Chapter 6: Spending Time Together and Glaciator 3!

It has been a week since Marinette and Ben took done Volpina as well as take away Cat Noir's miraculous since he was unworthy to use it due to him being selfish and no taking the job seriously and once his miraculous was gone he was revealed to be known other than Adrien Agreste the person who made Marinette take the high road saying that Lila's lies are not hurting anyone and never did anything to help her of which Marinette was glad that he is never going to remember being a super hero or can she ever call him that whatever he did and Ben hated what Adrien for what he has done to Marinette as well as Plagg who was finally free of his holders nonsense fantasyland of thinking that Ladybug and Cat Noir are made for each other which made him sick to his stomach as well as Ben and Marinette but now that Adrien has no memory of being Cat Noir, Plagg can finally rest for a change. Also during the week in school the Akuma Class still bully Marinette but with Ben at her side they wont go near her or him because of what he did to Lila as well as Alya and Kim of which they were still scared of that day that Ben told them off and not did any fact checks to see if Lila's stories were true or not. So as of this moment today was a Saturday weekend and Ben is at home relaxing while checking the news to see if there is anything going on in Paris or something good to watch since he got nothing to do.

Nadja: Good evening citizens of Paris todays news is a bright sunny day here in the the city of love and while it is a nice day to have fun with friends and family our beloved heroes are also out there protecting us from the dangers that threaten our beautiful city, Ladybug keep up the good work as well as your team mates who are there to help protect Paris from the evil Hawk Moth and his Akuma's this is Nadja Chamack with the news!

Ben: Huh.....looks like it is going to be a nice day out but I got nothing to do but sit in my house all day and just watch television and read.(Ben saids while sitting on the coach while the tv is still on and reading a book in his hand until his phone starting to ring)

RING! RING! RING!(Phone ringing)

Ben: Hello?(Ben saids and hears Marinette's voice from the phone call)

Marinette(Phone): Hey you doing

Ben: Oh hey Marinette I am doing alright just at home watching television and reading a book.

Marinette(Phone): Oh well I am at home as well finishing up a commission for someone and I was wondering if trying to say the words while on her side she is getting nervous)

Ben:Hmm?....what is it Marinette did you wanted something?

Marinette(Phone): Well I was wondering if you wanna hangout together since it is a Saturday and the sun is out and the weather is quite nice....if you want to or not.

Ben: Well its better staying home all day doing nothing sure why not lets hangout, I could use some fresh air anyway.

Marinette(Phone): REALLY!!!!.....Oh I mean ok great I will see you soon, meet me in front of the bakery at eleven.

Ben: I will be there, I just have to take a shower and get dressed.

Marinette(Phone): Ok I will see you then!

Ben: Same later

Marinette(Phone): Bye Ben!

Call Ended

Meanwhile with Marinette:

Marinette: I did it Tiki I asked him to hangout with me!!!!

Tiki: Thats great Marinette now you can spend some time with Ben on this beautiful sunny day.

Marinette: I know I have to get ready!!!(Marinette saids and goes to get ready for her hangout with Ben)

Tiki: Oh are you thinking about wearing that new outfit you chosen?

Marinette: Yes I am and I hope Ben likes it

Tiki: Oh I think he will Marinette!

Plagg: First you were madly in love with Mr highroad and now you are setting your eyes on the spider now, I have to say pigtails you choose the right guy this time.(Plagg saids while eating his cheese in which made Marinette blush of what the kwami said)

Marinette: Thats not true!! I thought it would be a good idea to hangout with him since he has nothing to do at the time and the others are out having a blast, and also I am not in love with Ben he is a good friend and a great member of the team!

Plagg: Then why are you blushing?

Marinette: I AM NOT?!!!

Tiki: Hehehe come on Plagg stop messing with her and let her have some time for herself and speaking of which Marinette I can tell that something is going on between you and Ben I mean after getting to know each other other and going on patrols as well as stoping Akuma's together I can that your feelings for him are starting to show even if you can not see it.

Marinette: TIKI NOT YOU TOO?!!!(Marinette saids while blushing like a tomato)

Tiki: I am just saying thats all, and you might as well get ready because Ben would be coming here pretty soon.

Marinette: Alright but this conversation between you two is not finished yet once this is all over.(Marinette saids and goes back to get ready)

Plagg: Hey sugar cube can I talk to you for a moment.(Plagg whispers to Tiki in which she nods and follows Plagg to the bed)

Tiki: What is that you wanted to talk about Plagg?

