Celestia sat in her office on Tuesday morning mulling over the previous day's events. Sunset's words concerned her 'I had it coming, I deserved it' No one deserved to think that, former bully or not. She was thankful that Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie had taken the girl to the hospital. She was sure no other student or even staff would have been kind enough to stay with her either.
I hope she can handle herself. Celestia thought, If at least one student can see that she's trying, perhaps they can help her through this. Those five girls seem to see it. From what my sister told me, she pushed Snips and Snails away, a good thing for them and a great thing Sunset had done but now she's alone.
"Sister?" a voice spoke, snapping Celestia from her thoughts, drawing her attention to the dark-haired vice principal at the door to her office.
"Luna, come in." Celestia greeted.
The younger woman sat at one of the chairs across from her desk, "Sunset Shimmer just dropped this off at the front desk."
Luna placed a folded parchment on the desk. Opening it, Celestia saw that it was a doctor's note, explaining the situation. She bit her lip.
"Doctor Horse suggests counseling, and not for her injury." Luna said once Celestia placed the letter on her desk, "However, it's only been a couple weeks. There is a chance this will right itself."
"Yes, I know, I'm just concerned." Celestia said, "If this doesn't right itself, it will get a lot worse. She doesn't even have anyone at home to look after her."
"Yes, I did look into that as you asked." Luna nodded, "The address actually exists but I have a feeling it is not where she lives."
"So, we don't know where she's staying?" Celestia contemplated, "Or if she even has a place to stay."
"Sister," Luna placed her hands over Celestia's, "She isn't exactly unkempt, she obviously has somewhere to stay."
The woman sighed, "You're right. I'm probably just over reacting."
"I have to say though," Luna leaned back in her chair, "I do like this 'behind the backs of the board' thing you have for Sunset. It's not like she doesn't have proper papers, just...odd circumstances."
Celestia smirked, "That's probably because of your innate desire to undermine any kind of authority."
"Ah. Yes," Luna smiled wickedly, "But now I am an authority and I can catch those that want to go against it. I just need to keep in practice to properly do my job."
"You are still such a child." Celestia laughed.
"Yes," the younger sister smirked, "But a child with authority and their own money to buy video games."
The sisters laughed and continued to chat until Luna reluctantly returned to her office, embracing her psychotic joy of seeing trouble makers squirm under her gaze.
Sunset's week had been straight from Tartarus. Now Friday, she sat at the very back corner of her chemistry class. Usually, she would choose a spot at the front, closer to the teacher so she wouldn't be distracted by the other students, this week however, Sunset wanted to be able to see everyone in the room to watch her back. For the entirety of the week, she donned a pair of sunglasses with cyan frames, darker than her natural eye color, with black tinted lenses.
She had woken up with a killer headache every day but now, it was at a more manageable level and her now recurring nightmare of killing the five girls terrified and haunted her to no end. It had always played out like it did at the night of the fall formal, the girls shielded by the magic inside them. That thought alone had been enough to get her to relax. Now though, she saw exactly what could have been and it scared her. Every morning she went around the school, counting off each girl in order to let herself breathe.
Come on, Sunset. They're fine, the formal was two weeks ago. Sunset told herself, I'm not a killer, even I know that wasn't really me. I tried to stop, I just wasn't strong enough.
This was a battle she'd been having with herself all morning between the whispers and paper balls being thrown at her. Between that and her headache, Sunset couldn't pay attention to the lesson. She will have to revise on her own time.
The morning passed and the bell finally rang for lunch. Sunset was quick in getting out of the class room and rushing down the hallway. No one could see because of the tinted lenses but her eyes darted from one person to another, listening to the snickers. Some students bumped into her or outright shoved her out of the way like she was some pest that needed to be squashed.
She ran outside and around the side of the building, getting away from people as quick as possible. She was not only avoiding the rest of the students but also the five girls she had wronged the most. They also happened to be the only ones who weren't giving her a hard time and no doubt saw her efforts to change.
During the week she had tried to be fairly friendly, giving small smiles in the hallway. There were a few instances where she had let the nerds out of lockers and helped others pick up papers or books they had dropped. During her free periods, she found herself in the Library reading or helping Miss Cheerilee catalogue the books.
At first, the mild-mannered librarian had been surprised when she first offered and was hesitant to allow it. It only took a half hour of watching the teen put the books away, getting distracted every so often as she opened one that peaked her interest. Sunset never got through putting away her pile but Cheerilee started to enjoy the young girl's company, occasionally chatting about books they both read.
I should have just stayed home. She sighed, not like it's going to get any better. They'll be stomping on me until graduation.
"I don't know why I even bother coming back at all." Sunset said aloud as she slammed into a fleshy surface.
"Sorry," Sunset muttered, "I wasn't paying attention."
"That was the best thing you've said since coming to this school." An unmistakable voice spoke.
Sunset looked up from her feet and saw that Trixie was blocking her path to the side of the school a few feet behind the blue girl.
"Thanks." Sunset said sarcastically.
"I mean, you are going to regret everything you've done." Trixie ignored her, "I am 'The Great and Powerful Trixie! Justice giver of Canterlot high! You will pay for what you have done now that all your power is gone! You are a monster Sunset. A creature so vile should never have had a name so beautiful!"
