Chapter 3: Akuma Fight and meeting The Team

Ladybug and Scarlet Spider: Let's Go!


When both Marinette and Ben finished their conversation with each other and got to know one another they heard an explosion coming from Paris and with that Marinette transformed into Ladybug and Ben put on his Scarlet Spider suit and both of them swung towards the explosion and once they arrived where the explosion was coming from they both landed on top of building and looked down and saw the villain who was floating in the air with hundreds of pigeons under him.

(Edit done by me:95nicholasnm)

Ladybug: Looks like it is Mr.Pigeon again? Probably doing the same on thing like before.(Ladybug saids to Scarlet who looks at the villain dumbfounded)

Scarlet Spider: Mr.Pigeon? Who comes up with a lame name like that?(Scarlet Spider saids to Ladybug who giggles at the comment)

Ladybug: Apparently Shadow Moth trust me Spider the name may sound stupid but their powers are very dangerous when they are Akumatised.

Scarlet Spider: Alright so you beat this guy before right, where is the Akuma at in which object?

Ladybug: Last time I fought him it was in his whistle, so thats where it must be at again.

Scarlet Spider: Got it so whats the plan?

Ladybug: I will distract him and when I give the signal, you catch him but surprise and go for the hit and then web him up so that I will be able to get the whistle from him.

Scarlet Spider: Good plan, I will await your signal(Scarlet saids to Ladybug in which she nods and swoops down and begins to distract Mr.Pigeon)

Meanwhile with Mr.Pigeon:

Mr.Pigeon: Oh Derby day I am so ruthless! now Paris will now feel my wrath come my little ones let us show these people that this city belongs to you!!(Mr.Pigeon saids while calling all his Pigeons in which hundreds of the birds swarm in and begin causes trouble in Paris)

With that said all the pigeons were causing massive trouble to ever part of Paris until out of nowhere Ladybug landed right next to Mr.Pigeon and got ready to fight the villain while Scarlet Spider was waiting for the signal to strike.

Ladybug: I think that is quite enough!, I suggest you stop what you are doing and give up.(Ladybug saids while spinning her yoyo in attack formation)

Mr.Pigeon: Ladybug give me your miraculous or face the wrath of my feathered friends!

Ladybug: Not on your life!(Ladybug saids as she charges Mr.Pigeon and begins attacking him from both different sides while Mr.Pigeon did the same)

While Ladybug and Mr.Pigeon are fighting each other and Scarlet Spider was waiting for the signal to strike, somewhere in a dark lair the villain known as Shadow Moth was waiting for his Akuma to take the miraculous of Ladybug.

Shadow Moth: Excellent now that it only Ladybug I will have no problem in taking her Miraculous and once I have her miraculous in my gramps I will have no trouble in finding Cat Noirs miraculous I just have to wait until he makes his appearance again.(Shadow Moth saids to himself while watching his Akuma fighting Ladybug while he is in lair)

Back with the fight:

Ladybug was still fighting Mr.Pigeon who was starting to look tired from all the attack that Ladybug was giving him in which means that Ladybug gave the signal to Scarlet Spider in which he gets up from his spot and gets ready to strike the villain down.

Ladybug: Seems like you out of air bird brain this is your last chance give up now!(Ladybug saids to Mr.Pigeon in which a purple mark appeared on the villains face and and Shadow Moth voice appeared into the villains head telling him to get the miraculous)

Shadow Moth: Stop fooling around Mr.Pigeon get me her miraculous!(Shadow Moth saids in Mr.Pigeons mind)

Mr.Pigeon: Had me your miraculous and I will spare the lives of Paris from my feather friends!

Ladybug: Yea I don't think so now Spider!(Ladybug saids and gave Scarlet the signal in which he jumped from his spot and swung towards the villain)

Scarlet Spider: HEY BIRD SHIT!(Scarlet saids to Mr.Pigeon and turns around but instead gets punch in the face)

Mr.Pigeon: What?..............OOOOOOOF!!!!

(Scarlet Spider punching Mr.Pigeon in the face in which he crashed into the wall leaving Shadow Moth shocked of who hit his Akuma)

Shadow Moth: WHAT?!!.....who the heck is that!(Shadow Moth saids in his lair while looking at the mysterious hero that hit his Akuma)

Ladybug: Nice shot Spider!

