Pinkie was the first to notice her arrival, "Oh my gosh! Sunset! You actually came! We were starting to think you backed out!"
"Sorry." Sunset apologized, "I was talking with Mrs. Cake."
Pinkie got up and dragged Sunset to the booth, shoving her in next to Fluttershy then slid in on her other side.
Fluttershy gave her a small smile which Sunset returned nervously. "We're so happy you could make it." She greeted.
"Yeah, uh, thanks." Sunset said.
"Pay up Rainbow!" Applejack said suddenly.
Rainbow Dash groaned, digging out her wallet and gave Applejack a twenty, "Yeah, whatever." the multi-colored girl slumped in her seat.
"Wait." Sunset looked at Applejack, "Did you bet on whether or not I'd come?"
Applejack nodded, "Well, you see, Dash here thought you would be too scared to show up, probably thinkin' this was some sort of trap and I told her you would show up considerin' I have a pretty good idea as to why you wanted to talk to all of us at once."
Sunset blinked, "Well she was right about the whole, 'scared this was a trap' thing but to be honest, I can only see that as something Rainbow might think of doing but then I thought about it and figured, none of you would let that happen." Sunset looked to Rainbow and her eyes widened upon realizing the nature of what she'd just accused her of, "Sorry, I didn't mean to-"
"Hey!" Rainbow cut her off, "You're probably not wrong but the stunts I pull are well thought out pranks. All in good fun."
"Anyway," Rarity cut in, "Sunset, what is it that you wanted to talk about with all of us?"
Well, here it is. The moment of truth. If I don't do it now, I probably never will. Sunset thought to herself.
She took a deep breath and just let everything flow out without her usual buffers. "So, I really wanted to talk to you all at the same time because I was afraid I would lose my nerve. I wanted to apologize, for everything. I hate who I am, or was, and by the time I figured out I wanted to change how I was acting, I was in too deep and ended up crossing through the portal to steal the crown like I had planned. So, for starters, I'm sorry for my actions at the formal, I wasn't kidding yesterday when I told you I could have killed you." She clenched her hand together and gritted her teeth. "I hate myself for that.
"Sunset..." Rarity said in a soft voice but Sunset didn't let her continue.
"No, Rarity, I need to do this properly." Sunset said adamantly. Rarity simply sat back and nodded. Sunset looked to her right at Pinkie who was making a tower with the sugar packets, "Pinkie Pie, I'm sorry about all the times I made you decorate for the dances and school functions yourself. Also for all the times that I had Snips and Snails destroy your decorations." She didn't wait for a response before looking at Fluttershy, "I really am sorry about your silent auction last year. I know it was Pinkie who brought the party but it was me who sent those messages. I'm also sorry for all the times I screamed at you for no reason. I know you're sensitive and it was horrible of me to feed more of your insecurities."
Fluttershy went to put a hand on the other girl's shoulder and she jerked away, surprising the shy girl.
Continuing the circle, she looked to Rainbow Dash along with Fluttershy, "I'm especially sorry for pulling you two apart. If I remember right; you two grew up together and have been friends long before I came to this world. It was how close you were that made me kind of angry and jealous. I didn't really have any close friends, I think the only good friend I had was Princess Celestia but she was just my mentor. I'm really sorry for doing that to you guys. I also feel really bad about when I greased the field and you broke your leg Rainbow Dash."
"Are you kidding?" Rainbow said excitedly, "After that my Dad bought me the entire collection of Daring Do and the Rise of Tireck game I had been asking for! That was the best thing that ever happened to me! I should be thanking you."
"But didn't you have to sit on the bench for the entire last year of middle school?" Sunset asked.
Rainbow shrugged, "Worth it."
"Uh... OK then." Sunset shook her head then continued on, "Anyway, Applejack, Rainbow, I'm sorry for splitting up you guys too. I actually don't even know why I did it." She frowned and looked to Rarity, "Rarity, out of the five of you, I probably wronged you the most. Last spring, I completely obliterated your reputation." She said sourly, "That and I had just separated you and your friends so you were already feeling like crap and I made sure to kick you while you were down. I really am sorry, to all of you." Sunset buried her head in her arms, "I'm a horrible person." .
"Why don't you like to be touched?" Rarity asked out of nowhere.
"Huh?" Sunset shifted her head to look at the purple haired girl.
