Chapter 17: The Spider-Verse Part 1!
Two months have now past in the city of love in which during the time both Ben Reilly and Marinette Dupain Cheng aka Spider Claw and Ladybug have become Paris's top best heroes as well as earning them the greatest crime fighting duo thanks to the reports that many people said about them. During that time a new statue was created and placed in front of the Eiffel Tower to pay humble to the heroes of Paris who defeated the evil Shadow Moth and brought peace to the city of love but also stopping crimes still running in the streets. Both Marinette and Ben have achieved so much in their life for being Paris's heroes but not just being crime fighters but also civilians as well in which both of them were able to finish their courses for school early and were able to graduate with perfect attendance meaning they both had a graduated party at Chloe's hotel who also graduated along with Nino, Kagami, Alix, Juleka, Rose as well as Luka who all got good grades during their courses and were able to graduate from school early that was fully restored after months of cleaning up Rossi's mess who is rotting in prison while Adrien was getting visits from his alive mother who looked forward to being with her soon after he pays off his fifteen years. Gabriel decided to shut down his company and focus more on family after he retired of being Shadow Moth while also getting a scolding from his wife who he is still trying to make up for the wrong he was did along with Natalie who helped with the Akuma and Amok problems. As for their former classmates, all of them transferred to different schools while trying to forget about the pain and bullying they all have done towards Marinette and her friends thanks to Rossi and her lies but they know that nothing will be the same and they excepted their decision to move on just like how Marinette did.
When both Marinette and Ben graduated school early, Ben went to help Marinette find the place of her own since she was thinking about moving out of the bakery and into her own home but sadly when she found out the penthouse that she liked was already bought by someone else it brought shame to the girl until Ben decided to ask his girlfriend if she wanted to move in with him and was told that there was extra room in his house as well as a hidden room that he never knew about. Marinette was now happy that her boyfriend offered her to move in with him and it was the next step in their relationship where couple asked each other if they wanted to move in together and thats what they did. Ben along with Tom and Sabine helped Marinette packed her things from her room and onto a moving truck that Ben can use temporary and so Ben helped Marinette get settled into Ben's place that was later on both their homes and unpacked all of her things and Marinette decided to use the hidden room that Ben showed her as her own fashion design room as well as a place to keep the miraculous box safe.
Right now both Marinette and Ben who are in their costumes were taking down a group of criminals who were robbing a bank in which the two were able to tied each of the criminals up and hanged upside down as well as destroyed their weapons so that the heroes wouldn't allow their enemies to shoot them nor innocent lives.
Ladybug: That would the last of them.
Spider-Claw: I don't think so because my spider senses are alerting me again.
Ladybug: Really because I don't see any......
COME ON LET'S GET OUT OF HERE!(Once of the criminals said while hiding with another guy who were about to run away until Spider-Claw spotted them)
Spider-Claw: I don't think so punks.(Spider Claw saids and then webs a broken down door and used to slam it towards the two masked men)
Once knocked out both Spider Claw and Ladybug called the police and when they arrived they apprehended the criminals and the money that they stole and returned it to the bank owners who thanked the heroes for everything as well as the officers of the law.
Spider-Claw: I told you my spider senses were going off and it was telling me that the rest of the criminals were still around and in hiding.
Ladybug: Sorry I doubted you.
Spider-Claw: It's alright but next time learn more on your surroundings as well as your hearing that way you wont loose focus.
Ladybug: I will do that and have you as my teacher.
Spider-Claw: Come on let's do some more patrols and see if there is anyone else that needs help.
Ladybug: Right!
Both Ladybug and Spider-Claw began to swing all around of Paris to find out if there is any danger lurking around the area but so far there hasn't been any trouble and no one to save or help and the both decided to take a break and land in front of the Eiffel Tower where the both of them came across their statue that was made to honor them since the original statue of Ladybug and former Cat Noir was destroyed during Rossi's mess after she and Adrien drank that illegal wine that was outlawed everywhere.