Scarlet Spider: Thanks now lets take care of this feather brain!(Scarlet saids to Ladybug in which both him and her look towards the villain who was getting up after the surprise attack from Scarlet Spider)

(Edits done my me:95nicholasnm)

Mr.Pigeon: Argh........who dare would hit me?!

Scarlet Spider: That would be me feather breath(Scarlet Spider saids while standing next to Ladybug in which the Akuma looked confused of who the new hero is as well as Shadow Moth)

Shadow Moth: And who is this? Strange I never seen this hero before and I never heard of a spider miraculous in the ancient book how bizarre?(Shadow Moth saids while looking at Scarlet Spider while in his lair thinking who the spider hero is and never saw someone like him before)

Mr.Pigeon: Hmm?..your not Cat Noir who the heck are you suppose to be!

Scarlet Spider: The name is Scarlet Spider and I think is about time you shut your trap!(Scarlet saids as he shot his webs in which he tied up Mr.Pigeon and his mouth)

Mr.Pigeon: MMMMMM?!!

Scarlet Spider: Ladybug your up!

Ladybug: Right!(Ladybug saids as she grabs the whistle from the villain and breaks it in which the Akuma comes out of the whistle and flies away but Ladybug caught it with her yoyo)

Ladybug: No more evil doing for you little Akuma. Time to Devilise!

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Ladybug: Got yea!, bye bye little butterfly Miraculous Ladybug!!(Ladybug saids as the Akuma turns back into a white butterfly and flies away then chants out the words and the next thing that happened was that the miraculous cure repaired all the damages to the city in which Scarlet Spider was in awe and impressed by Ladybugs ability and for that the villain turned back into his normal civilian self with no memory of who he turned into Xavier Ramier)

Xavier Ramier: What? what happened?

Ladybug: You were Akumatised sir but luckily me and my new partner here were able to save you.

Xavier: Oh thank you Ladybug and who might you be I never seen you around here before?(Xavier saids to Ladybug then looks towards Scarlet Spider)

Scarlet Spider: Scarlet Spider sir

Xavier: Oh well thank you Ladybug and you as well Scarlet Spider, now I need to get back to my beloved feather friends before they fly off.(Xavier saids to both heroes in which they both nod and then he leaves to be with his pigeons leaving the two heroes alone)

Ladybug: That was a good work Spider, I am proud how the plan worked out.(Ladybug saids as she holds up her fist for Scarlet Spider)

Scarlet Spider: Thanks and it felt good to have some action once again.(Scarlet saids as he bumps his fist next to Ladybugs)

Ladybug and Scarlet Spider: Good Job!(Both said while fist bumping each other)

Meanwhile with Shadow Moth in his lair, he was angry that his Akuma failed him again but was ticked him off the most was that a new hero appeared and helped Ladybug take down his Akuma in which he has no knowledge of only a name he never heard knew.

Shadow Moth: Ladybug someday soon I will get your miraculous and have ultimate power, and you Scarlet Spider I don't know who you are and where you came from and I can see your no miraculous holder but if you interfere with my plans again you will end up just like Ladybug!!(Shadow Moth saids in anger as his lair window closes leaving him in darkness)

Back with Ladybug and Scarlet Spider:

Scarlet Spider: So now that we took care of the Akuma and now I know how they work and how the person becomes the villain what do we do now?

Ladybug: Well now that I can see that you can handle Akuma's and that you make a great addition to my team, I think it is time for you to meet the rest of the group; so I gave them all a call to meet up and Eiffel Tower so we can discuss about you being a new member of group.

Scarlet Spider: Good idea(Scarlet saids to Ladybug until he heres a beep coming from Ladybug's earnings)

Beep! Beep!(Ladybug's earnings)

Scarlet Spider: Are those your earnings making that beeping sound?

Ladybug: Yes I only have five minutes before I transform back, so I need to recharge.

Scarlet Spider: Thats a very odd thing to happened does it always do that?

Ladybug: Only when I used my lucky charm or I am using too much power in which I have de-transform and feed my kwami so that they get their energy back.

