Chapter 2: Getting to know each other and Joining Team Miraculous

Scarlet Spider: Very well hang on tight ok

Marinette: Ok............(Marinette saids while blushing while being in Scarlets arms)

And with that Scarlet Spider shot his web and both him and along with Tiki and Marinette swung away while Marinette was really enjoying the ride she is having and never tried something like this before when she is Ladybug.


After Scarlet Spider aka Ben Reilly saved Marinette from her former friends who turned against her due to Lila Rossi he was swinging from building to building to head back to his place with Marinette in his arms who was enjoying the ride and was amazed by Ben's abilities without using a miraculous in which he didn't need one because his powers were natural even Tiki, Marinette's kwami and friend was enjoying the view from the bag and was impressed by Scarlets swinging skills.

Scarlet Spider: Were almost to my place so keep hanging on Marinette.(Scarlet saids to Marinette who holding onto him while enjoying herself)

Marinette: Ok and Ben thank you for saving me back there I really appreciate the help.

Scarlet Spider: No problem

Marinette: This probably has to be my best ride yet its even better than walking or even running around as Ladybug while swinging on a yoyo everyday.(Marinette saids in thought while taking in the experience of the life time)

After swinging a couple more blocks, Scarlet Spider came to a halt and began to drop down to a really nice little neighborhood with colorful houses and once both him and Marinette were on the ground they were in front of a red house next to a yellow one.

Scarlet Spider: Here we are home sweet home.(Scarlet saids to Marinette who was still in his arms because she was still injured from the beating she was getting from Lila and her sheep)

Marinette: This a nice little neighborhood, and where you get the house from?

Scarlet Spider: Madam Web gave to me along with other things I need if I am going to stay in this dimension.

Marinette: Understable, once we go in and you help me with my injuries can you also tell me more about yourself and your world.

Scarlet Spider: Sure if you tell me about yours since Madam Web told me some of the details about the miraculous and the heroes and villains.

Marinette: So she told you about me, Cat Noir along with Hawk Moth?

Scarlet Spider: Yes but I do need more information about the others and about this Hawk Moth since I know so little.

Tiki: Sure Scarlet we be more than happy to tell you more once Marinette is all patched up and cleaned up.(Tiki saids while coming out of the bag)

Once Scarlet let down Marinette on the steps for a while to get his keys out and to make sure no one was around he open the door and carried Marinette in his arms again in which earned Marinette another blush that she was in stronger arms that were more fit then Cat Noirs but she shrugged it off and took in the house she was in and was impressed by the detail of the colors and structure as well the stuff was in the place. Then after Ben took off his mask and took Marinette to his bathroom so he can clean her up and patch up the cuts and bruises on her body in which she might feel some stinging in fouled.

Marinette: Wow I give this Madam Web some create she knows how to make such an amazing place to live and everything in Bens place is awesome.(Marinette saids in thought while being place down on the bath tub edge so that Ben can get out the medical kit to help Marinette with her cuts)

Ben: How long has this been going on Marinette in your life?

Marinette: You mean being Ladybug?

Ben: No I mean the beatings and the torture from those guys that have been hurting you and that Lila Rossi.(Ben saids and he walking over with the medical kit in his hands while asking Marinette about Lila and the beatings she got)

Marinette: Sigh......its been happening for the past three years now but no matter what I do and try to do and convince my former friends that Lila is nothing but a liar they just don't believe me and for that Lila keeps on telling them lies about me even start saying to them that I beat her up and leaves cuts and bruises which are nothing but fakes and makeup but they are too blind to see it in which they all abandoned me for her except for my true friends Luka, Kagami, Nino, Chloe, and Alix which they never believed her lies from the start even my parents didn't believe them in which made me happy because if Lila gotten to my parents then I will be alone for the rest of my life.(Marinette saids to Ben while he was cleaning up the cuts on her face and patching up the others with band-aids while Ben was feeling bad for Marinette thinking how he feels when he been in that situation back in his world)

Ben: I know what that is like feel betrayed by those who were close......

Marinette: You been that situation before?