(Edit done by me: 95nicholasnm)
Ladybug: Have to admit spider you look amazing as a statue, Theo Barbot really captured your image pretty well.
Spider-Claw: The guy has skills I give him that and he did amazing work on your statue.
Ladybug: I heard that he used the same metal to design just like on the original statue.
Spider-Claw: Actually I looked up online saying that he melted the original statue and remade into this one and just had to get a new stone since the other one was cracked and destroyed.
Ladybug: Huh..I didn't know that was online I might have to check it out latter on and know more.
Spider-Claw: Well now we checked around the area and there is no crime happening nor people to save what you wanna do?
Ladybug: Wanna head home and watch movies because well I got nothing on my mind of this minute and besides I could use a break from swinging around.
Spider-Claw: Very well then hop on my back and I give you ride.
Ladybug: Hi Ho Spider Away!(Ladybug saids and jumps onto her partners back)
Spider-Claw: Sigh..really?
Ladybug: What I couldn't help it and besides you make a great piggyback ride.
Spider-Claw: Yea whatever...just hang on tight because I attend not to stop or go slow.
Ladybug: I don't mind and besides I like it when you swing fast it just brings out the excitement.
Spider-Claw: Well all right then off we go.
Spider-Claw shot his web and soon him and Ladybug swung away in great speed that made Ladybug scream with such joy and excitement.
Ladybug: WHOO-HOO!!
Spider-Claw: Hehehe seems like she is enjoying this more and more.(Spider Claw saids in thought while swinging across Paris with Ladybug on his back)
When both of them swung across Paris and found their house, they both landed on top of the roof and opened up the window sealing and webbed down into the bathroom to where both of them changed back to their civilian forms.
Ladybug and Spider-Claw: Spots Off/Claws In.(Both said and changed back into Marinette and Ben and the two kwami's Plagg and Tiki came flying out of the jewelry)
Marinette: Tiki, Plagg both of you snacks are on the table.
Plagg and Tiki: Thanks Marinette!(Both flew away to eat their treats while Ben and Marinette went to the dinning room to relax)
Ben: So while they eat their fill what you wanna watch?
Marinette: Hows about we watch a comedy movie.
Ben: There are a lot of comedy movies red.
Marinette: Here hows about I pick one and if its not to your liking then you can pick.
Ben: Sounds good to me.
Ben watched Marinette to find a movie to watch all of sudden his spider senses went off again and this time it was something close and he got up from his spot and went to see what it was while his girlfriend continued to find a comedy movie to watch. Ben walked around the house trying to find the disturbance that we was sensing until he went out back and saw something that was glowing bright behind the bushes of his backyard and went to take a closer look at it until he saw what looked like some kind of shard but to something it doesn't know about.
Ben: What the heck is this thing?(Ben saids while picking up the shard while examining it more closely)
Hey whats that you got there?(Ben turned around and looked to see Tiki and Plagg)
Ben: Not sure all of sudden my spider senses were going off and I went to see what was causing it to go off until I went outside and found something glowing in the back and it turns out to be this little shard of something that I do not know what it is.
Tiki: For some reason it's giving off some magical energy and I don't think it is related to the miraculous because this is something that goes beyond our comparison.
Plagg: I agree with sugar cube this is probably something else that we kwami's don't know about and I pretty sure the guardians don't know either because this is something new to us.
Ben: Why do I get the feeling that something bad is going to happen because if something like would to appear out of nowhere then wouldn't trouble appear as well.
Tiki: Well on the safe side better let Marinette know about this just in case something does happen.
Plagg: I agree with Tiki kid.
Ben and the kwami's headed back inside with the shard and looked to see Marinette still trying to find a good comedy movie to watch and so far no such luck until she spotted Ben with Tiki and Plagg in the kitchen.
Marinette: Hey I couldn't find any good comedy movies to watch so I think we will have to stick will action and romance.
Ben: I think movie will have to be put on hold for now red because my spider senses just picked something up.
Marinette: What is it Ben?
