Chapter 9: A Spider and Bug in Love!

Marinette confessed her feelings towards Ben yesterday in which Ben felt the same way about her in which made the blue hair girl very happy and by doing so Ben excepted to go on a date with Marinette tonight after school in finished and luckily Lila and her sheep are staying away from Marinette because her spider is with her and keeping an eye on her as well as protecting her from them. As for Mr.Highroad, his father called the school and told them that he will not be attending school in a couple weeks due to his oder from being in the dumpster as well as a broken nose thanks to Ben for defending Marinette from Adrien. Shadow Moth also decided to take a break for once which was uncertain why though but it made Marinette and Ben relieved for the moment because they don't want their date to be ruined by another Akuma or an Amok or even Lila and her sheep. When Marinette told her true friends that she confessed her feelings towards Ben in which he excepted them, they were so happy that their friend has finally found the right person to spend the rest of their lives together. So during school break Marinette and the girls were talking about what Ben has planed for the date tonight while the boys talk to Ben and ask what he has planed for Marinette in which Marinette told the girls that she doesn't know what Ben has planed and Ben told the guys it is a secret in which they all pouted and wanted to know but they realize if they asked the question then it will spoil the moment so they shrugged it off for now but they promise to tell them what they did in which made everyone smile of knowing what the spider and bug did on their date.


Right Marinette and Ben are in class with their friends who are getting ready to enjoy their day after class in finished which means that tonight will be date night for both the spider and the bug while their friends are cheering them on and wishing them luck on their date tonight while keeping their distance from Lila and her sheep but it was Lila and her sheep who were keeping their distance because after what Ben did to Adrien they decided not to get involved otherwise Ben and Scarlet Spider would do something far more worse if they mess with Marinette and her friends.

Marinette: Hey Ben....what do you have plan for tonight if you don't mind me asking?

Ben: Sorry red but that is secret for tonight it is like I said to the others.(Ben saids to Marinette in which she pouts while Ben looked and saw that her pouting looked cute)

Marinette: fare...

Ben: There, there little red, I promise to show you a great time tonight and that is promise I am going to keep.(Ben saids and pets Marinette's head in which made her blush while her friends giggle to themselves in seeing their friend being pet so adorable)

Marinette: He's petting my head!.....he's petting my head!....he's petting my head!(Marinette saids in thought while blushing and smile as well as enjoying the petting from Ben)

Alix/Chloe/Kagami: They would make an excellent couple.(They all said in thought while looking at Marinette and Ben together in which Nino was agreeing with them in thought)

Tiki: Hehehe, those two are definitely made for each other.(Tiki saids in thought while looking at her holder being pet on the head by Ben)

Then after a while now the teacher finished with the class work with the students and ended the school day in which everyone was happy that is was Friday which means they are planing on having a relaxing day while Marinette and Ben will get ready for their first date together in which Marinette found the perfect outfit to wear for the date as did Ben. The school bell rang and all the students ran out of the building to enjoy their Friday while Marinette and Ben walk out together because Ben doesn't want Marinette to run into Lila and her sheep again so he decided to walk her out in which Marinette really liked and it made her calm as well as protected after all Ben is her partner in crime and would do anything to protect those closes to him.

Marinette: Thanks for walking me back home Ben really appreciated.

Ben: No problem, so you got something to wear for tonight because I already do.

Marinette: Yea!, I have been working on a new dress and never had a chance to try it on or wear it in public so I will probably wear it for our date tonight.

Ben: That sounds wonderful little red, did you get my text of where to find my place.

Marinette: Sure did but I think it is best that I come as Ladybug so that no one can follow me.

Ben: That would be best take the roofs and I will wait for you to arrive because the place were going to is a couple of blocks of where I live and it is a really nice restaurant.

Marinette: Really what is the name of the place?

Ben: Can't tell you that remember I want it to be a surprise.

Marinette: Oh hehehe sorry I sometimes forget of what I said before.

Ben: It is alright, well I might as well head home and getting ready and I will see you soon.