Plagg: Its about Ben

Tiki: What about him?

Plagg: Well after was sensing his aura when we first met I discovered something very strong about within himself.

Tiki: And what would that be?

Plagg: His aura matches of the miraculous of destruction which means he is the true holder of the cat miraculous.(Plagg saids to Tiki who looks at Plagg in shock)

Tiki: Plagg are you sure!

Plagg: I am postive since Adrien is no longer my holder anymore and didn't make a excellent hero because he only used the miraculous to flirt with pigtails but with Ben it is completely different and he takes his work pretty seriously as well as focusing on the battle field when he is facing Akuma's with Ladybug so which means that Ben Reilly is worthy of being the holder of the cat miraculous and I got to say I like being around him, he even gives me cheese every time we meet far better than Adrien.

Tiki: Hmm...well if you say what is true should we tell Marinette about this?

Plagg: Oh let her have her fun for now, but when the time comes we will tell her as well as Reilly.

Tiki: Ok that sounds like a good plan..still I can not believe that Ben is the true holder of the miraculous of destruction and not Adrien I guess Master Fu made a big mistake of choosing him to be the miraculous holder.

Plagg: Oh yea he sure did and Adrien wasn't that much of a hero and holder anyway and he never feeds me after he took the liars side and her brainless sheep.

Tiki: True and if Ben does become the holder of the cat miraculous would he still have his spider powers?

Plagg: Probably, which means he will have spider powers along with the powers of the cat miraculous which would make him a great hero to Paris as well as a honorable member of Ladybugs team.

Tiki: And since Marinette and I told about the cat miraculous and its power, I am quite sure he knows how to use it once he receives it in due time.

Plagg: Thats great news

After Tiki and Plagg finished their conversation they headed back down and waited for Marinette to be done so she can hangout with Ben who as of this moment is downstairs waiting for her.

Back with Ben:

When Ben got the call from Marinette saying she wants to hangout of which Ben said yes and got ready to go out and spend some time with Marinette and this is what he decided to wear for a Saturday evening.

(Edit done by me:95nicholasnm)

Ben: Hmm...well its almost eleven might as well just wait here until she comes down.(Ben saids while standing next to his bike and waiting for Marinette to be finished until his phone rung again and it was Marinette again)


Ben: Hey Marinette

Marinette(Phone): Hey Ben I am almost done I just need to do my hair and I will be right down to meet you.

Ben: Take your time I am already outside waiting for you so no need to rush or anything I can wait a little bit more.

Marinette(Phone): Oh thanks Ben thats so nice of you, I wont take long bye!

Ben: Later

Call Ended

While Ben was waiting for Marinette to come down two girls were walking towards Ben of which one was dressed in purple and the other was in pink and their names were Rose Lavillant and Juleka Couffaine who is the sister of Luka Couffaine.

Rose: Uh hi there Ben...........(Rose saids from behind Ben who turns around and sees the girls)

Ben: Hmm?....oh its you two can I help with something or let me guess Lila told you something else that Marinette did of which she didn't so speak.(Ben saids while crossing his arms and glaring)

Rose: No!....No!...No!.....we didn't come here to do anything we came to apologize to Marinette.(Rose saids while looking down in sadness while Juleka comforts her)

Ben: Apologize?

Rose: you remember the day where all of came to the park and Lila told us that Marinette threaten her after class.

Ben: Yea I remember then I knocked her lights out along with so called reporter and king kong why?(Ben saids while still crossing his arms)

Rose: Well I did what you said and looked up everything that Lila did and it turns out she didn't do any of those things and I also called Prince Ali and talked to him about Lila of which he said he never knew her or even done any charity with him to help kids in the hospital. And all those things like saving Jagged Stones cat and going on those adventures and being Ladybugs friend....their...their....THEY WERE ALL LIES!!!!!!😭(Rose saids and then brakes down into tears of which Juleka hugged her to calm her down)

Ben: So you finally know that she is a liar and scumbag who only tells you what she thinks is the truth without any proof of what she did or not.

Rose: 😢sniff.....Yes and I feel so horrible for what Marinette has been through and I can not forgive myself for what has happened!!!