Ben: While you were looking for movies, my spider senses was going off for some reason in which I went to find out where the source of the problem was until I headed into the backyard and saw something glowing bright behind the bushes and it was this shard piece that I found and I have no idea where it came from nor how it appeared in the backyard because it wasn't there before.
Marinette: Let me see it.
Ben pulled out the shard and place it on the table for Marinette to look at and she too had no idea what she was looking at.
Marinette: And it just appeared before you found it?
Ben: Yea, Tiki saids its nothing related to the miraculous but said it was giving off a magical energy like no other.
Tiki: Where ever this came from must of come from some place far away and I don't think this is only one shard because judging how it looks, it almost looks like its just a piece of something that was used but somehow got destroyed into pieces.
Marinette: Yea but what though? What was this shard used for?
Ben: That I am not sure.
Actually I know what that is and how it came to in this world.
All of sudden both Ben and Marinette along with Tiki and Plagg were covered in smoke and transported somewhere else where Ben knows of the voice who was calling as well as Marinette in which they both looked to see Madam Web herself.
Ben and Marinette: Madam Web.
Madam Web: Good to see you two again and its a pleasure to meet you in person Tiki Goddess of Creation and you Plagg God of Destruction welcome to my realm.
Tiki: It's nice to finally meet you in person Madam Web.
Plagg: Hey whats up spider chair lady.
Ben: Madam Web you know what is going on and what this shard is?
Madam Web: Indeed I do, what you have in the palm of your hand is a piece of the Siege Perilous.
Marinette: Whats the Siege Perilous?
Madam Web: The Siege Perilous my dear is a magical object that would allow any person wielding it to open up portals to other realities, taking them to other worlds until the Siege Perilous was shattered into pieces caused from an incident that took place back in Ben's world.(Madam Web saids that left Ben and Marinette as well as the kwami's in shock but mostly Ben)
Ben: My world? What happened?
Madam Web: During a fight between your friend Spider-Man and the one known as Miles Morales aka Kid Arachnid both of them were facing off against a sorcerer named Baron Mordo and your arch foe Doctor Octavius who were planning on building an army of super villains from other realities but the they were betrayed by the Goblin of where Miles Morales comes from because he wanted to use the Siege Perilous to destroy all of reality.
Ben: Figures Ock was causing more trouble even though I am not around. But what happened to make the Siege Perilous shattered into pieces.
Madam Web: After the Goblin from Miles Morales universe destroyed it, Baron Mordo and Octavius fled into hiding while the Goblin himself was about to destroy all of reality when Morales used his venom blast to destroy the Siege Perilous so that the no one can use it ever again and at a cost Miles never came back to his universe and is was later stuck in Spider-Man's universe.
Ben: So thats how Miles came to be our Spider-Man's world because of this Siege Perilous.
Madam Web: You are correct but I afraid we are in trouble.
Marinette: Why is that Madam Web?
Madam Web: When the Siege Perilous was shattered in order for Spider-Man and Kid Arachnid to save their world from being destroyed, the shards of the Siege scattered into many dimensions in which each of the fragments are pulling themselves together brining along many different alternate dimension they happen to be in smashing them into each other.
Marinette: Basically speaking that if the shards are not found or put back together to made the Siege Perilous whole again then....
Ben: All of reality will be destroyed..argh why does Spidey always get into these stupid situations all the time.(Ben saids while face-palming himself for what Spider-Man did back in his world)
Tiki: Madam Web is there anything that can be done about this?
Madam Web: As we speak the other Madam Web known as Julia Carpenter who is working with Doctor Strange to keep the realities stable while they send Spider-Man and Kid Arachnid into the the other dimensions to retrieve the pieces of the Siege Perilous so that all of reality can be fixed.
Marinette: I didn't know there were two Madam Webs? Ben did you know about this?
Ben: This is the first time I am hearing about it. But we are getting off track, Madam Web you said that both Spider-Man and Arachnid are in other dimensions looking for the shards of the Siege Perilous.
