Chapter 7: Lady Wifi 2

It has been a month since Ladybug and Scarlet Spider took down Glaciator in which turned out to be the sweetest man who sells his delicious ice cream Andre who became Akumatised thanks to little miss lier who made fun of Andre and insulted him in which made Scarlet Spider ticked off in which he was thinking of hanging Lila above the Eiffel Tower by a web and watch her scream in which Ladybug would of like to enjoy. But during that time while in their civilian forms Ben and Marinette friendship grew more than what Marinette had with her ex friends in which during their time together Marinette started to develop feelings for Ben but will not tell him how she feels because she wants to wait until the time was right so they decided to keep their relationship straight and continue on being friends for now as well partners in crime. Also during the month the Akuma class as well as Lila have not started anything to bother Marinette because well they are still scared of Ben and since he is hanging out with Marinette and her true friends they decided to avoid being in the way and they knew what would happened if Ben catches them trying to hurt Marinette and her friends they will end up like Lila, Alya and Kim who try to hurt Ben's new friends. Shadow Moth however has been keeping quiet and hasn't made any new Akuma's or Amok's so it would mean he is taking a break for now and doing things in his civilian form just like the heroes are doing after they defeat the villains and save the city. Marinette also wanted to try something new for a change in which she decided that when it comes to new friends which also comes new changes in which she decided to change her look since she has been wearing the same exact look for a couple of years and wanted to wear something that really stands out and not just that but she also felt like her true friends could use some new looks as well except for Ben since he likes to dress the way he is in which Marinette understood what he means. Marinette friends excepted her offer to make new outfits for themselves in which they love the new looks and couldn't wait to showed them off and speaking of which ever since Rose and Juleka found out that Lila was a liar and didn't do any of those adventures or meet famous people they were happy that Marinette has forgiven them since they didn't cause her physical pain unlike the Akuma class did to her in which they all became friends again and decided to avoid the ex friends for hanging out with a liar.


Right now as this very moment Marinette is in her room getting ready for school and putting on her newest outfit that she will be wearing and was seeing if she has everything she needs and also made sure that she didn't forget her homework like last time while Tiki, Plagg and the other Kwami's look upon Marinette and her new look in which they found it to be spectacular and way more better than what she usually had on in which she wore black jacket, black pants, black boots, red shirt, necklace with ruby, as well as a pony tail and her new red bag with her logo on it.

Marinette: Alright all done how do I look guys?(Mairnette saids to Tiki and Plagg)

Tiki: Wow you look amazing Marinette and the colors work terrific!

Plagg: Well at least your changing your look for once and I mean I think pink wasn't really your color but I like this once a whole lot better.

Marinette: Thanks guys, I am wondering how my friends and Ben are doing with their new looks and I know Ben doesn't really like to play dress up but I understand likes to dress on his own which is ok.

Plagg: You know the way you look like that makes me wonder if your copying his suit colors because I can totally see it and all you need is a spider and bam your a female version of Scarlet Spider.(Plagg saids in which made Tiki and Marinette giggle while Marinette was thinking that wasn't a bad idea to add a spider logo onto the design of her new clothes)

Marinette sweetie breakfast is ready!(Marinette's mom Sabine saids from downstairs in which Marinette got everything she needs and heads out of her room to see her parents)

Marinette: Morning mom!, Morning Papa!(Marinette saids and kisses both her parents on the cheek and sits down to eat breakfast before heading to school soon)

Sabine: Wow sweetie trying on a new look are we, I like it.

Marinette: Thanks mom and I thought it was time for a change of appearance since I wore the same look for years now.

Tom: Well Marinette it is a lot more better and the colors go pretty well and I also see you changed your hair style as well looks lovely.

Marinette: Hehehehe thank you papa.

Sabine: So how are you and your friends doing especially that Ben Reilly that you always talk about.(Sabine saids in which made Marinette choke of her hearing Bens name)

Marinette: and my friends are doing well....and for B...Ben we both are doing just fine.(Marniette saids while blushing a little because she can not stop thinking about Ben after all he has done for her)

Tom: Oh is my daughter falling for a certain boy that she became friends with a month ago.

Marinette: Oh look at the time I have to get going...bye mom...bye papa see you later!(Marinette saids while blushing and rushes out of the house to avoid her fathers question)

Sabine: Tom you should really stop messing with our daughters love life and besides I can tell there is something going on between her and Ben she just wants to wait patiently to express how she feels about him.

