Chapter 8: Mecha-Gorizilla!
After the whole incident with Alya in becoming Lady Wifi as well as Scarlet Spider revealing to everyone that she has done such terrible things to her friend for believing in a pathological liar who made her life a living hell after she did her fact checking like her former best friend Marinette Dupain Cheng told her in which Alya took down the Ladyblog for good and found out that she will no longer attend the same school ever again and will be moved to a new school far away from Paris as well as the classmates which means Lila's blogger will no longer see her again and her popularity is already starting to crumble to the ground. Alya felt so horrible after what she has done to Marinette as well as the others and will no longer forgive herself in which when she is gone she is going to try and rethink her life and become a better person and always make sure to fact check to see if the person is telling the truth or not. Also thanks to Scarlet Spiders warning, the Akuma class swore to never attack or brutally try to harm Marinette and her friends while still believing that she did awful things to Lila even Adrien the mister high road spineless coward who will not do anything but still tell Marinette to take his advice in which made Ben angry and he told Adrien to go to hell and leave her alone in which Adrien backed off because for once another person doesn't think taking the high road is a good idea and doesn't believe anything that comes out of the liars mouth. The Akuma class was now fearing two people and do not want to piss them off in which were both Ben Reilly and the Scarlet Spider because one Ben cares about his new friends even Marinette in which Marinette really enjoyed having him on her side along with her friends and as for Scarlet Spider well since he is secretly Ben they would not want to cause any more trouble with him even after that warning he gave them after he webbed them up and glared right into their souls even Lila was scared of him because he was more serious that Adrien when he was the former hero Cat Noir. Marinette really like having Ben around her even with her true friends but mostly her of course because when ever she is around him she couldn't help but blush at the site of him or couldn't stop thinking about him because of all the good things he has done for her in which made her fall in love with him but she doesn't know it yet neither does Ben while their friends think otherwise since they can totally see a connection between the two of them but decided to let them confess on their own and see where it will take them.
So right now it is another school day in which everyone is enjoying their day in peace or so they thought because after Scarlet Spider gave the warning to the Akuma class not to cause harm to Marinette and her friends they all got the message except for the liar and the model boy who still bother Marinette and her friends but when Ben is around they do not want to cause problems in which they know what happened the last time.
Rose: I can not believe that Alya will go so far with murder.....
Juleka: I know that is just so wrong and completely insane does she have any idea how much trouble she could get in if she done something like that.
Chloe: Yea a whole mess of trouble but luckily her parents decided to ship her off to a school far from Paris and she actually did something for once and deleted that awful blog of hers.
Ben: At least she listened for once in her life hopefully the new school she will go too will make her a better person and someone who would fact check their work before listening to someone.
Alix: I agree with you Ben, I mean after the whole exposure the Ladyblog got some really nasty and hateful comments for the creator in which were not that nice at all but I agree hopefully a trip and better school is something that Alya needs far away from you know who.
Nino: Makes me wonder if she would do the same and attempt murder but on the safe side keep your distance from the liar because she is bound to try something that could very well harm a person just like Marinette.
Ben: I should of just hanged her from the Eiffel tower by a web maybe that would teach her a lesson she wont soon regret.(Ben saids in which made his friends giggle while thinking of the idea)
Marinette: Even though I like the idea Ben, I would of just have her lies exposed first then hanged by the web from the Eiffel tower and that would make me very happy.(Marinette saids with a smirk in which Ben did as well)
Ben: Don't worry red soon her lies will be exposed and thanks to the recordings that I took and some of the stuff you guys have, we can build up a lot of information for what that liar has caused and we will no longer have to deal with her.
Kagami: There is just one more thing that we also have to deal with.
Chloe: You mean the coward who wont stand up and help friends yea we know.
Ben: I have to say Agreste is probably more brain damaged than the others are, I mean seriously not hurting anyone I would like to hurt him because that advice he keeps on saying is starting to get on my nerves.