Scarlet Spider: Alright I will let you go recharge Tiki's batteries and I will wait for you.(Scarlet saids to Ladybug in which she nods and goes behind an alley way and transforms back into Marinette)

Then after a while now Marinette gave the food to Tiki in which she was fully charge up and then Marinette transformed back into Ladybug and looked to see that Scarlet Spider was waiting patiently for her in which he saw her coming towards him.

Scarlet Spider: All charged up?

Ladybug: Yup come lets go meet the others!(Ladybug saids as she shoots a line to building and swung away with Scarlet Spider following behind and they both headed towards the Eiffel Tower)

While Ladybug and Scarlet Spider were making their way to the tower, the rest of the miraculous team arrived on top of the tower and await their friend about why they were called for and their names are Viperion, Bunnix, Carapace, Ryuko, and Honey Bee.

Bunnix: So what do you think Marinette wanted us for?

Carapace: Don't know dudette, and there is no Akuma's anywhere maybe it something important?

Honey Bee: Well whatever MariBear needs I am sure it is nothing bad who knows it could be something good that could help us defeat Shadow Moth.

Ryuko: I hope so

Viperion: Don't worry Ryuko I know Marinette always has something good coming to her we just have to wait and see.

Then after a while now Ladybug swung up the tower with Scarlet Spider and they both landed in front of the team in which they were happy to see their friend but looked confused of who the spider hero was but for Bunnix she kind of liked the outfit of the spider hero and thought he looked kind of cool.

Ladybug: Hey guys, I glad all of you can come!(Ladybug saids with a smile to her team in which they all nod in agreement)

Bunnix: Hey there Ladybug glad we could come and who is your friend here, I never seen him around Paris before and I like the suit and that logo.(Bunnix and saids to Ladybug and then walks ups to Scarlet Spider and walks around him and taking a good look at him from head to toe)

Scarlet Spider: The names Scarlet Spider, and you guys are Bunnix, Viperion, Carapace, Ryuko and Honey Bee; Ladybug told me about you guys pleasure to meet you.

Ryuko: Thanks and I never knew there was a spider miraculous did you know Ladybug?

Ladybug: Actually guys Scarlet Spider doesn't have a miraculous, his powers are all natural.(Ladybug saids to her team in which they were shocked that Scarlet doesn't have a miraculous but real super powers)

Carapace: Whoah like real powers like powers that the heroes in New York city have!

Scarlet Spider: Thats right

Honey Bee: And let me guess you have spider powers right?

Scarlet Spider: Yes, I can shoot organic webs out of my wist as well as these sharps blades, I have super human strength, climb walls, spider sense to alert me if there is danger around, and I also have healing factor.(Scarlet saids and he shows the team his abilities in which all their jaws dropped to the ground for what Scarlet Spider can do)

Miraculous Team except for Ladybug: Whoah..........

Viperion: You have impressive abilities Scarlet Spider and it is pleasure to meet you.(Viperion saids and offers Scarlet a hand shake in which Scarlet shook)

Scarlet Spider: Pleasure is all mine Luka(Scarlet saids to Viperion in which shocked him that he knows his identity even the others except for Ladybug were shocked that he know who he is)

Honey Bee: How did you?

Scarlet Spider: Good to see you guys again, Chloe, Nino, Alix, and as well as you to Kagami.

Ryuko: Ladybug how does he know our identities!

Ladybug: Because guys we met him at school and became his new friends isn't that right Ben.(Ladybug saids to her team and turns to Scarlet who called him by his real name in which everyone looked towards the spider hero with wide eyes that they are looking at the same person who transfer to their school and the same person who wanted to become friends with them)

Bunnix: Wait Ben?, as in......(Bunnix saids and then Scarlet took off his mask to revel his face and when everyone looked at the spider hero they saw the same person they met today at school Ben Reilly)

Ben: Hey guys good to see all of you again, and like the super suits by the way.(Ben saids to the hero team in which they were shocked except for Ladybug who smiled)

Honey Bee/Carapace/Bunnix/Ryuko: BEN REILLY?!!!!

Viperion: Oh so your the new student Kagami was talking about, I can see that now.

Ben: Thats right and I will be your new team mate to help take down Shadow Moth.

Honey Bee: Ben your a super hero!, but I never heard of a hero called Scarlet Spider in New York city before?

Bunnix: Yea how is that possible?