Tom: Alright honey I will stop and besides Ben is a good man, smart, protective, treats our daughter and her friends with respect and he enjoys our bakery including us I like him.

Sabine: So do I honey.

Back with Marinette she walked out of her house and headed towards the school when she spotted her friends in their new looks as well as Ben who just arrived wearing his dark clothes and red black jacket and decided to go see them before classes start.

Marinette: Hey Guys!

Nino: Yo dudette like the new look, red and black I like it.

Ben: Are you trying to look like a female version of me?(Ben saids in which made everyone giggle while Marinette blushes and giggles)

Marinette: Thanks Nino and no Ben I thought of this idea for a while now and decided to have a go at it but anyway how do you guys like your new styles.

Alix: Even though mine looks the same but with a different color and a new shirt as well as shoes I like mine thanks Marinette.

Kagami: I really admired mine Marinette and I like how you blended the roses into the shirt as well as the dragon pattern which makes the outfit stand out more.(Kagami saids and bows her head for respect and thank you)

Nino: Mine looks like my old clothes but green with a totally awesome music pattern as well as new head sets, glasses, and shoes I like it dudette thanks.

Luka: You did an amazing work on mine Marinette, I like it how you added the logo of my dad onto the jacket and these shades work perfectly as well as the scarf.

Chloe: Oh I absolutely love mine!, the whole white and black stripe shirt was so last season, but with this all black and this bumblebee pattern jacket and having my hair down makes me look like a super model I love it Mari-Bear!(Chloe saids and hugs Marinette in which she hugs back)

Marinette: I am glad you guys like the outfits and since things are changing I thought we could use some new looks and having Ben as our new friend.

Ben: Thanks little red.(Ben saids in which Marinette blushes and smiles)

Nino: Say where are Rose and Juleka?

Marinette: I got a text from them saying they are with Prince Ali in which they helping at children's hospital and they made sure to tell the teachers and principal about it as well as turn in their assistants before heading out.

Ben: At least you have some of your old friends back and they fact checked to finally see that little miss lier is fraud and a bitch.

Chloe: True but it wouldn't kill the others too look up a single thing about Lila instead they believe everything that comes out of that mouth of hers.

Ben: You mean like that wanna be reporter who can not get her facts checked and keeps on writing more junk on that blog of hers in which it is starting to loose viewers now.

Alix: It no longer sounds like the Ladyblog anymore, now it is starting to look like the Rossi Blog.

Ben: Or better yet The Liar Blog, a website filled with lies and junk.

Marinette: Hehehe now that you mention it Ben that does sound like a blog that is worth looking at so that people can see that Lila and her stories are nothing but fakes and lies.

Ben: Well it is good thing her and her sheep didn't cause any problems during a month and Mr.Highroad hasn't start any of his advice crap to any of us which was good to know.

Kagami: True but soon they will start again and Adrien will still blabber about his high road advice like none stop.

Ben: If he does and starts blaming us or Marinette I will just knock him out like I did little miss vixen and the tabloid reporter, oh and also baboon face as well.

Alix: If you do that I will be recording the hold thing.

BELL RING!(School bell ringing)

Ben: Well looks like we can finish this conversation later right now it is time for school.(Ben saids to everyone in which they all nod and headed into the building to get ready for class)

Ben along with Marinette and their friends headed into the school and went towards the classroom in which they saw no one there yet which means that they were the first ones to arrive on time and decided to take their seats and await for the teacher as well as the Akuma class to arrive along with the liar and high road boy to start commotions. Then soon the door opened and Caline stepped inside and saw her favorite students early and right on time.

Caline: Ben, Marinette, Chloe, Nino, Kagami, Luka, Alix you're all right on time and early I am surprised that you all decided to come into class before anyone else did.

Marinette: Yea we decided to wake up early and arrive on time on school and not be late like always.

Caline: Well I am proud to hear about that. By the way Ben I am really impressed with your skills and your work for what you did in my class I have to say you are an amazing student that I have the honor of teaching in this class and your grades are brilliant.

Ben: Thank you Mrs.Bustier

Caline: And it would seems like the rest of you are doing excellent as well I am just concerned about the other students their grades are not turning out well except fro Rose and Juleka.

Ben: Why is that?

Caline: They keep on spending too much time with Lila and it is distracting them from their school work in which their grades are dropping if they continue to do these things.

Ben: I take that you don't believe in her lies either.

Caline: Yes but I can not do anything because I don't want to loose my job.