"Whenever any of us try to touch you, you pull away." She explained.
"Oh, I guess I didn't notice, it's a reflex." Sunset said, "I'm not used to being hugged or have someone offer me comfort through touch. I've been hit and shoved but nothing really all that..." Sunset searched for a word, "Warm."
Pinkie Pie changed the subject like she just had a epiphany, "You're not a horrible person, Sunset!"
Sunset was now confused, lifting her head up to the hyper girl, "What?"
"You aren't a horrible person right now! You were a huge big meanie McMeanie pants last year and the two weeks leading up to the formal but that isn't who you are now, right?"
"Yeah!" Rainbow Dash added, "You haven't even fought back on the other kids bullying you. Honestly, you aren't even acting like the same person! You are totally different!"
"Sorry to interrupt," All eyes went to Mrs. Cake, "I couldn't help but overhear your conversation and I'd like to say, Sunset has always been this nice and caring when I've seen her since she came in here...three or four years ago."
Sunset felt herself blush as the other girls looked at her with wide eyes.
"Sunset's always been nice?" Rainbow smacked her cheeks, "I'm not buying it."
"Now none of that." Mrs. Cake scolded, "Both Sunset and Principal Celestia are regulars here. Celestia is a friend of mine actually, so I hear of Sunset's bullying ways from both of them but that's never been the person I've seen."
"Wait," Sunset said in a surprised tone, "You've talked to Principal Celestia about me?"
The woman nodded, "I'll talk to you about that later. Now, what would you ladies like to order?"
Once Mrs. Cake left with their orders, attention turned back to the fiery haired girl.
"Well," Applejack said after a long moment of silence, "I have absolutely no words for this here discovery."
"So you were only, for lack of a better word, cruel, to your classmates?" Rarity asked.
Sunset shrugged, "Apparently, I never really noticed. I was cruel as a way to control people and get what I wanted. There was never really a reason to be that way otherwise. Honestly, it was kind of exhausting."
"But I've seen you yell at random people at the mall." Rainbow questioned.
"Look, I do have bad days where I'm rude to everyone." Sunset admitted, "But I also have a short fuse and sometimes I just explode. Most of the time I don't mean to tell random people off."
They all nodded, satisfied with Sunset's response.
"You know," Sunset spoke, "I never thought in a millennium, I would be having an honest conversation with you five. Thanks again for letting me get that stuff off my chest."
"It was our pleasure, Sunset." Rarity smiled, "When you asked to meet, I never expected you to come right out and apologize."
"But we're glad you did." Fluttershy spoke.
Sunset smiled slightly, "Me too."
"So, does this mean we can hang out now?" Rainbow asked excitedly, "I've seen you in gym class, you have got some moves! I want to play a little one on one!"
"Oh! I should throw a party!" Pinkie said, "When's your birthday? Do you celebrate Christmas? Or do you prefer Hanukkah or Kwanzaa? Wait, do you even like parties? Oh my gosh! What if I threw you a party and you don't even like parties. WAIT!" She yelled, "Have you ever been to a party?"
It took a minute for Sunset to formulate a response, "I don't celebrate my birthday, I guess Christmas, I've been to one party in my entire life and I did like it...I think."
"Woah, woah, woah," Rainbow said, "You don't celebrate your birthday?"
Sunset shook her head, "Nope. Not in the last seven years at least."
"But why?" she asked.
"Because there was never any point." Sunset said, "Look, the last birthday I celebrated was with my parents the year before I became Celestia's student. I didn't really care about birthday for the year after, in fact, I didn't even notice my birthday had passed until the morning after. For the rest, I was here. What's the point in celebrating your birth if there isn't anyone who cares that you were born?"
"That's really sad." Fluttershy said, "What about your family?"
"On the other side of the portal and I doubt they care that I'm even gone. I wasn't exactly the child they had always wanted. I did everything I could to get out of there." Sunset said with a frown.
The group went silent before Rarity spoke, "Enough with the touchy subjects, I'm sure she will share once she's ready. How about the basics?"
"What do you want to know?" Sunset asked.
Mrs. Cake returned shortly after with their drinks as they continued talking, the woman giving Sunset a 'I told you so' wink. Sunset smiled as she talked to the girls and got to know them for not just their flaws but out of genuine interest.
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