Because he is from another world in which the miraculous and the heroes you know in New York do not exist( A female voice saids out of nowhere in which got everyone startled except for Ben because he knows that voice)

Carapace: Ok am I the only one who heard that or am I just imagining it?

Ryuko: No your not we all heard that?

Ladybug: Who are you show yourself!(Ladybug as everyone got into battle stance except for Ben who was smiling until smoke appeared around everyone in which blinded them)

Admittedly everyone were now in a strange place and they have no idea where they are except for Ben because he was in the place when he was summoned and when everyone turned around they saw a older woman wearing what looks like a spider suit while siting in a chair that looks like a spider web in which they are in the presence of Madam Web the one who brought Scarlet Spider to their world.

Ladybug: Uh.....hi uh who are you?

Madam Web: Greetings miraculous heroes and hello again to you Scarlet Spider(Madam Web saids to the heroes and to Scarlet in which everyone looked towards Ben thinking that he knows this person)

Ben: Good to see you too Madam Web(Ben saids to Madam Web in which got Ladybugs attention in looked towards the woman in shock that this person was the one who brought Ben to her world)

Ladybug: Your her!, your the Madam Web the one who brought Ben to our dimension!(Ladybug saids in shock and yet amazement in which got her team confused)

Madam Web: Yes indeed my child, and it is lovely to meet you in person Ladybug or would like go by Marinette Dupain Cheng.(Madama Web saids to Ladybug who is stunned that what Ben said that was Madam Web really does know her even her team were speechless that Madam Web knows her identity)

Viperion: You know her identity?

Madam Web: Why of course my boy and not just hers but all of yours as well Luka Couffaine, Nino Lahiffe, Kagami Tsurugi, Alix Kubdel and Chloe Bourgeois.(Madam Web saids to everyone who looked shocked that she knows their identities)

Honey Bee: She knows ours as well how is that possible?

Ben: Because Chloe, Madam Web is an inter dimensional traveler who can travel to other worlds and knows everything about each one including yours and she knows all about the miraculous and the heroes there including your civilian lives.

Ladybug: So everything you told me Ben was true after all.

Ben: Thats right Marinette

Carapace: So she was the one who told everything about us even Hawk Moth and what we do in our lives.

Ben: That is correct Nino

Bunnix: And what is this about our dimension?

Madam Web: Well you see my child Scarlet Spider is not from your dimension as a matter of fact he is from another world filled with heroes that you never heard of and villains who are far more dangerous than your Hawk Moth.(Madam Web saids to Bunnix who looked at Ben with shock even the others except for Ladybug because Ben already showed her everything and told her everything about his world and the heroes)

Ryuko: Ben is this true are you really from another world?

Ben: Yes in my world, you guys don't exist and the miraculous don't either but in my world we have a set of earths greatest heroes known as the Avengers, New Warriors and my group known as the Web Warriors but also villains who are far more worse than the villains you guys face.

Madam Web: He right everyone behold!(Madam Web and shows everyone the heroes of his world in which all of them except for Ladybug were speechless and amazed of these heroes from Bens world)

Carapace: WHOAH! dude these guys look awesome!!

Honey Bee: Oooo the two guys with blonde hair and the hammer while the other looks like like a jungle man look very handsome!(Honey Bee saids in thought while looking at Kazar and Thor god of thunder)

Bunnix: Wow these guys look totally radical and I dig the super suits by the way.

Viperion: Hmm all of them look quite heroic and that one with gold and green I find him to be quite wise.(Viperion saids in thought while looking at Iron Fist)

Ryuko: And there are more spider like you Ben?

Ben: Yes their names are Spider-Man, Iron Spider, Kid Arachnid, and Agent Venom who I thought of them as my brothers who took me in before my enemy Doc Ock did to me.

Bunnix: Dock Ock?