Ben: Thats understandable Mrs.Bustier though it would be funny to see her lies were exposed and her so called kingdom will crumble to the ground.(Ben saids in thought)

Caline: Can you all excuse me I have to get some things from the principal office.(Caline saids to her students in which they nod and then Caline steps out the room leaving the students alone)

Then after a while now the Akuma class along with Lila who was holding onto Adriens arm stepped into the classroom and saw Ben and Marinette as well as their friends until the reporter decided to speak.

Alya: Oh look its.........

Ben: Hey owner of the Ladyblog in which is now a piece a junk were in a classroom right now so why don't you and your slackers as well as scar face and model boy take your seats and shut the hell up and not speak to anyone.(Ben saids with bored tone in which made Alya shut up as well as the Akuma class even Lila and Adrien in which they did what they did and not talk or say a word)

Marinette/Chloe/Nino/Alix/Kagami: Hehehe now that was funny to watch.(All said in thought while holding in their laughter for what Ben said)

Everyone took their seats and waited for the teacher to come back and while they were waiting Alya and Lila came up to where Marinette and Ben were and decided to speak in which made Ben want to through them out the window and not care.

Alya: Changed your look have we Mari-Brat, got to say you look more like slut then ever before.

Lila: Well at least she changed her hair that looks a lot better than those pathetic pig tails.

Marinette: Um can I help you two with something?(Marinette saids with a bored tone like Ben)

Alya: Well since you designed clothes for yourself and them I want you to design stuff for the rest of us.

Ben: And why the hell would she do that?

Alya: Because were.....

Ben: Don't even finish that sentence reporter or I can even call you one since you post trash on that blog on yours about scar face over here and her ridiculous adventures in which are nothing but utter bull crap and lies.(Ben saids while getting up from his seat and looking straight into Alya's and Lila's eyes in which they were frighten of Ben and his glare in which got the Akuma class scared as well even Adrien was shacking)

Alya: My blog is not full of trash!

Ben: Heh, saids the people who used to view it and it looks like your viewers are dropping quickly and there is no joke about it because the numbers are lowering as we speak. And I have to say one thing the compliments on the blog are not that nice and they think you should take down the blog and those false stories in which none of them are believing anything on it not even me or my friends.(Ben saids with a smirk in which made Alya pale as well as Lila)

Marinette and her true friends were trying so hard to keep their laughter in while enjoying Ben humiliate both Alya and Lila in front of him in which they were both paling and couldn't utter any words in which they both decided to leave and head back to their seats.

Ben: That what I thought.(Ben saids whisper and sits back down with Marinette)

Then soon Caline came walking into the room and started class in which was starting off pretty good so far and there was no commotions or problems then after class was finished and everyone got their assignments to do they headed to their next class which was music class and everyone sat with people who they trust in which Ben sat with his friends along with Marinette and Akuma class sat with little miss lier and the reporter and mr highroad. Then soon the teacher came in and told one of each student to perform something while playing the piano in which they all discuss on who wants to play the piano in which the Akuma class chose Adrien since he plays the piano and Ben offered to play in which his group and Marinette didn't know that Ben can play the piano in which he told them that May Parker showed him when he was back in his dimension. So right now both Ben and Adrien got up from their seats and walked towards the two piano's in which the teacher asked Adrien to go first in which he nods and begins to play.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

(Adrien Piano Music)

Then after Adrien has finished playing his music everyone clapped even Ben then soon the teacher asked Ben to start in which he sat down next to the piano and begins to play while everyone else listens to what music Ben would be playing. Alix made sure to record this so that her along with Marinette and the rest of the gang can listen to what Bens piano music sounds like in which it was starting to sound so amusing.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

(Bens Piano Music by Sebastian Larsson Into the Dark)

Ben finished playing his music in which the girls had tears in their eyes expect for Alya and Lila who have never heard such music before in which the teacher was absolutely amazed by Bens piano skills even Adrien was impressed even though he will not admit it. Marinette was in awe as well as in tears that she never knew that Ben can play the piano so beautifully even Chloe, Alix, and Kagami were in tears; Nino and Luka were amazed of the music in which sounded so sad but got better when Ben kept on playing. The teacher gave both Ben and Adrien A's on a job well done but the teacher secretly gave Ben an A+ for that soothing music that he played in the classroom. After class was finished everyone started to head out for lunch in which Ben along with Marinette and their friends decided to have lunch outside like always but Ben told them that he has to get something out if locker then meet them at the park after he is done in which they all nod and headed while Alya, Lila and the Akuma class followed them outside.