Marinette: Ok....and Ben

Ben: Yea

Marinette: Thanks for always being here for me and for being my partner, you really are something else.(Marinette saids with love in her eyes and smiles at Ben)

Ben: No problem Marinette, I do what I can.

Marinette: See you tonight my spider 💋(Marinette saids and kisses Ben on the cheek in which earned him a small blush on his face but smiled at well)

Ben: You too Lady Luck(Ben saids to Marinette in which she liked the nickname for her hero ego far more better than Cat Noir's nickname for her)

With that said Ben hopped on his bike and left while waving to Marinette in which she did the same thing as well and then after words she and Tiki headed inside the bakery and went upstairs to get ready for tonight. After Marinette waved goodbye to Ben for now and headed up to her room she got out the dress that she was working on in which was a beautiful red dress with a Ladybug pattern spots everywhere in which all the Kwami's even Tiki and Plagg like the design and they can tell that Ben would love it as well.

Marinette: The perfect dress to wear for my date tonight what do you think Tiki.

Tiki: I love it Marinette and I can tell that Ben would like as well.

Plagg: Makes me wonder what your certain spider is going wear for your date tonight pigtails.

Marinette: Yea that is something I would like to know as well but I will probably see once I get to his place and see for myself.

Tiki: Well that can wait you might as well get ready and freshen up so that you would look nice for tonight.

Marinette: Yea I think I shale do that first.(Marinette saids to Tiki and goes to her bathroom and takes a shower as well as fresh-in up so that she would look nice for Ben.

Meanwhile with Ben, after he waved goodbye to Marinette he drove off to head back home but not before stopping at the flower store and pick up some beautiful flowers to give to Marinette for their first date tonight in which she will love because in his dimension May told him that girls love beautiful flowers so Ben took Mays advice and picked up some flowers to give to Marinette then after he got the flowers he headed home to get ready for his date in which he found a fancy suit that was given to him by Madam Web so that he can use it when he is with Marinette in which was a scarlet and black suit with a spider web patten in which Ben thought it looks kind of cool to wear.

Ben: Alright got my suit all ready to go, all that is left is to take a shower and fresh-in up so that I would look perfect for Marinette and thanks to Mays advice about how to treat girls with respect especially on dates I will have no problems at all, still I wonder how the others are doing back home including the web warriors I know I did bad things to them and they forgave me for it but I still wonder what they are up to and hope Peter is still being a hero like I told him.(Ben saids to himself while thinking of May, Peter and the web warriors back home)

When Ben finished getting ready and is all dressed up while having his Scarlet Spider suit under his clothes just in case, he went down stairs and outside to await Marinette who Ben told her to go as Ladybug so that no one can follow her in which Marinette agreed to. Then after an hour later Ben saw Marinette in her Ladybug suit and was jumping from roof to roof and landed into an alley way to transform back into her civilian form.

Back with Marinette, after she finished getting ready for tonight, she transformed into Ladybug and jumped from roof to roof to head towards Bens place in which she spotted the house that Ben texted her about and the same place where they talked about themselves and when she saw Ben who was waiting for her she smiled and landed into an alleyway and de-transformed back into her civilian form while Tiki went back into the bag. Marinette made sure she had everything she needed for her date with Ben and after a couple of minutes of checking everything was there she took a deep breath and headed towards Bens place in which she saw him waiting for her and when she looked upon Ben in a suit she couldn't help but blush at the site of how handsome Ben looked.

Marinette: Wow......he looks so perfect....(Marinette saids while smiling with love and blushing when she sees her date in a suit)

Ben: Glad you could make it red, I have to say you look absolutely beautiful tonight and the dress looks lovely.(Ben saids and walks up to Marinette in which she smiles and blushes and plays with her hair for what Ben said to her)

Marinette: Hehehe.....thank you Ben, you look rather dashing and very handsome in that suit.

Ben: Thanks it was a gift from Madam Web, and I have something for you.

Marinette: You do what is it?