Madam Web: A villain of his world who captured Scarlet Spider and torture him and took away everything that he had including his memories of who he used to be and brainwashed him to be a weapon for an evil organization called Hydra to take down Spider-Man and the other heroes but with the help of Spider-Man and his friends along with his aunt May Parker they took Scarlet Spider and gave him a home and a name in which he was named after Spider-Man's late uncle Ben Parker who died years ago and thought that May Parker would fit Scarlet Spider perfectly and give him her last name Reilly, then once Scarlet Spider broke free of Ocks control he made the sacrifice to save both Spider-Man and May Parker from a ship created by Hydra that was going to take out New York City and so he crashed the ship into the harbor in which I made a decision that Scarlet Spider should start a new life in a brand new world and to help those who are having trouble dealing with villain that was causing problems for couple years and that world is yours.(Madam Web saids to the heroes in which they all looked at Ben in sadness that he never had a real life or a family and was tortured by a super villain who took everything from him but manage to find a new life with a group of heroes and a person who gave him a chance to live a life and a name for himself in which earned smiles for each of them even Ladybug who knows what happened to Ben)

Carapace: Dude.....that actually happened to you?

Ben: Yea Ock took everything from me and made me into a living weapon but I broke free of him and became a hero just like Spider-Man said I would become just like his uncle Ben.

Ladybug: And you proven yourself by helping me taking down an Akuma which I am proud of.

Ben: Thanks Marinette

Ryuko: And it would our honor for you to join our team Ben because I can see your a good person like this May Parker and Spider-Man said they would.

Honey Bee: Yea and those heroes you fought along side with are quite something even those Web Warriors.

Viperion: It seems like you know how to work together with teams and strategies.

Bunnix: As well as battle plans so I would like to have someone like you on the team even being our friend.

Ben: Thanks guys for being my friends and I am honored to be part of a new team of heroes and I know that May and the others would be proud of what I am doing.

Madam Web: They will be very proud of you Scarlet Spider, and I wish I have more time talk to you all I am afraid I have other matters to attend to so I will send you all back home right away.

Ladybug: We understand and thank you for telling us the other parts of Bens life Madam Web.

Madam Web: Your welcome Ladybug and good luck!(Madam Web saids and uses her powers and sends all the heroes back to their home dimension)

All the heroes and Scarlet Spider were sent back to their home and were at the same spot they met up and looked around them and saw the smoke disappear.

Honey Bee: I have to say that was something else.

Carapace: That was probably the coolest thing I have ever seen in my life and I can not believe there are other worlds out there with their own set of line of heroes with many different powers and costumes.

Bunnix: I agree with you

Viperion and Ryuko: Same here

Ladybug: Now that we all know your history Scarlet, we welcome you to team miraculous now.

Scarlet Spider: Glad to be part of something new

Honey Bee: So MariBear how did you figure out Ben was a superhero?

Scarlet Spider: I told her after I save her from Lila, along with Nino's ex girlfriend and two others who were beating her up in a dark alley way in which I step in and hid in the shadows and gave them a beating and gave Lila something that will scar her for life.

Bunnix: What?! when did this happened!

Ladybug: After school when I was in the locker room getting my things, Ivan and Kim dragged me out of the locker room and brought me into a dark alley way in which Lila and Alya were waiting in which they were beating me up for something I didn't do again and if it wasn't for Scarlet here I would of ended up in pool of blood or worse in which he took me back to his place that Madam Web gave him and patch up my cuts and bruises and we got to know each other after words.

Viperion: Well thank goodness your ok Marinette, and thanks Ben for saving her life.

Scarlet Spider: No problem, I am just glad she is ok and I recorded everything they did to her in the alley way.

Carapace: Good thinking dude!

Bunnix: Yea with that we can gather information about what Lila really is and what she does.

Honey Bee: And expose for the cruel monster she truly is.

Ryuko: And we have the other parts save away until it is time to expose her for her crimes.

Scarlet Spider: Not bad guys, I like your thinkings.

Ladybug: As much as I like the ideas we all have, I have get home now because my parents might be worried about me.

Scarlet Spider: Thats under stable and we do have that assignments for school as well.(Scarlet saids to everyone in which they nod in agreement)

Honey Bee: True so I guess this until next time right

Ladybug: Yes and Scarlet welcome to the team; Bug Out!(Ladybug saids to Scarlet Spider and takes out her yoyo and swings away back home)

Scarlet Spider: I guess I will see you guys tomorrow then

Carapace: Yup see you dude!(Carapace saids along with Bunnix who waves Scarlet goodbye along with the others)

Everyone left the tower and headed home while Scarlet Spider stay for a little while and looked towards the view of Paris and with one last look he jump off and shot a web and swung back to his home and got to work on his studies for tomorrow classes.

Chapter 4 coming soon!

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