Once outside Marinette along with her friends were about to head towards the park when all of sudden Alya along with Lila and the sheep came out to greek them in which pissed off Marinette as well as her friends meaning the Akuma class were about to start trouble again. In which Kim along with Ivan grabbed hold of Luka and Nino while the others held onto Alix, Chloe and Kagami while Alya and Lila walks towards Marinette.

Marinette: What are you doing to them let them go!

Alya: I don't think so Mari-trash not until you learned your lesson and stop bullying Lila.

Marinette: Oh what did I do to her now.

Alya: Oh don't act like you don't know!!!! You texted Lila and told her to jump off a building!!!

Marinette: She doesn't even have my number and I don't even have hers!!(Marinette screams in frustration in which made Alya more angry while Lila was smirking from behind)

Alya: I think it is about time to learn you lesson Mari-Trash!(Alya saids then looks to see a moving truck coming towards their way in which Alya had the idea in which she shoved and pushed Marinette into the street in which she fell and then looked to see Alya and Lila smirking then looking towards the other direction to see a moving truck heading towards them in which Marinette was horrified as well as her friends who were being held that Alya would do such a terrible thing)

The truck was now moving closer and closer towards where Marinette was pushed and she awaits her fait while Lila smirks evilly that her nemesis is going to be hit by a truck until a red and black blur appeared and caught Marinette and saved her leaving both Alya, Lila and the Akuma class stunned while Chloe, Nino, Luka, Kagami, and Alix smiled that they know who saved Marinette in which the blur figure landed on the ground with Marinette in his arms and the one who saved her was known other than Scarlet Spider in which Marinette opened her eyes and saw her partner in his arms who just saved her from a moving truck that was going to hit her.

Scarlet Spider: Don't worry miss your safe now.(Scarlet saids and lowers Marinette down and smiles at hero partner for saving her life)

Marinette: Thank you....I thought I was going to be hit by that truck if you haven't shone up.

Scarlet Spider: It is what I do miss.

Alya: No way the Scarlet Spider!!!! Can I get an inter.........(Alya saids and runs towards Scarlet with her phone out but stopped when Scarlets claw came out and stabbed Alay's phone completely destroying it)

Scarlet Spider: Sorry but I don't interview with people who tried to kill someone.(Scarlet saids while glaring right at Alya in which she was starting to get scared then when he saw the Akuma class looking at him he webbed them up and stuck them to the wall for trying to harm his friends)


Scarlet Spider: Because they were bringing harm to this girl and her friends there and you were trying to commit murder what the hell was wrong with you.(Scarlet saids while glaring more at Alya while Lila was shivering down her spine)

Alya: I was just trying to defend my friend here because this girl right here was spreading lies and hurting her!(Alya saids and points to Marinette then to Lila who wanted to runaway)

Scarlet Spider: Like I am suppose to believe that, how could an innocent girl like this one next to me cause any harm does she look like she could harm anybody.(Scarlet saids in which left Alya speechless while Marinette was fighting the urge to blush)

Alya: But she did!!!

Scarlet Spider: Do you have proof because all reporters must have proof otherwise it is not going to be believed which means you don't have any proof which makes me believe that you are not a real reporter but someone who just believes in something comes out of somebody else's mouth. No wonder Ladybug stopped coming to you for interviews because the stuff you posted on that blog I seen is full of junk and lies about this girl with the scar on her face in which I do not want to be interviewed by someone who doesn't get her facts right, I will interview with real reporters not some girl who puts her own life on the line whenever there is danger around and just imagined how your family will feel of what you are doing.(Scarlet Spider saids to Alya while moving closer to her and Lila while showing mean glare under his mask while their reflection what shown on the eye lenses)

Alya: But....but...but....

Scarlet Spider: Want some advice take down those ridiculous stories on your blog and get you facts checked otherwise your not going to be a real reporter but a tabloid instead and as for you scar face girl I remember you a month ago.

Alya: know Lila.....

