she's been broken. shes been knocked down. shes been defeated. shes felt pain that most couldn't handle. she looks fear in the face; year after year, day after day, but yet, she never runs. she never hides. shes unbreakable. she a warrior

"YOU know, I'm starting not to like this idea." Isaac who was a cute blonde with blue eyes, paced back and forth as they a waited for a man named Peter. "Sounds kinda dangerous. You know what? I definitely don't like this idea, and I definitely don't like him."

"You'll be fine," Derek spoke nonchalantly.

"Does it have to be him?" Isaac whined.

"He knows how to do it. I don't. Be more dangerous if I tried doing it myself."

"I could do it but I know the only reason you have me here is to keep an eye on me," Alex spoke, crossing her arms, her blue eyes trailing around Derek's loft. "It's a good thing I'm here because you seriously need to decorate."

"You know Scott doesn't trust him, right?" Isaac spoke, both of them ignoring her comment. How rude. "You know, personally, I'd... well, I'd trust Scott."

"Do you trust me?" Derek asked him, clearly jealous on everyone easily trusting Scott. Of course they would, have you met the puppy faced boy who almost always has a grin on his face?

"Yeah," Isaac hesitated with his answer. "I still don't like him."

"Nobody likes him."

"Well, I can't not like someone who I don't know. Plus, in my opinion, the evil ones are more fun to hang out with." Alex grinned, her back pressed up against the pillar that stood in the middle of Derek's loft.

Just then, the loft door fling open and in came a blonde with a V neck. "Boys..."trailed off, his cold blue eyes settling onto Alex's beautifuly broken blue eyes. "–and girl who I do not know, yes, coming back from the dead has left my abilities somewhat impaired, but the hearing still works. So I hope you're comfortable saying whatever it is that you're feeling straight to my face."

"We don't like you." The book that Derek had in his hands were slammed shut and he stood up. "Now shut up and help us."

"Fair enough." Peter pulled out a chair and Isaac sat in it. "Relax. I'll get more out of you if you're calm."

"How do you know how to do this, again?" Alex asked, walking forwards so she stood in front of them, her red high heels clicking on the floor of the loft.

"It's an ancient ritual used mostly by alphas, since it's a skill that requires quite a bit of practice. One slip, and you could paralyze someone. Or kill them."

Alex tilted her head, letting the information in as she didn't know anything about this type of werewolf.

"You... You've had a lot of practice, though, right?" Isaac asked nervously.

"Well, I've never paralyzed anyone," Peter responded back, simply not caring.

"Wait, does that mean that you–" Peter plunged his claws right into Isaac's neck, stopping him from talking anymore. Both Derek and Alex took a couple steps forward.

"Wait, I see them," Peter told them, his head tilting back, his blue wolf eyes out for show and tell. As he let go of Isaac, his eyes went back to normal, but he had a faraway look in his eyes.

"What'd you see?"

Peter was panting as he answered Derek. "It was confusing. Um... images. Vague shapes."

Alex rolled her eyes, her lips shaping into a thin line. "But you saw something," she said, nodding her head.

"Isaac found them," Peter told them and Alex looked to Isaac with raised eyebrows, slightly confused.

"Erica and Boyd?" Derek asked, hope seeping through his words.

"Who?" Alex asked, but was ignored.

"I barely saw them. I mean, glimpses."

"But you did see them," Derek stated.

"And worse."


"And I ask again, who?" Alex questioned. "That names sounds like a rip off of Dracula or something. Btw, Dracula did exist and he was one creepy dude." She made a face of disgust as she thought about Dracula who was totally gay for Elijah but played her. She ended up getting her revenge in the end though. Now, he lays in pieces in different states. Derek, Peter and Isaac looked at her weirdly, but she just shrugged. "What? It's true."

"He was talking to them. Something about time running out," Peter spoke, giving her a last glance before putting all his attention back onto his nephew.

"What does it mean?"

"He's gonna kill them."

"No, no, no, he didn't say that. He did make them a promise that by the full moon that they'd both be dead," Peter stuttered out, rubbing his hand.

"The next full moon?" Alex questioned, her red covered lips forming into the shape of a frown.

"Tomorrow night."

"I don't see anything," Derek spoke, his arms crossed. Aled was thinking that it was his usual stance because he is always doing it.

"Look again." Her high heels taped impatiently against the tiles of the classroom that they were currently in. Her head was tilted to the side, and she had a hand on her hip. She'd rather be sucking someone dry than standing around talking in a classroom.

"How is a bruise gonna tell me where Boyd and Erica are?" Derek asked gruffly.

"It's the same on both sides. Exactly the same," Scott pointed out the obvious, and Alex couldn't help but feel like there was something going on with the bruises. There has to he a reason why they're exactly the same.

"It's nothing."