Madam Web: Indeed they are Ben Reilly. Commander Fury gave them a piece of the shard to use as a compass to help locate the other shards while they travel to other worlds before any of the shards cause problems to the worlds that they are located in.
Marinette: How many shards were they able to find when they entered the other dimensions?
Madam Web: They were able to find one of the shards but sadly it fell into the hands of someone else who is also looking for the shards.
Ben: Who?
Madam Web: Someone very dangerous and will stop at nothing of getting the shards because when he finds them he will plan to rule over the other dimensions and bring fourth a reality of shadow unless the shards are found in time to save all of reality.
Plagg: So it means that we have to keep watch over this shard until my holders buddies come along and collect it and then move onto the next dimension.
Madam Web: That is correct but be warned of that being who is also looking for the shards and there is no telling where he might appear next.
Ben: Does this punk have a name so we known what to call him.
Madam Web: In his reality he goes by the name Wolf Spider and he is very dangerous so be aware of that.
Marinette: Thanks Madam Web we will make sure to be careful if we ever encounter this Wolf Spider if he even shows himself.
Plagg: So when are my holder spider pals coming?
Madam Web: Actually they are already here and are looking for the shard as we speak.
Ben: They're actually here?
Madam Web: Yes indeed and I think it would be wise to see them.
Marinette: Wow did you hear that Ben you get to see your friends again!
Ben: Yea great...
Madam Web: Good luck you two and farewell.
Soon both Marinette and Ben along with Tiki and Plagg were summoned back into the house in which they now have to find if Spider-Man and Kid Arachnid are really here in this universe so that they can give them the piece of the Siege Perilous before that Wolf Spider that Madam Web mentioned finds it first.
Marinette: Well then shall we go look for your friends sweetie.
Ben: Sure I guess..
Marinette: You still worried about what happened back in your universe.
Ben: A little bit yea..
Marinette: Hey it wasn't your fault Ben, you were being controlled by your enemy and after arriving here you're a change person that has to count for something.
Ben: You always have a good point red.
Marinette: It's because I love you Ben and I always will.
Ben: I love you to red.
Tiki and Plagg: Just say the words!
Ben and Marinette: Tiki Spots On!/Plagg Claws Out!
Spider-Claw and Ladybug headed out after their transformations and swung away to look for the spiders, Spider-Man aka Peter Parker and Kid Arachnid aka Miles Morales who are somewhere in the city of love.
Ladybug: How do we find them spider?
Spider-Claw: Just look for something that is bizarre and out of the ordinary and that is where we will find them.
Ladybug: Uh would that be something out of the ordinary? That weird looking thing in the sky.
Spider-Claw: That must be a portal that they came out of so they must be somewhere around this area.
Ladybug: Hey I see something on top the roofs and it looks like people dressed up in spider like costumes I think thats them.(Ladybug saids as she and Spider-Claw landed on top of a chimney and looked to find the two spiders known as Spider-Man and Kid Arachnid)
Spider-Claw: Yea thats them alright I remember the same costume design they had before I came to this world.
Ladybug: Should we go down and meet them and tell them about the shard.
Spider-Claw: Might as well get this reunion over with and what I can tell Spidey is going to go nuts like he always does.
Ladybug: Hehehe come on he can't be that bad.
Spider-Claw: Did I forget to mention his jokes are terrible really terrible probably worse than Noirs.
Ladybug: Oh....
Spider-Claw: Yea come on let's go meet them.
With Spider-Man and Kid Arachnid after they couldn't get the first shard thanks to that Wolf Spider both of them headed into the next dimension to find another shard before that Wolf Spider does in which a portal opened in front of them and they both landed onto a roof top and looked to see that they were in another dimension but that was in Paris City of Love.
Kid-Arachnid: Whoah did we just landed in Paris?
Spider-Man: Let's see french food, french people, the Eiffel Tower yup we are totally in the city of lights.
Kid-Arachnid: Actually its the city of love now.
Spider-Man: Oh I knew that.
Kid-Arachnid: Strange I thought we would end up in New York but I never image a spider living in Paris.