Scarlet Spider: Yea she's that Akuma known as Volpina in which I kicked the living crap out of her and through her around like a ragged dole for being such a pathetic villain.(Scarlet saids in which made Lila pale more like a ghost in which she started backing away slowly and so did Alya)

Scarlet Spider: Oh and one more thing before I leave if I see you two or those idiot friends of yours in the webs who tried to hurt these students and try to kill this girl with the blue eyes I wont hesitated to hang you all from a web on the Eiffel Tower and I will do it. And I got to say when you were trying to kill this girl makes me wonder if your probably as evil as Shadow Moth unlike him he doesn't try to kill someone or leave a person in cold blood in which I saw you attacking students in alley ways and beating them up until they were in a pool of their own blood in which I have you recorded.(Scarlet saids in which made Alya, Lila and the Akuma class look at Scarlet Spider in fear that he knows what they did and will do worse if they continue to do what they do)

Marinette: Whoah the way he is talking like that is so hardcore in which Lila is shivering in fear.(Marinette saids in thought while watching the Akuma class as well as Alya and Lila pale as ghost)

Scarlet Spider: I am going to leave now, and if you try something like this again reporter you are going to be in deep shit trouble along with your friends there and scar face as well and I will make sure that your parents know about what you are all doing. Do I make myself clear.......(Scarlet saids and with some venom in which made the Akuma class pale more including Alya and Lila)

Akuma claa/Lila/Alya: Yes sir.............(All saids while frighten and scared out of their minds)

Scarlet Spider: Good and don't worry the webbing will dissolve in an hour and you will be free soon so just hang tight.(Scarlet Spider saids to the Akuma class in which they all nod quickly then looks back at Alya and Lila who ran back into the school scared and frighten and not want to piss off Scarlet Spider while Marinette and her friends smile and nod for thanks in which Scarlet nods as well and then shoots a web and swings away)

Then soon Marinette along with her friends who were free from the Akuma class headed towards the park to have their lunch while Ben came back in his civilian clothes and headed towards the park as well to join his friends for a nice relaxing lunch in peace. Once there Marinette ran over and hugged Ben for saving her life in which Ben hugged her back including their friends who were happy that Marinette was safe and Ben making the Akuma class pale like ghost including Lila and Alya. Then after they all calmed down they all settle and sat together and had a great lunch together while talking amongst themselves.

Meanwhile with Alya she was in the girls bathroom shaking like crazy after what Scarlet Spider said to her for not being a real reporter in which she was not and putting her own life on the line in trying to get stuff for her blog in which was now loosing viewers and people sending mean comments about taking it down and asking her to fact check her work as well as calling Lila a big fat lier in which made Alya upset and angry in which caught the attention of Shadow Moth.

Shadow Moth: Ah another day of school life such anger and such sadness for someone who was trying to do something right but failed miserably what perfect attraction for my Akuma.(Shadow Moth saids and a butterfly lands on his hand and presses down and it turns into an Akuma)

Shadow Moth: Fly away my little Akuma and evilise her!(Shadow Moth saids as the Akuma flies away and heads towards the anger and sadness)

Back with Alya she was still in the bathroom frustrated on what happened and looking at her destroyed phone that Scarlet Spider stabbed in which she looked down in felt sadness until the Akuma flew towards her and landed on the damaged phone and then Shadow Moth spoke to her.

Shadow Moth: Ah Lady Wifi I heard about what has happened and you feel so ashamed of what went down and all you wanted was to know the truth in which I am giving you back your powers so you can find out the truth for yourself in return I require the miraculous as well as dealing with a certain wall crawler do we have a deal.

Alya(Lady Wifi): I will once again expose the lies and find out the truth even I have to force it out of them, I except your deal Shadow Moth.(Alya saids then gets covered in darkness and turned into a villain wearing black and white with a wifi logo on her chest while holding the phone that was fixed)

Back with Marinette and Ben, they both finished their lunch together with their friends and headed back to school and saw the Akuma class was free from the webs while still showing some fear in their eyes of what Ben did to them which Marinette and the others didn't really care because they got what they deserve for hurting them and trying to kill Marinette if Ben haven't stepped in and save them. Then soon when lunch was done everyone headed back to class and got started until a screen popped up out of the ordinary and a female appeared that looked like Alay but this time she was known as Lady Wifi.

Lady Wifi: Greetings again students of College Francoise Dupont I am Lady Wifi and I am here to revel once again the truth of who is lying and who is telling the truth and if you do not comply to my orders than I will have to force the truth out of you.

Ben and Marinette: Oh geez.......(Both said in thought while shaking their heads)

Caline: Alright everyone class is done and make sure to get home safe because there is another Akuma attack happening.(Caline saids in which everyone packs up their things and leave while Ben and Marinette nod at each other and goes to place to change and transform into their super hero suits)

Marinette: Looks like Alya is out of it again?

Ben: Well I did scare her, along with the idiots, and clawed her phone into pieces, as well told her to do her fact checking I guess she really is brain damaged.

