Behind Me

When Sunset and Celestia got home, Luna and Chrysalis where nowhere to be seen despite leaving a little while before they did. Though, Celestia had a feeling they left so Celestia could talk to the teen privately.

Sunset immediately flopped down on the couch with a sigh as Celestia went in the kitchen to make tea.

I am so glad I wasn't on the receiving end of that this time. Sunset thought to herself then smiled, Life just got infinitely more interesting, but... how was that even possible in the first place. There are only six elements, it just doesn't make sense. Though I suppose with friendship magic, it doesn't work if you leave out a friend.

Celestia came out of the kitchen with two mugs, handing one to Sunset as the girl sat up on the couch.

The silence was overwhelming for a moment before Celestia spoke, "Sunset, I am so sorry for my actions these past two days. I can only imagine how that must have felt."

"Yeah, I'd be lying if I said it didn't hurt." Sunset said, "But I also want you to know that as soon as I walked into your office to tell you about the Dazzling's, I knew something wasn't right. It's why, after Rarity came to pick me up that night, I sent a text to Chrysalis, just in case something went wrong."

Celestia nodded, "I am really glad that you thought to contact her. I know we never discussed it, but I know if anything happened with me and Luna, Chrysalis would look after you." She took a deep breath, "Still, I remember the look your face every time you saw me and my sister. I could see that you were falling backwards and it hurts me to know that I didn't care."

The teen smiled sadly, "I know, it's probably what made the whole thing worse for me. You know how well I am at reading people and I saw how cold and empty you looked. It was the first time since living with you that I didn't want to be anywhere near you. I felt as alone as I did in that stupid building, only this time, I didn't really have anywhere to go. I felt like I was outside, looking in on everyone else."

Celestia took in her words. She'd lost the stability she'd gotten since living here.

"I'm sorry that we made you feel like that." Celestia apologized that seemed to be the umpteenth time that evening, "This whole situation with those girls had made me realize how foolish I have been lately."

Sunset gave her a quizzical look.

"For the last couple months, Chrysalis, Luna and even my parents have been trying to get me to do something that they knew I wanted but was, and still am, afraid of." Celestia said in attempt to explain.

"What are you getting at?" Sunset asked.

Celestia sighed and got up and left the room Sunset could hear the door to the study open then close a minute later before Celestia walked back over to the couch, holding a brown folder.

"Chrysalis made a point of finishing these before she went back home after the holidays." Celestia explained, "The papers in this folder can only happen with your consent and I don't want you to decide because you think it would make anyone else happy besides yourself. I want you to understand that this is your life and you get to decide what you want."

Sunset nodded and Celestia handed her the envelope.

She stared blankly at the page at first as her brain didn't want to focus at the time. When she could however, the title of the first page made her heart stop. It read: 'Adoption Request'.

As she looked through the papers in silence, she saw that Celestia had already filled out the majority of the forms along with a report from Chrysalis. There were a few pages with places that both she and a judge still had to sign.

Celestia had excused herself so Sunset could collect her thoughts so, the younger girl sat on the couch alone.

Sunset wasn't sure how to say what she was thinking. It was all just so overwhelming she found that she was at a loss for words. Tears ran freely down her face as she struggled to keep calm. She knew that if she didn't say anything, Celestia would think that she didn't want her to.

Sunset reached into her pocket for the pen she always kept with her and did the only thing she could think of without completely breaking down


It had been ten minutes since Celestia left Sunset alone with her thoughts and, quite frankly, she was getting concerned.

What if I scared her away? Celestia thought, What if I put too much on her? Does she think I expect something from her?

She was so lost in thought that Celestia didn't notice Sunset enter the room until she gingerly placed the papers next to the older woman.

Celestia tried to get a read on how Sunset was feeling but, much like Fluttershy, her face was shielded by her red and gold hair. So, she glanced at the top page to see Sunset's signature right under her own. Her heart swelled and turned to brushed the hair out of Sunset's face, revealing a small smile and a tear stained face.

The younger of the two turned to Celestia, "Thank you."

With that, Celestia captured Sunset with a hug, "You have no reason to thank me, Sunset. You have been a wonderful addition to the family and I hope you understand that, once a judge signs these, you're stuck with me."

"Crap, I didn't think about that." Sunset joked, flashing a cheeky grin.

They then heard the front door open, announcing Chrys and Luna's arrival. Upon walking in the kitchen, the first thing the other two noticed was Sunset and Celestia's faces, it was evident that they had recently been crying.

"You two, OK?" Luna asked.

They simply nodded.

It was Chrysalis who noticed the familiar stack of papers sitting on the island, "You actually did it? You actually asked and didn't chicken out?" She didn't wait for any sort of response before snatching the papers and glancing through them.

Luna looked at the papers over her friend's shoulder and grinned at her sister and Sunset. "She did!" Luna said excitedly, "Sunset even signed them!"

It wasn't long before Luna tackled Sunset and Celestia in a Pinkie-level hug.