Spider-Man: We can site see later for now we need to find this words Spider so that we can ask if he knows where we can find the shard.
Kid-Arachnid: Um I don't think we need to find him.
Spider-Man: What makes you say that?
Kid-Arachnid: Oh because he is standing right behind you along with a girl dress like in a red suit with spots all over her.(Kid Arachnid saids the points behind Spider-Man who turns around to see Spider-Claw and Ladybug)
Spider-Man: Whoah talk about awesome this spider has style though whats with the cat like appearance that is so bizarre and whose the pretty girl with the spots all over her?(Spider-Man saids in thought while looking at the heroes of Paris)
Kid-Arachnid: Hey there you wouldn't have to be this worlds Spider wouldn't you?
Spider-Claw: Hello Morales seems like Spider here got himself into another idiotic situation again.
Kid-Arachnid: Wait do we know each other?
Spider-Claw: I see you did something that could destroy all of reality.
Spider-Man: How did you know about reality being in danger?
Spider-Claw: And I thought you were the smart one punk.(Spider-Claw saids in which causes Spider-Man eyes to widen of the word the hero in front of him said)
Spider-Man: That voice..I know that voice and there is only one person who calls me can't be.
Spider-Claw: So I take that the Web Warriors are holding up pretty well are they not.
Spider-Man and Kid Arachnid: Scarlet?
Spider-Claw: Actually I go by Spider-Claw now.
Spider-Man: BEN!!!!
Spider-Man ran over and gave Spider-Claw a big hug that made Ladybug smile at seeing this reunion while Kid Arachnid was left speechless.
Spider-Man: I can't believe it your alive, I thought you were lost in the explosion when the helicarrier went down. Where have you been all this time and why didn't you come back and whats with the new outfit as well as why are you doing in this world.
Spider-Claw: Talk about this later for now I believe you both came for this.(Spider-Claw saids and holds out the piece of the Siege Perilous)
Kid-Arachnid: A piece of the shard you found it?
Spider-Claw: Found it in the backyard.
Kid-Arachnid: Wow now we don't have to search the whole city to find it.(Kid Arachnid saids and takes the shard and places it with the other one)
Spider-Man: I still can't believe that you're alive Ben.
Kid-Arachnid: Yea we all thought you know due to the explosion and sunken helicarrier. How did you end up in a place like this and whose your friend?
Spider-Claw: First off this here is my partner Ladybug who she and I are the heroes of this world as well as the city of Paris.
Ladybug: Hi it's really nice to meet you two, Ben told me so much about you guys in his world.
Spider-Man: Spider-Man pleasure is all mine and wait does she knows everything?
Ladybug: Yea Ben told me everything including your names Peter Parker and Miles Morales.
Spider-Man and Kid-Arachnid: Oh...
Ladybug: And don't worry I wont tell a soul besides the only ones who know are me and close friends of mine and they promise to keep you as well as Ben being from another world a secret.
Kid-Arachnid: Well thats good then. By the way I never imagined Paris having super heroes why is that?
Spider-Claw: Sigh...sit down because this is going to be a long story.
Admittedly Spider-Claw and Ladybug told them both about this worlds heroes as well as the villain that use magical jewels called the miraculous to give the holder who wears one super powers in which the heroes told them how they saved the world from an evil man named Shadow Moth who tried to use the miraculous of creation and destruction to almost destroying the whole world and killing millions of lives for trying to wish his wife back due to the miraculous combined power to grant a wish but at a terrible price. Ladybug explained everything about the miraculous as well as the kwami's and how they help their holders get their powers and abilities as well as knowing how to defeat their enemies who brought harm to innocent lives but was defeated by both Ladybug herself and Spider-Claw who later the villain known as Shadow Moth was defeated and his miraculous taken away bring back the balance of the world. Spider-Claw also explained how he got here with the help of Madam Web which confused both spiders but was told that it was a different Madam Web who opened a portal to save Spider-Claws life and was given the task to become this worlds first Spider-Man because each dimension needs a spider in order to keep the web of life in balance so Spider-Claw was chosen to become this worlds spider as well as the new holder of the miraculous of destruction since Ladybug mentioned that her old partner became corrupted and wasn't fit for the job and needed to be replace in which Scarlet Spider became the new holder and changed his name to Spider-Claw and became a hero of the city of Paris along side Ladybug who both of them protected the city for many months and days and the people appreciated them.