Ben: These....(Ben saids and shows Marinette the flowers in which Marinette found them to be very beautiful)

Marinette: Ben, they are beautiful thank you so much!!(Marinette saids and takes the flowers and smells them and they smelled lovely)

Ben: Your welcome, May told me that girls love flowers so I thought I get you some for our date tonight.

Marinette: May Parker, I think she is a very nice person I can see why you care about her.

Ben: Yea if it wasn't for her I wouldn't have this name for myself or a home or brothers at that matter.

Marinette: I know you miss her and I know she would be proud of what you are doing because I feel the same way.

Ben: Thanks Marinette I really needed that.

Marinette: So where is this restaurant at Ben?

Ben: I will show you Marinette but first may I take this hand beautiful woman.(Ben saids and offers his hand to Marinette in which she smiles and took it)

Marinette: Yes you may my spider hero.(Marinette saids and takes Bens hand in which they both looked into each others eyes and began to walk to the restaurant together)

Ben and Marinette walked together holding hands to head towards the restaurant in which was called Le Grand Colbert. Marinette heard of the restaurant but never seen it in person until now in which she found the place to be quite amazing and it was the perfect place to have their very first date together as Marinette Dupain Cheng and Ben Reilly.

Marinette: Wow...... 🤩

Ben: I knew you would like it, I found out about this place weeks ago and it was said that the food here is to die for so I thought we could have our date here.

Marinette: Well considered me impressed Ben, you know how to make a girl like me excited.

Waiter: Hello and welcome to Le Grand Colbert how may I serve you.

Ben: Hello I have a table under Reilly.

Waiter: Reilly let me see.....ah yes here you are I will take you both to your table so you can get settled and I will also bring your menus and fresh water.

Ben: Thank you sir, shale we Marinette.

Marinette: Yes

The waiter took both Marinette and Ben up the steps in which their table was on the top floor and was giving a great view of Paris in which made Marinette in awe and amazed that her date picked the perfect table for their date because it not only hate a great view of the city, but it looked so romantic and it even had a dance floor for dancing.

Waiter: Here we are table for two, and I will bring you both your menus as well as your water shortly.

Ben: Thank you sir, we will be waiting.

Waiter: Very well enjoy your time together while you wait.(The waiter saids to both Ben and Marinette in which both nod and then the waiter went back inside to get the menus and the water)

Ben: Allow me to get your seat little red.

Marinette: Hehehe what a gentleman thank you.(Marinette saids and goes sit in her chair that Ben pulled out for her)

Ben: So how you liking this so far Marinette?

Marinette: Ben this the most romantic thing you have ever did!, I love absolutely love it.

Tiki: I agree, the view here looks nice estimate the restaurant you picked Ben.

Ben: Thanks girls I really appreciated that you like it so much.

Marinette: How were you able to get a perfectly good table at a place like this.

Ben: Web of course.

Tiki: Had to figured, since she did so much for you and gave you a brand new life in this world.

Marinette: Makes me wonder what else she can besides travel to other dimensions and help people start new lives in which I am happy that I got to meet you Ben and gotten to know you more as well as your world.

Ben: I feel the same way when I first met you Marinette as well as your friends and the Kwami's included.

Marinette: Thanks Ben and thanks for being friends with me and my true friends because the whole Lila situation I didn't know what to do but when you came along and stood up to her and her sheep as well as Adrien it made realize that you mean so much to me and not just me but my friends and family as well in which I am very happy that I got to meet you and spend time together.(Marinette saids with love and compassion for what Ben has done for her when they met)

Ben: My pleasure Marinette, you are something else as well. Your brave, compassion, sweet, kind, you care about the people around you, your a fantastic fashion designer, your have good friends that love you including loving parents, your a big time hero who will do anything to protect this city from Shadow Moth, but most importantly you are by far the most beautiful girl I have ever met and every time I look into those eyes of yours I can not stop thinking about them even those gorgeous face of yours it brings a warmness into my heart.(Ben saids to Marinette in which made Marinette heart thump with so much love in which a tear came down her face which was a tear of happiness)

Marinette: 😢sniff.....thank you Ben that was the most beautiful thing I have ever heard.(Marinette saids and wipes away her tear while smiling at Ben for his words to her)

Ben: Your welcome Marinette..