Marinette and Friends: Agreed!....(All saids in union)
Alix: So Rose, Juleka how did the Akuma class and little miss liar took it when you two are no longer part of their group?
Rose: Sigh.....they didn't take it well because they said that Marinette has both me and Juleka brainwashed in which I am now starting to understand why they have one brain cell and if it wasn't for Ben who shown us the light I wouldn't be here seeing my friends again; thank you so much for clearing everything up Ben and for showing me the truth of what Lila really is.
Ben: No problem Barbie glad to help.(Ben saids to Rose in which she liked the nickname he gave her and it works since she kind of looks like a barbie doll and wears all pink)
Juleka: At least I don't have to keep on hiding anymore and I am happy to have Rose back and be friends with all of you again.(Juleka saids to everyone in which they all smile and nod in agreement)
Ben: So what is our little miss scar face liar doing now?
Chloe: Her along with her sheep are over there still gossiping over random gibberish and made up adventures like always while Agreste is just sitting there taken in everything.(Chloe saids as her and everyone else looks to see Lila telling more ridiculous stories again while she is hanging onto Agreste in which he is now enjoying it in which made Ben want to throw up along with his friends that Adrien has bad taste in women)
Nino: Hey what do you guys think would happened if Lila lies were exposed? What would Adrien do after?
Marinette: I am going to have to guess that if her lies were exposed, Agreste would just blame the whole thing on me and then ask me to date him in which there is no way in hell I am doing something like that, I mean just looking at him right now and the way he is acting makes me want to throw up and jump off a cliff.
Ben: I couldn't agree more Marinette, if that ever happens I would be honored to knock him out or tell his daddy that what he is doing is wrong in which he is forced to be homeschooled.
Kagami: That would be a miracle if that happened, he doesn't know how the world works anymore.
Bell Ring!(School Bell ringing)
Ben: Well it about time for lunch again what you guys wanna do?
Marinette: Hows about we head over to the bakery and have lunch there.(Marinette saids to everyone even Ben in which they all nod meaning yes)
With that said Marinette told Ben along with her true friends outside the school and decided to have lunch at the bakery and since her parents are out doing things they got the whole place to themselves that was until Mr.Highroad saw them and walked towards them.
Adrien: Hey where are you guys going why don't you sit with us for lunch?(Adrien saids while pointing at Lila and the other Akuma class in which Ben saw them and glared at them in which they saw and shivered in fear)
Ben: He tries anything Marinette just kick him where it hurts and he will back off for now.(Ben whispers to Marinette in which she nods then looks back at Adrien)
Alix: Sorry Agreste but we are having lunch at the bakery today.(Alix saids to Adrien in which he looked anode)
Adrien: Well I am sure Marinette wouldn't mind joining us if she apologizes to Lila.(Adrien saids and grabs Marinette's arm in which made Ben mad that Adrien would just take his friends arm like that)
Marinette: Get the hell off me Agreste and I will not apologize to someone I didn't do anything to.(Marinette glares at Adrien but still didn't let go and squeezed her arm tighter)
Adrien: No!, you are going to apologize to her like or not because it is like I told you before her lies are not hurting anyone. Now quit your complaining and lets go and then I will take you out on a date so we can be together.
Marinette: Let me go!!(Marinette screams then gets slapped in the face by Adrien in which Ben and his friends saw and it made Ben want to kill Agreste)
Adrien: SHUT UP! and just..........(Adrien saids then looks in front of him and sees a fist coming at him in which hit him straight into nose in which it broke and the one who did it was Ben)
PUNCHED!!!!(Ben punched Adrien in the face in which broke his nose)
Ben: She said let her go you stupid pathetic model!(Ben saids to Adrien after getting hit in the face he lost his grip on Marinette and was caught by Chloe and looked upon Ben who saved her yet again and then grabbed Adrien but the collar and dragged him into a dumpster and slammed the lid shut)
Ben: And there is where you belong garbage.(Ben saids then looks towards the Akuma class and Lila who were paling like their going to die in which they ran away and headed into the lunch room while Ben looked back at his friends who smiled for what he did to Agreste while Marinette heart was thumping so much that Ben protected her and made her blush as well as smile for what he did for her)
Alix: Nice one Reilly up top!(Alix saids in which she and Ben did a high five)
Ben: Thank you, he kind of had that coming.