Tiki: I think we can talk more about this later right now we have to stop her.

Marinette: Your right Tiki ready for some action Scarlet Spider.

Ben: Ready as I ever be red.(Ben saids and puts on his mask while Marinette transforms)

Marinette: Tiki spots on!(Marinette saids and transforms into Ladybug)

When both were in their super suits they swung away to find where Lady Wifi was in which she was no longer in the school but somewhere down town causing a panic in which she was looking around her and spotting many people around her and asking to reveal some truths in which many people started to run away from her while some couldn't escape.

Lady Wifi: Looks some of you revealed the truth about what goes on in your lives but I am still not going to rest until I find a hidden truth in which I reveal!

Geez are you really that upset that I told you the truth and got you turned into cyber woman.(Scarlet Spider saids him and Ladybug landed in front of Lady Wifi)

Lady Wifi: Well look who it is Ladybug and the Scarlet Spider! I hope your ready my fellow audience because I am about to reveal a hidden truth the the one called Scarlet Spider said was a lie and will soon reveal the truth in front of everyone who is watching this!

Scarlet Spider: she really that stupid why can't she just do her fact checking like a normal person would.

Ladybug: Thats the way she is even in her civilian form.(Ladybug whispers towards Scarlet Spider)

Scarlet Spider: Hey Wifi

Lady Wifi: Thats Lady Wifi to you!

Scarlet Spider: Yea whatever your name is I don't care are those camera's around you live by any chance.

Lady Wifi: Why yes they are Spider why do you ask are you going to tell the audience the truth.

Scarlet Spider: Nah I was just wondering because me and Ladybug are going to enjoy kicking you butt on live so that everyone can see that little miss Wifi got her butt handed to her by a spider and a bug.

Shadow Moth: Lady Wifi stop fooling around and take Ladybugs miraculous and get rid of that spider!(Shadow Moth said in Lady Wifi's head)

Lady Wifi: Well just like Shadow Moth said I will take your miraculous Ladybug and Scarlet Spider I reveal the real truth of what you said to Alya Cesaire!

Scarlet Spider: You do realize that same person is you right your just under that pathetic Shadow Moths control.(Scarlet Spider saids in which earned Ladybug a smirk while Lady wifi looked ticked off as well as Shadow Moth who was in his lair and heard the compliment)

Lady Wifi: Enough talk it is time to reveal the truth that I am seeking and take Ladybugs miraculous!(Lady Wifi saids and starts firing multiple pause buttons at Ladybug and Scarlet Spider in which they dodged each one)

Scarlet Spider kept on dodging each attack that Lady Wifi was throwing at them in which she was getting more and more angry and kept on firing her pause buttons at them but nothing seems to be working since Ladybug knew what happened the last time she got attacked by Lady Wifi and wont be making the same mistake again.

Scarlet Spider: Ladybug you fought her before where is the Akuma hiding?

Ladybug: Inside her phone in which she used multiple ones to transport her to different location and try to surprise me in which it worked the first time but now that I know what to do I will not make that mistake again but be careful some of them could be fake versions in which we do not know which one is the real one.

Scarlet Spider: Very well but how do we get close enough to take her phone without being hit by those pause buttons of hers as well as trying to figure if it is the real one and not the fake one?

Ladybug: Well when I fought her I started smashing all the phones so that none of fake versions of herself couldn't appear.

Scarlet Spider: Smashing objects is what I like to do.

Ladybug: Well you did a nice job by ramming your claw into her phone in which fell into pieces.(Ladybug saids to her partner while still dodging the pause buttons from Lady Wifi until Scarlet Spider had an idea)

Scarlet Spider: I think I have an idea to beat her and it could be risky but it might work and you can use your lucky charm.

Ladybug: Well let me use my lucky charm and see what we can use to defeat her then you can tell me your plan.

Scarlet Spider: Right.

Ladybug: Lucky Charm!(Ladybug saids and used her lucky charm in which a box came down along with a cord attached to it)

Ladybug: What the heck is this thing?

Scarlet Spider: I know what that is, that right there is an electromagnetic pulse generator.

Ladybug: Pulse generator?

Scarlet Spider: Yea, you see that electric tower near the building.(Scarlet saids to Ladybug in which she looks at the tower)

Ladybug: Wait I think I know what your trying to tell me, if I get to the tower and hook this generator up and when I push the button.

Scarlet Spider: It will create a huge electric energy wave that will shut down all electronics including Lady Wifi's phone and once she can not use her phone.