"Pareidolia," Alex spoke up, gaining everyone's attention. "Seeing patterns that aren't there. It's a subset of apophenia." She used the knowledge that she had gained from all of the years that she has been alive — and that's a lot.

"They're trying to help," Scott told Derek who just glared at Lydia and Allison.

"These two." He gestured to the strawberry blonde and brunette. "This one," he looked at Lydia, "who used me to resurrect my psychotic Uncle. Thank you." He turned his attention to Allison, "And this one, who shot about 30 arrows into me and my pack."

"Hunter," Alex whispered, tilting her head as she analyzed the brunette. She was pretty, pretty tall for a girl, and looked like a chins doll due to her porcelain like skin.

"Okay, all right, now, come on." Stiles jumped in, trying to calm down the whole situation. "No one died, all right? Look, there may have been a little maiming, okay, a little mangling, but no death. That's what I call an important distinction."

Alex held back a chuckle and placed her hand on his back, patting him. "Good job, Stiles." She leaned down and whispered into his ear, fully knowing that Scott and Derek could hear her.

"My mother died," Allison spoke, her eyes burning into Derek's face.

"Mother," Alex said in disgust, shaking her head to rid her thoughts of the woman who has tried to kill her and her sibling over and over again.

"Your family's little honor code killed your mother. Not me," Derek told her, no remorse or regret.

"That girl was looking for Scott. I'm here to help him, not you," She told him, her brown eyes narrowing at him.

"You wanna help? Find something real," Derek responded and went to walk towards the door. As Scott up and walked towards him, Alex used her heightened hearing to listen in.

"Derek... Give her a chance. Okay, they're on our side now."

"Well then maybe you should tell her what her mother was actually trying to do that night." Derek then walked away fully out of the door. I perked up, interested on what had happened.

"Okay, off to class I go." Alex smiled at Stiles before walking away, swaying her hips from side to side, hearing his heartbeat sky rocket. She grinned. "See ya later, Stilinski." She didn't look behind her to know that he had a flabbergasted expression.

ALEXANDRIA watched as the boys, including Derek filled a tub full of ice. She stood beside Deaton, making sure he doesn't somehow overcome her compulsion and start telling people about her secret.

"Obviously, it's not going to be particularly... Comfortable. But if we can slow your heart rate down enough, you'll slip into a trance-like state," Deaton spoke, his eyes keep glancing over at the blonde original every other second.

"Like being hypnotized."

"Exactly. You'll be half transformed. It'll let us access your subconscious mind," Deaton explained to the scared beta.

"How slow does his heart rate need to be?" Alex asked, stepping forward.

Derek rested his hands on the rim of the tub. "Okay, well, how slow is very slow?"

"Nearly dead."

They all snapped their heads in Deaton's direction, eyes wide in shock. They knew that it wasn't exactly safe, per say, but that hadn't thought that his life would be at risk. As the three of them continued to process the information, Isaac placed the tips of his fingers into the ice water, hissing from the cold before snatching his hand out.

Isaac glanced up at Deaton warily, "It's safe though, right?"

"Do you want me to answer honestly?"

"No," Isaac muttered, shaking his head softly. "No, not really."

A rubber snap cracked throughout the room, everyone looked over to the corner to see Stiles snapping a latex glove against his forearm, wiggling his fingers around with an amused expression on his face.

Alex rose her right eyebrow as she stared at him, amused, but also slightly annoyed. One of his friends was about to threaten his own life, and yet, Stiles was playing around.

"What?" Stiles asked, a now blank expression on his face before he let out an irritated sigh before yanking the glove off.

They averted their attention back toward Isaac, and Derek noticed his nervous state, the boy letting out a shaky breath. "Look, if it feels too risky, you don't have to do this."

Isaac glanced toward Scott for reassurance who nodded in agreement with Derek.

Isaac's hands gripped the collar of his shirt before pulling it up and over his head. He looked at the tub again, gripped the sides of the tub before dipping one foot into the water, soon placing the other within as well.

Alex couldn't help but admire the shape of his abs, and the way his curls hung in front of his eyes. He was one blessed boy.

Scott tugged off his jacket, him and Derek rolling up the sleeves of their shirts. Isaac let out shaky panting breaths once he was sitting down in the tub completely. Derek and Scott each placed a hand on Isaac's shoulders.

Water and ice splashed out of the tub, Derek and Scott pushed Isaac under the surface. As soon as he was pushed under, his body came shooting out; fangs bared and eyes glowing gold.

"Get him back under," Deaton instructed as Isaac continued to thrash. "Hold him!"

"We're trying!" Derek snapped.

"Can you not do anything yourselves?!" Snapped Alex who marched forward, and pushed Isaac down with one hand.

Then he was submerged once again, but this time after only a few thrashes his body became completely still. The room was once again filled with silence.