Chloe: I also heard a crack did you just broke his nose?
Ben: Sure did along with a black eye included as well as smelling like trash right now and let's just say that dumpster smells so bad that he is gonna need more than one bath.(Ben saids in which made everyone laugh while Marinette walked towards Ben and hugs him for saving her life again)
Marinette: Thanks for saving me Ben, sorry I didn't act on what you said about hitting him where it hurts.
Ben: It's alright Marinette, next time just hit kick him where it hurts and I mean really really kick him hard so that he could barley walk.
Marinette: Hehehehe! now that would be awesome and funny at the same time.
Nino: True on that dude and dudette, come on let's forget about the blonde trash guy and head to the bakery for some lunch.(Nino saids to everyone in which they all nod and left to go to the bakery while Adrien still remained in the dumpster unconscious and then all of sudden he gets covered in more smelly trash because the dumpster guy dumped more disgusting garbage into the dumpster in which smelled a lot worse.
Meanwhile in the city a big man who looks like a gorilla is in the car while in traffic because he has to bring things that he got from the store for his boss and it was starting to get annoying in which the man was becoming upset and irritated and not just that but other people were getting frustrated and started to yell from waiting in traffic.
BEEP! BEEP! BEEP! BEEP! BEEP!(Cars beeping at each other loudly)
When the man who looks like a gorilla was getting irritated from the other people in the vehicles his was about to loose it when all of sudden the traffic light turned green in which made him smile that he gets drive now after waiting for a long while now then all of sudden his phone starting to ring in which the number belonged to his boss and went to answer phone and picked up and heard that his boss was losing patients of waiting for his guard to come back from shopping.
Boss(Call): Where are you, I am getting tired of waiting for so long for you to come back! If you are not here soon then there will be no excuses for you this time in which you will not get paid for not doing your job!(The boss saids over the phone while being angry in which made the Gorilla guy upset and angry as well)
Called Ended
The gorilla man ended the call and was about to drive off until he saw that his car tank was now emptied as well as getting a flat tire in which made him loose his mind and started to go crazy in the car while hitting things while still holding the phone in his hands that was ringing with so many calls. But thanks to all that anger and frustration caught the eye of Shadow Moth whose lair window was opening so that he can send out his Akuma.
Shadow Moth: Ah the guard again and this time he is having a difficult time trying to get to where he needs to be and can not because of all the craziness happening in Paris what perfect prey for both my Akuma and Amok.(Shadow Moth saids to himself and picks out a white feather and butterfly and uses his powers to make both the Akuma and Amok)
Shadow Moth: Now fly away from little Akuma and Amok and evilise him!(Shadow Moth saids to his Akuma and Amok in which both flew out the window and headed towards the direction of where the gorilla man is)
Meanwhile the gorilla looking man pulled over because he didn't have any gasoline and has a flat tire and was starting to get upset more until the Akuma and Amok landed on his phone and his car in which Shadow Moth spoke to him.
Shadow Moth: Mecha-Gorizilla, I am Shadow Moth I am giving you the strength and power you need if you want to get where you are so that you don't have to deal with all the commotion happening in Paris but in return I would need the miraculous and a spider to be smooched do we have deal.(Shadow Moth saids with a smirk in which the gorilla guy nods and than transforms into a giant metal gorilla thanks to the Amok and Akuma together and started causing destruction)
Back with Marinette and Ben as well as the others their in the bakery enjoying a great bake good and sandwiches lunch together in which they really enjoy the peace and quiet and not have to deal with Lila, Adrien or the sheep because they are too terrified of coming close to them thanks to Ben in which he makes a good body guard and a great friend to Marinette and the rest of the gang.