Ladybug: We can take her down and get the Akuma, Scarlet your genius!

Scarlet Spider: You get to the tower and I will distract her.

Ladybug: But what are you going to do?

Scarlet Spider: Just to tell the audience the truth of what she did before she became Lady Wifi and the recording of you almost getting hit by truck in which she pushed you into the streets as well as the lies on her Ladyblog.

Ladybug: If you do that then she will be in big trouble.

Scarlet Spider: Think about it for a minute she used to be your friend, used to be until she betrayed you for someone new who filled her head with lies in which she took that side and did horrible things to you in which she beat you down to bloody pulp as well as pushing you into the street and almost hit but a truck that could of killed and she was smiling at thought of you being killed you really want to forgive someone who put you through all of that and it was her own fault for not doing what you told her to do in which didn't listen and look what that got her.

Ladybug: You know the way you put it, she did so many awful things to me even I couldn't forgive her for it and she even went so far and try to kill me maybe this will teach her not to listen to a person she just met and believe anything that comes out their mouth.

Scarlet Spider: Alright let the plan get started and after I reveal the truth turn on the generator and shut down all electronics.

Ladybug: Right and good luck Spider.

Scarlet Spider: You too

Admittedly Ladybug swung away and headed towards the tower while Scarlet Spider headed towards Lady Wifi to reveal what she has done before she became a villain.

Scarlet Spider: Hey Wifi here I am!

Lady Wifi: Ha I got you now!(Lady Wifi saids and fires her pause button in which hit Scarlet Spider because it was all part of his plan)

Scarlet Spider: Time to reveal what you truly are and I hope your family watching this.(Scarlet saids in thought as Lady Wifi walks towards him)

Lady Wifi: Now Scarlet Spider are ready to tell the audience the truth.

Scarlet Spider: Sigh....fine lets get this over with and this is live right and everyone is watching this right.

Lady Wifi: Thats right I connected myself to all the electronics around each part of Paris so that everyone can see what I am going to show them.

Scarlet Spider: Very well

Lady Wifi: Hello people of Paris I am Lady Wifi and right here is my guest the Scarlet Spider in which of this very moment he will reveal the truth of what happened between him and a girl named Alya Cesaire.(Lady Wifi saids as everyone was watching on their phones and TV which included Alya's family who was watching to see what was going on)

Scarlet Spider: This is for all the bad things you did and the wrong things you caused.(Scarlet saids in thought)

Lady Wifi: Now lets get started, Scarlet Spider you are considered to be Ladybugs partner in crime now since Cat Noir is no longer around is that correct.

Scarlet Spider: Yes it is

Lady Wifi: Well tell me something during today you came up to a girl named Alya in which you told her that she was a bad reporter and posted false stories on her blog while she was trying defend her friend for someone who caused her so much pain tell the audience the truth did you really mean all those things you said or is that a lie and I will know if it is true or not.

Everyone who was watching awaits to here what Scarlet Spider will say as well as Alya's family who await to here from the spider hero.

Scarlet Spider: Everything I said to the girl was the complete truth.(Scarlet saids in which got Lady Wifi shocked and felt what Scarlet said that came out his mouth was true)

Lady Wifi: What.........

Scarlet Spider: Alya Cesaire is not the same person she once was, sure she was a good person at first and had lots of great friends and a best friend including a website called the Ladyblog in which she post videos of Ladybug and her battles but that all changed when she met someone new who told her false adventures as well as fake news in which she posted them on her blog in which caused people to stop viewing her blog and people said to her that she should shut the blog down or do her facts checked in which she never did. She also decided it was good idea to run into a dangerous battle where Ladybug was trying to stop an Akuma in which could of cost her own life I mean does her family known what she is doing could possibly end her life and put those closest to her at risk. She not only did something that was not legal to do but she also didn't care what her friends were trying to tell that what she is doing isn't right for a teenager to go running into a battle field that could cause serious injuries or worse death. She not only did that but she also turned against her first best friend and decided to listen to a totally new person who did so many things and it turned out be lies just like her viewers on her blog were trying to tell her but she never listened to any of them or did her fact checked of the person she became friends with and just listened to whatever comes out that mouth. But that is not the worst of it she not only betrayed the friend she knew for years but she also caused that person so much pain for believing that she did awful things to the new person that Alya befriended but was wrongly accused and was beaten down to bloody pulp without listening or letting that person tell her story of the side in which Alya didn't listen and just did what she did in which she was proud of what she has done. Then today I saw something that was quite horrible and I believe the girl who used to be her friend will never forget it but Alya decided that it would be great to kill the girl who used to be her friend for thinking she has bullied the new person by pushing her into the street and getting hit by a truck and if wasn't for me who saved that person from being hit then she would of ended up dead. And the person who she tried to kill and betrayed and turn against her was a girl who went under the name Marinette Dupain Cheng and here is the video recording of the girl Alya committing that murder attempt in which she wore a smile on her face making it seem like she wanted to end the poor girls life after everything they went through together before she became corrupted and I hope her family is watching this because the daughter you once knew has changed into completely new person all thanks to a certain someone in which I will not reveal any time soon because I am saving that person for last.(Scarlet Spider saids to the audience and shows them the recording in which when everyone saw what Alya did was completely insane in which her family saw this and was heart broken of what their daughter turned into and what nonsense she posted on her blog but when they saw she was attempting to kill her friend she knew for years they fear that this was no longer the daughter they once loved but a totally different person)