Derek and Scott both glanced at each other before releasing their hands from his shoulders, and at the same time, Alex took her hand off of his chest.

His body slowly rose up in the water, and the minute his mouth broke the surface, and they all heard a small puff of air escape his lips.

They all let out a breath of relief — even Alex — and looked towards Deaton for further instructions. "Now, remember, only I talk to him," he said, pointing a finger towards all of them. "Too many voices will confuse him and draw him out."

They all nodded in agreement, and signaled for him to continue with the process.

"Isaac? Can you hear me?"

"Yes, I can hear you," he said, his mouth trembling from the cold water.

"This is Dr. Deaton. I'd like to ask you a few questions. Is that alright?"


"I want to ask you about the night you found Erica and Boyd," Deaton said as thunder roared outside the clinic, and lighting illuminated the dark room. "I want you to remember it for me in as vivid detail as possible, like you're actually there again."

Alex swallowed thickly as she watched Isaac. Not in her thousand years of living has she ever seen anything done like this.

"I–I don't wanna do that." Isaac cried. The lights in the clinic began to flicker, and his body began thrashing around a bit once again. Alex was the first to grab onto Isaac, holding him down. "I don't wanna do that. I don't wanna do that."

"Isaac, it's alright. Just relax. They're just memories. You can't be hurt by a memory."

"I don't wanna do that."

"It's alright."

"I don't wanna do that!" Isaac basically screamed.

"Relax. Relax. Good. Now let's go back to that night, to the place you found Erica and Boyd. Can you tell me what you see? Is there some kind of building? A house?" "m

"It's not a–It's not a house. It's stone. I think marble," Isaac answered, his body trembling worse than before from the cold.

"That's perfect. Can you give me any other descriptors?"

"It's dusty, so empty."

"Like an abandoned building?"

The lights once again began to flicker, and Isaac's body started twitching. Whatever is going on inside his head can't be good.

"Isaac. Isaac!"

"Someone's here! Someone's here!" He mumbled, as his hand flung out of the water, gripping onto Alex, cutting into her.

"Isaac, relax."

"No, no, no, they see me! They see me!" Isaac thrashed, trying to get out of Alex's grip.

"Just memories," Deaton reminded him, "You won't be hurt by your memories. Just relax. Relax." Isaac obeyed, his body once again going still in the water. "Good. Now tell us what you see, tell us everything."

"I hear him. He's talking about the full moon, about being out of control when the moon rises."

Alex furrowed her eyebrows. "Is he talking to Erica?"

The lights continued to flicker and an uneasy feeling formed in the pit of everyone's stomach.

"I think so. I can't–I can't see her... I can't–I can't see either of them."

"Can you hear anything else?"

"They're worried. They're worried what they'll do during the full moon. Worried that they're gonna hurt each other."

Alexandria let out a heavy sigh, looking towards all of them. "If they're locked in together on the full moon, they're gonna tear each other apart."

"Isaac we need to find them right now. Can you see them?"


Deaton leaned down closer to the tub, hovering over Isaac. "Do you know what kind of room it is? Is there any kind of a marker? A number on a door? A sign?"

Isaac shot straight up in the tub, causing everyone to jump back in shock. "They're here. They–They–"

"It's alright."

"No!" Isaac cried out, as the water slushed around.

"Just tell us–"

Isaac began looking around, but not around the clinic, more like he was looking around the building that he was seeing in his mind. "They see me! They found me! They're here!"

"This isn't working! Isaac, where are you?" Derek yelled.

"I can't see them! It's too dark!"

"You're going to confuse him!" Deaton yelled towards Derek.

Derek grabbed onto both of Isaac's shoulders, pushing Alex out of the way, and she growled at him. "Isaac, where are you?! Just tell me where you are!" He yelled, completely ignoring Deaton.

"His heart rate, he could go into shock!" Deaton exclaimed.

"Derek let him go!" Scott yelled.

Alex snapped, "Derek! Listen and stop!"

It was like Derek was tuning everybody out. "Isaac! Where are you?! What did you see?!"

This went on for a few more minutes, Isaac mumbling things over and over again as Derek continued to yell. It was becoming to much to handle, but then he said something that caught everyone's attention.

"It's a vault!" Isaac yelled, shooting up in the ice water once again, snatching them all out of their thoughts about what was just said seconds before. This time he looked like his normal self, he was no longer in the trance. "I saw it! I saw the name."

Scott and Deaton helped him out of the tub and Alex quickly grabbed a towel for him off of the counter so they could try to warm him up.

"It's uh, Beacon hills first national bank. It's um, it's an abandoned bank, and they're keeping them locked inside, inside the vault," Isaac explained as the towel was wrapped around his shoulders.

All of them were still stunned by what was said right before he came out of the trance, that all they could do was stare at him which he noticed pretty much right away.