Ben: Got to say red these sandwiches really hit the spot.(Ben saids while eating the sandwiches that Marinette made for her friends and Ben in which she blushes and smiles for Ben's comment on her sandwiches)
Marinette: Hehehe thank you Ben that really is nice of you to say.
Nino: Man this is what the doctor order some actual peace and quiet and away from the Akuma class as well as the liar and mister dumpster high road who is gonna need a shower in probably a week or two.
Alix: Make it month because I just saw a garbage man throw more trash into the dumpster which means that Adrien is going to smell a whole lot worse and not even his fans wont be able to deal with his stench.(Alix saids while making a funny face while covering her nose in which made everyone laugh of the thought of Adrien smelling so bad)
Chloe: Serves him right for what he tried to do to Mari-Bear.(Chloe saids while drinking some tea)
Rose: Who in the right mind want to force to date someone that they no longer like or love I mean seriously Adrien is out of his mind after all the things he did.(Rose saids while eating some cookies with Juleka in which she nods in agreement)
Kagami: He is starting to act like his father in which me and my mother no longer are working with him since his son is too a fool of himself and spineless coward.
Ben: How did Gabriel Agreste become like this you know a cold heartless man who barley leaves his own home?
Nino: Well before me and Adrien splint and are no longer friends, he said that after his mom disappeared his dad wasn't the same anymore in which he became cold and mean and no longer talks to anyone except for his assistant and barley sometimes Adrien in which he thinks of us as bad influence thinking that were not good enough.
Ben: Sounds like to me he a bigger asshole than his son and can't even get over the fact that a woman he loved left him and wasn't there for his son, no wonder Adrien is so miserable.(Ben saids while drinking his juice Marinette poured him)
Alix: I still want to know what happened to his wife, there is no way she could just disappeared like that and not tell her husband or son.
Ben: That is something I have to know and do research about as well as more about Gabriel.(Ben saids in thought)
Chloe: The last time I seen her was when I was very young then after words I never saw her again which is just bizarre?
Juleka: What do you all think if she saw her husband and son right now and how they turned out be if she ever came back?
Ben: I say she would divorce Gabriel for not being a perfect parent.
Kagami: I am going to have to go with her divorcing and raise Adrien to be more mature and teach him about bullying and liars.
Rose: I was thinking that she would help build their lives again in which they can live together as a family like they used to so that everything could go back to the way things were.(Rose saids in which everyone even her were thinking until they came up an answer)
Ben: Yea definitely not that family is too corrupted, I think it is best that she moves on and somehow try to fix Agreste Jr.
Marinette: I agree with Ben on that one.(Marinette saids in which everyone else nod their heads for agreement as well)
Ben: Say Marinette you got a bathroom here?
Marinette: Yea upstairs to the left and then take a right and you will see it.
Ben: Thanks I wont be long.(Ben saids and heads to the bathroom while the others staid behind and talk more)
So while Ben is using the bathroom Chloe though it would be a great idea to bring up what kind of relationship does Marinette have with Ben Reilly in which could make Marinette embarrassed.
Chloe: So Mari-Bear how are things going with you and Ben.(Chloe saids with a smirk in which everyone else heard it and smiled in which made Marinette blushed of hearing Bens name)
Marinette: Whaa.....what....hehehehe come on what you talking about.(Marinette saids while laughing nervously and blushing a little)
Alix: Oh come on Marinette don't act like that, you two have been spending a lot of time together lately.
Rose: OH!....tell us about the magical romance between you two!(Rose saids in which made everyone look at Marinette in which she looks like she is going to explode because her cheeks are now turning red)
Marinette: Hehehe listen to you guys....there is nothing going on between me and Ben or anything romantic stuff besides he and I are just friends.
