
"Really? I don't buy it." Rainbow Dash slumped in her seat.

The previous day, Fluttershy had gone to the hospital to give Sunset her homework, as per Vice-Principal Luna's request. While she was there, she had a small talk with Principal Celestia about Sunset's situation.

"Honestly," Rarity said, "I cannot believe that Sunset had been living in that dusty old building for so long."

Fluttershy frowned, "If it didn't come from the Principal, I wouldn't have believed it either."

"I can't believe we never thought to ask." Applejack told them, "I mean, we were tryin' to become her friends, we should have thought about it."

"Well, she didn't seem like the homeless type." Rarity said, "She still took good care of herself."

The others nodded.

"So, is Principal Celestia really going to take her in?" Rainbow asked.

"That's what she told me." Fluttershy explained, "Apparently, she and Vice-Principal Luna had been planning it for a while now."

"Then why didn't she help sooner?" Rainbow said angrily, "Then Sunset wouldn't be in the hospital!"

"There is a lot of legal work involved in obtaining custody of a person." Rarity explained, "On top of that, she would need to get Sunset to agree to it and reformed or not, she is incredibly stubborn."

"Rarity's right!" Pinkie chimed in after having seemingly made the roman colosseum out of her lunch, "Principal Celestia was probably working behind Sunset's back so when it was all done, Sunset wouldn't have a choice."

"Doubt it." Rainbow rolled her eyes, "Principal Celestia wouldn't risk Sunset hating her."

"Actually, Pinkie Pie might be on to something." Rarity said, "I know when it comes to Sweetie Belle, I'd rather her safe than liking me. Besides, she would eventually realize why I did what I did."

"You think Celestia cares that much about Sunset?" Fluttershy asked.

The girls all smiled.


Sunset sat in her hospital bed, bored. She still had a massive headache but she wasn't really tired enough to want to sleep it off. The pain meds she had in her system helped.

Celestia had left shortly after she woke up to run home and shower. She hadn't said anything but Sunset really didn't want her to go. It was nice having someone there.

Just then the Nurse walked in and smiled, "I see you're feeling better."

Sunset gave a small nod, "Yeah. Headache still sucks though."

The nurse giggled, "You'll have that for a while."

"Figured." Sunset said, "Now I'm just bored."

The nurse pressed a finger to her chin and scanned the room, her gaze landing on a stack of three folders on top of a couple heavy looking textbooks. The top file said, 'Physics' and the one below it was 'Math', the final read 'Art'.

"Unless Miss Solaris takes basic high school courses," The Nurse grabbed the folders and pulled up the table up to Sunset then set the folders in front of her, "These must be yours."

Sunset scanned through the folders then pulled out a note from the last one. 'We're glad you're OK! Hope to visit soon!' She smiled.

"That's really sweet." The nurse said, smiling.

Sunset nodded then opened the physics folder, scanning through the papers again then turned to the nurse, "Can I have my text book and a pencil please?"

"You're actually going to do your homework?" the nurse raised a brow, "You just came out of a coma. Are you sure you can handle that?"

She shrugged, "Don't have anything better to do. Besides, I already know most of this. The worst that's going to happen is I make my headache worse."

The nurse reached over and grabbed the text books and handed them to Sunset who grabbed them with one hand then set them on her lap.

"Most of my classes aren't what you would call; 'basic'." Sunset said showing the Nurse her honors textbook, "You know what they say, knowledge is power."

"Wow, I was a terrible student in school." She giggled, "I was actually what you would call a 'jock'."

Sunset's mouth fell open, looking at the dainty and kind green skinned woman.

The nurse giggled again, "That was my husband's reaction as well."

Sunset closed her mouth, "I used to be the school bully."

It was the other woman's turn to go slack jawed.

Sunset started to laugh but recoiled when she remembered she had four broken ribs. "Ow."

"Well, I guess we both have deceiving looks."

They smiled before the Nurse's watch beeped. She grabbed a pencil from her pocket and gave it to Sunset before she left for the rest of her rounds.

Sunset then got to work, knowing she was going to be missing more than just three weeks of school, so this was just the beginning.

A few more hours passed when Celestia finally returned and, needless to say, she was shocked at what she saw. Sunset was working diligently on her homework, even taking notes in her binder.

"Sunset?" Celestia questioned.

Sunset grinned when she saw Celestia, "You're back!"

"Yes..." Celestia approached Sunset to see her math homework open on the table, "And so are you it seems. How long have you been at this?"

Sunset looked at the clock, "A few hours. I finished most of my physics except I need a ruler to do the next unit. Math was my only option without supplies. I was just really bored."

Celestia giggled, "How about a break then." Grabbed a canvas bag from the ground, "Luna and I got these for you last week before everything happened. I thought you would get some good use out of them."

Celestia helped clear the table and set the bag on Sunset's lap. She smiled as Sunset took out each item one by one, placing them carefully on top of the table. Sunset dropped the bag on the floor then eyed the art supplies laid out in front of her. She took the lid off of the case containing the pencils and examined one, rubbing the lead against her thumb.

Sunset's face was obscured by her hair so Celestia couldn't see her expression

"Y-you got these for me?" Sunset struggled to keep her voice level.

"Well," Celestia smiled, "I'm not the one with an artistic talent."

"I-I...I'm not sure what to say." Sunset turned to face Celestia, "Thank you."

Despite the tears running down her face, Sunset wore the biggest smile Celestia had ever seen.

"I've a-always wanted to get some drawing stuff but..." Sunset picked up the sketch book and stared at the cover, her casted hand gripping it awkwardly. "This alone cost more money than I ever had to spare. I...thank you so much. You have no idea how much this means to me."

Celestia decided to take a chance and wrapped the girl in a light hug as to not irritate her ribs. In moments, the sketchbook was put down and, with her good hand, Sunset gripped Celestia's arm, leaning her head into the older woman.

"I just wish I had discovered your situation earlier." Celestia said.

"It's fine." Sunset said, "Before the formal, there wasn't really anything you could have done. Even when I was having second thoughts, I was too stubborn." Sunset pulled away to look at Celestia, "I'm OK with how things went. You know, besides the fact that I'm in the hospital right now. But other than that, I'm a better person, now."

"Sunset," Celestia said, "I love what you have done with yourself since then, it was a big change for anyone and you handled it the best you could. However, a lot of the mental and physical pain you endured could have been avoided if I had stepped in when I initially wanted to."

"You're not the only one to blame for that, Tia." Another voice replied.

They looked to the door to see Luna standing there with a large paper take out bag.

"Neither of you did anything wrong." Sunset said seriously, "You both did what you thought was right at the time. If it weren't for the earthquake, it would have all worked out. Seriously, I'm OK."

She flashed a small smile at the two women, only to see Luna creeping around the windows like a really bad spy. Sunset watched with a questioning look as Luna closed all of the blinders that lead into the room then made her way to the other chair next to Sunset's bed.

Celestia looked at Sunsets confused expression and sighed, "You'll get used to it."

Luna opened the bag and handed Celestia a burger from a local fast food place. In all honesty, the smell alone made Sunset more than a little jealous.

The blue haired woman looked around the room then grinned at Sunset.

Celestia saw this and sighed, "You didn't."

Luna took another burger box out of the bag and handed it to Sunset, "Hospital food is hardly good." She looked at Sunset, studying the burger, "It's a veggie burger."

"You're going to get her in trouble." Celestia scolded her younger sister.

"I think I can live with that." Sunset said, already having taken a bite of her burger.

Celestia looked at her sister again to see Luna already enjoying her food. She sighed and dug into her burger. What have I gotten myself into.


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