Ben: Yea a villain named Doc Ock who captured me and turned me into what I am, he abused me, tortured me and brainwash me into making me his puppet in which I betrayed the people who can call them a family in which something I never had in my life and I don't have any memories of who I used to be; Ock took them away from me but ever since I met this hero named Spider-Man who shares the similar abilities I do he took me in and he along with his aunt gave me a home and a name for myself in which I was named after Spiders uncle who died a couple years ago in which his aunt thought it was best for me to have that name as well as her last name before she married to person who was a good man to Spider-Man. Then when Ock took control of me, I felt really bad for what I did to Spider-Man as well as his aunt including the other spiders who I liked them as my brothers and once Spider-Man and his aunt showed me the truth of who I really am I decided to do the right thing and become a hero just like Spider-Man and just like his uncle who said to him with great power comes great responsibility.(Ben saids to Marinette who stunned and yet sadden and amazed by how Ben went through so much and yet manage to do the right thing and become someone far more greater, also she was happy to hear such amazing words from a person who was close to this Spider-Man person and used his for good and not evil)

Marinette: Ben....I am so sorry I never imagined you been through so much in your life and yet you were able to find the goodness within yourself and began someone better and those words you said to me were very honest and honorable.

Ben: Thank you Marinette much appreciated from a girl who is dresses like Ladybug.(Ben saids to Marinette in which she giggled at the comment)

Marinette: Hehehe and thats coming from a guy dressed up as a spider.

Ben: True on that

Tiki: By the way Ben who was this Spider-Man and as well as these brothers of yours what are they like?(Tiki saids to Ben in which got Marinette's attention as well)

Ben: Here let me show you something(Ben saids as he takes out two pictures of him with Peter and the others with and without their suits)

Marinette and Tiki took the pictures and were amazed by the other spider heroes in the pictures and well their civilian appearances in which Marinette was thinking of something in her head by let it go and looked towards Ben with a question look.

Marinette: Are these guys the brothers you who took you in and you guys became a like a family before this Doc Ock happened.

Ben: Yea we were a group of spiders know as the Web Warriors in which there is me the Scarlet Spider, the red and blue is Spider-Man aka Peter Parker, the black suit with the white spider is Agent Venom aka Flash Thompson former bully to Peter then became his friend after joining the team, the gold and red one is Iron Spider real name Amadeus Cho who is the genius of the group but he doesn't have any powers like we do just a iron suit and lastly is Kid Arachnid who was the Spider-Man from another dimension and he goes by Miles Morales the youngest of the group and we all worked together under the guidance of a secret organization of human protection called Shield who is run by Commander Nick Fury who specializes in training a new generation of heroes to become full time heroes like the Avengers.

Marinette: Wow in his world there are heroes I never heard of and he was part of team just me, and there is a organization of human protection run by this Nick Fury and who are these Avengers they sound heroic.(Marinette saids in thought while admiring the pictures of Ben with his team and wants to know who the Avengers are)

Tiki: Wow these Web Warriors look amazing Ben and I never imagined there would be other heroes out there in other worlds.

Marinette: Yea and who are these Avengers they sound pretty heroic to be called that.

Ben: These are the Avengers Marinette, Earth's Mightiest Heroes along with the other heroes around our age known as the New Warriors.(Ben shows her the pictures of the Avengers and the new Warriors in which she was speechless of how amazing they look)

Marinette and Tiki: Wow!(Both said in thought while looking at all the heroes in the pictures)

Ben: These are the Avengers team which are Captain America, Hawkeye, Black Widow, The Hulk, Thor God of Thunder, The Falcon, Doctor Strange, Iron Man, and Ant Man.(Ben saids while pointing to each hero of who they are in which Marinette was understanding of which hero is who)

Marinette: Wow they look amazing Ben and this Captain America guy, he almost looks like the heroine we have in New York.

Ben: There are other heroes here? Madam Web never mentioned other heroes to me besides you guys.

Marinette: Oh yea we have a group of heroes known as United HeroeZ which are Knight Owl, Majestia, Doorman, Uncanny Valley, Eagle which she is also a miraculous hero like us and used to be called Sparrow, Victory, Mercury, SnowFlake, Hurricane, Thorn, Sting, Agents Red, Yellow, and Blue.

Ben: I never heard of heroes like those guys before I might have to do some research on them and what was that heroine you said that looks like Captain America?

Marinette: That would be Victory and she is also the president of the united states Camilla Hombee.(Marinette saids and shows an image of Victory to Ben in which Ben sees some similarities to her and Captain America except for the shield differences but the red, white, and blue are the same including the stars)

Ben: Huh? I can totally see the resemblance except for the shield of course.

Marinette: Yea but still it is amazing though and what about these new Warriors what are their names?

Ben: Well there names are Nova, White Tiger, Power Man, Iron Fist, Cloak and Dagger, Kazar and his companion Zabu which is a sabertooth tiger.

Marinette: And all of them have super powers?

Ben: A lot of them do and some don't like Black Widow, Falcon, Kazar, Iron Spider, Iron Man, Hawkeye and Ant Man. Most of those guys have high tech weaponry and armory but also highly trained in combat.