Nino: Really dudette then why does your face get all red every time you see him as well as get nervous trying to talk to him.(Nino saids with smirk and so did the others in which Marinette was now blushing red like tomato)
Marinette: WHAT THATS NOT TRUE?!!!😳
Rose: Look her face is getting red which means it must be true!(Rose saids with excitement in which made Marinette blush more as well as get embarrassing)
Kagami: Hehehe come on guys I don't think it is not polite to point out when a person is blushing or embarrass them on someone they really like.(Kagami saids in which made Marinette blush again as well as her heart thumping)
Marinette: Kagamai!, I don't like Ben that way....I mean sure he is a great friend to me and all of us and has always been there for me and protected me from Lila and her gang but.....the thing is.......(Marinette saids and then stops all of sudden in which got everyones attention)
Chloe: Your afraid that he might reject you like Agreste did right?(Chloe said and saw Marinette nod her head meaning yes)
Alix: Marinette you really need to face the facts now and realize that you like Ben now and not Agreste after what he has done to you.
Marinette:'s just that I do not know if I like him or not. Every time I think about it more and more it always brings me to the point where I am more confused and......(Marinette saids while looking down and sad then Chloe came up to her and put a hand on her shoulder to have her look at her in the eyes)
Chloe: Marinette think about all the things you and him went through together ever since you met him and haven't you ever felt different around him that was completely different from Adrien. Haven't you ever wished to be more that just friends with each other and something far more greater.(Chloe saids to Marinette in which she was surprised of what her best friend said to her)
Marinette then started to remember all the times she spent with Ben ever since the day they first met. When she first met him, he was so handsome and muscular in which made her heart thump with so much likeness, then she and him got to know each other better and became great friends as well as the others. She remembers the day she was almost beaten down to a bloody pulp by Lila and her gang and if it wasn't for Ben she would of ended up dead if he haven't jumped down and save her. He took her to his place in which he told her about who he was and where he came from which was from another dimension and he told her about his family the web warriors including May Parker as well as the struggles he has been through which reminded of her when she was struggling to keep Paris safe from Shadow Moth and his Akuma's. She really enjoyed the day she asked Ben to hangout with her and they had ice cream together which was quite nice. She also remembers the times that they both saved Paris together as Ladybug and the Scarlet Spider which was much more greater then her with Cat Noir because Ben took the job pretty serious and not once did anything silly or try to flirt with her and also treated everyone on the team with respect. But soon she then remembers the times when Ben stood up towards the liar and the bullies and defended her from them who try to hurt her which brought so much greatness into her heart for what Ben has did for her and her friends. But the most important moment that both of them shared was when Ben who was in his Scarlet Spider suit came swinging in and caught her from being killed by a moving truck that Alya pushed her into the street thinking that she did anything to Lila but didn't; but things turned out brilliant and amazing when Ben gave the Akuma class as well as Lila a warning that they ever try to harm her or her friends they would have to deal with the Scarlet Spider which made Marinette very happy that she has someone to look after her and will always have her back. That is when she now realized what Ben really means to her now.
Marinette: Ok.....I do like him...I like him a lot.(Marinette saids while blushing and smiling at the same time in which made her friends smile as well)
Kagami: You see Marinette was that so hard.(Kagami saids with a smile then sees her friend look down again looking sad and nervous)
Marinette: But....but...what if he doesn't like me back....I don't want to loose him and after everything we been through.(Marinette saids with sadness while thinking the thought of loosing Ben would break her heart more than what Adrien did when he rejected her)
Nino: Dudette, if I know Ben I know that a fact he would feel the same way about you.
Rose: Yea and if you just tell him he will probably feel the same way, you just have to believe in yourself.
Marinette: You guys really think so........
Alix: Marinette we know so just don't feel so bad about yourself and just tell him how you truly feel about him maybe ask him out on date maybe that would work.
Juleka: It is not a bad idea Marinette just give it a shot.