Ben: And what about you did you figured out that Lila was a liar as well?(Ben saids to Juleka)

Juleka: I already knew she was lying.....

Rose: Juleka you knew Lila was lying why didn't you say anything to me?

Juleka: I didn't want to loose you and I didn't want the others to attack me or you like they did to Marinette so I had to keep my mouth shot and if I exposed Lila theres no telling what she would have down to me.

Ben: So you knew she was lying but you just wanted to protect your friend so that you and her wont end up like Marinette but why didn't you say this to Marinette in the first place?

Juleka: I couldn't get close to her because Lila and the others were all ganging up on her and beating her down of which I couldn't speak to her even during school breaks.

Rose: Oh Juleka.......

Ben: I see so thats why you haven't spoken to Marinette at all because those sheep are blocking you from ever getting close to Marinette and informing her about Lila while also looking after Rose here who was just lost and needed to see the light of all things in which she did when she did her facts checked unlike that reporter who doesn't check anything at all and her viewers on her blog a reduce to zero after what she posted about that vixen.

Juleka: Yes and I feel so terrible for what has happened to Marinette, before Lila came she made me feel like I was a somebody and help me move past my shyness and start making friends and getting out more and spending time with the people around me.(Juleka saids while feeling bad for whats has happened to Marinette in which Ben can see that both were telling the truth and feel so bad for their friend in which they want to apologize for taking the liars side)

Ben: Tell me something have you two ever you know caused any physical harm to Marinette like those sheep did to her like trip her, slap her, beat her up until she was in a pool of her own blood or anything like that?

Rose: NO!!!.....Of course not were nothing like that we never touched Marinette like that or did any of those things we will never do something so savage and ruthless to her!!

Juleka: It is true we just never around when they did those things to her, we are always at home spending time together and working on school assignments.

Ben: Well when you put it that way I can tell that you two wouldn't cause any physical harm to Marinette or beat her down into the ground because your nothing like that.

Rose: Were happy that you think so which is why we want to see Marinette and apologize for taking Lila's side and not looking up her lies and the things she didn't do and also meeting celebrities...and if she doesn't forgive us we understand.(Rose saids while looking down as well as Juleka until Marinette's voice was heard in which got both Bens, Roses and Juleka's attention)

Marinette: Of course I forgive you two.......I was just afraid of loosing more of my friends because of what Lila said and for the torment she has caused me.(Marinette saids with a smile while in her new outfit in which Ben was impressed of how beautiful she looks especially her hair which was in a ponytail)

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Rose: MARINETTE!!!!!(Rose saids and hugs Marinette while tears coming her face which Marinette hugged her back)

Marinette: Its ok Rose really.....

Rose: No it is not ok....I believed in everything Lila said and did without looking at proof as well as checking with Prince Ali and for that we let the others push you away and cause you so much pain and suffering....😢sniff....I am so sorry Marinette please forgive me!!!

Marinette: Oh course I forgive you Rose just like I said and Juleka I forgive you as well and I understand you just wanted to keep Rose safe as well as me but Lila and her sheep wouldn't let you get close to me or try to talk to me so I understand completely.

Juleka: Oh Marinette I am so sorry for what Lila has done to you as well as Nino, Chloe, Kagami, and my brother Luka.(Juleka saids and hugs Marinette along with Rose)

Marinette: It is alright I forgive you both and only you two because you didn't do anything horrible to me or try to cause physical harm in which I am most happy about and I do like us to be friends again and spend more time together if you would like to.

Rose and Juleka: OF COURSE WE DO MARINETTE WE LOVE YOU!!!(Both said and hug Marinette more in which Marinette smiles and hugs the girls while Ben looks at the group and smiles that Marinette has two of her other friends back)

Ben: Well at least you two are not like Agreste(Ben saids of which got both girls attention)

Rose: What do you mean Ben? What are we not like Adrien?

Ben: Oh I guess the spineless coward never told you.

Juleka: What do you mean?