Lady Wifi: I......I........

Scarlet Spider: Well Lady Wifi whats your answer?

Lady Wifi: You....have been telling the entire truth this whole time.......(Lady Wifi saids while shaking in fear while backing away from Scarlet Spider)

Scarlet Spider: Told you so.....LADYBUG NOW!!(Scarlet saids in which Ladybug finished with the generator and pushed the button in which caused a huge electric energy pulse that shut down all of electronics including Lady Wifi's phones)

Lady Wifi: What the what is happening!

Scarlet Spider: What happened was that your phone no longer works which means.(Scarlet saids and webs the phone and snatched out of Lady Wifi's hand and threw to Ladybug in which she caught it)

Ladybug: You are finished!(Ladybug saids and smashes the phone in which the Akuma came out of it)

Ladybug: No more evil doing for you little Akuma, Time to De-Evlise got ya!. Bye Bye little butterfly Miraculous Ladybug!!(Ladybug saids and throws the object into the air and repair the damages and joins Scarlet Spider on the ground where Alya changed back to normal)

Alya: What happended?

Ladybug and Scarlet Spider: Good Job!(Both said and bumped their fist together)

Alya: Ladybug what happened?(Alya saids in which Ladybug turned away from her as did Scarlet Spider)

Scarlet Spider: Lets go

Ladybug: Right(Ladybug saids as her and Scarlet Spider swung away leaving Alya by herself and decided to head home in which she is going to be in so much trouble which means a whole mess of trouble because everyone now knows what she did and the stuff she has done)

Mairnette: Man what a day that was, you think Alya will get what she did.

Ben: She probably would, I am checking the blog now and it's getting more hateful comments and it is now the dead blog.

Marinette: Well it was her own fault in the first place what do you think will happened to her?

Ben: Not sure but I know it is not good at all.

Tiki: Still I feel bad about her for not fact checking her work and believing in a liar and not her friend she knew for years.

Ben: We can not change what people do it is their life even if they have a single brain cell left.

Plagg: Kids right she would probably get grounded or something far more worse.

Marinette: Want to play a video game with me Ben and try to forget what happened today.

Ben: Sure why not I could use something to take my mind off of something.

Then soon both Marinette and Ben started to play the video game and try to forget what has taken place today in which Alya was now facing judgement because after she got home her family looked upon her with such sadness and anger in which they took almost everything away from her and forced her to shut down the Ladyblog in which it was now the worst blog in history and when they told her they seen the recording of her trying to kill Marinette, Alya was now ready to past out or just crawl into a dark corner and just be left alone. Her parents called the school and told the principal that she will no longer attend the school there and will be transferred to a different school far away from Paris for what she has done but before she decided to break into tears she did what Scarlet Spider and Marinette try to tell her and did her fact checked on Lila of which she discovered that everything that Lila told her and everything that she did were all lies in which Alya now realize that everything she did for Lila and everything she worked on was for nothing and it destroyed her chances of becoming a reporter but not only that but she also destroyed her friendship with Marinette in which she nearly killed her in which she was now in her room crying for dear life and blaming herself for what she has done to everyone including Marinette and will not forgive herself. So she deleted the blog and cut herself off from everyone because she didn't want to talk to no one, she just wanted to be alone for the rest of her life because of what Lila said to her and what Alya had become and she probably will never see the light again.

Alya: I'm so sorry Marinette......I am so.... 😢sniff.... so sorry.(Alya saids in tears of sadness)

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