Marinette: Sigh.....ok I will try......I hope he feels the same way....(Marinette saids to her friends and whispers the last part to herself)
Then after a while now Ben came back from the bathroom in which everyone checked the time and it was about to head back to school in which they all headed out of the bakery together while Marinette was still thinking about what her friends said to her and kept it inside her head until when it is the right time to ask Ben what her friends said about going on a date with him. Soon everyone was back in class except for Adrien in which he was sent home because someone found him in a dumpster covered in smelly trash in which he stunt like really bad and needed an over due bath which could take weeks or maybe a month which made the miraculous team and Ben giggle that Adrien wont be in for weeks or a month for smelly so bad. Then after words classes have ended and everyone began to leave the school and Marinette asked Ben if they want to hangout some more like last time in which Ben said yes which Marinette very happy.
Ben: So what would like to do Marinette?
Marinette: Well my parents wont be back for a while now, so I thought maybe we can take trip to the zoo and see some animals if you want to or not.
Ben: The zoo, never been to the zoo yet sure why not could be interesting.(Ben saids in which made Marinette smile and then took Bens hand and they both left to head to the zoo together)
Soon after walking around the city blocks both Marinette and Ben while still holding hands in which Ben didn't mind, they were both at the zoo together and started to look at the animals together in which Ben really like seeing many species and Marinette can see that Ben was enjoying himself and the idea that her friends told her to do came back into her head in which she wants to know if Ben would like to go out on date with her in which she started to get nervous that caught Bens attention.
Ben: Marinette are you ok? You look a little nervous there?
Marinette: Huh oh yea I am completely fine!
Ben: Are you sure?
Marinette: No....I mean yes!, yes I am completely fine nothing to worry about.
Ben: Come on you can tell me I know something is up with you.
Marinette: It is now or never I need to tell him before something happens.(Marinette saids in thought)
Marinette: Actually Ben there is....something I need to tell you....
Ben: What is it red?
Marinette: Ben listen I.....I just....I was getting nervous when all of sudden an explosion was heard from the city in which got her out of her trance and Ben heard it as well and looked towards the city as did Marinette)
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
Marinette: moment of peace can give us this.
Ben: Looks like it is another Akuma we have to go and see what it is and stop it!
Marinette: Yea your right.......
Ben: I'll go changed and you find somewhere to transform.(Ben saids and goes to change into his super suit leaving Marinette to herself as well as Tiki who came out of her bag)
Tiki: Don't worry Marinette you will get to tell him when you both take care of the Akuma.
Marinette: Yea I guess you're right Tiki come on let's go see what the trouble is. Tiki Spots On!
Admittedly both Ladybug and Scarlet Spider swung out of the zoo together and landed on the rooftop to see what Akuma is causing the commotion.
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Scarlet Spider: Looks like it was coming from down town?
Ladybug: Then the Akuma must be close by.(Ladybug saids to Scarlet in which both nod and swung towards where the Akuma is)
When both Ladybug and Scarlet Spider landed on the ground where the destruction was coming from they both looked around and try to find out where the Akuma is until something big and made of metal that looked like an ape was walking towards them from behind in which both heroes and looked upon the villain in awe and shock in which they are now in front of Mecha-Gorizilla.
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Scarlet Spider: Uh what the hell is that suppose to be a rip off of Mecha King Kong from Godzilla?
Ladybug: It looks like Gorizilla but something far more different, I think Shadow Moth must of Akumatised not just the person but also made an Amok as well.
Scarlet Spider: Make sense I can see the feather in the chest area.(Scarlet saids and points at the mecha's chest in which the feather was there)
Ladybug: Ok now that we know where the Amok is where is the Akuma?
Scarlet Spider: Could be on that giant size phone he has on his wist.
Ladybug: Good thinking Scarlet!(Ladybug saids and takes out her yoyo and spins it and gets into attack position and so did Scarlet Spider)
Mecha-Gorizilla stopped and looked at the two heroes until the symbol for the Akuma Amok appeared on its face in which Shadow Moth talked to his Akumatised villain and told him what to do.
Shadow Moth: Mecha-Gorizilla bring me Ladybugs miraculous and disintegrate that spider!(Shadow Moth saids to his Akuma Amok villain in which it let out a roar and fired lasers at both Ladybug and Scarlet Spider in which both of them dodged the lasers as well as trying to avoid getting hit with the metal paws)
Scarlet Spider: Ladybug you said its name was Gorizilla how did you beat it last time?