Marinette: Same thing with the United HeroeZ some of them have powers and some do not.

Ben: I guess thats some things we have in common the heroes and heroines all have powers while some do not and rely on their combat skills and smart thinkings.(Ben saids to Marinette in which she smiles and nods in agreement)

Tiki: And speaking of which what of villains do you and the other heroes face in your world if the miraculous and Hawk Moth as well as the heroes we have here do not exist of where you are from.

Ben: Me and team face a lot of dangerous villains in my world including an evil organization known as Hydra which was run by a madman named the Red Skull who was the enemy of Captain America who wanted to take over the world but years ago America defeated Red Skull but Hydra went into secret until a group of villains like Ock founded it and put together a group of dangerous people to take down us.

Marinette: And what kind of people were they Ben?

Ben: Green Goblin real named Norman Osborn brilliant scientist and inventor until he was expose to Goblin green in which turned him into a monster and tried to take down Spider-Man, Kraven The Hunter a master hunter who likes to hunt anything or anyone for sport, The Beetle a guy in beetle suit with a lot of weaponry and fire power, Carnage which is an alien creature that has to bond with a host to survive in which they take control of a persons mind and turn them into something ugly, The Lizard who goes by Curt Conners who was a scientist for Shield until he was ejected with lizard DNA and turned him into a giant walking reptile that almost killed us, Taskmaster which was mercenary who can copy your moves and used them against you, Electro real name Max Dillion who fell into a tank filled with electric eels and turned his entire body electric in which he can absorb any power source to make him stronger, Scorpion who is guy dressed as green scorpion who shoots out acid out of his tail, Rhino who was a school kid and was bullied and drank a stuff like Norman had and turned him into a giant walking Rhino with such strength and power and lastly Doc Ock which he was also a scientist until he went made with power and created four metal tentacles that listening to his command and they carry one heck out of hit.(Ben saids to Marinette and Tiki who shocked and a little scared of what villains Ben and his team have faced in their world and do not want to come across villains like them)

Marinette: Seems like you along with the other heroes made a lot of enemies in your dimension Ben.(Marinettes saids to Ben in which he nods in agreement)

Ben: Yea now that you know so much about me care to tell me more about you and your heroes here since you told me about the United HeroeZ I would like to know about your team and about this Hawk Moth guy.(Ben saids to Marinette in which she nods while Ben finished up patching her up and cleaning off the cuts on her)

Marinette: Sure of course and thanks for patching me up and cleaning my cuts as well as sharing your story to me Ben really appreciate.

Ben: My pleasure little red(Ben saids to Marinette in which she blushes at the nicknames while giggling)

Marinette: Hehehe little red, is that my nickname for now on

Ben: It could be and it works for you dress all in red after all.

Marinette: I guess that is true, would you like to talk in the living room because talking in the bathroom is kind of awkward.

Ben: Yea sure lets get out of here can you walk?(Ben saids to Marinette who tries to get up but trips and almost lands on the ground until Ben using his reflexes and caught Marinette in which she blushed again)

Marinette: Uh....hehehe..sorry I am also sometimes madly clumsy.

Ben: That is no problem here let me help you up.(Ben saids and carries Marinette again in which she blushed more while Ben wasn't looking and they both head into the living room to talk while Tiki follows behind)

Ben walks into the living room and places Marinette on the comfy couch in which she found it to be quite relaxing and then Ben went into the kitchen and decided to make some drinks and snacks for him and Marinette as well as Tiki who likes cookies so Ben brought out cookies and then came back and sat down with Marinette to talk about the miraculous heroes and Hawk Moth.

Marinette: So what would like to know first Ben?(Marinette saids with a smile and having some cookies and drinks that Ben brought for her and Tiki)

Ben: Well why don't you tell me more about yourself before Lila Rossi and before your friends turned their backs on you.

Marinette: Well before Lila, I was a normal girl with a normal life who had lots of friends since I knew them since we were little and I have loving parents who owned a bakery in Paris which is the best bakery in all of Paris, and my dream is to become a famous fashion designer since fashion is my hobby and career that I want to have when I finish school and during school I used to have to huge crush on Adrien in which I was too nervous to be around since he was so kind and sweet to me and my friends; Chloe used to be my schools bully until she apologized to me and we became best friends since Alya took Lila's side and she and I used to be best friends and she used to be a miraculous hero known as Rena Rogue but when she took Lila's side and posted so many lies on her blog about me and myself as Ladybug I decided it was time for a change that she and anyone else who held a miraculous will no longer be worthy to be a holder again. The ones I trusted with my life and we also know our identities are Luka, Chloe, Nino, Alix, and Kagami who are the heroes known as Viperion, Honey Bee, Carapace, Bunnix, and Ryuko.(Marinette saids to Ben in which he was happy that Marinette wants to follow her dream to become a fashion designer and told him about the other heores and their identities in which were his new friends he made in school today but didn't meet Luka yet and later she showed Ben images of her team in their hero forms)

Ben: I have to say Marinette your team has style and what kind of powers do they have and yours as well?