Ladybug did explained to them about the other heroes of the group and their powers as well as how Shadow Moth used his powers to turn people into villians called Akuma's in which he sends out dark like butterflies that fly onto a persons object who senses the person negative emotion and once that happens Shadow Moth takes control of the person and gives them the task to track down the miraculous holders and bring the jewels to him but fails every time thanks to the heroes strategies and combined team work. She also explained to them about the threats that been happening in Paris besides Shadow Moth like Lila Rossi who was a total psychopath who almost destroyed all of Paris and ruined people lives but was caught and locked up in prison for her crimes.
Spider-Claw told them about his new life in this world and how it changed him for the better in which he now lives a great life as well as found someone who can love him and that person loves him after everything he has done for her and that person was Ladybug herself that left both Spider-Man and Kid Arachnid jaw hitting ground that their friend Scarlet Spider now Spider-Claw got himself a girlfriend and couldn't believe what the life he was having in this world and what he did for the people living in it.
Spider-Man: Mind totally blown now....
Kid-Arachnid: Seriously dude I mean wow..seems like you lived a good life here and got yourself a girl I mean is it wrong to say I quite jealous.
Ladybug: Hehehe you're all right Miles.
Kid-Arachnid: Quick question what are the Avengers like in this universe?
Spider-Claw: The Avengers, Shield, Hydra, and you guys don't exist here its a completely different world with a different set of heroes and villains.
Ladybug: Here in Paris we are the Miraculous Heroes while in New York there is a group known as The United Heroez.
Spider-Claw: And their president is a hero that shares similarities to Captain America minus the super solider formula and goes by the name Victory who is a female hero.
Spider-Man: Wow this universe is so bizarre.
Ladybug: You'll get use to it Spidey.
Kid-Arachnid: Now that we know you're alive and doing well Ben I afraid we can't stay for long.
Spider-Man: As much as I want to catch up more, Miles is right we need to find the shards and fix the Siege Perilous.
Spider-Claw: We know the Madam Web that brought me to this world informed us about what is happening as well as that guy who is also looking for the shards.
Ladybug: Wolf Spider.
Spider-Man: Yea we met him in this vampire universe who got his hand on one the shards and we have no idea who he is but somehow he knows my secret identity which is very confusing of how he knows it.
Spider-Claw: Yea Madam Web told us that in his universe he is very dangerous but nothing else.
Kid-Arachnid: Yea we better not stick around for him to show up might as well head to the next dimension and find another piece of shard.
Spider-Claw: Not alone your not.
Spider-Man: Wait you coming with us?
Spider-Claw: Someone has got to make sure you wont mess things up again like you always do back home.
Spider-Man: Uh good point.
Ladybug: I am going to.
Spider-Claw: You sure because there is no telling what is going to happen and I don't want to see you get hurt.
Ladybug: Where you go I go as well and I don't want to see all of reality destroyed. Besides this sounds more exciting than watching a movie at home and you need me spider and I know you feel the same.
Spider-Claw: Very well but keep close at all times.
Ladybug: I will spider.
Spider-Man: Well welcome aboard. Miles open the portal to the next dimension.
Kid-Arachnid: You got it Spidey.
Spider-Man: When this is all over, we will open a portal to get you back home.
Ladybug: Thanks really appreciated.
Spider-Claw: Come on we have shards to find and all of reality to save.
Soon the portal opens and all the spiders along with Ladybug headed inside and were off to find the shards of the Siege Perilous together and fix all of reality before it all falls apart as well as find out who this Wolf Spider guy is and what would happen if gets his hands on the shards or worse the Siege Perilous once its restored.
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