Then after a while now the waiter came back with the water and the menus for the two in which they looked at menus and picked out what they want in which they told the waiter and he wrote down what they want and headed back inside to tell the cook to make the food for Ben and Marinette. Ben and Marinette while waiting for their food they continue to talk more and more in which they enjoyed each others stories and fun things they liked to do and thought maybe when they both defeat Shadow Moth maybe just maybe they can do those fun things together and not have to deal with Akuma's or Amok's anymore in which they both agreed that after the villain is defeated they will do those things together but they also have to expose the liar as well because even if the villain is defeated there is still Lila to deal with but that will not stop them from taking her down for good and expose her lies to the entire world and screw Adrien and his highroad bull crap because for once they don't really care about what he saids and one way on another Lila lies will be exposed and Shadow Moth will be no more with the combine strength of Ladybug and the Scarlet Spider as well as the miraculous heroes. When both their conversation came to an end and their food has arrived they looked at it and found it to be delicious and the smell of it almost made them dwell.

Ben: Shale enjoy our food Marinette.

Marinette: Yes but first a toast.(Marinette saids and holds glass of water)

Ben: Oh absolutely(Ben saids and hold ups his glass)

Marinette and Ben: Cheers!(Both said and taped their glasses together)

The two made their toast and began to eat their dinner together in which they found the food to be amazingly cooked and yummy and to make things even better after they has their dinner they both ordered dessert in which both of them ordered the cheesecake in which Tiki would love to have some cheesecake.

Ben: I have to admit Paris really knows how to make the best cheesecakes especially when they apply the fruit and the sauce to give it that extra flavor.(Ben saids and eats his cheesecake)

Marinette: Mmmm.....I know right everything about it just brings a lovely feeling in my mouth, how is it Tiki.

Tiki: Yummy this is the best cheesecake I ever had, lets come back to this place again because they know how to make great desserts.

Marinette: Sounds good to me about you Ben.

Ben: Sure why not, I also heard the breakfast here is even better.(Ben saids while continuing to finish his cheesecake in which Marinette found Ben to be quite cute when he is eating his cheesecake in which Ben was thinking the same way when he is looking at Marinette eating her cheesecake)

Marinette and Ben as well as Tiki finished their desserts as well as dinner and found it delicious in which they decided to rest for a while now and looked at the view of Paris in which Marinette leaned onto Bens shoulder while watching the view with him and Ben put his arm around Marinette's waist in which earned the blue haired girl a blush on her face but shrugged it off and kept on looking at view of the city while leaning on the person she fell for.

Marinette: Hey Ben...would you like to I don't know have a dance with me.(Marinette saids while blushing a little while looking at Ben in which he smiled)

Ben: Sure I would love to Marinette why don't you go pick the song, and I will wait on the dance floor for you and thank May for showing me how to dance otherwise I am not going to mast a good impression.

Marinette: Ok!, and it was very sweet of her do that for you Ben, I wont take long because I know the perfect song that we can dance to.(Marinette saids and goes over to the DJ and asked to play a song that Marinette wants to dance to with Ben)

Ben: Wonder what kind of song she is going to pick?(Ben saids in thought and watches Marinette coming back to him with a smile on her face and was now in front of him)

Marinette: Care to dance with me Mr.Reilly

Ben: Heh, I would be honored Miss Dupain Cheng.(Ben saids and takes hold of Marinette and got into dancing stance as did Marinette in which they both looked the DJ meaning their ready to dance in which the DJ started to play the music which was called Go the Distance by Samantha Barks)

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]


I have often dreamt, of a far off place
Where a hero's welcome, would be waiting for me
Where the crowds will cheer, when they see my face
And a voice keeps saying, this is where I'm meant to be

(Ben started to dance in which Marinette followed while Tiki was watching from the bag and saw how her holder and Ben were doing great together)

I will find my way, I can go the distance
I'll be there someday, if I can be strong
I know every mile, will be worth my while
When I go the distance, I'll be right where I belong