Marinette: Well for me Ben my power is creation in which I can repair the damages to the cities in which the villains destroy by calling upon my Lucy Charm in which I receive an object in order to defeat the villain and then when the villain is defeated and the Akuma in gone from that person who was Akumatised I use my yoyo to capture and devilise the butterfly turning it back to a normal white butterfly and throw the object I used and chant out Miraculous Ladybug in which thousands of ladybugs surround the city and repair all the damages to save everyones lives.(Marinette saids to Ben in which he was impressed and wish that kind of power exist in his world so that New York wont end up a junk yard)

Ben: Impressive Marinette, I might have to see this for myself if there is another battle happening and what about the others?

Marinette: Well for Viperion he can use his miraculous to go back to the present and warn us about if our plans are going to fail or what the villain is up to which is a lot of help and the power is called Second Chance, Carapace his abilities to create a powerful turtle shield while carrying a turtle like shield which is great for protection from incoming attacks from Akuma's, Honey Bee's miraculous is the power of Subjection in which she can paralyze the enemy with her stinger so that they can not move in which makes our job to capture the Akuma easily, Ryuko's powers are based off the elements and she carries a sword since she is an excellent fencer in school, and Bunnix can travel through portals of time in any era so that she can pin point into where the villain where make its next move in the present, past or future.

Tiki: And their kwami's names are Sass who is the kwami of the snake miraculous, Fluff who is the kwami of the bunny clock miraculous, Longg who is the the kwami of the dragon miraculous, Pollem the kwami of the bee miraculous, and finally there is Wayzz who is the kwami of the turtle miraculous.(Tiki and Marinette said to Ben in which he now understands the team members and their powers more including Marinette's)

Ben: I see now so thats how they get their powers and abilities, and what about this Cat Noir what is his power?(Ben saids to Marinette who looks down and upset for mentioning that name to her in which Ben looked confused)

Marinette: Cat Noir's power is destruction in which he can use the ability known as cataclysm in which unleashes a dark matter and when he touches something it turns into dust and he was friend and partner before he stopped coming to patrols and Akuma fights with me and the others.(Marinette saids while looking a little mad about her partner for not being there for her and helping her in which Ben wants to know why)

Ben: Did something happened between you two?

Marinette: He keeps on flirting with me everyday thats been going on since we first became miraculous heroes and never stops bugging me about that he and I are made for each other in which he keeps on asking me for dates and trying to kiss me which is driving me crazy and I keep telling him that I only see him as a partner and friend but he doesn't get it in which he decided not to come to patrols or battles unless I date him; And I keep telling him over and over that our identities must stay a secret otherwise we will put those who we cared about in danger but he refuses to listen to me and just keeps on asking me on dates and calling weird names which I do not like at all.(Marinette saids to Ben while mad at her partner for not doing his job as a hero and as a holder of miraculous)

Ben: Sounds like to me he doesn't take this job seriously and just acts like a complete asshole who tries to get what he wants, so why not just take away his miraculous if he is just going to use it for his own silly nonsense games.

Marinette: I was actually thinking about doing that since if he just wants to flirt with me all day long and beg for dates, and I feel bad for how Plagg is doing right now.

Ben: Plagg?

Tiki: He is the kwami of the cat miraculous in which he and I are quite close.

Ben: I see now, so Cat Noir should have his miraculous taken away and replace with a new person who would actually do the job and not use it for their own doing.

Marinette: Exactly Ben, but Cat Noir hasn't been showing up lately and I tried so many times to get his miraculous but no luck so far.

Ben: He might come out some time and when he does, try leading him into a fake trap in which he would by and when you are close enough take away the miraculous.

Marinette: Thats not a bad idea Ben, I might have to think of way to come up with that kind of plan in the mean time hows about I tell you about Hawk Moth.

Ben: Right lets continue with that, who is this Hawk Moth and what kind of miraculous does he have and how does he create the Akuma's and how does the person become a villain since I know about the negative emotion thing from Madam Web.