"I'm going to be an aunt!" Luna said, causing everyone else in the room to laugh, "I can't wait to be a bad influence!"

With that final comment...silence.


The next day, Sunset, Twilight and the others all met at Sugarcube Corner to spend some time together before Twilight had to return home.

"Is anyone else sore?" Rainbow asked.

Sunset and Twilight laughed, "What do you expect? We created a giant, powerful alicorn and it shot a rainbow laser." Explained Sunset, "How did you guys feel after the formal?"

"I see your point." Rarity commented.

"Before I forget, Sunset." Twilight said, "I want you to know that you are welcome to visit Equestria any time."

Sunset smiled, "Thanks, Twilight, but for now, I think I'm good here. Besides, I think Celestia would have an aneurism if I went dimension jumping so soon."

"I'm really glad you found a place here, Sunset." Twilight smiled, "I do think that one day you and the Princess should meet. Clear the air."

Sunset nodded, "One day, I promise."

Just then, Sunset's phone buzzed, enticing a genuinely over joyed grin from the girl.

"Sunset?" Rarity drawled, "That's a look I've never seen on you before. Who just messaged you?"

Sunset blushed, "I...well...I, um..."

Rainbow took Sunset's phone and read the message, "It's from Principal Celestia. Why do you need a court date?"

"Oh, you're not in any trouble, are you?" Fluttershy asked.

"Of course, she's not." Applejack said, "Why would she be smiling so big?"

Pinkie pie took the phone from Rainbow and Sunset felt overwhelmingly awkward.

"So," Pinkie said out loud, "Principal Celestia texts you about a court date and you get all smiley." It was then that something seemed to click in her head, "Oh my gosh!" she said loudly, "Oh. My. Gosh!" She said again, this time hopping out of the booth, capturing absolutely everyone in the facility's attention.

"Pinkie, not so loud. Everyone's watching." Sunset said.

Pinkie looked just about to erupt in excitement, "Why would you want to hide the fact that you're getting adopted!"

All eyes went to Sunset, looking for a confirmation.

Sunset ginned, "Yes, I have a court date next week because I am being legally adopted!"

After that there were many, MANY, congratulatory cheers from Sunset's friends and the strangers in the café. Mrs. Cake even went over for a tearful hug. Sunset was just happy Pinkie said what she wanted to. She wasn't ashamed or anything, she just didn't know how to drop the initial bomb without breaking down in tears.


On the walk back to the school: Sunset, Spike and Twilight hung at the back of the group so they could talk as per Sunset's request.

"What's bothering you, Sunset?" Twilight asked.

"Magic is." Sunset said, "More specifically, the events at the battle of the bands. It just doesn't make sense."

"What?" inquired Twilight.

Sunset sighed, "There are only six elements of harmony. I keep thinking that you guys only needed me because it didn't work if one friend was on the sidelines."

"But that makes sense." Twilight said.

"That's what I thought too, but then, why is it that you don't need Spike?" Sunset said, "And, besides that, I had directly contributed to the elements. It makes me wonder if there is something we're missing. I know everything translated differently here. So, is it possible that, in this, that there is a seventh element?"

Twilight pressed her thumb to her mouth in thought, "I'm not sure." She smirked, "I keep forgetting that you are actually from Equestria."

Sunset smiled, "Don't worry, so do I."

The purple girl chucked, "I still feel so out of place in this world. Like I don't actually belong here. How long did it take you to get used to it?"

Sunset thought for a moment, "I actually never felt out of place. It was like slipping on an old sweater. Sure, I was alone, but I never felt like an outcast, not really."

Twilight furrowed her brows, much to Sunset's confusion.

"What is it?" Sunset asked.

"It's just...I have this odd feeling that you belong here. Have you ever tried to find your counterpart?"

Sunset frowned, "A couple years ago, yeah. But there was nothing. The only conclusion I came to hear it that the other me was, possibly..."

Twilight nodded, "Right, sorry."

Finally, the seven girls were gathered around the portal, ready to wish Twilight a farewell.

"You sure you don't want to stay for Sunset's big day next week?" Pinkie asked.

"No, I have to get back to Equestria, I have my royal duties to attend to."

"I sure wish you could stay longer." Applejack said.

Twilight gave a sad smile, "Me too. But now, I can go through the portal whenever I need to." She grinned, "this isn't goodbye. It's just goodbye until next time."

Spike and Twilight said their goodbyes then disappeared through the portal.

"Don't take this the wrong way," Rainbow said, "But I'm really glad you stole her crown."

Sunset looked at Rainbow quizzically, "Why? Do you like having your world threatened by monsters?"

"Well, it is pretty awesome." She said, "But no, it just means we have three awesome friends."

Sunset smiled, "Yeah and, at this very moment, I'm glad I stole it too." She said, "I have seven amazing friends and have a family that cares about me. That's more than I ever had."

That earned Sunset another hug.