Ben: He knew Lila was lying way before you two found out about her in which he never told anyone about not even his friends of which he just stood there and watch Marinette get attacked and beaten down by everyone and wasn't even bothering of helping her of which she told her to take the high road and saying that her lies are not hurting anyone in which they are but he is too stupid to see it.(Ben saids to the girls of which both of them were shock and yet their expression turned to anger while Marinette looked away in anger as well for what Adrien did)

Rose: HE KNEW?!!!!!......HE KNEW THAT LILA WAS LYING ALL THIS TIME AND HE NEVER TOLD US?!!!!(Rose saids in anger of which got Marinette and Juleka surprised of Roses outburst)

Ben: Yup and he didn't even bother to help Marinette while she was injured and just told the same lame ass advice all over again in which I would knock his lights out.(Ben saids in which Marinette smirked and thinking of Adrien getting punched in the face just like Lila)

Juleka: He knew....all this time and didn't bother to tell us anything why would he do this!!!

Ben: Because he doesn't want poor little miss I met everyone and been everywhere around the world to get Akumatised in which he thinks she would become a powerful villain and if you ask me her villain form Volpina was pretty pathetic after she got her ass kicked by Ladybugs newest team mate the Scarlet Spider.

Rose: He was afraid of her getting Akumatised what about the rest of us, we all been Akumatised before but he is worried about Lila I mean really?!!

Juleka: What a jerk....and Ben you said Ladybugs new team mate Scarlet Spider?

Ben: Yea I did why?

Juleka: I seen the video of him helping Ladybug take down Akuma's which was pretty amazing by the way and I like his suit and his ego and the way he fights was incredible.

Rose: Yea I saw the videos as well he and Ladybug look great together!!(Rose saids of which made Marinette blush and smile in which Ben saw and smiles as well)

Juleka: And the way he through Volpina around like a rag doll was really funny to watch I must of seen about twelve times already.

Ben: Hehehe yea that was classic to watch and it got so many views from it.

Rose: Yea and Marinette were happy that were friends again and if you like can we hangout some time like old times because me and Juleka are done with Lila and her lies and want to spend more time with our favorite person in world you.

Marinette: Sure Rose I would love to and would it be alright if Ben joins us because having him around would be very great.

Ben: Sure why not and besides if those mindless sheep and that Liar show up someone has to knock their lights out.

Marinette: That is true

Rose: Sure we would love if you would hangout with us Ben!

Juleka: Absolutely and it was awesome for what you did for Marinette weeks ago when you told off Lila and the others and punched her in the face leaving her unconscious was really cool.

Ben: Hehehe thanks someone had to teach that bitch a lesson.

Rose: In which you did a fabulous job of doing!

Ben: Thanks girls

Juleka: So I like your new look Marinette are you going somewhere?

Marinette: Yea me and Ben are going to hangout with each other since he has nothing to do all day.

Rose: Oh my gosh are you two going on a date together!(Rose saids in which Marinette blushes pink)

Marinette: What?! its just a friendly hangout just as friends thats all.

Juleka: Well alright then and between you and me Marinette Ben does look a lot handsomer than Adrien and the way he's dressed makes him more attractive.(Juleka whispers to Marinette before she and Rose head off together in which made Marinette blush crimson red)

Marinette: I....I.....he........wha.............

Rose: Well have fun you two and see you next time!!(Rose waves to both Marinette and Ben in which they both wave while Marinette is still blushing)

Juleka: And stay safe!

Ben: You to girls later!

Marinette: Yea.....bye.......

Ben: You ok Marinette?

Marinette: Huh....oh yea I am just fine...absolutely perfect no problem at all!

Marinette: I have to admit Ben does look more handsome than Adrien and the clothes he's wearing do look amazing on him.(Marinette saids in thought while getting a good look at Ben from head to toe)

Ben: Well...ok then where would you like to go?

Marinette: Hmm....hows about we stop over and get some ice cream and I know the perfect place to get the best ones.

Ben: Well alright then heres your helmet and just hop right on and hang on tight to me.(Ben saids as he gets on his bike and gives Marinette a helmet)

Marinette: Thanks and I like your bike by the way did Madam Web give you this as well.

Ben: Sure did and I like the design of it.

Marinette: It does have a nice color to it and the webs on it look absolutely amazing.(Marinette saids while admiring the bikes design and then hops on the bike and holds onto Ben when he begins to start up the bike and drive away)

Ben: Oh and Marinette(Ben saids while driving his bike)

Marinette: Yea Ben?

