said was true, my building was leveled! Where am I going to go?"
"Sunset, listen to me," Celestia said. Sunset met her eyes, "I apologize that I did not tell you sooner but, I've known your living situation since shortly after the formal. Since then, I have been doing everything I could've to get you out of there, legally."
When Celestia paused, something the doctor had said clicked in her head, "He called you my 'caretaker'."
Celestia nodded, then looked to make sure no one was listening, "A friend of mine is a social worker and I presented her your case. Long story short, I have custody over you. Meaning, you have been placed under my care."
Sunset recoiled, Principal Celestia has custody over me? Why would she do that?
Celestia's phone buzzed, "I know this is a lot to take in at once but you need to know. The doctors here were told that you already knew of this pending arrangement. Now, I have to run downstairs for a moment. I'll be right back"
Once Celestia left, Sunset stared out the window in deep thought. Celestia was right, it was a lot to take in. She'd been out for over a week and she was missing almost two days of her memory.
I-I'm under Principal Celestia's care. She thought, and by the sounds of it, she had been planning this for a while. How did she manage it anyway? Did she lie? Even if she didn't, why would she do that for me? She's just my councilor.
Sunset thought back to the various times she's talked to Celestia. She had not expelled her after the formal, let her shred her records, made Sunset make her an emergency contact and had Sunset exchange numbers with her just in case anything happened, or, simply needed someone to talk to. That was everything, save for the records, a caring Principal and counselor would do.
Then, she thought of something else. Aside for all the advice Celestia had given her, it was the moments where she never had to act the way she did. Whenever she would cry, Celestia sat there for however long she needed, stroking her hair and saying it was fine. Principal Celestia had consistently asked her about her art and music since Sunset showed her that assignment. She always seemed so proud of, not just her academic achievements, but also her personal achievements.
While deep in thought, Sunset never noticed she'd started to cry. Not out of sadness. She was crying because the realization of how much Celestia cared about her hit her like a brick. Sunset realized that at some point, they had both abandoned the student/counselor relationship. It was now, that Sunset realized that a lot of the time she went to talk to Celestia, she went in just to talk about her day and, in turn, Celestia told Sunset about hers.
Celestia really had become a sort of parental figure to her.
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