"What?" Isaac asked, looking at all of them in confusion.

"You don't remember what you said right before you came out of it, do you?" Stiles asked.

Isaac shook his head, "No..."

"You said when they captured you they dragged you to a room, and there was a body in it..."

"What body?"

"Erica. You said it was Erica..."

"BOYS!" Alexandria groaned, rolling over and cuddled into something. "And girl!?" She jumped in shock, looking around at the room in which she was currently in. "Alex, right?" She looked up to meet the face of Stiles' dad.

"Uh huh." She nodded, looking over at the body she was currently snuggling into to see Stiles laying there with a smile on his face as he slept. "Stiles!" She yelled which made both Scott and Stiles jump up, Stiles almost hitting her in the face. "Okay. We're all good here, sheriff," she spoke, sending a smile to him and he nodded, walking away. "By the way Stilinski, I'm borrowing one of your shirts."

"O–okay." Stiles nodded as she jumped off of his bed.

"OKAY." Stiles set out a map as Alex stood by his side in leggings, one of his red shirts and a black and red flannel that matched the red converse that she was currently wearing. "You see this? This is how they got in. It's a rooftop air conditioning vent. Leads down inside into the wall of the vault, which is here."

He circled the vent. "Okay? One of the robbers was lowered into this shaft Now, that space is so small, it took him about twelve hours to drill into that wall, which is stone, by the way. Then throughout the rest of the night, they siphoned the cash up to the guys back on the roof through that one little shaft in the wall. Boom."

Alex grinned and patted his back.

Scott shifted his eyes from the floor plan to Stiles, and asked, "Can we fit in there?" 

"Yes, we can, but very, very barely," Stiles said, "They patched the wall obviously, so we're gonna need a drill of some kind. I'm thinking maybe a Diamond bit—" 

"Look, forget the drill." 

"Sorry?" Stiles said, whipping his head towards the Alpha. 

Derek rolled his eyes in annoyance, "If I go in first, how much space do I have?" 

"What do you — What do you think you're gonna do, Derek? You gonna punch through the wall?" Stiles asked sarcastically.

Derek puffed his chest out as his body turned towards him. "Yes, Stiles, I'm gonna punch through the wall." 

"Okay, Okay, big guy. Let's see it. Let's see that fist. Big, old fist. Make it, come on. Get it out there. Don't be scared. Big, bad wolf. Yeah, look at that," Stiles said as Derek lifted his fist, face full of attitude. "Okay, see this?" He asked as he grabbed ahold of Derek's wrist, putting his hand up just a few inches away from the Alpha's large fist. "That's maybe three inches of room to gather enough force to punch through solid con—" Stiles' little sarcastic lesson was cut short when Derek punched his hand, sending Stiles to the floor. "Ah, ah!" 

"Seriously?" Alex asked as she helped Stiles up, and checked to see if his hand was broken.

Stiles winced. "He could do it."  "I'll get through the wall. Who's following me down?" 

"I will." Alex stepped forward. As he gave her a look of disbelief, she said, "I'm the strongest one here." Before he could speak, she continued. "I'm going."

"Me too," Scott spoke up, giving her a once over.

ALEX punched the wall before Derek could, showing them her strength. She made a big enough hole for them just to walk through rather than crawl through. She grinned as she stepped through to see a figure standing there.

"Boyd? Boyd? It's me." Derek looked at his beta with wide eyes. "It's Derek".

Alex's phone then started ringing. "Stiles, now is not the best time."

"Alex! No, listen to me, okay? Look, you gotta get outta there. Look, the walls of the vault are made with a mineral called hecatolite. It scatters the moonlight."

Alex groaned, rubbing her forehead as she knew what that meant. "Guys, we have a problem,":)3 spoke up loudly.

At that moment, a figure stepped out from behind Boyd.


"Who?" Alex asked.

"Derek, get out. Get out now!" The girl – Cora – growled.

Scott hit Alex in the stomach and gestured to the line or mountain ash that surrounded all of them.

"It's a good thing I can get out of here with no problem." The blonde grinned and that was when both Boyd and Cora growled at them. She stood in front of Scott and Derek, flashing
her hybrid eyes, her canines out. "It's also a really good thing I can't die." She growled as loud as she could, showing who's the real alpha.
That's when the fight finally broke out.

Both wolves ran at her, throwing Alex against the wall. She grunted but stood up in less than a second. "Okay, let's play dirty," she said and vamp forward, throwing Boyd towards the back of the room before she vamp sped to Cora and threw her too. She dusted off her hands before she smirked at Derek who looked at her in surprise. "You're so lucky I'm here to save your asses."

She turned to both Boyd and Cora who were beating Scott up. She groaned in annoyance and threw them to the side as Allison unbounded the mountain ash line, and both werewolves ran off. "Seriously Allison!?"

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