(Ben looked into Marinette's eyes and she did the same in which they started to have flashbacks of when they first met and started spending time together as well as fighting crime together as Ladybug and Scarlet Spider in which brought warmness into their hearts)

Down an unknown road, to embrace my fate
Though that road may wander, it will lead me to you
And a thousand years, would be worth the wait
It might take a lifetime, but somehow I'll see it through

(Marinette leaned her head into Ben chest showing that she was happy to be with someone who will always have her back no matter what the coast is and will always have her side)

And I won't look back, I can go the distance
And I'll stay on track, no, I won't accept defeat
It's an uphill slope, but I won't lose hope
Till I go the distance, and my journey is complete

But to look beyond the glory is the hardest part
For a hero's strength is measured by his heart

Like a shooting star, I will go the distance
I will search the world, I will face its' harms
I don't care how far, I can go the distance
Till I find my hero's welcome, waiting in your arms

I will search the world, I will face its harms
Till I find my hero's welcome, waiting in your arms

Song Ended

(Song by: Michael Bolton/New Version by Samantha Barks)

After the song has ended and the night was still wonderful, both Marinette and Ben looked into each other eyes and smiled that they will always have each others back and protect those closest to them while also being with each other. Then soon night came and Marinette as well as Ben paid for the food and left the restaurant together until Marinette had an idea she wanted to do since the night was still good because she didn't want to go home after spending time with Ben.

Marinette: Hey Ben wanna do something while the night is still great, I don't want to head home right this minute.

Ben: Sure what would you like to do Marinette.

Marinette: Wanna patrol with me like we did before just the two of us.

Ben: Sure I would like that and I could go for a web swing anyway.

Marinette: Come on follow me, we can change in the alleyway!(Marinette saids and takes Bens hand and they both ran into the alleyway together to get changed into their super hero outfits)

After they both changed into their super suits both swung away and were having the fun of their lives together while also doing patrolling the city included.

(Edit done by me:95nicholasnm)

Ladybug: WHOO-HOO!!!

Scarlet Spider: Seems like your enjoying yourself!(Scarlet saids while shooting another web and swinging from building to building)

Ladybug: Oh the best!

Scarlet Spider: Say hows about we do that patrol you were talking about!

Ladybug: Oh yea thats right! I will take the south and east side you take the west and north side and we both can meet near that alleyway after were done!

Scarlet Spider: Sounds good to me good luck!

Ladybug: You to spider!

The heroes split up and went to patrol the other parts of the city in which they were no signs of Akuma's or Amok's anywhere which was great to know but still they had to keep their guard up just to make sure that there will be an attack somewhere then after many hours of patrolling each part of the city the heroes met back up at the alleyway that Ladybug instructed and as soon as they both landed they told each other everything was clear which was good news to hear about.

Scarlet Spider: So far so good not a single attack happened today maybe Shadow Moth is taking a break for once.

Ladybug: Well that is good news to hear about because I could use a break from fighting Akuma's and Amok's all day.

Scarlet Spider: Well at least our date went well right.

Ladybug: Absolutely I really had a fun time spending time with you Ben and I am actually happy that we did this.....I want to give you something in return for always being with me and protecting you...mind if I give it to you.(Ladybug saids while blushing and looking shyly at Scarlet Spider)

Scarlet Spider: Well if it would make you happy then sure go right ahead.(Scarlet saids to Ladybug in which her cheeks turned pink and she started to walk towards Scarlet slowly in which she was under his chin and then looked up at the man she has feeling for)

Ladybug: I want to be with him....I want to spend the rest of my life with him....(Ladybug saids in thought they starts to lift Scarlets mask up to his nose in which Scarlet knows what Ladybug is going to do and didn't move)

Admittedly Ladybug stand on her toes and lifted herself up and then out of the ordinary she pressed her lips towards Scarlet Spiders in which Ladybug kissed Scarlet Spider and then Scarlet Spider decided to kiss her back in which Ladybugs heart was thumping more and more while enjoying the kiss that her partner was giving her but while they were kissing thunder clouds were heard and it was starting to poor but the heroes payed no attention to it because they were focused on each other while kissing each other on the lips.