Sunset, at this moment was glad for her sunglasses. Tears started to sting her eyes at every word she had said. I never thought words could hurt this much. Is she right, though? Is that what I've become? A monster?
Trixie smiled, wickedly, "Who let you out of that locker anyway? You were gone when I went to let you out at lunch." She placed a finger on her chin in thought, "Actually, I don't know your combination." The girl shrugged, "No matter, it seemed enough to scare you off for the day. Point Trixie!"
As she spoke, Trixie was inching her way towards her. Every step Trixie took, Sunset took another back, now, the blue girl had Sunset pinned against the lockers. Now the tears were evident through the glasses because of the streaks they left on her cheeks. Her expression though, seemed to remain neutral.
Behind them, three more girls came out from hiding. Two of them were Trixie's lackeys the other was someone who Sunset actually left be, only for fear of getting her face pounded in. Gilda was definitely bigger than her and had a temper even shorter than the fiery haired teen's. They had a silent agreement when Sunset had ruled the school to stay out of each other's way. Now, it seemed, that agreement was null and void.
"Hey dweeb." Gilda smiled, "I never thought I'd see the day where you were the one cowering."
Sunset remained silent.
Gilda grabbed Sunset's collar and slammed her against the lockers, "What? You're not even going to fight back? Lame. Where were you Monday, huh? I was waitin' for ya. My girls and I thought you had gone free long enough."
"Look, Gilda." Trixie smirked, taking off Sunset's glasses, "Turns out she's not as tough as she looks."
Gilda lifted her off the ground, forcing Sunset to grip the older girl's arm, laughing, "Wow, I never thought I'd see the day Sunset Shimmer broke. You're miserable, aren't you? Ha! Dweeb. You know you deserve this right? You did this to yourself."
"I-I..." Sunset gasped out, "I never did anything to you Gilda."
"Because you stayed out of my way and I stayed out of yours." Gilda sneered, "But you were worth something then. You had dirt on me and you had a school. Now you're trash."
Gilda gave Sunset a right hook to the side of her head, leaving the girl sprawling on the ground. Sunset rolled over only to have the weight of Gilda's combat boot rest on her stomach and glared down triumphantly before lifting her foot, kicking the girl in the side.
Sunset cried out in pain then managed to prop herself against the wall.
"You are nothing Simmer!" Gilda spat, "You're just a bug for others to squash."
Sunset looked up at Gilda, a small, sad smile greeted the girl, "You don't have to tell me that. I made a mistake, I'm trying to be better but now, I'm just letting people take out their frustrations. So, you're right. I. Am. Nothing."
Gilda clenched her fists and lifted Sunset off the ground again, "I'm going to wipe that smirk off your worthless little face!"
True, each word let another tear loose from Sunset's eyes but she was starting to get used to it. She had hit rock bottom but somehow, the students of Canterlot High beat her even lower.
That's karma for you. Sunset mused, I was bound to get what I deserved.
"Put her down!" A girl's voice called.
All present looked in the direction of the voice to see Rainbow dash and her friends standing at the corner of the school closest to the one-sided fight. Rainbow and Applejack stood in front of the group with clenched fists.
They all look... angry. Sunset assessed, But they aren't looking at me. Are they mad at Gilda? What am I saying, of course they are, I've never actually seen them be angry at me after the fall formal.
"Pinkie, go get Principal Celestia." Rainbow said, "You're a lot faster than Fluttershy."
"Okie Dokie Loki." Pinkie said just before running off.
"Dash?" Gilda said, confused, "What are you doing?"
"I said put her down." She said again.
"C'mon dash," Gilda smiled sweetly, "I thought you were cool. I'm just going to beat this she-demon into the ground where she belongs." Gilda slammed Sunset into the wall for emphasis, making the other girl yelp.
"Stay out of it." Sunset said with tears in her eyes, "I don't want you to get involved in my problems."
"I hate to say it, darling." Rarity said, "But you have no choice in the matter."
"Why not!" Sunset yelled, the others flinching at the sudden volume, "I'm a monster! I deserve your hate."
"Sunset-" Applejack started but Sunset interrupted.
"I am!" She snapped, "I-I...I almost obliterated you!"
That made everyone freeze.
"It wasn't the you we see now." Rainbow said, "That...thing was something else."
It was Sunset's turn to freeze but Gilda wasn't having it, suddenly punching Sunset in the cheek again without any warning. Rainbow ran forwards and shoulder checked Gilda, Sunset falling from her grasp and into Applejack's.
Sunset was dazed, now unsure of what was going on at the moment as Rainbow kept Gilda distracted in hopes the Principal Celestia would soon show up.
"Gilda!" Celestia yelled, stopping said girl in her tracks.
Three things;
1. You will grow to love Luna... I hope. She's going to cause a few laughs.
2. I promise this will be the last time in a while that Sunset will get hurt like that...possibly.
3. Cliff hanger! You want chapter 7 today? Comment your opinion on the chapter and we will see how nice I am!
Seriously, 5 comments from 5 different people and I'll post it! Why 5 you ask? Cause this is on 3 different sites and I'm just adding them together. I'm not unreasonable, I just want to know how I'm doing.
HaHa! I'm kinda evil when it comes to writing. Seriously, I had over 20 chapters for this story written before posting it, imagine how many I have now!
Hey, at least you know I'm not going to abandon this part way through!
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