Ben: You look beautiful in your new look you should stick to it for now on its a good look for you.(Ben saids in which Marinette blushes under her helmet and her heart thumps fast)

Marinette: I...I...thank you Ben

Ben: Your welcome little red now hang on tight!(Ben saids as he drives his bike with Marinette smiling under her helmet and hanging onto Ben)

Marinette: He thinks I am beautiful!!!!!(Marinette saids in thought with excitement and joy in her heart)

Meanwhile on the other side of Paris:

A jolly man with a smile was giving put ice cream to his customers while telling them that they will soon find their true love while using his magic ice cream to describe who their future love is by putting together many different flavors of ice cream together and his name is Andre.

Andre: 🎶My name is Andre, Andre, glacier The sweetheart matchmaker 🎶  With one scoop or two I will find love for you 🎶With magical ice cream flavors 🎶My name is Andre, Andre glacier The sweetheart matchmaker 🎶With one scoop or two I will find love for you 🎶With magical ice cream flavors 🎶(Andre sings while giving out his ice cream to the people of Paris)

Andre: Mink chocolate chip, vanilla, and peach for the happy couple from America.(Andre saids and gives the ice cream to the couple)

Couple: Thank you Andre!

Andre: Oh you are quite welcome, my friends! and enjoy Andre's ice cream and may love never end!(Andre saids to the happy couple who smile and nod and leave while Andre waves them goodbye and takes the next people in line and when the next two people who came were known other than the liar Lila Rossi and Mr.Highroad himself Adrien Agreste)

Adrien: Hey Andre would you fix up me and Lila here some of your delicious ice cream.(Adrien saids while Lila is holding onto Adrien in which Andrea can tell that these two are not showing any love at all but what got him spooked were the hidden scar on Lila's face which scared him)

Andrea: Why of course my boy what would it be?

Adrien: I will have strawberry, vanilla, and mint chip and Lila will have vanilla, peach, and coconut.

Andrea: Coming right up!

Lila: Oh thank you so much Adrikins!

Adrien: No problem Lila it is the least I can do.

Andrea: Alright here you are my boy strawberry, vanilla and mint chip and for the lady vanilla, peach, and coconut.(Andre saids and hands both their ice cream)

Adrien: Thank you Andrea shale we get going and find a nice spot to eat our ice cream.

Lila: Sure you go on ahead I just want to grab some napkins first because I don't want out ice cream to melt on us during this day.

Adrien: Well alright I will be right over there waiting

Lila: Ok Adrikins!

When Adrien left to head over to the other side of the pier, Lila with evil smirk went up to Andre to cause more problems.

Andre: Oh do you need something else little lady?

Lila: Oh just wanted to tell you that your magical ice cream that you say can bring people together based off the flavors.

Andre: Why of course!

Lila: Well I think your so called magic ice cream is nothing more than a shame of which I find your ice cream to be terrible and disgusting.(Lila saids with a smirk of which Andre was getting upset about how Lila was talking to him about his ice cream)

Andre: Little lady that is impossible my ice cream brings two people together and they share how they truly feel about each other.

Lila: Well I for one think that your so called ice cream and the stuff you said is a bunch of nonsense in which I will not be eating this garbage of which I find it to be gross.(Lila saids as she drops her ice cream and leaves with a evil smirk while Andrea looks down in sadness of what the vixen has said)

Andrea: But...but....but...Andre's ice cream always melts peoples hearts it always does!!

Lila: Hehehe what a loser and fat one at that.(Lila saids in thought and goes over to Adrien who was waiting for her)

Adrien: Hey Lila wheres your ice cream?

Lila: Oh it kind of melted pretty quickly so would you like to share yours in the mean time.

Adrien: Sure why not and I found ourselves a nice spot to eat it.

Lila: Then lets go Adrikins!(Lila saids and holds onto Adriens arm while looking back at Andre who was upset of what Lila said to him)

Andre: My ice cream.....always brings people always does.....I know it does....😢sniff..(Andre saids in sadness in which got the attention of Shadow Moth)

Inside a dark lair Shadow Moths window begins to open with hundreds of butterflies flying around him of which he begins to speak.

Shadow Moth: Oh the ice cream man is sadden of how his ice cream still can not bring people together what perfect chill for my Akuma. Fly away my little Akuma and once again freeze the heart of the ice cream maker so that he bring people together once again!!(Shadow Moth saids and sends out his Akuma to Andre)

Back with Ben and Marinette:

Ben: So what kind of ice cream does this person have Marinette?(Ben saids as he parks his bike while talking to Marinette)

Marinette: Well Ben, Andres ice cream is considered to be magic.