(Edit done by me: 95nicholasnm)

Ladybug and Scarlet Spider soon separated from the kiss in which they both looked into each others eyes with such love and compassion in which they both said the one thing they wanted to say to each other for a long time now.

Ladybug: I love you Ben Reilly....

Scarlet Spider: I...I love you too Marinette Dupain Cheng

Ladybug: He loves me!.......he actually love me!(Ladybug saids in thought while also excited)

Scarlet Spider: There is something I want to say to you from the bottom of my heart.

Ladybug: What is it my spider.(Ladybug saids with smile)

Scarlet Spider: Will you be my girlfriend as well as my partner in crime against Shadow Moth.(Scarlet saids to Ladybug who is on the verge of excitement in which she launches herself into Ben with joy)

Ladybug: YESSSSSSS!!!!!!....YES!...YES! YES!.YES!...YES!! I WILL BE YOUR GIRLFRIEND!!!!(Ladybug saids with joy and hugs Scarlet in which he laughs and spins around in a circle while Ladybug is in his arms)

Scarlet Spider: Hehehehehehe!

Ladybug: This is the happiest day of my life!! Thank you so much for being my life!!!

Scarlet Spider: You are welcome Lady Luck.(Scarlet saids while lifting Ladybug into the air while she is enjoying that she has a boyfriend and a great partner)

Ladybug: You made me the happiest girl ever I love you so much Ben....I want to be with you for the rest of my life.

Scarlet Spider: I do as well but I need to tell you something very important.

Ladybug: Sure what is it?

Scarlet Spider: If we are going to make this work we have to be honest with each other as well as work together to solve each problem. But also when we are both Ladybug and Scarlet Spider we have to take the jobs seriously but as being Ben and Marinette we can just be ourselves.

Ladybug: Thats exactly what I was thinking, we can be together while in our civilian forms but when we are fighting battles as super heroes we have to be professional.

Scarlet Spider: Now your getting it

Ladybug: Yea.....brew!'s starting to kind of cold out here?

Scarlet Spider: Maybe because we are out in the rain maybe thats why?

Ladybug: Hehehe yea I guess that would make sense.

Scarlet Spider: I don't think heading back to your place is a good idea because and bye the looks of it, it is going to keep on pouring until tomorrow.

Ladybug: What do you have in mind?(Ladybug saids while still cold)

Scarlet Spider: You can stay at my place until tomorrow.(Scarlet saids to Ladybug in which made her look up at her new boyfriend with shock)

Ladybug: Wait...really?!

Scarlet Spider: Well sure I can't let you go back home in a storm like this and besides you could use a place to rest for the time being and my house is not the far away.

Ladybug: Well....when you say it like that and I would have a hard time getting home in this weather.

Scarlet Spider: Do you want to stay at my place?

Ladybug: Yes!

Scarlet Spider: Alright hop on back and I will swing us to my place.

Ladybug: Sounds good to me Spider!(Ladybug saids hops on Scarlets back and when she is on his back, Scarlet shoots a web and swings towards his place with his new girlfriend on his back)

Ladybug: I finally have someone in my life and he is amazing.(Ladybug saids in thought while hugging and hanging onto Scarlets back)

After so many blocks and roof tops later, Scarlet Spider and Ladybug landed near the house together in which Scarlet took out his keys to the place and carried Ladybug into the house in which she found it quite enjoyable that her new boyfriend is carrying her like a princess.

Ladybug: Spots Off!(Ladybug saids and turns back into Marinette with Tiki next to her side while Ben took off his mask and looked to see that Marinette is still wet due to the rain)

Ben: Why don't you go grab a hot bath and I bring you something to wear for tonight, while Tiki can put your clothes in the watcher and dryer to be clean.

Marinette: Thanks Ben I think I would do that, Tiki do you mind doing my closes for me while I take a bath.

Tiki: Copy that Marinette!