Marinette: Well Ben Hawk Moth is a super villain who uses these dark butterflies known as Akuma's in which he can use his power to turn people into super villains based on their negative emotions and in order for that person to become a villain the Akuma has to land on a certain object that person has on them and when it does Hawk Moth talks to them and tells them he can offer them the power to mostly anything they want but in return they have to get both mine and Cat Noir's miraculous so that Hawk Moth can have ultimate power and his miraculous is a broach that he wears around his neck. But there is also another villain who works for him and her name is Mayura who is the holder of the peacock miraculous in which she can summon a dark feather known as Amok that can take the form of anything or anyone and it helps both her and Hawk Moth cause more trouble in Paris but somehow Mayura disappeared and later Hawk Moth had both miraculous on him in which he became the villain known as Shadow Moth in which he can control both Akuma and Amok together and it is our job to stop him and take away his miraculous so that there can be balance again.

Ben: So there were two villains here and one of them gave their miraculous to the other and he possesses both of them in which he can cause more harm to Paris and the people here.(Ben saids in thought while thinking about Hawk Moth, Mayura and the other two miraculous and their powers)

Tiki: But you can not blame the kwami's both Nooroo and Duusuu were forced to obey Hawk Moth in which they can not disobey their master and I feel bad how he is treating them after using them for so long.

Ben: I understand and I do not blame them but I blame the person who is using them for evil and treated them nothing but slaves and turning innocent people into monsters for his bidding.

Marinette: Yea I know it has become more complicated with each battle we all faced and the villains are becoming more stronger each day.(Marinette saids while looking down for doing she can to fight the villains in which Ben put a hand on her shoulder in which she looked at him)

Ben: And thats why I am here Marinette, I want to help you and defeat this Shadow Moth or whatever he calls himself so that there can be balance again because I want to help people like I did back in my world and I made a promise to both Peter and his aunt that would do the right thing this time and I want to help fight the battles with you and your team if you would have me.(Ben saids to Marinette in which she was shocked and yet happy that Ben wants to help her defeat Shadow Moth and protect her city against who wants to harm it)

Marinette: You would fight by my side for real Ben.....

Tiki: He is right Marinette we could use all the help we need and that is why Madam Web brought him here to help us defeat Shadow Moth and end this battle for good.

Ben: What do you say Marinette hows about The Scarlet Spider helps you defeat your enemy and protect those who he wants to harm.

Marinette sat there thinking about what she wants to do and since Ben is not a fake hero like Lila was when she became Volpina and tried to attack her but with Ben it is different and he was honest about how he was talking to her and told her everything about him and the heroes of his world including the Web Warriors so with that Marinette smiled at Ben and asked him to stand up.

Marinette: Ben Reilly, The Scarlet Spider of another world I Marinette Dupain Cheng the hero known as Ladybug and guardian of the miraculous and savior of Paris excepts your help to help me and my team to defeat Shadow Moth and end this battle between good and evil.(Marinette saids to Ben then offers him a handshake in which Ben smiles and shook her hand in which he is now a member of Team Miraculous)

Ben: I am honored to join a team once again Marinette and I will be there to protect you and your friends from any possible threats even your old friends and that Lila girl because the way I see it no super villain or lier or group of ex friends of yours would dare to mess with me.(Ben saids to Marinette in which she blushes that Ben will protect her along with her friends which earned her a smile along with Tiki)

Tiki: I can tell that these two will would be great together(Tiki saids in thought while looking at both Marinette and Ben)

When both Marinette and Ben stopped shaking hands they looked into each others eyes knowing that they will have both their backs and watch out for each other until an explosion was heard in which got their attention.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Ben: An explosion?

Marinette: Must be an Akuma! Tiki!

Tiki: Right!

Marinette: Tiki Spots On!(Marinette transforms into Ladybug in which Ben was surprised thats how the hero transforms into their hero form)

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Admittedly the bright red light dye down and Marinette became the heroine known as Ladybug in which Ben put on his mask and was impressed by the transformation and looked at Marinette in her super suit and the one word he was thinking was beautiful.

Ladybug: What do you think Scarlet Spider

Scarlet Spider: Have to say I am quite jealous that you can magically make your suit appear like that but other than that you look beautiful.(Scarlet saids to Ladybug in which she blushes for be called beautiful while smiling)

Ladybug: He....thinks I am beautiful(Ladybug saids in thought then shrugged it off and her and Scarlet Spider went out the window and swung towards the explosion together)

Ladybug and Scarlet Spider: Lets Go!

(Edit done by me:95nicholasnm)

Chapter 3 coming soon!

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