Ben: Magic you say?

Marinette: Yes while using the flavors of different ice cream he can see the person who they are in love with by picking out the colors of their appearance.

Ben: Interesting so if I would to say if he find my love life he would have to use the flavors of ice cream to describe her is that correct.

Marinette: Yup that is correct come he has to be around here somewhere his cart is usually close by.

Ben: Well since you know him more care to lead the way.

Marinette: Why of course follow me!(Marinette saids and both her and Ben walk together to find Andres ice cream)

Back with Andrea:

Andre: How could that girl say such horrible things about my ice cream....I don't understand my ice cream never fails a second time....not like this!(Andre saids in sadness and then the Akuma of which Shadow Moth sent lands on Andres ice cream scoop and then Shadow Moth talks to him)

Shadow Moth: Hello again Glaciator, this is Shadow Moth I am given you back your powers so you may again bring people together with your magical ice cream and punish those who still do not believe in your magic but of course you have to give me something in return and you know what that is.

Andre(Akumatised): Yes the miraculous! as you wish Shadow Moth and I will even give everyone a triple scoop!!(Andre saids and then transforms into a giant ice cream man snow man)

Glaciator: Hello Paris it is time for you enjoy some of my delicious ice cream once again!!!(Glaciator saids as he walks into the city and causing trouble)

Back with Marinette and Ben:

Marinette: I wonder where he can be, surely he is usually around some of the places in Paris?

Ben: Maybe he is probably taking a break, I mean a lot of of ice cream men take breaks all the time after handing out so much ice cream to civilians.

Marinette: You could be right or.........

AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!(People screaming and running for their lives)

Ben: Or he is probably hiding because there is another Akuma that appeared and that is why all these people are screaming and running for their lives?

Marinette: Uh.....yea I guess that would be that?

Ben: Here you go find somewhere to transform and I will meet you on top while I change into my suit!

Marinette: Got it!

Admittedly both Ben and Marinette changed into their super suits and began to head towards the location of where the Akuma is and once they reached the next building together they spotted the Akuma which was a giant ice cream man firing ice cream at people and freezing them.

Scarlet Spider: Uh? that a giant walking ice cream man?(Scarlet Spider saids while looking at the strange villain)

Ladybug: Oh no Andre not again.....

Scarlet Spider: Wait you mean the ice cream guy you told me about thats him?(Scarlet Spider saids and points at the Akuma)

Ladybug: Yes but something or someone must of made him very upset in which got him Akumatised again.

Scarlet Spider: If that is true how did you beat him when he began this?

Ladybug: Well last time we fought him, Andres Akuma was in his ice cream scoop so thats where it must be again and Andre himself is inside the ice cream as well and thats how I got him out.

Scarlet Spider: So all we got to do is find a way to get Andre out of that ice cream without hurting him.

Ladybug: Thats the plan but lets lore him somewhere so that he can not hurt anyone.

Scarlet Spider: Lets lead him to the park so we can figure out how stop him.

Ladybug: Right I will lore him into the park while you get the people to safety!

Scarlet Spider: You got it!

Glaciator: Ladybug where are you, come out and I will give you a double scoop of my delicious ice cream!!!

Ladybug: I am over here come and get me!!!(Ladybug saids as she lands in front of the villain and runs towards the direction of where the park is at)

Glaciator: You can not run from me Ladybug because I will not stop until everyone has a taste of magical ice cream so that they can feel the love for each other!!!

Scarlet Spider: Ok listen up everyone while Ladybug is distracting the villain I need all of you who are not frozen to get indoors because it is too dangerous to be outside!!(Scarlet Spider saids to the people in which they all nod in agreement and head inside the buildings and when all of them are inside Scarlet Spider swings away and heads towards the park where Ladybug and the villain are at)

Ladybug lore the villain into the park and once there was no one around, she began to keep the villain distracted until Scarlet Spider arrives and helps her.

Glaciator: Stop moving so much Ladybug and give me your miraculous so that Shadow Moth can be please and I can share my ice cream with everyone!

Ladybug: Not going to happened!

Glaciator: Then I shall.....DAH I can't see who turned out the lights?!!(Glaciator saids as he gets webbed in the face by Scarlet Spider and lands right next to Ladybug)

Scarlet Spider: All the civilians are in the buildings while the others are still frozen.

