Sakura turned over, bringing her baby girl close. She knew better then to leave her daughter alone without Kakashi around, she then heard Rose giggle making Sakura smile as she woke up slowly.
"Hello sweetie" Sakura whispered, smiling keeping her baby girl close. Sakura then sat up and stretched. Glancing down at her baby girl who was giggling with her eyes open watching her mother with a smile. Sakura smiled back at her baby girl and got up, taking hold of rose she carried her little girl into the lounge before sighing. It was then when Rose began to cry making Sakura huff but smile
"Yes I know your hungry, mommy is too" she cooed softly. Rose was crying loudly as she balled her little hands into fists. Sakura sighed and sat down bringing the baby girl close Sakura began to feed Rose quietly..
"Your so fussy, like your daddy when he's hungry" sakura whispered, smiling gently, watching her baby girl suckle. Sakura closed her eyes and leant her head back relaxing, she had wondered where kakashi was, rose seemed to want her daddy last nightmare the little girl had began to cry when her daddy didn't come home to say goodnight like he normally would. The little infant loved it when her daddy held her and made silly faces at her, Sakura smiled at the thought of Rose giggling up at her daddy like he was a clown, yet in some ways he was to his daughter at least.
Sakura huffed softly, after Rose was finished suckling she had fallen asleep, letting Sakura actually get ready for the day, with Monty and Wolf in the lounge keeping Rose safe Sakura had a shower and got dressed, brushing her hair she walked back into the lounge and smiled seeing Monty and Wolf curiously looking down at the giggling little girl.
Sakura sighed and tied her hair back before going into the kitchen and opening the fridge. Looking through it she sweat dropped at the emptiness of it.
"Alright sweetie, looks like we're going shopping today" she says sighing. Rose giggled as Monty yawned, his tail wagging as he looked to Sakura with a pleading look "yes Monty, you and Wolf are coming too" she said smiling. Wolf already had a sky blue collar around his neck making it so much easier for Sakura to attach a leash to the pup. Sakura sighed. It was about 10:30 already, so the shops would be open. Sakura sighed and sighed. Grabbing a bag she slipped a blanket, fresh nappies and her purse. Sighing softly Sakura took hold of Rose and smiled
"Your such a good girl" Sakura whispered as she quickly changed Rose's nappy before going out to the car, letting the dogs out she locked the front door and stepped out. Monty barked happily going over to the car before Sakura could even take a step away from the front door. Sakura smiled and walked over. She had her license just not a car anymore. Sakura strapped rose and secured her into her seat, Wolf and Monty jumping into the back of the car happily, both wagging their tails. Sakura smiled and hopped into the drivers seat before heading off into town.
Once she was back Sakura sighed. It felt so strange not having Kakashi around, and having her daughter constantly crying for him didn't help.. Sighing Sakura held rose close as she sat on the couch calmly. Stroking Rose's head gently she watched her little girl sleep with a smile.
"You act so much like your daddy" Sakura whispered, referring to Kakashi's sweetness and adorableness. Smiling gently at her daughter, Monty laid down at her feet asleep. Sakura had already out the shopping away. Monty then began to growl making Sakura look at him
"What's the matter boy?" Wolf then joined in with growling at the window. Sakura looked up, not seeing anything. She gave the dog a confused look as the door suddenly burst open making Sakura jump up, holding Rose close.
"WHO THE HELL?!" She shouted loudly, Monty jumping in front of her protectively. There was three men, both with cloths covering their faces. Some with animal masks. But they were black and red.. Not like the Anbu.. Sakura stepped back, clutching Rose close..
"R-rogue.." She whispered, the tallest of the men grinned wick key
"Well well well, look what we have here.. We knew scar had a women but a kid?! This'll be much more fun" moving behind her in a flash Sakura felt two hands clamp down on her neck and begin to tightly squeeze. Sakura gasped loudly. Instinctively keeping rose tightly in her hold. Monty went to attack only to get knocked out making Sakura gasp. Wolf on the other hand ran and hid.. She couldn't blame the pup.. Suddenly Sakura felt Rose move from her hold making her gasp. To her horror she saw one of the men had taken a hold of Rose and was grinning creepily. The crying of her daughter ringing in her ears Sakura rammed her head back into the other man's knocking him back, her head now pounding Sakura gasped for breathe as she went to attack the other two intruders only to be knocked down again, crashing onto the floor her head slammed against the wall.
"Take care of the bitch. I need to get this little rat back to base" the one in charge ordered, he then turned to Sakura.
"Say bye bye mommy little rat, you'll never be seeing her again" the first one taunted. Sakura felt her blood boil as Rose began to scream, terrified of this new person that was holding her. Sakura was about to Lunge forward when the rogue member that was left stabbed her arm quickly. Before she could react he brought the knife back and stabbed her stomach quickly, within a minute her arm was a wreck.. Yet the knife was disabled and the rogue member resorted to punches and kicks. Punching her where he stabbed her Sakura felt her consciousness leave her slowly as she was abused rapidly. Grabbing her by the hair the rogue lifted her head up and smirked Evily
"You'll die here. And your boyfriend won't even know it until it's too late. Now die. You Anbu scum" with that the rogue member slammed her head into the wall. Leaving her barley conscious on the floor. Unable to move.. Sakura lay there, tears streaming down her cheeks...
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