Ladybug: This is different from last time I have to use my lucky charm to see what we can use to beat it because when I fought him last time he didn't look like this but a much blue version of King Kong with pants.
Scarlet Spider: Ok from all the villains I faced your villains are by far the most stupid and lame looking ones I have ever met.
Ladybug: Hehehehe I guess that is something you and I have in common we both hate villains like these guys.
Scarlet Spider: Yea, good ahead use your lucky charm and maybe something we can use to beat this hunk of metal.
Ladybug: Right, Lucky Charm!(Ladybug saids and uses her lucky charm in which a bucket fell into her hand and it look like it has something in it)
Scarlet Spider: A bucket really?
Ladybug: It is a bucket but filled with Greece oil?
Scarlet Spider: Greece oil? Whatever it is used for see what we can use to stop Cyborg Gorilla there.(Scarlet saids in which Ladybug looked around her to see what she can use the Greece for in which something came into her head)
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Ladybug: I got it!, Scarlet I need you to lure him while I get the Greece ready and when he steps on the oil, and starts to slip use your webs to tie his legs.
Scarlet Spider: So that he will fall to the ground and we can get his Amok and Akuma good thinking little red.(Scarlet saids in which made Ladybug blush)
Ladybug: Thank you Spider now lets get to work!
Admittedly Scarlet Spider went towards Mecha-Gorizilla and got his attention in which Scarlet started launching all sorts of metal objects at him in which made him more angry but also lowering him to the spot where Ladybug poured the oil Greece.
Shadow Moth: Stop messing around Mecha Gorizilla and destroy that spider and get me those miraculous now!(Shadow Moth saids to Mecha Gorizilla in which he starts charging more at Scarlet Spider and misses every time and then starts heading towards the oil Greece where Ladybug poured on the street)
Then soon Mecha Gorizilla started to get slippery under his metal feet and couldn't stop because he stepped on the oil Greece just like Ladybug had planed and now it was time for Scarlet Spiders turn in which he webbed both the metal legs and then him and Ladybug pulled with all their strength in which Mecha Gorizilla went down in a instant.
Shadow Moth: NOOO!!!!!
Ladybug: I'll get the Amok, you get the Akuma Scarlet!
Scarlet Spider: Right!(Scarlet saids and goes towards the giant phone on the wist and smashes it in which the Akuma cam out and Ladybug smashed the chest part in which the Amok came out and then took out her yoyo to De-Evilise them both)
Ladybug: No more evil doing for you little Akuma and Amok. Time to De-Evilise, got ya! Bye bye little butterfly and feather. MIRACULOUS LADYBUG!(Ladybug saids and throws the bucket into the air and fixed all the damages to the city and Mecha Gorilla turned back to normal and left inside his car which was all fixed and fully gassed up)
Ladybug and Scarlet Spider: Good Job!(Both saids in union and bumped their fist together)
After the battle has ended Ladybug decided the time has come to ask Scarlet Spider about the thing she was thinking about when she was alone with her friends back at the bakery. So she asked that they should go to the park near the Eiffel tower so that she can tell him about asking him out on a date in which she was still nervous about.
Ben: Is there a reason why you decided to take me to the park area Marinette?
Marinette: Ok Marinette just breathe and tell him that would you like to go out.(Marinette saids in thought while looking away from Ben then turns around to meet his face)
Marinette: Well I was wondering how you are enjoying your time in Paris.
Marinette: DAMM IT?!!!!(Marinette saids in thought while messing up on the first part)
Ben: Um well so far Marinette I am enjoying myself and I really like it here besides the whole Akuma battles no and then.
Marinette: Oh hehehe I see....come on Marinette you can say it just say it already.(Marinette saids to Ben and whispers the last part to herself while blushing and getting nervous)
Ben: Uh red is there something wrong you look little..well....