Ladybug: I understand now lets take care of this Mr.Frosty!

Glaciator: Who shot me with what ever that was?

Scarlet Spider: Oh that would be me Snowball!

Glaciator: Hmm you are not Cat Noir....oh wait your that Scarlet Spider!

Scarlet Spider: Yea I know I get it?

Glaciator: I can see such a beautiful bond between the two of you!

Scarlet Spider and Ladybug: Huh?

Shadow Moth: Glaciator, stop fooling around and take Ladybugs miraculous and squash that spider!!!

Glaciator: But the way they look exactly a like red and black just like strawberry with black chocolate chips, I can see that these two must be in love if they are dressed the same!!!!

Scarlet Spider: Uh you have any idea whats he talking about because I am just lost?

Ladybug: I am with you on that one?.....but we can worry about that later LUCKY CHARM!(Ladybug saids and calls out her lucky charm in which a big bottle of hair spray landed in her hands)

Ladybug: Hair spray?

Scarlet Spider: Uh what are we going to do with that, this guy doesn't have hair only a cherry on his head?

Ladybug: Hmmm?(Ladybug looks around her and tries to find something that she can use to stop the villain with her charm in which she spots some fire matches on the bench)

Ladybug: I got it! Scarlet sees those matches by the bench get them for me while I keep the villain busy for a while.

Scarlet Spider: Got ya!

Scarlet Spider found the matches that Ladybug told him to get and headed back towards where she was while keeping the villain busy.

Scarlet Spider: Alright I got the matches now what?

Ladybug: Lit one up while I get the spray can ready!

Glaciator: There is no where to run hand over your miraculous Ladybug and Scarlet Spider I hope you like ice cream because your about to be become one pretty soon!

Ladybug: I don't think so Glaciator because it is about time for you to melt!(Ladybug saids as she push down on the spray can while Scarlet Spider held the match in which a flame came towards the villain in which Glaciator started to melt and there was ice cream everywhere in which Andre was seen and unconscious)

Scarlet Spider: Wow can't believe something so dangerous could work?

Ladybug: Yea lets not try that again

Scarlet Spider: Catch!(Scarlet Spider saids as he throws Ladybug the spoon in which she breaks it and the Akuma comes out)

Ladybug: No more evil doing for you little Akuma!, Time to De-Evilise! Got Ya! Bye bye little butterfly. MIRACULOUS LADYBUG!!(Ladybug saids and throws the charm into the air of which everything goes back to normal as well as Andre)

Ladybug and Scarlet Spider: Good Job!(Both said and fist bump each other)

Andre: Save once again by the lovely Ladybug and her the magnificent Scarlet Spider oh thank you so much!!

Ladybug: No problem Andre and here take this(Ladybug saids as she hands Andre a charm)

Scarlet Spider: What is that Ladybug?

Ladybug: This charm will protect you from anymore Akuma attacks even in the future keep with you at all times.

Andre: Thank you Ladybug, I will always have it with me where ever I go!

BEEP! BEEP!(Ladybugs earnings glowing)

Ladybug: Oh...I am about to transform form back soon see you later Andre and Scarlet Spider Bug out!

Andre: Goodbye Ladybug!

Scarlet Spider: Andre how did you get Akumatised in the first place if you don't mind me asking?

Andre: Well Scarlet Spider I was just giving out my delicious ice cream to the people of Paris when this mean girl said such awful things to me and insulted my ice cream and called it garbage of which made me very upset.

Scarlet Spider: I see and do you know who it was?

Andre: Well I think her name was Lola or something that begins with the letter L and she was with that Agreste boy who enjoy my ice cream.

Scarlet Spider: Tell me something was she tan skin, had green eyes like a snake, sausage hair and wears orange and black?

Andre: Why yes of course why do you ask?

Scarlet Spider: It is best to stay away from the girl she is trouble and a complete psycho and her name is Lila Rossi so if you see her again don't serve anything she doesn't your delicious ice cream.

Andre: I will make sure of it and thank you for everything you and Ladybug did.

Scarlet Spider: Glad to help enjoy your day(Scarlet Spider saids and swings away while Andre heads back to his ice cream cart)

Scarlet Spider swings back to where Marinette was which she and Tiki were waiting for him and when he got dressed back to his normal clothes he met up with them and was going to tell what happened to Andre.

Ben: There you two are.