Sunset didn't dream of the endless void again, instead, she sat on top of the hill where her and her friends took down the Sirens. She felt a presence walk up to her but it didn't feel like her demon. When she turned around, she saw herself looking out over the stage. The difference was, she had wings and a tail made out of flame and pony hears on her head.

"I told you they needed you." She said.

Sunset smiled, "Thank you but, who are you?"

"I'm you, your subconscious." It said.

"The Elements created you, didn't they?" Sunset questioned again.

"You made me." It stated, "Your past leaves many scars, physical and otherwise. I'm just a Scar that was created at the formal. Like all scars, they make you stronger, smarter. They ensure you don't make the same mistakes."

"So that's why you helped me."

It changed its form to the demon, "I took this form to motivate you to move past the formal and help your friends. It was your fear of this form that gave you courage in that defining moment." It switched back.

"So, what now?" Sunset asked.

"I know as much as you do."

"Will I keep having nightmares or see you in them." Sunset asked.

"I'm a scar of your past, Sunset, you will never entirely be rid of me." She said, "It just depends on how you look at me, just like the scars on your back. Will they make you stronger, or will you let them weigh you down?"

Sunset didn't answer as she smiled and looked up to the sky.


Sunset sat on the roof of the school on Friday afternoon, Sunset sat anxiously outside of the court room with Celestia, Chrysalis and Luna. Today was the day

"Party for Sunset Shimmer and company." A guard called from door.

Sunset, Luna, Celestia and Chrysalis entered the room.

"Hello, I'm Judge Gavel and you must be Sunset Shimmer." The judge said, gesturing to Sunset as she and Celestia sat in front of the desk, the other two behind them.

Sunset nodded nervously, "Yes sir."

"So, Miss Solaris," He addressed Celestia, "You wish to adopt Miss Shimmer."

She nodded, "Yes your honor."

"You know this cannot be undone." He clarified.

"Yes, your honor" She repeated.

"You, Miss Shimmer, would like for Miss Solaris to be your adopted mother?"

"Yes." Sunset said, too nervous to say anything else.

The judge chuckled, "Relax, Miss Shimmer. Despite my title, I am not here to actually judge you or take you away. That was your social worker's job. I'm just here to make it legal."

Sunset breathed as he had Celestia sign the last of the papers and, with a smile, he too signed them.

"Congratulations, to both of you." The judge said, "You are now mother and daughter.

Sunset sat there, frozen in shock as she was handed a certificate while Celestia could barely hold back her tears.

Mother and daughter...Celestia is my Mom. I have a mom. Is this really happening? Sunset thought.

She finally snapped out of it and smiled and hugged Celestia. It took them both a while to stop crying but when they did, they left the room to see all of Sunset's friends anxiously clustered in the hallway.

"What are you guys doing here?" Sunset Questioned.

"We wanted to be here when you officially had a mom!" Rainbow Dash explained, "We've been hiding around the corner for an hour."

Sunset chuckled and held up her adoption certificate.

I totally should have destroyed the school sooner. Sunset thought with a smile as her friends and family hugged her.

Sunset smiled as they left the courthouse seeing Luna and Chrysalis holding hands with red faces, refusing to look at each other. She and Celestia exchanged glances, giggling at how childish the two were.

They all went home afterwards, and the Solaris/Shimmer household spent the rest of the evening playing board games, Chrys and Celestia laughing at how competitive Sunset and Luna were.

Finally, after months of waiting, drama and magical creatures, it was nice to know that now, they had some semblance of stability.

"Hey," Sunset said suddenly, "I finally finished the song I was writing."

"Really?" Chrysalis said, "then why aren't you singing it to us?"

Sunset laughed and ran upstairs and grabbed her guitar and sat back on the floor and began to play.

She sang about everything, every feeling and every milestone she had had since the formal. It took her a long time to accept it and understand that everyone has scars and every single one is permanent but we can choose to let them weigh us down or push us forward. Making everyone stronger with each step they take. Like a road map, they can lead you down the path that was always meant to be.

'Cause my past is not today!

As the song ended, Sunset felt a clarity she'd never had before. She was ready to push forward without the guilt of the past; improving for herself, not for the shame she burdened herself with.


Author's Note

Well, I'm definitely feeling the sad but excited butterflies in my chest. It's been really fun!

I am hard at work on Tears to the point that I even did some planning on my break! Thank you everyone and I really love you guys! I hope you will follow me into the second book AND the secret project.

You will get a notification chapter for when I hit 20 chapters in Tears, meaning I will also give a post date. That post will remain up until I post the 'Tears of Sunlight'. The announcement for the audio book will get a chapter as well but it will only remain up for a week.

I still want to hear suggestions for scenes or anything you would like to see in Tears. There is a lot of wiggle room even with the Arc by Arc planning I have. I read all of the comments and will continue to do so.

If you want more progress updates, follow me here or on Twitter! @JWolfSilver

I, uh....well I guess I won't see you next week. You guys are awesome! See you for Volume 2 'Tears of Sunlight'

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