Ben: Make sure to contact your parents so that they know where you are and then after your done I will make us some hot chocolate.

Marinette: Ok I will and thank you Ben...I really appreciated 💋(Marinette saids and kisses Ben on the lips then walks towards the bathroom to take her bath)

Ben: She sure is something else

Tiki: Yea she sure is, and I am happy that she found someone like you to be in her life and have her back in battle.

Ben: Thanks Tiki

Meanwhile with Marinette, after she kissed her new boyfriend for what he has done for her as well as becoming her love life she heads towards the bathroom to take her nice hot bath after being soaked in the rain in which she turned on the hot water of the tub and grabbed her towel to put it next to her then stripped her clothes off and put them outside so that Tiki can wash them for her, then soon when the tub was filled Marinette got into the tub and felt the water to be pleasant and relaxing.

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Marinette: Sigh........this feels so good...I must be in heaven right now.(Marinette saids while relaxing in the bath with the hot water)

Tiki: Marinette I am putting your clothes in the washer alright and Ben already put something for you to wear near the door!

Marinette: Thanks Tiki!

Tiki: No problem Marinette!

Marinette: Sigh......I finally have someone to love me for who I am and I get to spend the rest of my life with him....Ben....I love you so much thank you for being with me and for always fighting along side me.(Marinette saids in thought while thinking of Ben in her head while also enjoying the bath as well)

Marinette soon got out of the tub after spending a couple of hours in it and got herself all cleaned up as well as her hair dried and went towards the door to get the clothes that Ben left her which was a long sleeve red button shirt and some black pants in which fitted her perfectly and then went to Bens bedroom and saw that he was in there with the hot chocolate he promised.

Ben: How was the bath?

Marinette: It was relaxing thanks for letting me to use it and thanks for the spare clothes.

Ben: No problem and here is your cup of hot chocolate for a beautiful woman such as yourself.

Marinette: Why thank you my handsome spider.(Marinette saids and sat right next to Ben and took the hot chocolate and found it to be delicious as well as warm)

Tiki: Can I get some Marinette.

Marinette: Sure Tiki but make sure to blow on it first.

Tiki: Right!(Tiki saids and blows on the hot chocolate and then took a sip in which she found the drink to be really tasty)

Marinette: Sigh...this is wonderful

Ben: How so?

Marinette: I got to be with the boy I love, had a romantic date with him, became partners in crime, and shared a kiss in which I found it amazing.

Ben: Hehehe I know and that was actually my first kiss.

Marinette: I am your first.

Ben: Yes and I enjoyed it very much Marinette.

Marinette: Well I am happy that I was your first, and I texted my parents and told them that I am staying over my friends place because I am not ready to tell them about us yet because you know.

Ben: Yea I understand the embarrassment.

Marinette: Exactly but I guess we can tell the others that were a thing.

Ben: Sure we can tell them they are our friends after all.

Marinette: They sure are sweetie 💋(Marinette saids and kisses Ben on the cheek)

Tiki: YAWN!!...........

Marinette: Tired Tiki?

Tiki: Yea...I think I am going to head to bed now see you in the morning.(Tiki saids and flies towards a pillow and goes to sleep)

Ben: Wanna head to bed as well Marinette because it is getting late.

Marinette: Sure but.......can I stay with you...please.

Ben: Hehehe sure you are my girlfriend after all.(Ben saids with a smile in which made Marinette smile more)

Ben got into bed with Marinette following in which he allowed her to cuddle right up to him in which Marinette blushed of the idea but after thinking so much she wanted to cuddle with Ben and so she got into bed with Ben and snuggled close to him in which she put her head on his chest while Ben wrapped his arm around her and pulled her close.

Marinette: I love you so much Ben....

Ben: I love you too Marinette...

Marinette: Good night my spider...(Marinette saids and starts to fall asleep)

Ben: Good night my Ladybug(Ben saids and kisses Marinette's head and started to fall asleep as well)

Marinette: You really are something else.(Marinette saids in thought while having her eyes closed then drifted off to sleep with her lover next to her)

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