Marinette: Ben hey listen sorry if the day got a little ruined by the Akuma...I just..

Ben: It is ok Marinette and besides now that is taken care of hows about we got find Andre again and how some of his ice cream.

Marinette: Ok yea I would like that!

Tiki: Me too!!

Ben: Great but I figured out who made Andre upset that got him Akumatised.

Marinette: You did who was it?

Ben: Lila Rossi thats who.

Marinette: What?! Lila is the one responsible!

Tiki: I really hate that girl.

Ben: Yea it turns out she said such awful things to Andre while she was with Mr.Highroad in which made Andre very upset of which got him Akumatised in the first place.

Marinette: I swear Lila is getting even more annoying by the minute.

Ben: Tell me about it I guess I didn't hit her hard enough to wipe her memory or make her stupid.

Marinette: Hehehehehe that would be something to see.

Ben: Yea but for now lets go get some ice cream together.

Marinette: Ok!

Then after walking around for a while now both Marinette and Ben came to the pier and saw Andre giving out his ice cream to everyone of which he spotted Marinette and Ben together.

Andre: Hello again Marinette and might I say you look very pretty today and the new look brings such joy to my heart!

Marinette: Hello Andre it is good to see you.

Andre: And you as well Marinette and who might this fine young man be next to you.(Andre saids while looking at Ben)

Marinette: This is my new friend Ben Reilly he moved here from New York and goes to my school and we became such good friends and got to know each other.

Ben: Pleasure to meet you Andre, Marinette has told me that your ice cream is magic is that true.

Andre: Oh yes it is my boy it is and I have just the one for you! Blackberry for her hair, blueberry for her beautiful eyes and cherry like her sweet lips.(Andre saids and hands Ben the ice cream of which he tastes it and it found it delicious while Marinette blushes at what Andre saids because those flavors described her features)

Ben: Mmm...this is really the best ice cream I ever tasted you are one of kind Andre.

Andre: Wow thank you Ben Reilly! and now for you Marinette.

Marinette: I wonder what kind I will get?(Marinette saids in thought)

Andre: Chocolate like his hair, vanilla peach like his smooth skin, and blueberry grape like his eyes.(Andre saids and hands Marinette the ice cream of which are the features of Ben Reilly in which she blushes pink while looking at Ben who was on the bench eating his ice cream then looking back at her ice cream)

Marinette: Mmm....this is so good thanks Andre!

Andre: Your quite welcome Marinette and I must say I am seeing a new love in your eyes as well as Ben Reilly.

Marinette: Oh um thank you Andre.(Marinette saids and blushes a little)

Andre: You two enjoy your ice creams together and have a wonderful day!

Ben: We will thank you Andre and I'll come back for more delicious ice cream.

Andre: Oh please do Ben Reilly please do!

Marinette: Bye Andre!

Andre: Oh I can see the love in their eyes those two are perfect for each other.(Andre saids while watching Marinette and Ben walk together with their ice creams then goes back to selling his ice cream to the people of Paris)

After Marinette and Ben got their ice creams and ate them whole they headed back to the bike and began to continue their Saturday hangout together.

Ben: Have to say Marinette you were right his ice cream was indeed magical and delicious.

Marinette: Hehehe I told you so.

Ben: Hehehe well what you wanna do next?

Marinette: Hows about we go see a movie, I heard that there is the a second Ladybug movie out and they say it was better than the first one.

Ben: They made a movie about you?

Marinette: Yea pretty much.

Ben: Hmm well might as well see with my own eyes hop on little red.

Marinette: Ok spider.

Marinette and Ben got on the bike and drove to the movie theater to see the new Ladybug film and while driving Marinette was having thoughts of what Andre said including what Juleka said about her with being around Ben.

Marinette: Why is my heart thumping so much when ever I am around Ben and why I can't stop thinking about him.(Marinette saids in thought while can't stop thinking about Ben Reilly)

Ben: When Andre said those flavors to me they described a girl with those kinds of features but the only girl I know who has features like those is........Marinette(Ben saids in thought while thinking about what Andrea said that he can find a person love life with his flavors of ice cream in which Ben was getting the ides that his future love could be Marinette but decides to shrug it off for now and continue what he is doing as Marinette did the same)

Tiki: Oh I can tell those two are definitely made for each other I just know it.

Chapter 7: coming soon!

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