Marinette: Me? Oh no I am fine, I just have been thinking for a while now thats all.
Ben: Thinking about what Marinette?
Tiki: You can do it Marinette I know you can.(Tiki saids in thought while watching her holder trying to say what must be said)
Marinette: Well you and I have known each other for some time now after a whole month has gone by and............(Marinette saids and trails off again)
(Edit done by me: 95nicholasnm)
Ben: And what exactly?
Marinette: Well you see BB...Ben I had this idea.....and well if you don't is a little hard to say but I have been thinking that......(Marinette starts trembling and getting more nervous)
Ben: Marinette are you really al.......
Marinette: LookIreallylikeyoualotandthoughtweshouldgooutsometime!!!!!(Marinette saids so fast while blushing more in which left Ben confused on what she said to him while Tiki slaps herself in the face for what Marinette did)
Ben: Um sorry Marinette I didn't quite understand that can you repeat that but more slowly?
Marinette: Sigh......Ben I really like you a lot and I thought we should go out some time.(Marinette saids more calmly in which Ben stood shocked and blushed a little in what Marinette said to him in which he looked at her and sees that she was serious about it)
Ben: She likes me, like really likes me, I mean sure she is beautiful and very sweet but....wait a minute after spending so much time with her I cam to realize something was off about me in which was making my own heart beat like crazy when ever I am around Marinette could it be that I took like her as well and like really really like her. It all makes sense now I mean I never had a girl in my life until now and Marinette is quite lovely and very brave even as both civilian and in costume but I prefer the real her more than anything in the world because after spending time with her and getting to know her more I came to realize that I might be falling in love with her.(Ben saids in thought then looks at Marinette who had her head down meaning Ben didn't feel the same way but that was until Ben said something that got her attention)
Ben: Sure Marinette I would love to go out with you.(Ben saids with a smile in which Marinette eyes widen and then looked up at Ben in shock for what she just heard)
Marinette: What.....what did you just say Ben.....
Ben: Allow me to repeat myself, I said I would love to go out with you Marinette.(Ben saids in which Marinette eyes were widen again and her heart thumping like crazy as well as blushing)
Marinette: For.....for real....Ben?
Ben: Sure and the truth is after spending so much time with you, I mean like the real you I guess I want to say I really like you as well and I mean it Marinette.
Marinette: He likes me.....he really likes me!(Marinette saids in thought while getting excited inside and out)
Marinette: Then maybe tomorrow since it is Friday we could you know......
Ben: Don't worry I think I have it all planed out on what to do, you just have to show up at my place in which I will text you the address ok.
Marinette: Ok..........(Marinette saids with a big smile on her face)
Ben: Great, I might as well start heading home I want to work on my class assignments and our idea for the date and I will see you tomorrow then.
Marinette: Yea the sounds great Ben......
Ben: Oh I almost forgot one more thing before I leave.
Marinette: And what would..........(Marinette didn't get to finish because she felt something on her cheek in which Ben gave her a kiss in which made her blush pink while Tiki giggled at her holders reaction)
Ben: Something for everything you did for me when I came to this dimension.(Ben saids and smiles then leaves Marinette alone in the park)
When Ben was gone, Marinette slowly placed her hand on the spot where Ben kissed her with having her mouth open wide and she could actually feel her face heating up to the point where she could exploded. Then when she made sure that she was completely alone with herself except for Tiki who was in her bag she started to run around the park and jumping with so much excitement.
Marinette: HE SAID YES! HE SAID YES! I ASKED BEN OUT AND HE SAID YES!(Marinette saids with so much happiness and excitement in which she squealed like girl as well as dancing around the park with so much fun while Tiki was giggling and congratulating her older on asking Ben out for a date)
Tiki: I am so proud of you Marinette!
Marinette: Thank Tiki, this the most happiest day of my life and it is my first date!!!
Tiki: With Ben Reilly
Marinette: With Ben Reilly EEEEEEEEE!!!!!!
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